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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Development of the Israeli Aggression Against Gaza and Regional Updates, in English (July 11, 2024)


Speech by Al-Sayyid Abdul Malik Badruddin Al-Houthi on the Latest Developments Thursday, 5 Muharram 1446 A.H. (11 July 2024 A.D.) I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast. In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet. O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.


Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

The savage, criminal, brutal, and Zionist Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the genocide being committed by the Zionist Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, over ten months, is a real and very dangerous test for all of human society, for all people of different countries, religions, cultures, and orientations. It is a test of their human conscience and their shared human values, where the silence on the appalling, abhorrent, aggressive, brutal, and criminal acts of genocide and the types of crimes committed by the Israeli enemy that excels in committing them against the Palestinian people is a devaluation of human worth in the fullest sense of the word. It means that human societies accept the transformation of human society into one that is violated and devoid of value: There is no value for its life or existence. It becomes a society that has no dignity or rights. This is a devaluation of human existence, human dignity, and the human right to existence, life, etc.

Indeed, it is a very serious situation because what the Israeli enemy is doing is also a violation of everything based on a false, unjust, and offensive vision towards all human communities, which the Israeli enemy describes as mere animals in human forms. This is what the Israeli enemy believes, and it even teaches this in its curricula, instilling it in the culture it imparts to its affiliates, and acting based on it in its criminal and brutal acts. In fact, such acts should not be committed even against animals, let alone humans, and especially those who are among the best of humans, the purest of humans, the best people, the best of human societies, the Palestinian people, who have a just cause.

Within the framework of this test and trial, positive cases and interactions driven by human conscience have emerged in some Western societies like America and Europe, as well as in other societies like Australia, in addition to other societies across the continents of this world, including Latin America and different countries and peoples who have liberation as a thought, culture, vision, orientation, and attitude. What happens in Palestine—the suffering of the Palestinian people, their just cause, their tragedy, and the criminality of the Zionist enemy—has raised awareness in these societies. For decades, rather, centuries, Zionist Judaism has instilled a false and fraudulent doctrine and vision to glorify Zionism, exalt it, and foster a negative view towards Muslims and Arabs, especially those within the Islamic world. However, the great tragedy and profound suffering of the Palestinian people have had a significant impact in raising awareness, removing all veils, and dispelling the falsehoods instilled by the Zionists among those peoples and countries, especially in America and Europe. This has brought forth free voices and an emerging movement among university students, as well as demonstrations in several countries, including America, Europe, and others. This impact comes within the context of the differentiating in human societies to clarify those who still hold onto human conscience and values and those who remain humane in their hearts, feelings, orientations, and empathy. It has come as a differentiation between these societies. Moreover, the impact of the Palestinian people's just cause, as well as the brutality and crimes of the Zionist enemy, has led some among European countries and in America to even convert to Islam, influenced by the great injustice faced by the Palestinian people and their astonishment and admiration for the level of resilience and steadfastness shown by the Palestinians despite their immense suffering and great tragedy. Those people have embraced Islam, believing in it as a position of truth, a path of justice, and a position against oppression, tyranny, arrogance, and taghut. This happened: Many videos went viral on the internet and social media of men and women announcing their conversion to Islam. This is a noble form of conversion to Islam that is based on taking action and standing for right. It a conversion to Islam in its pure form that makes one take a position of truth and justice against oppression, tyranny, arrogance, and taghut. Through their conversion, they have presented an important image of what Muslim society should strive for.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that what is happening in Palestine is also a significant test and trial for all Muslims, especially in Islamic countries where Islam prevails completely, such as Arab countries and many others, over fifty countries—the responsibility of Muslims is extremely great. If the reverberations of events and the impact of the oppression committed against the Palestinian people have led some to embrace Islam in Europe and America, and to declare their serious and sincere stance and raise their voices in support of the Palestinian people against Zionist crimes, against the crime of genocide in spite of the deception, misguidance, intense opposition, and significant persecution they endure there—what about a lot of Muslims who are almost abandoning Islam? Despite the great oppression of the Palestinian people and suffering, which has been prolonged, intensified, exacerbated, and expanded in scale, becoming a deep and severe wound in the body of the Islamic Ummah—why does this not affect some people? Why does it not awaken their sense of humanity, Islam, morals, and values? This does not awake them from their heedlessness, nor does it revive in them a sense of responsibility and awareness of their Islamic religious duty. This duty is part of their religious, faith-based commitments and responsibilities for which they will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment, in the event of reckoning, questioning, and recompense, and based on which their destiny will be determined in the eternal future, which they believe in its coming on the Day of Judgment and believe in the reckoning, Jannah, and the Fire.

The position of many people towards these very events, towards what is happening to the Palestinian people, might be enough to nullify all their deeds and condemn them to Jahannam (We seek refuge in Allah). Therefore, this is a very serious issue. Those who are negligent towards the great injustice against the Palestinian people and exhibit no sense of responsibility or care towards it—some even go beyond negligence as to align themselves with some Arab regimes that collaborate with the Israeli enemy and play a detrimental and destructive role in demoralizing the Ummah and hindering it from taking the right position that can rise to the level of its responsibility before Allah, the responsibility they should bear according to all considerations, including religious, moral, humanitarian, national considerations. This is a very serious issue.

For ten months, the Israeli enemy has been committing the crime of genocide in Gaza on a daily basis! This should awaken the human conscience, stir one's sense of responsibility within, and drive one to take a stand, to have a voice, and to move forward to do anything he can. This is a very important issue.

The number of massacres has reached over 3,425. Thousands of massacres are within the framework of genocide. This week alone, there have been over 25 massacres, resulting in nearly 1,400 martyrs and wounded individuals, the majority of whom are children and women. The total number of martyrs and wounded and kidnapped individuals exceeds 152,300 Palestinians, most of whom are children and women!

The bloody and painful scenes of the martyrs, the wounded, and the displaced, which are seen daily by those who follow the news, are extremely distressing. These scenes present a picture of the reality there, though not the whole picture but only part of it. However, they are sufficient to awaken consciences, revive the sense of responsibility, and make people realize the magnitude of what is happening there and the immense responsibility that results from it before Allah, the Almighty.

Among the heinous crimes, which the Israeli enemy has exceled in, was a particularly horrific and atrocious crime committed this week: The enemy's soldiers executed three elderly Palestinians from the same family, one of whom was disabled and very elderly, aged 83 years old. One of them was martyred during torture. Then the enemy's soldiers executed the other two by crushing them under tank treads.

This method has been used before: executing the sick, children, the disabled, and the aged by crushing them under tank treads. Jewish Zionist soldiers say that they have orders to kill all Palestinians without exception and shoot everyone: elderly women and men, children and women, the young and the old—everyone without exception. They commit this with utmost brutality, criminality, animosity, completely devoid of humanity. They do so blatantly and excel in that.

They target the displaced, even in areas they initially declare as safe zones. After the Palestinians move to these areas and the displaced reach and settle there, they target them. It's as if these places are used as traps to capture Palestinian communities. It is a very painful thing! They target them in camps and schools with American smart bombs, the large bombs meant for military use in wars that involve huge armies and against military fortifications and military fronts. They use these bombs against the displaced in their camps, their tents, and the schools where they are crowded. They also deliberately use artillery shelling against them. They torture captives and the kidnapped in an extremely brutal, criminal, and heinous way and starve them. They torture some to death, and some get executed and killed by them after being released.

The Zionist Jews also keep persistently displacing the Palestinian people from one residential area to another, from one city to another, from one region to another. They force them into constant displacement so that they never settle, exhausting and wearing them out with immense suffering and the lack of any means of life, as no necessities, requirements, or essential needs are met—they are forced to move from one place to another.

They also continue to use starvation as a method and means of genocide against the Palestinian people, preventing them from obtaining food. Although there are stockpiles of food at the floating dock area (of which the Americans have attempted to deceitfully create an image that it is of a humanitarian nature, while in reality it has other purposes), no food is provided for the Palestinian people who are starving.

The enemy has continued for more than two months to close the Rafah crossing to Egypt and prevented the entry of any food supplies, medical supplies, or medicines, leading to the absence of medical care. It is a comprehensive crime of genocide in every sense of the word, employing every means to exterminate the Palestinian people through bombings, artillery shelling, and shootings; through mass killings, massacres, and killings in the streets and everywhere; and through starvation and causing immense suffering. Many people in Gaza have reached a point where their clothes no longer fit them as a result of severe hunger; their bodies have become thin and withered, and there are numerous deaths among children and many diseases resulting from malnutrition. Hunger has become a constant state, lasting for days and even months, with nothing available to satiate them.

In the West Bank, the enemy continues to invade cities and villages, committing acts of murder and kidnapping and destroying homes, roads, and infrastructure. The Israeli enemy never stops seizing more Palestinian territories, establishing settlement outpost and residential units on usurped Palestinian land. It keeps occupying more and more, constructing thousands of homes on the usurped Palestinian territories.

Also, in Al-Quds, The Israeli enemy continues its arbitrary measures against worshipers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with the most recent being at the beginning of the new Islamic year. It also persists in expanding settlement outposts on Palestinian lands in Al-Quds and establishing settlements on the usurped Palestinian territories.

The Americans continue to be a partner with the Israeli enemy in every sense of the word, providing it with all forms of support: financial, military, political, and media support. Moreover, the Americans collaborate with it in managing the aggression and the battles. They participate in the intelligence effort, in directing and executing operations, etc. The American bombs are the ones used by the Israeli enemy to kill the displaced, target civilians, and carry out attacks against them.

Regarding the American effort to suppress any activity that shows sympathy in America towards the Palestinian people and their just cause, they are now banning any social media posts that use the word Zionists! There is also a multitude of means employed by the Americans against the university student movement, with prosecution being one of the most prominent means. In other words, they are not satisfied with their attacks on students, beating them, forcefully dispersing them, unleashing police dogs on them, and depriving them of food and other thuggish methods they use to target students, but they make the issue of protesting and demonstrating in support of the Palestinian people and opposing the genocide against the Palestinian people as a crime for which individuals are held accountable, tried, and punished!

This also takes place in some European communities: At the media level, there is a prevention of the dissemination of content that supports the Palestinian people on social media platforms and the publication of materials produced by Palestinian resistance movements about the oppression faced by the Palestinian people. Additionally, there is a targeting against the student movement through prosecution and other measures.

Despite all of that, those driven by their humanitarian conscience continue in their activities and demonstrations against the genocide committed by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people, demanding its cessation. Demonstrations took place in Britain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Japan. And this is an important matter: engaging in such demonstrations and ensuring their continuity, despite the prolonged duration of the Israeli enemy's aggression. The Israeli enemy, along with America, Britain, and other supporting countries, may be counting on the apathy and silence of peoples. However, demonstrations continue in European countries, Western societies, and other countries.

Regarding the Arab reality, one of the most prominent things we observe is the public demonstrations and activities in Morocco, in over forty cities there. And this is something important. We extend our greetings to the Moroccan people, who did not align themselves with their proxy regime, the traitor to the Ummah, and the ally of Israel, the one who has normalized relations with the Israeli enemy. The Moroccan people have demonstrated their loyalty, belonging, authenticity, humanity, values, and morals when they took to the streets on a large scale in many cities, including Tangier. We witnessed massive scenes of protests in Tangier, and also in the other cities there were protests with huge crowds. This deserves appreciation and praise because the Moroccan regime will undoubtedly try to tame the Moroccan people, deviate their allegiance and position, and steer them in the wrong, deviant, and treacherous direction. However, the vigilance, awareness, and adherence of the Moroccan people to the right position and their support for the Palestinian people are significant steps. Amidst this state of great negligence on the part of most Arab countries, we hope that many Arab peoples will learn from this lesson and move forward as the Moroccan people have done.

In some countries, including Bahrain, gathering events are taking place, and there are calls for protests under the title of 'Boycott Is a Support Front.' The Bahraini people are an example of loyalty, steadfastness, and adherence to the correct position in supporting the Palestinian people and opposing the Israeli enemy. The approach of boycotting American and Israeli goods holds very significant importance, and it is accessible to all people, and all societies, even in countries where people suffer from oppression, tyranny, and injustice under their oppressive and authoritarian regimes. Therefore, the approach of boycott is a crucial approach. I extend greetings to the dear people of Bahrain, who have nothing to do with the position of the treacherous proxy regime, the Al Khalifa regime. This is also an important lesson for the rest of the peoples, which display weakness even in boycotting American and Israeli goods.

With the magnitude of Zionist crimes and the intensity of the siege and suffering endured by the Palestinian people, and considering what the Palestinian people and mujahidin in Gaza have offered during these ten months, mujahidin and the community in Gaza continue to stand with great resilience and steadfastness—great in every sense of the word. The mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip actively remain in a position of courageous resistance against the enemy on all fronts of incursion, including in the north of the Strip, in Tel Al-Hawa and Shuja'iya, and in the Shuhada Junction and Rafah.

Despite everything that has happened during this period and despite the extremely harsh blockade, this week was distinguished by the intensity of operations carried out by the Al-Qassam Brigades, along with the Al-Quds Brigades and various mujahidin factions in the Gaza Strip. These operations were characterized by density and quality, thanks to the utilization of the experience gained throughout this extended period and continuously improving performance. One of the surprises was the intensive, effective, and powerful operations conducted by a brigade from the Al-Qassam Brigades in western Gaza. This brigade—which was one of the first brigades that the Israeli enemy had declared dismantled and scattered—executed fourteen operations in the early hours of the invasion by the enemy's vehicles and ground forces. One of the surprises was the intensive, effective, and powerful operations conducted by a brigade from the Al-Qassam Brigades in western Gaza. Therefore, such a number of exceptional operations, that inflict suffering on the enemy, and target the enemy's machinery and ground units, demonstrates a high level of cohesion for this brigade. This brigade rebuilt itself and restored its operational effectiveness with great skill, expertise, and stunning tactics that have an impact on the enemy.

This week in particular ranks high in terms of the frequency, intensity, and effectiveness of operations. Dozens of operations targeted tanks, and there were operations carried out by our mujahidin brothers, using mortars and rockets, sniper operations, special ambushes, and booby-trapping with shells, rockets, and the remnants of the weapons used by the Israelis in their bombardment of the Palestinian people.

One can still see significant effectiveness after all this time, destruction, Zionist criminality, scale of aggression, blockade, and starvation. The Islamic Resistance with all its factions in Gaza is showing this great level of steadfastness, resilience, effectiveness, and courage, utilizing various available means of combat.

All of this embodies the meaning of endurance in every sense of the word. It embodies endurance, courage, the ability to rebuilding, and addressing the state of shortages and damage at the organizational level concerning brigades and our mujahidin brothers and at the level of recruiting new individuals. This is very significant news, for this injustice is met with steadfastness, patience, and continuing jihad and carrying the banner of jihad with great effectiveness and steadfastness.

In the Holy Quran, Allah (Glory be to Him) gave good news to the patient ones and made it a command to do so: {'Give good news to those who patiently endure'}[Al-Baqarah 2:155]. He promised to be with them: {'Indeed, Allah is with the patient'}[Al-Baqarah 2:153]. {'And Allah loves the patient ones'}[Ali 'Imran 3:146]. {'And Allah is with the patient'}[Al-Anfal 8:66]. Allah also promised them victory, {'If there are twenty steadfast among you, they will overcome two hundred'}[Al-Anfal 8:65]. Here we see the embodiment of patience at its highest levels in the actions of our mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip, as they endure everything: hunger, suffering, severe scarcity of resources, the magnitude of aggression, criminality, destruction, covering fire, and enemy means of killing and destruction. They endure a shortage in their numbers due to cases of martyrdom and injury. They endure shortages in everything, showing immense patience and great steadfastness.

And if compare their patience in the face of such suffering (while bearing in mind that that they have a just cause and position and have right on their side) and their reality with the reality of the Zionist enemy, at the level of the army and the rest of those who affiliate to the Israeli entity—with the society of Gaza and the Palestinian people included too—it becomes clear to us the consequences and outcomes of this intense conflict.

Despite limited resources, immense suffering, blockade, and wide Arab abandonment, our mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip endure all that pressure and suffering in all its various forms. They continue their heroic jihadi performance with unparalleled determination, and this is proved by their courage, the high level of operations they carry out, the tanks they jump towards with shells and explosive devices to explode them, etc. This is not to mention their continued endurance despite the long time and the extensive operations and assaults carried out by the Israeli enemy with its massive capabilities for killing and destruction. They endure all of that, persist, and remedy their situation. When there are martyrs or shortages in formations, brigades, and battalions, they rebuild and continue.

The Israeli enemy army is lacking rebuilding, as conscription has become a real problem. Within its criminal entity that occupied and usurped Palestine, there are many individuals who refuse conscription. There is a reverse migration, as they are fleeing Palestine, and there is widespread discontent and despair among the Israeli entity. Additionally, there are cases of thousands of psychiatric patients who suffer from mental illnesses and some from mental disorder. This is in spite of the fact that the resistance has extremely limited capabilities compared to what the Israeli enemy possesses and the support it receives from America, Europe, and the West, as they provide it with massive capabilities, including tens of thousands of shells that are of the most modern, deadliest, and most destructive shells, supplied to kill the Palestinian people.

The mujahidin brothers in Gaza are patient and show high morale and unparalleled steadfastness. The same is true for the Palestinian people in Gaza: They endure unparalleled suffering in the entire world and remain steadfast, resilient, and persistent in their resistance and cohesion. On the other hand, the situation of the enemies in the Zionist entity is well known: There is major instability, disunity, despair, frustration, reverse migration, and clear evasion of military conscription. This situation is clear.

So the end result will be for those patient ones who have a just cause and on whose side right lies: the Palestinian people and their mujahidin. This is the promise that Allah has given to the patient and muttaqin. There is a clear and explicit divine promise in the Holy Quran. The words of Allah, which will be recited until the Day of Resurrection, promise divine victory and the demise of the entity, which is a usurping, criminal, occupying, and aggressive entity. At the same time, this entity is temporary and cannot continue to exist, and its survival is impossible in every sense of the word, as it lacks the necessary foundations for survival given its criminal and aggressive nature that lacks any factors for endurance and continuity. It cannot survive and continue to exist: {'The promise of Allah is truth, but most of them do not know'}[Yunus 10:55]. The state of panic among the Zionists is clear.

The enemy failed in extorting the Palestinian clans in the Gaza Strip or exploiting the famine to impose an administration other than the governmental administration in Gaza: It wants to remove the governmental administration in the Gaza Strip and imposes a proxy administration, but it has completely failed. We extend our greetings to all the Palestinian clans for their steadfast and judicious position, which indicates awareness, insight, cohesion, and steadfastness in opposing all attempts by the Israeli enemy.

This is regarding the front of the Palestinian people, which is the greatest, hot, and number one front and at the heart of the battle. No one can cast doubt on that. Indeed, no one can cast doubt on the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin who are at the heart of this battle and have the main role in it.

As for the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, they are greatly important, and they have truly imposed a new equation in this period of conflict with the Israeli enemy. In previous rounds of escalation by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip or in general, the Palestinian people and their mujahidin never received such continuous military support from Arab countries at this level of seriousness as is currently happening from the support fronts in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq. They imposed a very important equation, and they have faced a lot of pressure. All these fronts (Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq) have faced and still continuously face a lot of pressure because the Americans and Western countries in general are very annoyed about this important new equation, where the Palestinian people are no longer left alone, as there are now fronts that support them, stand with them, and fight alongside them. There is a lot of political, economic, media, and military pressure exercised on all the support fronts to stop them because they wanted to isolate the Palestinian people without anyone standing with them.

The steadfastness and the effectiveness of the support fronts throughout this period—as they remain steadfast and will continue to be so—and their sacrifice of martyrs and wounded are something clear, regardless of the doubts voiced by some as part of the media campaign that supports the Israeli enemy against the support fronts and in spite of the negative role played by some Arab regimes against the Palestinian people, their resistance and mujahidin, and the support fronts. Some Arab regimes display a clear inclination towards supporting the Israeli enemy: Their media testifies to this and is directed against the Palestinian people and the resistance movements, foremost the Islamic Resistance Movement of Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Movement, and others, as it clearly adopts an aggressive attitude in this regard. However, it, at the same time, clearly supports the Israeli enemy. This is not only limited to the media position but also includes the political position. It is clear even from the state of their peoples, who do not dare to declare a stance supporting the Palestinian people, neither through demonstrations, marches, protests, nor even through prominent and organized media activity. Their negative attitude that is supportive of the Israeli enemy and opposed to the Palestinian people, their mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, and the support fronts, is clear and exposed.

The negative role of those Arab regimes is within the framework of their orientation prior to this round of conflict, where their orientation was clear under the title of normalization. This means loyalty to Israel, alliance with the Israeli enemy, entering into a partnership with it, and entering into an action plan with it aimed at cleansing the Palestinian cause in favour of the Israeli enemy.

All the support fronts are in full coordination with the Palestinian brothers, with the mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, and they are committed in their position to continue their effort, their support, and their strive for further escalation. Also with regard to the political position and negotiations, they stand by the Palestinian people and their mujahidin and resistance movements. Regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip, the resistance movements stand united, led by the Hamas movement, as it coordinates with the rest of the factions. Therefore, the position of all the support fronts is a harmonious position aligned in every sense of the word with the Palestinian people and their resistance. The decision in the negotiations and what comes out of them is for the Palestinian people and their resistance, led by the Hamas movement.

The Hamas movement is leading the negotiations in coordination with the rest of the factions, and it is the party concerned with what is decided in these negotiations. The role of the support front comes in the context of fully backing and supporting the Palestinian position and standing with it in supporting this just cause. Therefore, our position is to continuously support the resistance movements, especially Hamas, and remain steadfast in our position without interfering in the details of the negotiations: The decision here is for the Palestinian people and their resistance, led by Hamas. As a support front, our position is as announced by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (May Allah protect him) in his speech yesterday.

As for the support fronts, the Hezbollah front is active, effective, and impactful, and it has sacrificed martyrs, including great and noble leaders (May Allah have mercy on them). This front has held back 100 thousand officers and soldiers [from participating in Gaza]. Hezbollah’s front destroys the Israeli enemy positions in northern Palestine and at the border with Lebanon, inflicting significant losses on the Zionist enemy. It has driven out tens of thousands of Zionist usurping settlers from settlement outposts in northern Palestine and has significantly disrupted Israeli industrial production, especially in northern Palestine, although it affects the Israeli entity in general. The rate of sounding warning sirens in some areas of northern occupied Palestine has increased by 500 per cent, indicating the intensity of operations and shelling by Hezbollah. One of the most notable events this week was the targeting of the Israeli reconnaissance centre on Mount Hermon for the first time since the 1973 October War.

Regarding the front of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, it announced this week the execution of three operations against vital and sensitive targets of the Zionist enemy in occupied Palestine. As for the impact of the joint operations between the Islamic Resistance in Iraq and the Yemeni Army, there was an important announcement from the European Animal Organization. It confirmed that a ship transporting livestock to Haifa—for the Zionists, of course—faced a drone attack in the Mediterranean Sea. It has announced the suspension of all its shipments until military operations there have come to an end. This is an important development, indicating the impact of operations in the Mediterranean Sea.

Also, the UN website Reliefweb reported that the attacks executed jointly by the Iraqi Islamic Resistance and the Yemeni Army have indeed impacted shipping movements in the eastern Mediterranean. In this regard, one of the targeted ships was detected. It was a chemical and oil products tanker named 'VALOR', which had to turn off its identification system while in the waters around Haifa. This was done to conceal its route to occupied Palestine, to where it was transporting goods for the Israeli enemy. This statement is from well-known international sources that acknowledge the impact of the operations. By the grace of Allah, this impact will keep growing until it becomes a factor of significant pressure in the Mediterranean Sea.

Regarding our front in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad, the support front of Yemen (the Yemen of faith, wisdom, and jihad), one of the most significant operations this week was a joint operation by the naval and missile forces. This operation targeted an American ship northeast of Socotra Island, in the farthest reaches of Yemen—northeast of Socotra in the Arab sea. This operation has raised concerns and fears among the enemies. In their statements and comments on this operation, they expressed their worries and fears and considered it one of the farthest-reaching attacks in the easternmost part of the Arabian Sea to date. They know the distance and how it reached the target, acknowledging this expansion to be a source of concern in the area, as the threat and impact of the operations is expanding.

Regarding the impact of these operations, Britain announced the withdrawal of its last naval warship from the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. They withdrew the last warship, but why? They said that it experienced the greatest aerial threat to the Royal Navy in modern times, as it faced a fast missile from Yemen. In other words, they were unable to intercept it. Hence, they were extremely fearful, realizing they faced a threat they could not overcome. They described it as the greatest aerial threat to the British Royal Navy in modern times, which means that they had never encountered such a threat before. This shows the effectiveness of the ballistic missiles used against ships by the Yemeni Army.

Some people had negative reactions when the announcement of the Hathem missile was made, which stated that it travels faster than the speed of sound. Some mocked, others doubted, and many of those who doubted and mocked were supporters of America and Israel. We say to them: Considering you are supporters of America and Israel, look at the acknowledgement of your American and Israeli masters, their statements, whether from naval officers, military leaders, or others, including experts who, even by watching the videos showing the missile launch, evaluated the smoke emitted from the missile and said that this indicates that the missile carries solid propellant and therefore is certainly supersonic. There are statements from American and British naval officers, military officials, and leaders, as well as acknowledgements, statements, and comments from military experts, including Russians and others, even from the Americans and the British themselves. There are also statements from entities associated with them that attest to this fact: These are supersonic missiles. As a result, the Americans, the British, and their allies, as well as the Israelis who completely withdrew from the sea, all faced significant fears and felt threatened by something they couldn't counter. This type of very fast, supersonic, destructive, and deadly missile terrified and frightened even the American aircraft carrier. We will also discuss this matter further concerning this point.

This week, a number of operations were carried out with ten ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones. The total number of targeted ships has reached 166 since the beginning of the operations against ships linked to the Israeli enemy, America, and Britain. This is a significant number, especially when taking into consideration that the recent months saw a noticeable decrease in the movement of ships associated with America and Britain. As for the Israeli enemy, their ship movements have almost completely ceased, with very rare instances of ships carrying goods heading towards occupied Palestine for the Zionist Jews. The number of ships [that are targeted] has decreased due to the decline in enemy vessel traffic, so this is not due to a reduction in [Yemen’s military] operations. The operations continue to be carried out, with strong monitoring capabilities, and the capability to carry out these operations is present, thanks to Allah, His assistance, and His power. There is no impact on our ability to launch attacks or the effectiveness of these launches. The enemy's position is very weak regarding interception and preventing launches; they are clearly failing.

Regarding the impact and effectiveness of the Yemeni position, we still see the reverberations of the retreat of the American aircraft carrier. This carrier was designed, built, and prepared, as they claim, to fight major powers—countries with vast resources, significant military capabilities, and substantial economic power opposing and competing with America, such as China, Russia, and other countries. It was intended to intimidate such countries and even all the countries in the region. When America would send the aircraft carrier to our Arab countries, to our seas, to the Red Sea, the [Persian] Gulf, or the Mediterranean, it aimed to frighten all the countries in the region. The aircraft carrier held this level of importance and influence for America. The reverberations of its retreat and defeat in the discussions and conversations within the American and British spheres are important and hold crucial and highly valuable lessons, for this, as I mentioned in previous speeches, is a manifestation of divine support and aid. These are crucial lessons for all nations and peoples.

Among the comments and descriptions in some American and British media outlets, there is a comparison, though not entirely accurate, that expresses their astonishment at what happened. They say that the situation is like a mouse attacking an elephant and forcing it to retreat. In other words, this aircraft carrier—which carries 90 of the latest and most dangerous American fighter jets, hundreds of soldiers, and a significant stockpile of bombs and missiles—is retreating and ultimately fleeing completely from the Red Sea. So they compare this situation to a giant elephant fleeing from a mouse. However, we tell them: It’s not a mouse, but a lion. You fled from a lion. The Yemeni Army is not a mouse; its capabilities and abilities are not those of a mouse but of a lion that is confronting you and standing against your unjust position, which supports the Israeli enemy and participates with it in the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and in starving the Palestinian people. They describe the American aircraft carrier's retreat as an unprecedented event in the history of wars. They say that it made history. This is what they say. They say that this made history, an unprecedented event. They say that it was prepared to fight major powers, yet it lost a battle against a guerrilla group that has no naval power. So they are astonished and amazed by what happened.

The Israeli enemy also speaks in another tone of astonishment and fear, reflecting on the formidable military capabilities of the Yemeni Army, which have surpassed all the technologies possessed by the enemies. The Israeli newspaper Maariv, citing a study conducted by the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies, stated that 'the Houthis' arsenal' has been revealed, and it is brutal. It says that this is just some of what 'the Houthis' possess. It also says that 'the Houthis' possess a stockpile of medium and long-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, one-way attack drones, and fleets of unmanned aerial vehicles. The report also confirmed that 'the Houthis' have the capabilities and skills for the practical use of unmanned aerial vehicles to execute lethal attacks, meaning they have not only the capabilities and resources but also the tactical skills to carry out operations and attacks. The study pointed out that Israel has suffered significant economic losses, which is an acknowledgement from the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies. It said that Israel has suffered significant economic losses due to attacks in the Red Sea, notably the shutdown of the port of Eilat, which faces a serious crisis. The report noted that the shutdown of the port of Eilat has led to a decrease in trade between Israel and the rest of the world, as the port served as a window for exporting many goods. This is an acknowledgement from the Israeli enemy.

With the significant impact of the operations carried out by the Yemeni Army, with the help, support, and guidance of Allah, the Americans continue their attempts to halt these operations through airstrikes, but without success. This week alone, they conducted eight airstrikes in Al-Hudaydah and Hajjah. Since the beginning of the month of Rajab, the total number of airstrikes and naval bombardments has reached five hundred and seventy; the total number of martyrs has reached fifty-seven martyrs, and as for the wounded, the number has reached eighty-seven in the Battle of the Promised Conquest, and the Holy Jihad.

America realizes that the operations it has been carrying out against the Yemeni people since it and Britain announced their aggression against our country, are utterly fruitless. They know that their aggression against our country cannot stop the operations carried out by the Yemeni Army in support of the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, after sending us some messages, the Americans recently have sought to embroil Saudi Arabia to proceed with economic aggression and an unprecedented escalation in the economic file. We addressed this issue in our speech at the beginning of the new Hijri year, giving the Saudi regime a serious warning—a warning that is serious in every sense of the word.

In this regard, we, first and foremost, affirm that no matter what the Saudi regime does, no matter how much it escalates, no matter what consequences arise at any level, this will never affect our steadfast and principled position in supporting the Palestinian people and the continuation of our operations that are ongoing and will continue, no matter what, against vessels associated with the Israeli enemy, America, and Britain.

The Saudi pressures and aggressive steps against us, with all the consequences and escalations that may ensue, will not affect our position or our operations, and we will never stop our operations in support of the Palestinian people and their mujahidin. I address this message first and foremost to reassure our mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian people, and all free people in the Ummah and the world. Let them know that the Saudi regime will never succeed in stopping our operations in support of the Palestinian people or diverting us from this priority, no matter what they do, and regardless of the consequences that may result from that. This will remain our priority no matter what happens or takes place. However, at the same time, we consider any actions or practical measures we take in confronting the Saudi aggression in the economic or other fields to be within the context of this battle and never separate from it. That is because what the Americans want from us is to stop supporting Gaza, to leave the space for Israeli ships to pass through the Gulf of Aden, the Bab Al-Mandeb, and the Red Sea, and to cease all forms of support for the Palestinian people. The Americans want us to stop the operations, the demonstrations, and all other activities through which we support the Palestinian people, primarily the military operations. Also, the Americans are using the Saudi regime to achieve this objective to cease these operations.

For the Saudi regime, its state is a state of terrible stupidity in every sense of the word, for the Americans will not stop us no matter what they do. Even if they do more than what they are doing, they will never stop us. That is because our position is a principled faith-based position. It is part of our religion, part of our religious commitment, part of embodying 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites.' Therefore, they will not stop our operations.

The Saudi regime must stop embarking on this misguided and unjustifiable path. When it says that it acts due to American pressures, this is completely unjustified and unacceptable. Leave us to confront the Americans ourselves; tell them to confront us with all their capabilities, as they have far more capabilities than you. Do you have an aircraft carrier? They have aircraft carriers. They have more planes than you, and more advanced ones, and their military capabilities are greater than yours. And you are aware of this reality, so why do you entangle yourself in something that will cause you loss? You will not succeed in stopping or limiting our operations in support of the Palestinian people, nor will you force our people to retreat from their position. Instead, you will incur losses.

When the Americans got themselves in trouble by supporting the Israelis and declaring aggression against our country, did they succeed? Did they achieve a result?! They only lost! Their commercial and military vessels were targeted. Similarly, when you risk embroiling yourself, this will not affect our position. Rather, you will suffer greater losses than the Americans did, because what you have is not far from us. As for the Americans, only their commercial ships and warships were close to us, so they were targeted. But you have much, much more that can be targeted and cause you to suffer the most severe and greatest damage. Your threats will not frighten us, as we have lived through wars, suffering, and huge events. What matters to us is the just cause and the right position, and as for anything else, we do not care, as long as we adopt the right position, the just cause, and the necessary action that must be taken. We do not act recklessly or impetuously. We do what needs to be done, when absolutely necessary.

Many are the messages we have sent, warning and advising the Saudi regime to leave us alone, as we are in direct war with America, Israel, and Britain. We said to them, 'You can watch and dance as you like. Your media praises them, commends them, and supports them!' The political statements from the Saudi Foreign Minister and others have deviated greatly and started to echo the same Israeli, American, and British rhetoric regarding the operations in the Red Sea. Initially, the Saudi Foreign Minister made good statements, saying that this had to do with Gaza. But later on, the position changed. The statements, announcements, and positions from the Saudi regime and some Gulf countries, have started to echo the same Israeli, American, and British rhetoric, exactly like parrots. But keep it at the level of statements, at the level of media, at the level of dancing, and so on. However, when it comes to taking unjust, aggressive steps—as is the case with the disturbance of national banks, financial institutions, and business companies and enterprises, by trying to exert pressure on them to move from Sana'a to occupied areas under the control of the enemies—this is an aggressive, stupid, foolish action that we can never accept, overlook, ignore, or tolerate. The same applies to preventing flights from Sana'a Airport, as it is something we can never accept. You are taking matters back to a level worse than they were at the peak of escalation. We are currently at a stage that is supposed to be a de-escalation one, but you are taking it back to a level worse than it was even at the peak of escalation. Furthermore, Britain and America are inciting [the Saudi regime] regarding the port.

All these things are red lines in every sense of the word, and they are unacceptable. We told you, 'Would you accept all of these things in your reality: banning airport flights, closing ports, and forcing both national and government banks, as well as headquarters of institutions and companies, to move out of Riyadh?' Don't you think that if any country in this world was asked or forced to do so, it would consider it an act of aggression, a serious and unacceptable escalation, and an utterly illogical thing? People do not seek such measures even in conflicts, so why all these hostile steps? They only come in the context of following American orders to serve Israel and force us to back down from our supportive position towards Gaza, which is utterly impossible, more out of reach than the sun itself. You will fail. You will not succeed, and you will never be able to force us to retreat from supporting the Palestinian people.

Our dear people have made their faith-based decision, which they affirm weekly with their million-man turnout. None of America's proxies will be able to dissuade them from this decision and this principled, faith-based, humane position. No matter how hateful this might be to proxies, we will continue our operations in support of the Palestinian people. We will strive for what is greater and stronger! No matter how hateful this might be to proxies, including the Saudi regime, we will never back down from our position; we will continue supporting Gaza and bombing ships linked to America, Israel, and Britain, no matter what!

Regarding the mobilization activities accompanying Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, they continue in large and massive numbers, but time is tight [to talk about them all]. Last week, there were 270 marches across various provinces. First and foremost in them was that march in Al-Sab'een Square in Sana'a.

In addition, with regards to the mobilization forces, the number has reached 372,147 trainees who are ready for combat. There are many maneuvers, parades, demonstrations, and military processions that can be presented in detail in our country's media outlets and those of the Resistance Axis.

This is what I would like to say to our dear people: the Saudi regime—which has attacked our country for ten years under American supervision and with British and Israeli participation and formed a coalition consisting of several regimes, formations, and mercenaries, a coalition based on sin and aggression—wants you to retreat from your supportive position towards Gaza. It wants you, our dear people, to abandon the Palestinian people. It wants us to stop carrying out naval and missile operations in support of the mujahidin in Gaza. It wants you to watch the Palestinian people's tragedy and dance as it does. It wants you to ignore the cries and groans of the Palestinian people, which have reached the seventh heaven, and laugh and giggle as it does. It wants you to get busy with its licentious parties, which they call entertainment parties, with dog competitions, and with electronic games. It wants you to be occupied with that and stop your weekly demonstrations. And if you do not comply, it has received American directives to pursue those aggressive steps as a punishment for you because of your honourable, right, faith-based position to support the Palestinian people.

These are the steps it wants to implement in service to Israel and obedience to America. Will you accept this?! Let me and let the whole world, hear your voice tomorrow. Will you accept to become an audience that watches dancing at the licentious parties in Riyadh and Jeddah, follows dog competitions and electronic games there, and turns a deaf ear to the tragedy of the Palestinian people and the genocide committed by the Israeli enemy?! Let the Saudi regime hear your voice tomorrow—the voice of freedom, dignity, courage, and faith. Let it hear your voice tomorrow in Al-Sab'een Square and in every free governorate: in Amran, Dhamar, Sa'dah, Al-Jawf, Al-Hudaydah, Hajjah, and Al-Mahwit. Let it hear your voice in Al-Bayda and Ibb. Let it hear your voice in Raymah, in Marib, and in all free governorate. Let it hear your voice tomorrow so it knows that you are still free, proud, loyal, courageous tribes; that you still possess human values, and that you are still the people about whom the Messenger of Allah said, 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites.'

We have expressed our position on your behalf—a position of steadfastness and resilience. We have warned the Saudi regime, and we stand by our warning. But to ensure it understands well that this position is not just rhetoric on our part, let it know that we have spoken with your voice and we have adopted your orientation, and our position represents you. We are ready, with our faith in Allah, our trust in Him, and our reliance on Him, to face the American, Israeli, and British enemies and all their proxies. Undaunted by the opposition of any proxies, we remain firm in our position. We will continue our operations, using ballistic missiles, winged missiles, drones, and Flood vessels. Indeed, they will continue as long as the Israeli aggression on Gaza continues. {'And Allah suffices as a protector. And Allah suffices as a supporter'}[An-Nisa 4:45].

Our dear people, your turnout tomorrow is more important than in previous weeks because you are at a critical juncture, with regards to position. Declare your honest position, as you have always shown us and the whole world. Let it be a position that pleases Allah and makes the Palestinian people feel at ease, reassuring them that you are continuing and you are not among those who tremble at any threat from any proxy. You did not fear America, Britain, or Israel, so will you fear a foolish, stupid, reckless proxy who acts with utter stupidity and learns no lessons from anyone? Let the entire world hear your voice!

I call upon you, my dear brothers, to turn out tomorrow in a million-person demonstration in Al-Sab'een Square in Sana'a and in other governorates and districts according to the approved arrangements and measures. Let it be a blessed, successful turnout, by Allah's will—a turnout that expresses dignity, faith-founded pride, courage, freedom, and loyalty.

I ask Allah to grant us success in seeking what pleases Him and to hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their mujahidin. O Allah (Glory be to You), grant us victory, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. You are All-Hearing!

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

#Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 1 month
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