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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

President Mashat: Yemen's Armed Forces Remain Committed to Supporting Palestine, Islamic Holy Sites

News - Yemen: Yemen's President Mahdi Al-Mashat lauded the unwavering dedication of the Armed Forces and the valor of the Yemeni army. They stood steadfast in their fight for righteousness, aligning with the Palestinian resistance factions and the Islamic resistance in Lebanon.

Addressing the Armed Forces, Al-Mashat conveyed, "Peace be upon the heroes of our Yemeni army, the champions of righteousness, and the defenders of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque. Peace be upon you for your remarkable stance."

He stressed that the Islamic world is currently confronting a critical phase in its struggle against the US occupation, characterized by its historically notorious corruption. The atrocities witnessed today in Gaza are but one instance in a series of abominable crimes perpetrated by this occupying force against humanity since its inception.

"Our solidarity with Palestine, Al-Quds, and our support for Gaza amid this profound struggle and challenging circumstances, is not just in defense of Yemen or the Muslim community, but an advocacy for the entirety of humanity," he emphasized.

Al-Mashat elaborated that in the face of such formidable challenges and imminent threats from the declared Israeli adversary, both leadership and soldiers must mobilize all resources to counter the adversaries and elevate preparedness levels to tackle any eventualities, all while maintaining unwavering confidence in the victory decreed by Allah.

On December 12, Yemeni Armed Forces targeted a Norwegian-flagged tanker in the Red Sea heading to an Israeli port after its crew rejected all warnings and did not pay heed to any of Yemen's calls to stop. 

The Yemenis have declared their open support for Palestine’s struggle against the Israeli occupation since the regime launched a relentless military campaign against Gaza in early October.

The Armed Forces have also launched attacks on ships linked to Israel sailing off the Yemeni ports. On November 19 as well, they boarded and seized a ship believed to be linked to the regime in Tel Aviv.

That caused some shipping companies with interests in the occupied Palestine to reroute their vessels and take longer journeys around Africa to avoid attacks by the Yemenis.

More than 18,500 people have been killed in Gaza since the regime launched its attacks on October 7, the day when the Palestinian resistance group Hamas carried out Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the Israelis.

#Yemen #Palestine #Israel #Armed Forces #President Mahdi Al-Mashat #Red Sea About 7 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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