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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Geopolitical Defeat for the US in the Red Sea

Yemen: The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to enforce their maritime blockade against the Israeli enemy amid the failure of military solutions by the US, Britain, and Western countries to lift this blockade.

Washington finds itself in a real dilemma, as this is the first time it stands helpless in confrontation and struggles to deal with Yemen and its Armed Forces. Meanwhile, Yemen persists in its military operations in support of Gaza with steadfastness and strength, following organized and escalating plans that increasingly trouble the enemy.

Despite the US and Britain resorting to military options as the primary solution to confront Yemen, this choice has proven ineffective and caused greater embarrassment for Washington and London. This is due to the growing and escalating military operations by Yemen in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, along with the strong and immediate response to the US-British aggression targeting the capital Sana’a, and several Yemeni provinces in an attempt to deter Yemen from its supportive operations for Gaza. However, the enemies were surprised by the opposite results.

American media outlets and senior officials in Washington have confirmed the failure of the US-British alliance to deter Yemeni attacks against Israeli, American, and British ships in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, affirming that Sana’a's forces are managing the battle with wisdom and strength.

In this regard, The New York Times newspaper affirms that the United States has acknowledged the failure of its aggression against Yemen amid confusion about plans to halt Yemeni operations in the Red Sea.

The newspaper quoted officials from the White House and the Pentagon as saying that despite achieving about 90 percent of their targets through airstrikes and missile attacks, Ansarullah still possesses about 80 percent of missile capabilities capable of targeting American ships and vessels in the sea.

Those sources attempted to justify this failure by claiming that the "Houthis" can compensate for what has been targeted despite their talk about the difficulty of targeting missiles due to the vast and rugged terrain.

Washington realizes that it committed a major mistake by directly engaging in aggression against Yemen. Yemen does not accept threats and does not know surrender or fear. Therefore, the Biden administration is seeking new plans to deal with the new reality in the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, including studying three plans, such as intensifying operations to pursue arms smuggling ships, or carrying out assassinations against Yemeni leaders, and the third, described as the most difficult, is supporting ground operations in Yemen.

However, as observers see, those options will have no impact or benefit, as Yemen has experienced ground battles and excelled in them. The Battle of Hodeidah is the best example of this. Despite the large coalition forces gathered by the US-Saudi aggression in 2017 to attempt to invade and control Hodeidah, they ultimately failed, and those large forces trained to leave and admit defeat to the Yemeni Armed Forces. Therefore, experimenting with what has been tried is of no use, and any adventure in assassinating leaders will not affect the course of the battle because Yemen is steadfast, and the project has not stopped despite the martyrdom of several prominent leaders.

Disappointment will continue to haunt America, as the American newspaper Politico says, and defeat will also haunt them. The US cannot deter the Yemeni Armed Forces, and escalation in the sea will be costly and risky, as American media outlets also say. They also confirm that Yemen has managed to overcome American weapons over the past years of aggression against Yemen by defeating its strongest military allies in the region after "Israel," namely the Saudi and Emirati armies. This puts the Biden administration, according to this site, on the threshold of a political defeat in the face of Yemen.

There is no way out of this dilemma except by achieving Sana’a's goals and conditions, which include stopping the aggression and lifting the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Translated Article by Almasirah English Website

#Yemen #US About 5 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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