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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemen Imposes New Equation against Zionists, Messages and Implications

Yemen: New equations have been imposed by Yemen as part of its engagement in the Al-Aqsa Storm saga, as described by the Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi in his recent speech. 

Al-Aqsa Storm from Gaza to Bab-el-Mandeb: What Equation has Yemen Imposed?

Several military operations carried out by Yemen activated the Israeli interception system in southern occupied Palestine. Israel tried to conceal these attacks and the damages caused by Yemeni missiles and drones. However, Israeli media's released footage confirmed Yemen's messages, which were too significant to be denied by Israeli officials.

Yemen did not limit itself to engaging in the Al-Aqsa Storm battle on October 18th, when the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies described Yemen's attack targeting Israel as "most significant" in deterring aggression. Notably, the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, introduced a maritime dimension to deter Israeli aggression and force it to halt its attacks on Gaza.

Sayyed al-Houthi positioned all Israeli ships, specifically near Bab-el-Mandeb -Israel's most important maritime passage- and the Red Sea, within Yemen's target bank, affirming, "We will search to ensure which ships belong to them, and we will not hesitate to target them," especially those "daring not to raise the Israeli flag."

Open Warfare:

Expanding the scope of conflict and “executing additional operations wherever Zionist targets are found, in Palestine or beyond," according to Sayyed al-Houthi, could propel Yemen into an advanced stage of involvement in the Al-Aqsa Storm, moving towards "open warfare with the enemy," as described by Mohammed al-Farh, a member of Ansarullah's political bureau.

Al-Farh clarified that this stance wasn't impulsive but a manifestation of Yemeni beliefs, highlighting Yemen's strong connection to Palestinian destiny. This resonated deeply with the population, as Al-Farh expressed that Yemenis are ready to take significant stands, make sacrifices, and bear consequences no matter what they may be.

Al-Farh emphasized that Israeli ships are now within range of Yemen's Army and Popular Committees. Once spotted in the Red Sea and Bab-el-Mandeb, they will be targeted to support Gaza. He underscored, "This is a clear and declared stance; we take pride in it, assuming our responsibility in this war."

Yemen's Influential Cards:

Continued execution of operations from Yemen prompted the Associated Press to acknowledge Yemeni Armed Forces' military and missile capabilities, sending a message that "we can strike Israel." These strikes, according to experts, exceeded 2000 kilometers towards southern occupied Palestine. They highlighted Yemen's possession of long-range ballistic missiles, smaller cruise missiles, and UAVs capable of reaching southern Israel.

Missile expert Fabian Heinz from the International Institute for Strategic Studies indicated that overwhelming Israeli defense systems requires a large number of missiles but doing so effectively at distances exceeding 1600 kilometers is challenging. He stressed that targeting closer targets and shipping vessels would be more effective, echoing Sayyed Al-Houthi's threats.

The US attempts to contain this escalation, a strategy that has failed in various regional issues. Al-Farh clarified that the US administration sent intimidating and coercive messages to Yemen, indicating the need for aid, port openings, and assurances not to expand aggression, employing a "carrot and stick" policy. Yet, Sayyed al-Houthi firmly responded, "We don't accept your orders."

Al-Farh reiterated that Yemen has endured decades of wars nurtured openly by the US administrations to reach this moment, one where Yemen possesses the power to support Palestinian and oppressed causes.
He added that the Yemeni people now have pressure cards that influence the Americans and the Israelis.

Sharing the Bread with Gaza:

Amid the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza due to Israeli aggression and blockade, while Arab regimes failed to exert substantial pressure to alleviate Palestinian suffering, Yemen stands differently.

Al-Farh confirmed Yemeni people are collecting donations for Gaza despite the blockade, threats, and aggression, stating, "We are ready to share even a piece of bread with Gaza residents."

He called for other oppressed nations disillusioned with their regimes to learn from Yemen's resistance, an experiment the West has failed to contain or infiltrate. He emphasized the necessity for a comprehensive revolution encompassing awareness, culture, and Islamic principles to ensure preservation.

The Israeli occupation recognizes it has entered a multi-front war, from Gaza to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, which represents the "deep" theater, as described by the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom. This front will continue to challenge and preoccupy the occupation until "the Israeli aggression against the people in Gaza stops," according to the Yemeni Armed Forces' statement on November 14.


Source: YPA, translated by Almasirah English website

#Yemen #Israel #Armed Forces About 9 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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