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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Development of the Israeli Aggression Against Gaza and Regional Updates, in English (July 21, 2024)

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Allah (Glory be to Him) said in the Holy Quran,{'Those who were warned, “Your enemies have mobilized their forces against you, so fear them,” the warning only made them grow stronger in faith and they replied, “Allah [alone] is sufficient [as an aid] for us and [He] is the best Protector"'}[Ali 'Imran 3:173], and He also said, {'When the believers saw the enemy alliance, they said, “This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us. The promise of Allah and His Messenger has come true.” And this only increased them in faith and submission'}[Al-Ahzab 33:22]. This is the word of truth from Almighty Allah.

Yesterday, the Israeli enemy waged a direct aggression targeting tanks belonging to the oil company, which receive shipments of gasoline and diesel purchased and imported by merchants to the port of Al-Hudaydah to be sold to the citizens. Additionally, it targeted tanks belonging to the electricity corporation in Al-Hudaydah. Choosing these specific targets by the Israeli enemy comes in the context of targeting the Yemeni economy. Indeed, it comes in the context of targeting the Yemeni economy, aiming to harm our dear people in terms of their livelihood and economic situation. The Americans are waging an economic and military war against our dear people and  mobilizing their tools and proxies in this battle by targeting our dear people through decisions that further intensify the blockade. For the same purpose, the Israeli enemy targeted the gasoline and diesel imported by merchants to be sold to the citizens. That is the goal.

Another goal [for this aggression] was to show strength, as they sought to burn the quantities of diesel and gasoline that were in those tanks, which are used for storing oil shipments by merchants before being transported to various governorates. The Israeli enemy targeted that to create scenes of blazing fires and rising smoke so that it could make its angry and fearful people believe that it carried out a significant action, accomplished a major achievement, and delivered a painful blow: This was the Israeli's purpose behind the scene of fires in the gasoline and diesel there and the smoke rising from them. 

The support fronts and their pivotal role in alleviating pressure on Gaza

Following Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the strategy of the Israeli enemy was to use all its weight and military capabilities against the Palestinian people and the dear mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, focusing its aggression and battle solely on them. The Americans took on the role of confronting any risks or movements to support the Palestinian people from any Arab or Muslim country, or any threats to the Israeli enemy from any direction. Indeed, the Americans mobilized their vast capabilities, brought in the aircraft carrier and warships, and maneuvered their means to achieve this goal: to provide protection for the Israeli enemy so that it can operate with all its power and capabilities to eliminate the resistance in Gaza, target the Palestinian people in Gaza, and focus solely on them without any distraction. This was the strategy upon which it based its battle and aggression against the Palestinian people and its efforts to exterminate them in the Gaza Strip.

The first factor that affected this approach and strategy is the support front from Lebanon, where Hezbollah moved and continuously pressured the enemy in northern occupied Palestine. Hezbollah's front in southern Lebanon against the occupying, usurping Israeli enemy in northern Palestine has become an intense, pressuring, and impactful front that keeps targeting  military camps, sites, and bases, as well as usurped territories, which the enemy calls settlements. It has had a significant impact and contributed significantly to easing the pressure on the Palestinian people.

In addition, there is the support front of Yemen, the Yemen of faith and wisdom, in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad. This front has been active, intense, and impactful on the Israeli enemy. Since naval operations began in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea to prevent the vessel movements of the Israeli enemy through the Red Sea, these operations have been effective, influential, and powerful, with an Israeli ship being seized in the very first operation! All operations that followed have been effective and clearly impactful on the enemy, causing it economic losses, leading up to its official announcement of the financial collapse of the port of Umm Al-Rashrash, which it calls Eilat. The Israeli enemy incurred significant losses. In addition, the support operations from the Yemeni front and the launch of joint operations between the Yemeni Army and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq represented important and significantly impactful support for the Palestinian people in the battle. This posed a major problem for the Israeli enemy. Despite the American and British announcement at the beginning of the month of Rajab of their aggression against our country, they could not stop, limit, or weaken the operations from our country. Instead, the operations continued with clear escalation, with development of capabilities acknowledged by the enemy, and with new tactics, techniques, and means that had a significant impact and the enemy could not stop. So this also had a major impact.

As the Israeli enemy continued its aggression on Gaza, the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza, the severe blockade, and the prevention of food and medicine from entering the Gaza Strip, we resorted to escalation in support of the Palestinian people in this battle. We sought to extend the scope of operations to the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea as much as possible, continuously striving to develop our capabilities. Since the beginning of our operations, we have adopted  a stage-by-stage approach for the operations, each stage adding a new operational scope and new weapons developed to perform those combat tasks according to the requirements of the battle and the specific stage being announced.

The blessed Jaffa operation marking the start of the fifth stage of escalation.

As we are in the tenth month since the beginning of the Israeli enemy's aggression and witness its ongoing genocidal actions against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, it becomes imperative to exert more pressure and deterrence to compel the Israeli enemy to cease its aggression. We have previously declared that we will seek new stages of escalation as long as the Israeli enemy persists in its aggression, keeps escalating against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and prolongs the duration of the aggression. Therefore, we have moved towards the fifth stage through the blessed operation, the operation of Jaffa. This operation employed a new advanced long-range drone with clear tactical and technical capabilities and with mass destructive power surpassing any other drone.

Allah (the Almighty) has granted success to this operation. The operation was successful, as the Yemeni the drone systems force launched the drone and it reached the occupied city of Jaffa, referred to by the enemy as Tel Aviv. This city has been designated as its administrative centre, considering it equivalent to a capital city, since the establishment of the occupying entity on Palestine. It serves as its administrative hub: It represents its strategic and administrative backbone and functions similarly to a capital city in any other country, taking into consideration that there is no legitimacy for the titles the enemy relies on and seeks to generalize to be used as accepted terms whether in the media or elsewhere.

The infiltration with a technologically capable drone, such as the one named Jaffa—a name that was chosen by our Palestinian brothers in the Islamic Resistance, a name we adopted—reaching the heart of a centre relied upon by the enemy as a primary administrative centre, equivalent to a capital in other countries, was very disturbing to the enemy. It indeed represents a new equation and a new stage in the operations of our armed forces. Therefore, we announce it as the fifth stage and also as a new equation that will continue and be established, by the will of Allah and with His support, aid, and facilitation.

The Israeli enemy is extremely disturbed, and this infiltration has had a significant impact on them. The danger and threat has reached an extent they never anticipated, in an unprecedented and unfamiliar manner for the Israeli enemy, particularly as it came from outside Palestine. Otherwise, the Islamic resistance in Gaza launched numerous missile barrages at Jaffa, which the Israeli enemy calls Tel Aviv. But this has never happened before for an Arab Muslim country to launch such an operation in support of the Palestinian people in an ongoing battle and as a support front providing continuous support through continued operations. This situation is unfamiliar to the Israeli enemy. They are very anxious about this, considering it a major breach that exceeds their protective and air defence capabilities, and at the same time, it deals a significant blow to their morale.

The level of disturbance and anxiety has been expressed by some enemy leaders among them were those at the level of minster—as they call them—and those with specific ranks and in certain leadership positions within the enemy entity. The same has been expressed in the Israeli media. The state of panic and anxiety that spread throughout the enemy entity in the city and in that particular neighbourhood, as well as among the Americans in the American consulate, is clear. The magnitude of this strike, its impact, and its reverberation are evident, surpassing any attempts to downplay its importance and significance.


This drone is made in Yemen and was launched by Yemeni forces: the drone systems force. It is not as some claim that it was manufactured or launched by other countries. Some people cannot bear to acknowledge the ability of the Yemeni people and their armed forces to play such a role and demonstrate such effectiveness, capability, and impact. They find it difficult to acknowledge this due to pathological reasons; therefore, their words, denials, and distortions hold no significance. The facts speak for themselves and are believed by all reasonable people who are free from those psychological ailments and mental imbalances that cause many to lose their rationality completely and become foolish and nearly insane, unable to understand, learn, or know the truth due to their excessive hatred.

The operation has a very large impact, as the main stronghold that the enemy takes as what is equivalent to a capital city has turned into a place of fear and anxiety where it cannot find safety for itself. The enemy is no longer safe even in what is called Tel Aviv. Indeed, it is no longer safe there, as the danger and threat have reached there, and this will continue to be the case, Allah willing. This is a major issue and a real problem for the enemy. It represents a new equation, and at the same time, it clearly indicates the complete failure of all the protectors and proxies who undertook to protect the Israeli enemy: a clear failure of the American and British regimes, the European allies of the Americans, and their proxies from some Arabs. They all failed to protect the Israeli enemy and to prevent this threat from reaching the depth of the entity and targeting its important centre, in occupied Jaffa, which the Israeli enemy calls Tel Aviv.

The Israeli enemy facing a real predicament and a new equation!

The Israelis have found themselves in a real predicament, a serious problem, and a new equation with a significant impact on them, and they have seen a clear failure on the part of those who undertook to protect them against the pro-Palestinian fronts and against any risks coming from any Arab Muslim country. The Israelis have clearly found that their continued aggression against Gaza and the genocide they commit against the Palestinian people in Gaza is rebounding on them, so the more they continue the aggression, the more risks and unprecedented real problems they face, problems they are not familiar with.

That is why the Israeli enemy has resorted to direct aggression against our country, but this is not out of strength or a comfortable reality for it. In fact, it could not but abandon the strategy it initially adopted. The Israelis wanted to direct all their weight and capabilities to eradicating the Palestinian Islamic resistance in Gaza and exterminating the Palestinian people there, while at the same time enjoying protection from America, Britain, and from American proxies and allies, so that no danger or threat would reach them. But they did not succeed in this, and it did not come to pass. The danger has reached them and crossed all those protective barriers, all those formations that provided the capabilities and funds and moved by all means to support and protect them. The deterrent force have eroded, and all those formations that the Americans surrounded the Israelis with to protect them have failed.

It will not get any benefit from its aggression that targeted the oil tanks which merchants use to storage what they purchase before transporting it through the oil company and selling it to the citizens. This will not help the Israeli enemy to achieve deterrence, and it will not prevent the operations carried out by the Yemeni Army in support of the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin. This will not prevent us from continuing the fifth stage of escalation against the Israeli enemy and support for the Palestinian people. No matter what the Israeli enemy does, it will never have deterrence. It will never be able to achieve deterrence, for deterrence has ended completely. If our people were to be affected by airstrikes and assaults and the targeting of civilian facilities in our country, then they would have been affected by the airstrikes and bombardment over the past eight years, through American and Israeli proxies and with American bombs, as is the case with the Israeli enemy now in its direct aggression. The American bombs never stopped, targeting civilian facilities and civilians in our country. The Saudis were acting under American supervision and with American participation, as well as Israeli contribution. Over eight consecutive years, these bombs kept targeting our dear people, knowing no stop. But this did not change the choice, decision, or orientation of our people, who maintained their principled and faith-based commitment to the Palestinian cause and supporting the Palestinian people and were always present with their demonstrations and positions at every stage. Our dear people will never be affected or retreat from their position, their decision, and their choice.

What are the results of the Israeli aggression on Yemen? And why did it have to engage directly itself?

This is also what happened when the American regime, along with the British regime, openly started its aggression on the first day of Rajab last year. This has resulted in developing the capabilities of our armed forces more and more and contributed to the impact and effectiveness of the operations, and the American and the British regimes have found themselves in a predicament. So this resulted in them finding themselves in a predicament without achieving the declared objective of their aggression.

Similarly, this will also be the case with the Israeli enemy. Its direct aggression against our country will not help it restore deterrence; rather, it will contribute to escalating operations against it further, to developing the capabilities to target it more, and to enhancing our ability to overcome the challenge. The Israeli enemy will lose, fail, and subject itself to more risks. The usurping Israelis should be more worried and afraid than ever before and realize that their foolish, aggressive, and criminal leaders are bringing more and more risks upon them. This is the kind of outcome the Israeli enemy will get.

As for us and our dear people, we are very pleased with the direct battle between us and the Israeli enemy. The Israeli and American enemies always followed a policy of fighting us through their proxies, while they themselves played the roles of supervisors, providing instructions and reaping money and profits from their aggressive and criminal positions. Therefore, reaching the point of a direct battle is a massive failure for their proxies. Their statements reveal their resentment, frustration, and anger caused by their failure. They were used by the Americans and Israelis as tools to confront, attack, and target our people and were demanded to betray our people. Due to their proxies' utter failure to accomplish the tasks assigned to them, the enemy has been forced to engage directly. That is why some of them have expressed in their statements a determination to continue fighting against the Yemeni people. Their statements clearly show the bitterness, frustration, and sense of failure to the extent that the Israelis were compelled to engage directly with our dear people. That is because they faced a significant failure, and at this stage, they are more exposed than ever before. How did all the proxies react when the Israeli enemy attacked an Arab Muslim country, whether those from this country, the region, the Arab world, or neighboring countries? Their position revealed their alignment with Israel and intense hostility towards the Yemeni people. This is a major and disgraceful scandal, a very shameful one.

One of the most significant benefits and outcomes of these events is the clarity they provide in exposing and revealing the true nature of people. Today, with the Israeli enemy's direct involvement in the aggression against our country, there is a great opportunity to see people for who they really are. We can know for sure who the munafiqin [hypocrites] are—those who show hostility and hatred towards the Yemeni people and align themselves with the Israelis. Even if some of their statements include polite condemnation, they are followed by what reflects intense hostility and hatred, echoing the same Israeli rhetoric in describing the Yemeni position.

To whoever doubts our position: Here is the battlefield, so take part!

Our position as Yemeni people is clear: We are engaged in a sacred battle, not a futile one. We have raised the banner of jihad in the way of Allah and stood with the oppressed Palestinian people. Whoever who doubts our position should take a similar or even greater position. They should come forward, enter the battlefield, act with sincerity through actions and positions, and target the Israeli enemy with military operations. However, some people clearly show intense hostility towards our dear people because of our support for the Palestinian people. Their repetition of Israeli rhetoric in describing our position reveals the extent of their subservience and allegiance to the Israeli enemy and their betrayal [to the Ummah].

Who calls our people's position merely a position for Iran while ignoring what is happening in Palestine, ignoring the Palestinian people and their just cause and great tragedy they are suffering, as if the Palestinian people do not exist and as if there is no issue concerning Palestine and the Palestinian people? Who speaks of any supportive position towards the Palestinian people as solely a position in favour of Iran? It is the Israelis. This is their logic and the statements of their leaders and their media outlets. Therefore, those who speak with the same Israeli logic are proxies of Israel. By doing so, they insult the Palestinian people and target them because they attempt to eliminate the Palestinian cause, which has reached a level where no one can eliminate it no matter what they do or say. A person who turns into a parrot, repeating the Israeli and American rhetoric, is exposed. That is an indictment of him. It is a scandal and a disgrace.

As for our dear people, they have taken an honourable and right position that makes one hold his head up high and brings him honour in this world and the Hereafter. They have taken the position of jihad for the sake of Allah and in support of the oppressed Palestinian people, who have a genuine, real cause that has captured the world's attention, with its reverberations felt in every part of the globe. No one who has turned into a parrot for the Israeli enemy can cover up a truth like that, a cause of such significance—a cause of an oppressed people, an occupied Arab Islamic homeland, and threatened and occupied sanctities. Can anyone eliminate it, repeat the same Israeli logic, and become an Israeli parrot for the benefit of the Israeli enemy? This is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, we are happy that the battle today is directly between us and the Israeli enemy. The direct confrontation between us and America, Britain, and the Israeli enemy has been a source of happiness for us since the beginning of the battle of support. We are also happy that the Israeli enemy has become more entangled and has not been able to maintain its strategy of isolating the Palestinian people in Gaza and their dear mujahidin. In other words, by the grace of Allah and His guidance and support, we have succeeded in striking the strategy that the Israeli enemy had relied on since the beginning of its aggression on Gaza. Today, it finds itself busy and compelled to be preoccupied with engaging in the battle here and there and dealing with the threats coming from here and there. It is no longer in a safe position that helps it isolate the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin without being worried and relying on the Americans for support and protection, along with their proxies and allies. This strategy has failed and ended.

Our position is firm, with a close cooperation with the support fronts!

Regarding our position, it remains steadfast, and we cooperate with the rest of the supporting fronts. There is a close, strong, and good cooperation, and there is a coordination that keeps increasing, which bears its fruit and holds importance. This has a significant impact in foiling the enemy and exerting pressure on it.

This axis is the Al-Aqsa axis, the Al-Quds axis, an axis that revolves around the Palestinian people, the sanctities in Palestine, and the just cause of the Palestinian people. The mission of its front is to support and stand with the Palestinian people. It represents the proper direction that the entire Ummah must embrace and the right position that everyone must follow.

The Americans and Israelis constantly attempt to completely divert the attention of Arabs and Muslims away from the Palestinian cause and get everyone busy with other problems that have to do with other titles, conflicts, concerns, and crises. Their goal in doing so is to prevent any interest in supporting the Palestinian people. However, by the grace of Allah, there are individuals from the Ummah, among the sons of Islam and Muslims, who have sincerely adopted a serious position despite all the hostility, conspiracies, and forms of targeting under various pretexts. All attempts have failed, and there is now a present, effective, and strong front that comprehensively supports the Palestinian people in every aspect: through combat, financial aid, media, and everything. This is evident in the reality of the Ummah, regardless of the efforts of the forces of nifaq and those pro-American and pro-Israeli formations who present themselves as Arabs but are, in fact, loyal to America and loyal to Israel. Everything proves this, including their positions, words, actions, orientations, and policies. All their actions expose them.

Regarding the Israeli aggression, there is strong coordination between us and our brothers on all support fronts.  This cooperation and coordination is highly beneficial in serving the Palestinian cause and strengthening the overall position against the Israeli enemy.

We have seen honourable positions and statements issued by various bodies including Islamic and Arab official and non-official bodies, as well as some parties, some cultural formations, and some religious scholars. One of the most notable statements was the remarkable statement issued by the Grand Mufti of Sultanate of Oman, may Allah protect and guide him. His statement is a distinguished one that reflects the sound logic, the logic that supports the Yemeni people. This can serve as an example from which others can benefit. This is particularly true for religious scholars, as their words, their voices, and their positions should align with the peoples of their Ummah against the Israeli enemy. Thus, multiple official and non-official entities in the Arab and Islamic world have issued statements and taken honourable positions, and we express our gratitude and appreciation to them.

The right and natural position for every member of the Ummah is to condemn the aggression of the Israeli enemy, sincerely stand with Gaza, and support any position that provides assistance to Gaza. Any position in support of Gaza is honourable and deserves appreciation and support because it is always attacked. The enemies of this Ummah, the proxies of America and Israel, never stop opposing and fighting those who oppose and fight the Israeli enemy. They direct their media, their insults, their doubts, and their propaganda towards them, at the behest of America, Britain, and Israel. The instructions originate from there, and they act accordingly.

Regarding the position and interaction of the Arab and Islamic peoples, it is evident in their sympathy with the Yemeni people, as well as in their sympathy with the Palestinian people. The conscience of all free and sound people, who have not turned into munafiqin among the people of the Ummah, is inclined towards sympathy with the Palestinian people, the Yemeni people, and any peoples that are targeted by the Israeli enemy, America, or Britain. This is the correct and normal position. The level of sympathy and public solidarity from Arab peoples with our dear people due to the Israeli aggression was clear on social media platforms and in media outlets.

Our people are happy with the direct confrontation with the Israeli enemy!

Anyway, I address our dear people, who are striving, sacrificing, steadfast, courageous people and whose affiliation to faith has elevated them to the level required for overcoming challenges—I feel and know them, for they are my own people, whom I know well: They are happy to directly confront the Israeli enemy. They are steadfast, courageous people who rely on their belief in Allah (the Almighty), and they are the kind of people who depend on Allah and put their trust in Him.

In this battle, we are stronger than in any previous stage, and our capabilities are continuously evolving to confront challenges at any level. The Israeli enemy is the failure and loser and will never regain deterrence. We will continue our operations in a way that pleases Allah (the Almighty), satisfies our beloved people, and brings joy and happiness to the hearts of the oppressed Palestinian people.

Then I affirm that there is nothing to worry about at all. We are fighting in this battle while relying on Allah (the Almighty) and placing our trust in Him. Our dear people are jihad-performing people, and these events are neither new nor unfamiliar to them. They have gained skills and experience from all past stages while performing their jihadist duty for the sake of Allah. They have become accustomed to suffering and difficult circumstances. Nevertheless, the suffering will not be greater than it has been, Allah willing. The Yemeni people are experienced, and they have trust in Allah and rely on Him. At this stage, our capabilities greater than ever before, with a broader scope for inflicting greater harm on the enemy, achieving greater success in overcoming its interception and jamming techniques and capabilities and in causing the enemy to suffer greater risk and serious blows, Allah willing.

We also urge the members of our Islamic Ummah to realize how enormously important this stage is: this intense confrontation with the Israeli enemy. At the forefront of this confrontation are the oppressed and aggrieved Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin. They are at the heart of the battle and have presented a remarkable, great, and distinguished example of steadfastness and valour, Allah (the Almighty) showers them with His grace, support, and aid. This stage is significant and holds promising signs of the promised victory and the conquest. There are clear indicators that the Israeli enemy is heading towards collapse and erosion. Instead of becoming stronger and more stable, its trajectory is reversing towards collapse, retreat, diminished deterrence, and failure.  The state of reverse migration and the significant impacts of this battle on the enemy from within are clear and acknowledged by its leaders and experts, who are currently experiencing what they describe as an existential threat, which is true, by the will of Allah.

I ask Allah to grant us success in seeking what pleases Him. O Allah (Glory be to You), grant us victory, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. You are All-Hearing!

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.


#Yemen #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 1 month
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