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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Palestine Development and Regional Updates, in English (June 27, 2024)


I seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

With this speech about the developments of this week, concerning the brutal and barbaric Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, we continue with words, as we continue with operations, and as our dear people continue with demonstrations and all public activities including mobilization. That is because the Israeli enemy continues its aggression, perpetuating the unprecedented crime of the century. For 265 days, in the 38th week, and in the second half of the ninth month, the massacres continue, and the Israeli enemy commits the crime of genocide against the oppressed Muslim Palestinian people on a daily basis.

Massacres have reached more than 3380, a vast number. One of these very horrific and terrible massacres should have been enough for the global conscience to wake up, as the Israeli enemy targets children, women, the elderly, and the young, exterminates people in their cities, and works on destroying entire residential blocks over the heads of their inhabitants.

This week has witnessed more than 20 massacres that resulted in the martyrdom and injury of over 1,200 persons. One of these massacres led to the destruction of an entire residential block in the Al-Shati refugee camp and resulted in more than 50 martyrs and dozens of wounded. They also include the Tuesday massacre in which the sister of our mujahid brother the chief of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, was martyred along with her children. In this regard, we extend our deepest condolences and sympathy to our dear mujahid brother Ismail Haniyeh and his entire honourable family. These massacres also include targeting shelter schools for the displaced. One of the heinous crimes—which is one of thousands of crimes revealing the level of savagery, aggression, criminality, baseness, and hatred of the Israeli enemy—is the crime committed by Zionist soldiers in Jabalia camp when they raided a house with an elderly Palestinian woman inside, aged seventy or sixty-eight, according to different reports. They sent a police dog to maul her while she was still alive, and they took pleasure in that criminal, brutal, bloody, and very base scene. They commit crimes with extreme baseness and malice, displaying a complete departure from human nature.

The horrific criminality by the Israeli enemy continues, targeting all the people of Gaza, including children and women, and the residents. The total number of martyrs, wounded, missing, and captives in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank—where the Israeli enemy commits various daily crimes such as killing, kidnapping, destruction, and bulldozing—has reached over 149,500 Palestinians, most of them women and children.

Thousands of heinous and vile crimes are being committed by the Israeli enemy, crimes that bring shame on the Israeli enemy and its supporters and partners from America, Britain, and some Western countries that provide it with weapons, political support, and media support. These crimes also bring shame on all those who remain silent and continue their relationships with the Israeli enemy, providing it with various forms of support. These crimes bring shame on all of them, since they are extremely heinous crimes that involve killing patients in hospitals, even premature infants in incubators, and committing acts of genocide, like what happened in Al-Shifa Hospital and others: They killed patients in their hospital beds, executed them in cold blood, and crushed some of them with tank bulldozers! Various heinous crimes have been committed, such as killing children, including infants and children of all ages, targeting the elderly with police dogs, and many other horrific crimes. These crimes are documented, and some are shared, with very horrific and terrible examples shown in the media for people to see with their own eyes.

All of that makes it clear that the Israeli enemy is nothing short of an enemy that is evil, criminal, and savage, which makes coexistence with it impossible. Our peoples, the Arab and Islamic countries, and even any countries that uphold human values, can never have a normal relationship with it. It is a criminal enemy. That also proves the validity of Jihad, resistance, and confrontation against this enemy and bears witness to the fact that this is the right choice. The greater the Israeli enemy gets in its criminality, savagery, injustice, wickedness, and meanness regarding the nature of the crimes it commits and regarding its perception and beliefs towards the rest of humanity, the more incumbent it becomes on us to carry out Jihad in the way of Allah (the Almighty) against this enemy, as a wise, sound, correct, proper, and sole choice. There is no other choice that can be relied upon.

While the Israeli enemy is killing the Palestinian people with all kinds of weapons, it also seeks to exterminate them through starvation and blockade, in a way that is unparalleled anywhere else in the world. The Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are starving, as they are denied access to necessary food supplies through any crossing point. All crossing points have been closed, and the entry of food and medicine to the Palestinian people has been banned. The tragedy is very great, and there are daily deaths of children as a result of hunger, blockade, and malnutrition .

Despite all these tragedies, Arab and Islamic regimes have not taken any serious position!

Despite all of that, companies from Arab and Muslim countries belonging to Islam continue to provide food products to the Israeli enemy, while abandoning and neglecting what is happening against the Palestinian people and their suffering. Some Arab countries export even fruits to the Israeli enemy, as well as foodstuffs and legumes. This is a very regrettable thing and a crime in every sense of the word. Although all Arabs and Muslims have a responsibility according to all considerations, including humanitarian, religious, and national considerations, to make a serious and sincere effort to provide support and assistance to the Palestinian people in everything they need (including food, medicine, military support), they have not taken any action. And they are even unwilling to let things stop there, as they also provide food products to the Israeli enemy—which is a very great betrayal and crime—instead of helping the Palestinian people.

Furthermore, there is a failure at the media level in highlighting the suffering of the Palestinian people regarding famine, which is exacerbating in the Gaza Strip, and in exposing the Israeli enemy and its partners: America, Britain, and the European countries that support it, such as Germany and France. The Arab countries are supposed to launch a media campaign, a diplomatic campaign, and a political campaign and to take action in these fields, and no justification whatsoever can be given for not making effort in such fields. In fact, they are making no effort or paying attention even at such levels, at the political level, the media level, and the diplomatic level. They are doing nothing, except for very simple things, including very rare statements from some officials, which indeed are rare cases. There should be media support for the Palestinian people and exposure of the Americans and their floating pier, which they have dismantled and wanted to use for deception at a certain stage, making it a cover in order to establish a military base to occupy and participate with the Israeli enemy in the occupation of Palestine.

There is also the increasing suffering of Palestinian captives and kidnapped Palestinians in the prisons of the Israeli enemy. Dozens of them have been declared martyred under torture. In addition, the torture practised by the Israeli enemy is indeed one of the most heinous crimes. We prefer not to discuss some details, due to how horrific, terrible, ugly, and bad such details are. Therefore, there is also a failure on the part of Muslims and the rest of the Arabs within the Islamic framework itself, in taking serious action in this file and this issue, even in the media.

The wounded in the Gaza Strip continue to suffer. According to the statistics in the Gaza Strip, there are twenty-five thousand wounded individuals who need medical intervention. Previously, around fifteen thousand of the wounded individuals martyred, due to the lack of medical care. They need to travel abroad: Twenty-five thousand wounded individuals need to travel abroad for treatment outside of Palestine. However, the Israeli enemy with its blockade prevents them, closes all crossing points, and prevents access to medical treatment abroad.

The situation of killing and kidnapping Palestinians in the West Bank continues daily by the Israeli enemy as a daily criminal practice. Every day there are incursions into homes, neighbourhoods, cities, and villages; daily killing and kidnapping; destruction of homes; uprooting; and displacement from some villages. This has become a daily criminal behaviour practised by the Israeli enemy. That is in addition to the continued incursions of the Zionists into the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, insults against Islam and Muslims, and the desecration of the holy courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The unlimited American support for the destruction and killing of the Palestinian people!

America is a supporter and partner of the Israeli enemy in all of this, and it continues to provide the Israeli enemy with shipments of weapons, containing devastating, deadly bombs that inflict comprehensive destruction and widespread killing of the Palestinian people: children, women, and civilians in general. Israeli media reports have spoken about the arrival of more than four hundred American weapon shipments to support the Israeli enemy since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza. Each shipment contains a huge number of those various weapons, most of which are bombs and missiles that cause great destruction and kill the Palestinian people in their hundreds. Actually, this is something clear for the Americans. In addition to their arms support for the Israeli enemy, there is also a hostile mobilization process in America itself against the Palestinian people and against Arabs in general and all Muslims. Hostile incitement campaigns that are based on lies and fabrications are taking place there, too. One of the resulting incidents from these hostile incitement campaigns and hatred campaigns against the oppressed Palestinian people, was that an American woman attempted with all hatred to drown a Palestinian young girl aged three years old! This is because of those campaigns of incitement to hatred and contempt towards the Palestinian people.

Support is also provided by European countries, and there is news about European institutions having provided thirty-six billion in the form of loans, which usually end up being forgiven, to support the Israeli enemy in killing the Palestinian people and committing acts of genocide. All of this has been the case since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza. And even before that, historically, those countries that support the Israeli enemy have a horrific record of crimes against peoples, in the Arab land, in Africa, in Latin America, and in many other countries around the world. Therefore, they continue their criminal behaviour and hostile orientation against the oppressed and unjustly-treated peoples.

The developments in Gaza prove the strength and cohesion of the mujahidin and the enemy's failure and utter defeat!

In the face of all that, the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip and the sacrificing, patient, oppressed, and jihadist Palestinian people have demonstrated great resilience in every sense of the word. The mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip from various Palestinian factions, especially the Al-Qassam Brigades and other factions such as the Al-Quds Brigades, continue their heroic jihadist operations that inflict heavy losses on the enemy and have caused its despair and utter failure. They continue with exceptional ambushes that cause the Israeli enemy to suffer causalities and to bear significant and terrifying losses. They also continue to carry out operations targeting Israeli vehicles, with one operation using a guided missile. In addition, they continue target enemy gatherings with mortar shells and to launch rockets at the usurped territories—which the enemy calls settlements—in what is known as the Gaza envelope. All of this proves that they [the mujahidin] are still in a firm, steadfast, and victorious position. It also bears witness to the massive failure of the Israeli enemy and proves that it will end up facing an inevitable defeat in this war and this criminal aggression it is waging on the Gaza Strip, Allah willing. Additionally, the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip have captured drones belonging to the enemy.

Despite its criminality and reliance on committing crimes of genocide and killing children and women, the Israeli enemy is suffering attrition to a serious extent in its direct confrontation with the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip. The significant impact of this attrition on the Israeli enemy is clearly evident. It can be seen in the endless losses it has continuously suffered and the psychological impact on its soldiers who are evading going to the Gaza Strip to participate in the fighting. It can also be seen in evasion from conscription within the entity and the widespread psychological impact within the enemy's entity.


The enemy has reached the maximum extent in its operations against the Palestinian people, in its criminal acts, pressure, mobilization of its combat brigades, and successive and intensive operations. Yet, it has not achieved the results it announced, and this represents a significant failure for it. In fact, the more it tries to advance, the more it incurs human losses and suffers, as what happened this week on the outskirts of Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood.

Thus, the enemy is in a state of confusion and failure. Many voices have arisen within its entity that affirm and acknowledge this reality, despite Netanyahu's obstinacy. That was all about the resilience of the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip, along with the resilience of the supportive base in the Strip, the people in Gaza, and the failure of the enemy to create any group within the Gaza Strip that it could force to work for its benefit as a subservient administration through the use of food and essential needs as a means of exploitation. To their credit, the people of the Gaza Strip have remained steadfast and thwarted all the enemy's endeavours, as it has been a primary objective of the enemy to establish a subservient administration and impose it on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. However, the awareness and insight of the dear Palestinian people have rendered the enemy's endeavours futile.

Student and popular protests continue in many countries around the world.

Regarding the student movement and demonstrations in many countries around the world, the protests are still taking place at universities. In America, there are numerous universities where protests continue despite the suppression faced by students and the pressures exerted by American authorities against universities themselves to force them into standing against their own students, and this has become a policy adopted by the Americans. They are attempting to pressure universities to oppose those students who participate in protests and demonstrations in support of the oppressed Palestinian people.

Also, there are ongoing student protests at universities in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, and other countries. Moreover, in many of these countries, especially in Europe, the police and authorities are committing acts of thuggery in every sense of the word against protesters. There is also a focus on the title of antisemitism. Despite it being an empty title with no content, they consider anyone who protests against the genocidal crimes committed by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people as being antisemitic. Regarding popular non-student demonstrations, they are still ongoing in several countries, as seen this week in Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Malaysia.

Also, there are demonstrations in some Arab countries, as the case in Jordan, where the Jordanian people are among the most active Arab people in participating in demonstrations and have a clear voice compared to many other Arab peoples. Demonstrations are also taking place in Morocco as well, and it has become apparent that there is a growing public anger towards the official policies supporting the Israeli enemy in Morocco. We count on the Moroccan people to increase their awareness, expand their protests, and intensify their pressure against the regime there because the regime is behaving in an absurd and highly offensive manner regarding its policies supporting the Israeli enemy, greatly insulting the Moroccan people.

The supporting fronts witnessing expansion, intensification, escalation, cooperation, and coordination

Regarding the fronts of support, the first is the Lebanon front (Hezbollah's front in Lebanon) against the Israeli enemy in northern Palestine. As we have said in all previous speeches, Hezbollah's position has a highly significant impact on the Israeli enemy, especially in northern Palestine. The Israeli enemy is in a real predicament because of the intensive operations of Hezbollah that have significantly affected the Israeli enemy in northern Palestine and its camps, barracks, and settlements. These operations are powerful and intensive, employing attack drones, Burkan missiles, and various shells and weapons. They occur on a daily basis in an escalating, intensive, impactful manner, affecting the Israeli enemy, both Israeli soldiers and usurping settlers. The impact is substantial, affecting its economy as well.

The Israeli enemy, in coordination with the Americans, has attempted this week to launch a psychological warfare campaign: It has been extensively discussing the possibility of a full-scale war. Some Gulf countries have interacted with it, advising their citizens in Lebanon to leave and advising against travelling to Lebanon for those who intend to do so. It is clear that the Israeli enemy is employing this tactic as part of its psychological warfare, despite being in a real predicament. If it was to go into full-scale war, the consequences would be extremely severe and destructive for it, and the enemy is well aware of this. The leaders of the Israeli enemy know this fact and speak about it more frequently than others. The way they speak about this matter and the significant risks they would encounter is very clear, as their statements reveal a profound fear of the consequences that could occur if they engaged in an all-out war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. One of the Israeli enemy's so-called ministers—they call themselves ministers, even though they do not represent a state but rather a criminal and savage entity—has summarized this reality by saying that they are preparing for mass burials in case of a large-scale war in the north. With such expressions, they make it clear how engaging in all-out war with Hezbollah could lead to certain defeat, substantial damage, and high risks. Regarding Hezbollah, it is abundantly clear that they are prepared for all eventualities, and they have declared their readiness. Indeed, Hezbollah is fully prepared, and the Israeli enemy has experienced first-hand what the battles with Hezbollah are like. Therefore, the potential consequences the Israeli enemy could face are truly unimaginable if it entangles itself [in such a war].

Regarding the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, it has announced the execution of four operations this week targeting Haifa, Umm Al-Rashrash, and a vital target on the shore of the Dead Sea.

Major and significant developments in the navy operations of the Yemeni Army

Regarding the important path in the joint operations between the Yemeni army and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, four joint operations have been carried out, including an operation on this day that has not been announced yet—I have just talked about it. Some of these operations were directed towards the port of Haifa and vital targets in Haifa, using drones. This path is very important, as it embodies what our entire Arab people hope for: Arab unity, cooperation, and embodying brotherhood on the path of Jihad for the sake of Allah (the Almighty) and confronting the enemies of this Ummah, including the Israeli enemy which is an enemy of all Muslims, especially Arabs. The joint operations between the Yemeni army and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq embody brotherhood and unity and reflect joining effort to deal with the challenges and risks surrounding and targeting our Islamic Ummah. Here, I would like to send my greetings to the mujahidin brothers in Iraq and the dear Iraqi people.


Regarding the front of Yemen (the Yemen of faith, wisdom, and Jihad), operations continue and are effective and highly impactful on the enemy. Their impact has increased significantly. This week, four powerful operations have been carried out using seven ballistic and cruise missiles and the destructive Toofan [Flood] vessel. This vessel (the Toofan vessel) has recently been put into service, targeting ships associated with the Israeli, American, and British enemies. Those who have witnessed some of these operations that use this vessel in targeting ships can clearly see the immense force of the explosions caused by this vessel, as it can carry up to one and a half tons of explosives and cause a massive explosion that inflicts great damage to the targeted ship—it directly targets ships. This has led to fears and attracted the attention of some media outlets. Some commented on this drone vessel that has such explosive and destructive force. Also, it causes water to directly flood into the targeted ship, immediately submerging the interior part of the ship with water. There is now a real fear of this destructive vessel, which matches flood in both its name and effect.

This week, the Yemeni Army's Missile Forces have also carried out strikes using the Hatem missile, which is an important and truly devastating and destructive weapon, as its name and effect shows—it is a highly destructive missile. It targeted an Israeli ship in the Arabian Sea, at a distant location. This missile has entered into service, and this will significantly contribute to the impact and effectiveness of operations, Allah willing. The sinking of the TUTOR ship still has a clear impact on America, Britain, and those who do not heed the warnings of the Yemeni Army.

Another important development is the departure of the defeated, fleeing aircraft carrier Eisenhower after it had been subjected to several missile operations and strikes and kept fleeing. When targeted, it used to flee towards the remote areas to the north of the Red Sea, even towards the most remote areas! Just before its final exit from the Red Sea, it made a sharp turn and fled towards the Suez Canal when a targeting operation was carried out.

There is news about another aircraft carrier coming, so we declare here that the incoming aircraft carrier to the Red Sea is a primary target for the Missile Forces of the Yemeni Army from now on and will be subject to targeting upon its entry into the Red Sea. If they want to take the risk, get themselves into trouble, and put themselves in the same predicament that Eisenhower was in, let them come. They will be the ones who pay the price and run the risk, with this involving facing consistently developing capabilities in missile bombardment that they cannot avoid or prevent, Allah willing. So it will be under targeting upon its arrival.

As for the impact of our operations, it is clear that they continue to have an impact on all of them: the American, Israeli, and British enemies. This is clear. However, we have left the discussion about this matter to the media so that they can speak in detail due to the many details related to this matter, which are based on documents from Western media, as well as from the data of companies, institutions, and economic entities in America, in Britain, and within the Israeli entity. In other words, there are entities, besides media outlets, that announce statistics, data, information, and many details. Media outlets sometimes present what reaches them from economic entities themselves; therefore, we hope, Allah willing, that our media will cover this aspect because of its great importance: It provides a clear witness and conclusive evidence of the effectiveness and impact of the operations of the Yemeni Army at sea. Their economic impact is very important because America and Britain both have been used to impose economic blockade on other nations and cause economic hardship to them. Indeed, this was and still is a fundamental weapon relied upon by America, Britain, and European countries against the oppressed peoples, and it is most used against our countries in the Islamic world, in the Arab region and elsewhere. It is currently used against Yemen, and we see the suffering of the Palestinian people resulted from being subjected to the most severe targeting at the economic and humanitarian level.

Anyway, the war we wage on them does not involve targeting the humanitarian situation, rather the economic situation—we do not act like them. It is clear that they are in a predicament because of this, as there is a constant increase in the cost of ship insurance. Ships that operate for benefit of the Israeli enemy, carrying goods for the Israelis, or for the benefit of the Americans, or for the benefit of Britain need to be insured for their movement because they are in a state of danger and fear of being targeted. Sums of money must be paid for insurance. According to American media outlets, the costs of insuring ships have increased by more than a thousand percent, after the sinking of the TUTOR ship, and the prices of shipping to America have jumped by 7%.  and there are, according to the media, data, and announcements from economic entities in America, escalating effects on producers and retailers, accompanied with fears of economic inflation. The situation is the same for Britain, even worse than the situation experienced by the Americans.

American pressure methods to halt the operations of the Yemeni army

Since the aggression announced by America and Britain against our country in support of the Israeli enemy, the Americans have tried to stop the operations of the Yemeni army and continued their strikes, with eight airstrikes carried out this week in Al-Hudaydah Governorate. They also continue their efforts to involve others, as it became clear that they are in a position of weakness. Their prestige and influence have been shattered before the eyes of the whole world, even before those countries that compete with them, such as China and Russia. The whole world has seen how the Americans are being targeted in the Red Sea and chased—their warships, aircraft carriers, and vessels are being chased and targeted. They are in a position and situation that American officers described as a humiliating situation they have not experienced since the nineteenth century. So, due to their evident weakness and the exorbitant costs and real predicament, the Americans are seeking to involve others. They are trying to involve Arab countries. They have also tried their utmost to involve European countries, but they have been cautious to a good extent and level. Sometimes, America also tries to worry the Chinese or the Russians about their ships—it tries to raise concerns among others to push them to side with it in its hostile positions against our Yemeni people and its efforts to prevent these operations.

We affirm our very clear position, which we have stated repeatedly and is announced in all statements and speeches: Our position aims at supporting the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, and our operations will continue as long as the aggression and blockade on the Gaza Strip continue. Unless the Israeli enemy stops its aggression on the Gaza Strip as required by the Palestinian resistance factions, withdraws, ends its blockade, stops the starvation against the Palestinian people, and allows the entry of food, medicine, and humanitarian needs into Palestine, we will continue these operations. And they are carried out for this purpose and exclusively directed against ships linked to the Israeli enemy, as well as America and Britain, since they have been associated with the Israeli enemy, have participated with it in the aggression on the Gaza Strip, and have committed an aggression against our country. The same fate awaits whoever becomes entangled in this as they have. It is evident that they are facing a predicament: Clearly, both America and Britain are in a predicament. It is also evident that the Israeli entity is facing a predicament in every sense of the word. Whoever wants to entangle themselves with them will achieve nothing but failure and disappointment.


As part of their hostile efforts against our country, the Americans also try to defame our dear people, our armed forces, and the operations carried out to support the Gaza Strip and the dear Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin. Among the reports issued by the Americans this week are reports that discuss drug smuggling and claim that it is a source of funding for operations in the Yemeni Army! This is a ridiculous fabrication! That is because our country comes top on the list of those who are officially fighting the war on the spread of drugs and drug trafficking, and its security agencies are among the most active in the world in combating the spread of drugs and the passage of drugs from the country—there is a tremendous effort to combat drugs. In contrast, America is  unparalleled among drug users, drug distributors, and those who pursue a policy of drug dissemination and corrupting people with drugs, especially the youth, and seek to turn it into a commercial activity in the targeted and vulnerable countries. Even Trump himself accused Biden of drug use, and there are those who accuse Biden's son of using drugs. This is not to mention the fact that the highest rate of drug use is among Americans and that it is the Americans who are the biggest drug distributes and traffickers and who are unmatched in targeting of other peoples with drugs. As for our Yemeni Army, our Armed Forces, our dear people, with their religious and Islamic affiliation, their morals and values, they are strongly fighting drug use and drug trafficking, and the security agencies are constantly working and making efforts to combat drugs. However, the American method is a method based on lies, based on fabrications, and its goal is defamation, and this is not a secret.

The final outcome of the aggression on Gaza after surpassing the middle of the ninth month

After all that has passed and after the aggression on the Gaza Strip has surpassed its mid-ninth month, the clear and evident outcome in the current situation that everyone sees is the failure and defeat of Israel, America, and Britain. That is clear, as they have no horizon for success in their aggression on the Gaza Strip. They are relying only on criminality, on genocide, on killing children and women, on starving the Palestinian people, and on collectively targeting civilians. Today, this is a clear matter, as one of the Israeli officers said that Israel is stuck in deep mud without having any plans or objectives. He also said that this is the longest war in their history and it is not just that victory is slipping further away, but Israel's situation is also worsening. This means that their chances of achieving victory are getting more unlikely, but what is worse than that is the increasingly worsening situation. In other words, the risks of defeat are very clear, and as he mentioned, they have no chances of success at all.

A British newspaper also mentioned six indicators of the demise of Zionism and the end of the Israeli entity. There is also a clear failure for the Americans to stop the supporting fronts. The Israeli enemy is facing a clear failure in its aggression on the Gaza Strip, apart from the criminality and starvation, which does not achieve or secure a military victory for the Israeli enemy. Rather, this only adds to its extremely awful and bad record of criminality. Similarly, the Americans have failed to get rid of supporting fronts, including the strong, active, and impactful front of Hezbollah. They also suffered a complete failure to stop the front in Yemen and limit its attacks and impact. In fact, the American and British enemy's aggression on our country has contributed to pushing our country to develop its military capabilities even more.

Therefore, the only solution is to stop the aggression on the Gaza Strip and lift the blockade. This is the solution, and there is no other solution at all. A complete withdrawal and the execution of a prisoner exchange deal are also required. And that should be done according to what our Palestinian brothers decide—defining these titles is up to them.

This is the only viable solution, and any political-diplomatic path can succeed if it understands the logic of these titles, which are logical in every sense of the word. None of this is possible and no result can be achieved through the American stubbornness, which is influenced by the stubborn and insane Israeli position that has lost logical justification and seeks to continue the aggression and blockade and achieve gains.

The Yemeni people and the continuation of activities and general mobilization

Regarding our dear people, the public activities, by the will of Allah, will continue. With the success granted by Allah (the Almighty), we witness that demonstrations and protests in support of the Palestinian people and their just cause persist even in European countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, and Austria. This is also true even in America. Considering the fact that demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people are taking place in distant countries, there is no way that our dear people can stop their support through marches, demonstrations, public gatherings, and all activities they have held since the beginning.

It is our dear people who should be the first to persist in that, as they are primarily at the forefront among all peoples and countries in terms of their engagement, activity, and participation in the immensely massive million-person demonstrations. They will maintain taking the lead in this great, honourable, responsible, ethical, principled, and faith-based position. How can we allow ourselves to fall into boredom, apathy, or sluggishness while the Israeli Zionist aggression persists, perpetrating all that terrifying and atrocious brutality against the Palestinian people?! How can apathy and sluggishness prevail when our dear people and our country, at both the official and public levels, stand in a great, honourable, and sacred position, carrying the flag of Jihad in the path of Allah and moving within a great and fully integrated position at various levels, including at the military level, at the political level, at the media level, at the level of donations, and more? This fully integrated position resonates with their religious allegiance and their faith-based identity, fulfilling a religious responsibility and obligation, which is Jihad in the cause of Allah in its true sense. Therefore, such a position cannot be affected by any apathy or undermined by any sense of sluggishness. This position is truly great and honourable in every sense of the word.

In addition, we are also in a victorious position. Our dear people have achieved great victories within their position. Our dear people have undermined the prestige of America, the country that all other countries do not dare to target its warships, vessels, or bases at sea. Therefore, as our dear people carry out these operations, operate at this level, and embrace this position with bravery, faith, and courage, they are truly in a position of victory.  How could one possibly fall into a state of apathy when they are in a position of victory and might in every sense of the word? This is indeed a tremendous blessing from Allah, the Almighty.

Therefore, taking part in million-man demonstrations and engaging in various activities such as mobilization, training, and other activities in public gatherings and events serve as a reflection of the faith, vitality, effectiveness, strength, and courage of this people.  They continue their effort from a position of victory, honour, and might.

Therefore, I call upon our dear people to take to the streets in millions tomorrow, Friday, Allah willing, at Al-Sabeen Square in the capital city and in the rest of the governorates and districts. The participation should be in an honourable manner, expressing the steadfastness of our people, their unwavering commitment, their loyalty, and their sincerity with Allah (the Almighty), as well as their continuous support for the oppressed Palestinian people.

O Allah, hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin and grant us victory. I also ask Allah to have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. He is All-Hearing!

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.



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