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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Washington Adopts Positions Calling for Division of Yemen to Obstruct Ending US-Saudi Aggression 

Yemen: The US envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, said in statements to Al Jazeera, Wednesday, that there is “difficulty in pushing the Yemenis to agree on the distribution of resources,” in a clear reference to adopting the position calling for the division of Yemen.


Many Yemenis note that the US has taken obstructive positions to end the war and lift the siege, as Washington works to exaggerate occasional problems and not deal with them as temporary problems that can be ended once the war stops and the siege is lifted. 


However, Washington is clearly working to turn these incidental problems into a priority on the agenda of the discussions, so that they are portrayed as necessary foundations that the war cannot end unless they are implemented.

It seems that the mission of the US envoy to Yemen ended as soon as Biden’s policy towards ending the Yemen war changed, as US President Joe Biden had promised during his election campaign to end the Yemen war, but the American administration has become more enthusiastic than Saudi Arabia in continuing the war and the siege on Yemen. 

Washington is working to dictate the agenda of the coalition forces’ demands, the latest of which was the demand of “sharing resources,” even though Yemen has clear provisions in the constitution on how to manage the state’s sovereign resources.

In addition, the US has required to postpone Yemen’s demand for the withdrawal of foreign occupation forces, and directed Riyadh to reject Yemen’s compensation demand.

The statement of the US envoy comes in conjunction with the continued visit of the President of the Transitional Council, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, to the United States. Al-Zubaidi was deliberately chosen of the members of the “Saudi-backed Presidential Council” for the purpose of promoting the issue of the division of Yemen. As he earlier confirmed in an interview with the Associated Press about his refusal to pay employees’ salaries from oil, in addition to rejecting any understandings between Sanaa and Riyadh.


Source YPA translated by Almasirah English website


#US_Saudi_Aggression #UN_Envoy #US Envoy About 10 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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