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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Palestine Development and Regional Updates, in English (June 20, 2024)


I seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

At the beginning of this speech, we extend our condolences and sympathy to the Egyptian and Indonesian peoples, as well as other peoples who lost loved ones during this year's Hajj season due to significant negligence and carelessness on the part of the Saudi regime. This regime accumulates large sums of money, extorts the pilgrims of the House of Allah with exorbitant fees under the guise of providing services to them, and then causes hundreds of casualties among the pilgrims due to deliberate negligence and clear shortcomings. The majority of these victims were from Egypt and Indonesia. We offer our condolences to all the peoples that suffered losses.

The Saudi regime has focused its attention on events of debauchery and immorality, which they call entertainment events, giving them great care and attention. This is accompanied with a clear decline in its concern for the pilgrims of the House of Allah. It is not worthy of fulfilling this role as it should, nor of achieving its Quranic and Islamic purposes. The Hajj and Umrah have significant purposes, and the House of Allah has a vital, important, and fundamental role; however, the Saudi regime is not qualified to supervise this role or perform it in the lives of Muslims: Politically, it is subject to American will and seeks to appease the Israeli enemy, and it aligns itself with the unbelievers and enemies of Muslims. This is evident, and thus its reality matches Allah’s words, {'Yet why should Allah not punish them when they bar others from the Inviolable Mosque, though they are not its guardians? Rather its guardians are none except the muttaqun, but most of them do not know'}[Al-Anfal 8:34].

Regarding the main topic of our speech, the developments related to the genocidal aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, we observed Eid Al-Adha this week, while the sentiment among the Palestinian people in Gaza and throughout Palestine is best captured by the poet's words: 'O Eid, in what condition have you returned?' The suffering of the Palestinian people due to Israeli crimes, genocide, starvation, and severe hardships makes them feel this sentiment in their current circumstances. However, when it comes to the great, sacred, blessed, and significant meanings of Eid Al-Adha, commemorating the memory of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail (peace be upon them), as well as the profound Islamic and educational meanings, they are the most deserving. They embody and live out these meanings as they strive in the way of Allah, remain patient for His sake, and face the Israeli enemy, which is an enemy of Allah and humanity and stands at the forefront of the allies of Shaytan. Thus, they manifest and apply these important, valuable meanings associated with Eid Al-Adha more than any other peoples or countries.

For nine months, for thirty-seven weeks, and for two hundred and fifty-eight days, the Israeli enemy continues its brutal, savage, and criminal aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. The massacres have reached more than three thousand three hundred and sixty. The massacres of this week, during the blessed Eid of Al-Adha, have reached more than twenty massacres. That is in addition to the severe blockade and deliberate starvation suffered by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, as a means of genocide practised by the Israeli enemy, especially in the north of the Strip. In the entire Strip, there is great suffering and starvation; however, it is even more in the north of the Strip, as daily meals are not available. Some families have one meal per day and a half, and some cases face even more severe and difficult circumstances, and there are cases of death, especially among children.

The Americans, who, in their effort to mislead public opinion and introduce themselves as concerned about the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, established a floating maritime pier that was, in reality, meant to be used as an American military base for occupation to contribute to the occupation of Palestine and to the support for the Israeli enemy—however, this is done according to the American style and way of presenting aggression and criminality under other titles. They call occupation as ‘liberation’ and killings and genocide as ‘aid’, and thus they completely reverse the titles. The Americans have now relocated that pier, which they had made as a means only for their own objectives and misleading public opinion: During the peak of famine and suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, they moved it again to Ashdod. Thus, there is no role for that pier in delivering aid to the Palestinian people and meeting their vital needs for life.

There is also ongoing suffering for the wounded, and their suffering is exacerbated. The medical services have been destroyed in the Gaza Strip, and with the blockade, all medical needs, supplies, and medicines are depleted. Furthermore, there are many cases, thousands in number, that need to travel abroad: Continuing to be in that situation, where there is no existence of the necessary medical services in the Strip, means that this will result in the martyrdom of many of those cases.

There is also a very great suffering experienced by the Palestinian captives and abductees in the prisons of the Israeli enemy, as it subjects them to torture, persecution, deprivation of medical care, and starvation. There has been talk on social media and in some media outlets about the Israeli enemy relying on a dietary system aimed at starving the captives by providing only three unripe rice spoons for each of them. Moreover, there is also talk about injecting the captives and abductees with injections of unknown substances, after which harmful effects appear on their bodies.

There is also suffering in the West Bank, due to the continuous incursions into the cities, killings, abductions, destruction of homes, and bulldozing of streets. In this context, there have also been widespread images documenting the Israel enemy's dragging of the body of one of the martyrs using a bulldozer, in an extremely heinous crime.

The Zionist enemy also continues to invade the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to treat the sanctities with disdain. It is clear that they are focused on targeting the sanctities. They have destroyed most mosques in the Gaza Strip and tore up the copies of the Quran. Furthermore, in the West Bank, there are multiple incidents of invading mosques and desecrating them, along with copies of the Quran.

Also, in the gatherings of the Zionists and their incursions into the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, they direct insults to the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH&F) and fully express their enmity towards Islam and Muslims. They use any means, any way, and any expression in order to express their deep enmity towards Islam and Muslims. The video that shows Israeli soldiers holding a barbecue and dance party inside the mosque of Rafah crossing, on the Egyptian border comes in this context of mocking Islam and sanctities, desecrating its sanctities, and openly declaring enmity towards Islam, its sanctities, and its symbols. Where is the Islamic faith zeal among Muslims?! Where is the sense of responsibility?! When will the many silent ones (especially those with religious affiliations, religious scholars, and religious personalities) move? Where is their voice?! Where are their positions?! Where is their movement?!

Despite all this, the Americans continue their open support to the Israeli enemy. They are maintaining an air bridge to deliver military supplies, bombs, and various weapons that are being used to kill Palestinian people, including children and women, and destroy homes and other things. Furthermore, there are reports of a new American deal involving fifty F-15 fighter jets meant to support the Israeli enemy to continue its acts of genocide against the Palestinian people.

The same goes for the supporting Western countries that have a prominent role in supporting the Israeli enemy, such as the case with Germany, whose parliament has decided to continue providing weapons to the Israeli enemy to kill Palestinian children. The same is also true for Serbia, which boasts of delivering weapons shipments to the Israeli enemy to kill the Palestinian people.

Regarding the steadfastness of the mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, we find that despite the passage of all this time—as we are in the ninth month, and the aggression continues, with an escalation to the highest level, to the maximum that the Israeli enemy is capable of and can achieve—there is resilience and steadfastness shown by the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip from the Qassam, the Al-Quds Brigades, and the other factions that are stationed in positions of confrontation, striving [for the sake of Allah], and fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Special operations in Rafah continue, and the losses of the Israeli enemy in terms of its killed and wounded personnel are increasing at a rising rate, which is impactful and worrying for the Israeli enemy. At a time when it seeks to end the battle in its favour and eliminate the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip and attempts to create an image of achieving a decisive victory, the Israeli enemy is incurring heavy losses in terms of those killed and wounded in the ranks of its forces. If we compare the losses it has incurred during these days with that it incurred in equivalent periods in the previous months, we find that there is an increase in the enemy's losses. This means greater performance and success by the mujahidin, and it also means greater divine support. Indeed, the reality of the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip reflects the fulfilment of Allah's saying, {'O you who have attained faith, if you support Allah, He will grant you victory and strengthen your foothold'}[Muhammad 47:7].

The steadfastness of the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip in the face of the extremely severe blockade, the comprehensive destruction, and the manner of the Israeli aggression through which the Israeli enemy seeks to destroy and obliterate everything, including entire neighbourhoods (although this is met with steadfastness), and despite the actions of the Israeli enemy and the support it receives from the Americans and Britain—this steadfastness (in the face of such a level of aggression and criminality, the tremendous capabilities possessed by the enemy, and the difficult circumstances experienced by the mujahidin) comes from the firmness that Allah has bestowed: {'He will grant you victory and strengthen your foothold.'}

The enemy has reached a state where it has resorted to tactical suspensions of operations on some days because of the powerful strikes against its soldiers. There is also intensive targeting aimed at the enemy's tanks, bulldozers, and vehicles by the mujahidin brothers, who also use minefields and booby traps as a means of inflicting great suffering on the enemy. Rocket attacks continue to target the usurped lands, which the enemy calls settlements. All this effectiveness continues to be seen in the performance of the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip, with the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian support base, on which the Israeli enemy is putting pressure due to hunger and suffering. It practices starvation and then tries to put pressure on the Palestinian people and impose changes in the management of the situation in Gaza. This is by means of starvation and the use of that starvation as a means of pressure. However, it has failed due to the awareness, insight, steadfastness, and resilience of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.


This great steadfastness of the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip has a significant impact on the enemy. The enemy acknowledges its failure, its disappointment, and its shortcomings, through the leaders and officers of the Israeli army and in its media outlets. Some of their leaders use a term that implies getting nowhere. They do  admit that the situation they are in is one of getting nowhere—that is, they are achieving nothing in their favour.

Some of the enemy's soldiers refuse to return to combat in the Gaza Strip, and a large number of officers speak of their intention to leave military service. So there is a desertion. At a time when the Israeli enemy has suffered heavy losses among its forces (in terms of the killed, the wounded, and those with psychological and mental disorders, numbering in the thousands) and now needs to compensate for these losses by recruiting new conscripts, some are still talking about their intention to leave military service, and there is a large-scale evasion of conscription. The issue of conscription has become a dilemma for the Israeli enemy, with losses on one hand, and an urgent need for conscription more than ever before on the other, although there is no willingness or desire for conscription—there is a significant desertion. This is a great fruit of the steadfastness of the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people. The Israeli enemy is talking about an existential crisis and a lack of confidence in the future. The situation is dangerous for the enemy, and it is the fruit of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their mujahidin.

Regarding the international positions, there is an anticipation of decisions from the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. It is true that we do not have high hopes in them, but even a simple position that includes a condemnation of the Israeli enemy represents a problem for it, because it used to receive no condemnation and remain outside of any pressure or criticism. They used to remain in a position that enjoyed complete American and Western cover so as to make sure that the situation would always be in their favour without any disturbance, even in terms of criticisms, decisions, or positions. Despite the fact that they do not care about any decisions, be it from the Security Council, the United Nations, international courts, or any other entity, this still bothers them and affects them.

There is a continuation of student demonstrations and sit-ins in America, Britain, Europe, and some other countries, and there is a continued crackdown on them, particularly in America and Britain. There is ongoing targeting of students and teachers, dispersal of sit-ins, use of starvation against students, and prevention of food delivery to them, as well as various kinds of pressure on them.

What cannot be given much weight is the positions of numerous Islamic and Arab countries, which is extremely unfortunate! In other words, there is nothing that can be said about them in terms of supporting the Palestinian people. There is nothing! There are no demonstrations, no positions, no decisions, no cooperation, and no form of support for the Palestinian people. Some show some interest at the level of media or at the diplomatic level, but there are those who have taken no position or action that one could speak of. This is very unfortunate and considered a sin. Indeed, it is a sin in every sense of the word, and it reflects a state of negligence for which they will be held accountable before Allah, the Almighty.

As for the supporting fronts, the escalation of Hezbollah on the Lebanese supporting front is a strong escalation, and the Israeli enemy is in a dilemma in every sense of the word when it comes to the Lebanese front. That is because Hezbollah's operations have a strong and powerful impact on the enemy at the level of its overall reality and at the level of its reality in northern Palestine. If the Israeli enemy chooses to ignore what is happening, this means it will suffer a reality that is very painful and truly impactful; and if it goes to a comprehensive war, there are serious consequences that it fears. Therefore, it is in a state of dilemma. The Americans are trying to alleviate this dilemma the Israeli enemy faces, and they are sending their representatives to Lebanon, with the aim of diplomatic pressure, but to no avail. Neither political pressures nor diplomatic efforts can affect or weaken Hezbollah's position.

The Israeli enemy acknowledges the great impact of Hezbollah's operations. Some of its leaders and its media outlets speak about this. The video clips broadcast by Hezbollah also frightened them, as they included a precise survey of large areas of northern Palestine, Israeli military manufacturing complexes, military bases, and various vital targets. All of them will be part of Hezbollah's target bank, in the event the Israeli enemy becomes embroiled in a comprehensive war. This infiltration and the ability to conduct this survey is worrying for the Israeli enemy, and it knows what this means.

Regarding the Iraqi supporting front, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has announced the targeting of sensitive targets of the Israeli enemy through several operations, including the port of Haifa.

Regarding the supporting front in Yemen of faith, wisdom, and Jihad, at the fourth stage of escalation, our dear people and our armed forces have been keen to continue the supporting operations. The arrival of Eid did not mean that the work should stop, nor that the operations should be disrupted and halted. Therefore, there were several important operations on the day of Eid Al-Adha.

This week, ten operations have been carried out with twenty-six ballistic and winged missiles, drones, and naval vessels, targeting eight ships. As a result, the total number of targeted ships associated with the Israeli, American, and British enemies amounts to one hundred and fifty-three ships, which is a significant number and has a great impact on the enemies.

Among the prominent operations this week was the operation of targeting the American aircraft carrier Eisenhower for the third time in the northern Red Sea, as it was targeted with missiles and chased. It flees after being targeted. Soon after being targeted, it resorts to fleeing. The chase and bombardment continued, which is a significant, impactful, and bold action.

Also, one of the notable developments in the operations is the sinking of the TUTOR ship in a special operation carried out by the naval forces. This was a significant and special operation. The brothers affiliated with the naval forces succeeded in boarding the ship and carrying out their operation by planting explosives and detonating it, after hitting it with a naval vessel. They boarded it and detonated it. Also, there is another ship that is about to sink in the Gulf of Aden.

The impact of maritime operations is significant on America, Israel, and Britain, and it is escalating. The American and the British inability and failure to prevent maritime operations has become evident and acknowledged in American, British, and Israeli milieus. Its impact on the economic situation is increasing to the extent that clothing and electronics exporters to America have started using costly, slow air shipping, which cannot transport large quantities and whose costs are much higher. But this is due to their despair over relying on the sea and on exporting and shipping via ships. In contrast, there were air raids this week (twenty-four American and British raids), but thanks to Allah, they had no impact.

As for the American acknowledgment of the impact of combat operations by missile forces, naval forces, and drone forces, an American agency conducted an interview with leaders and experts in the US Navy. According to the agency, they said that the US Navy in Yemen is facing its fiercest combat since World War II. This is the scale of what is happening in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea and extending to the Indian Ocean. The Americans are in a real predicament, facing a severe failure and an inability to prevent these operations. It [the agency] reported one officer saying that he does not think that people truly understand the seriousness of what they do and the extent to which ships are threatened. There is acknowledgement on their part: They acknowledge, as some mentioned in their statements, the ferocity of the battle and the continuous development of Yemeni capabilities. This is indeed what is happening; the development of weapons and combat capabilities is an ongoing process, which is fact the enemy knows well, and it is surpassing its capabilities and techniques in jamming or intercepting and in targeting the operations and attempting to prevent them. This is with regards to military operations.

Regarding public activities, our dear Muslim Yemeni people continue many public activities and will also continue, Allah willing, their million-man demonstrations, starting next week.

This is enough, as we will leave many details to media outlets, which are a very important front and provide a lot of details, as they have ample time to do so.

I ask Allah to hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and to grant us victory. O Allah (Glory be to You), have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. You are All-Hearing!

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.


#Yemen #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 4 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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