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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Arab Journalists, Writers: Zionist Entity Seeking Deterrent Image Misjudged the Yemeni Position

Middle East: Sudanese writer and researcher Abdul Wahab Hakefouf confirmed that the Yemenis rejected generous American temptations in exchange for stopping their operations supporting the Mujahideen, in the Gaza Strip.

Hakefouf wrote on his X account that no matter how powerful forces act and no matter how planes raid, they will not succeed in breaking the Yemenis. He emphasized that Ansarullah do not enter the battle trenches with bargaining chips in hand.

"We must recognize that Ansarullah is a real power with goals and ambitions beyond the usual scope of traditional forces in the region. Their competitive tools are very challenging, with fighting being the core of these tools. No matter how much you threaten them, they have already comfortably surpassed you because they have accustomed themselves to difficulties and are always ready before threats are made," he added, noting that fighting does not scare them; it is their most dangerous competitive trait!

On her part, Syrian researcher and international relations specialist Hosna Nasr Al-Hussein said that the greatest failure in restoring the deterrent force for the Zionist entity was its involvement in going to war against Yemen. This was after it successfully cut off the economic water artery and reached its heart by targeting "Tel Aviv" with a drone that flew 2,000 km, reached its target, and struck it without Israeli reconnaissance systems being able to detect it, turning the entire entity into unsafe areas. This forced it to decide to transform Yemen from a support front for Gaza to a primary war front due to its miscalculations.

Hussein explained in her article on Monday that the Zionist entity, seeking a deterrent image, misjudged the Yemeni stance on its aggression on Gaza and the Yemeni power. She pointed out that this occupation, accustomed to bullying in Arab countries and subjugating most of their leaders to its will, thought Yemen would kneel after its attack on fuel tanks in Hodeidah port, forgetting that this people have a long history of resisting colonization and have always been known by other nations as the graveyard of invaders.

The Syrian researcher asked: How will Israel be able to bear the consequences of the Yemeni response to these aggressions targeting the Hodeidah port or the US-British aggression on Ras Isa port, with Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi announcing the start of the fifth phase of the Yemeni support operation for the Palestinian people, whose first operations targeted "Tel Aviv" to send the message to the settlers to flee as there is no safe place for them anymore.

Tunisian writer and journalist Asia Al-Atrous affirmed that decision-makers in the world ignore that there remains a sense of dignity among oppressed peoples, especially the oppressed Arab peoples who view Yemenis as supporters of the Palestinian cause in a time of betrayal.

Al-Atrous explained in an article published in Rai Al-Youm on Monday that the Yemeni "Yafa" operation and the Lebanese "Hudhud" operation confirm a series of undeniable facts that only deterrence can pressure the Zionist entity, forcing it to reconsider and ending the era where reliance was on imaginary negotiations and agreements that paved the way for more settlement and land grabbing.

She pointed out that there was widespread welcome and sympathy across various social media platforms after announcing the success of Yemenis in targeting the heart of "Tel Aviv" with a Yemeni drone named "Yafa," which covered two thousand kilometers in nine hours, evading Israeli defense systems, perplexing the occupation authorities in front of Israeli and international public opinion, and imposing a state of alert within the entity.

The Tunisian writer added that there is cross-border sympathy, with Yemenis being considered supporters of the Palestinian cause, as it is seen as revenge for Gaza, its children, its women, and everything in it. This sympathy is unsurprising and partly reflects the feelings of frustration due to the world's failure and indifference, and its reckless bias towards the occupation.

Translated by Almasirah English website

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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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