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Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Development of the Israeli Aggression Against Gaza and Regional Updates, in English (July 18, 2024)

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Allah (Glory be to Him) has said, {'Indeed, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and prepared for them a Blaze, wherein they will live forever, finding no ally or helper'}[Al-Ahzab 33:64-65]. This is the word of truth from Almighty Allah.

When we contemplate the Holy Quran, we find numerous verses, hundreds of verses, that contain severe threats from Allah (Glory be to Him) to the disbelievers, in all their different categories. He threatens them with Jahannam and describes the tremendous torment therein, emphasizing that it is an eternal punishment with no end or interruption, as stated in this blessed verse: {'wherein they will live forever, finding no ally or helper'}[Al-Ahzab 33:65].

Allah describes the kinds of torment in Jahannam with extremely terrifying descriptions, making it clear that no torment, agony, or pain is comparable to the torment of Jahannam or can reach its level. It is an incredibly dreadful torment: {'So on that day, no one can punish as He will punish, nor can anyone shackle as He will shackle'}[Al-Fajr 89:25-26]. Many are the blessed verses—and sometimes an entire surah [chapter]—that focus on the divine threat to the disbelievers about the punishment in the Hereafter! Moreover, Allah threatens them with immediate and various punishments in this life and informs us in the Holy Quran about the fate of many nations and peoples that He (the Almighty) punished with an immediate punishment in this world.

In addition to threatening them, He has commanded His believing servants to confront and combat the disbelievers and fight in the cause of Allah against them, and He has promised the believers of victory and support and that He will punish the disbelievers by their hands: Allah says, {'Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people and remove the rage of their hearts'}[At-Tawbah 9:14-15], and He also says, {'And kill them wherever you overtake them'}[Al-Baqarah 2:191]; {'And sit in wait for them at every place of ambush'}[At-Tawbah 9:5]. In the Holy Quran, there are hundreds of blessed verses that speak about jihad in the cause of Allah (the Almighty) and present it as an obligatory duty prescribed by  Allah as one of the religious obligations that every believing individual should perform according to their ability and according to those instructions that fully clarified in the Holy Quran the journey of jihad in the cause of Allah. 

Allah also presented jihad in His cause as one of the essential and necessary faith-based characteristics, as He (the Almighty) says in the Holy Quran, {'The believers fight in the cause of Allah'}—He here considered this as one of the main religious obligations for the believers—{'as whereas the disbelievers fight in the cause of taghut. So, fight against the Auliya of Satan. Indeed, Satan's schemes are ever weak'}[An-Nisa 4:76].

In the Holy Quran, Allah (the Almighty) also presented carrying out jihad for His sake against the disbelievers, the wicked ones, and the criminals in a magnificent, attractive, and compelling way that shows its importance for us in this life, its status and position in the true divine religion of Islam, and the important and great outcomes it leads to for every believing person. Allah says: {'O believers! Shall I guide you to a trade that will save you from a painful punishment? [It is to] have faith in Allah and His Messenger, and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if only you knew. He will forgive your sins, and admit you into gardens under which rivers flow, and [house you in] splendid homes in the Gardens of Eternity. That is the ultimate triumph. And [you will obtain] another [favour] that you love: victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers'}[As-Saf 61:10-13]. This gives one very great encouragement to carry out jihad in the cause of Allah, and it clarifies its importance and outcomes, as well as the great, tremendous, and significant gains that come from Allah in return. He is the One Who has made this promise, and He is the One Who has guided us to what He called a trade: {'O believers! Shall I guide you to a trade that will save you from a painful punishment?'} This gives evidence that the gains of jihad for the sake of Allah are truly immense at the level of the reward and recompense that Allah has promised and the important outcomes He grants to His believing servants in this world and in the Hereafter too.

Within these blessed verses, He presents in detail a divine promise of forgiveness for sins, Jannah, victory, His pleasure of Allah, and conquest. The phrase {'And give good tidings to the believers'} also indicates receiving more than that out of the grace of Allah, the great and immense grace!

Why do we find in the Holy Quran this extremely severe threat that demonstrates Allah's intense anger and the severe punishments and torment promised to the wicked, criminal disbelievers? Why does He command jihad against them, promise of reward, victory, support, and assistance in return, and make that part of the believers' faith-based obligations? Allah (Glory be to Him) also clarifies in many verses that speak about jihad in His path the importance of jihad for us, for He is not in need of His servants. He also says in the context of the blessed verses that speak about jihad, {'And whoever strives [in Allah’s cause], only does so for their own good. Surely Allah is not in need of [any of] His creation'}[Al-'Ankabut 29:6]—indeed, Allah (Glory be to Him) is self-sufficient. He also says, {'And were it not for Allah repelling some people by means of others, the earth would indeed become corrupted'}[Al-Baqarah 2:251]. The disbelievers in their evil, aggression, criminality, brutality, detachment from innate human values, and rejection of such values, as well as in their reality influenced by Satan—the one they have taken as their ally, symbol, and leader to the extent that Allah calls them in the Holy Quran 'the allies of Satan' as they fight in the path of taghut and are the allies of Satan, [about whom Allah says,] {'Indeed, Satan's schemes are ever weak'}[An-Nisa 4:76]—pose a danger and a threat to human society. Their evil and the consequences of their disbelief, misguidance, and falsehood impact human societies because they act aggressively, denying and rejecting divine principles and teachings. Divine teachings are beneficial for people, protecting human society, ensuring its well-being and stability, and bringing goodness for it in both this world and the Hereafter. The evil of the disbelievers and the consequences of their disbelief, falsehood, and misguidance manifest in aggression, brutality, criminality, and greed, which they display through their behaviour, policies, orientations, positions, and practices against other human societies.

Therefore, their evil and danger to the stability of human society reach the level expressed in the blessed verse: {'And were it not for Allah repelling some people by means of others, the earth would indeed become corrupted'}[Al-Baqarah 2:251]—that is, they would bring life on the earth to complete collapse and total corruption, making it impossible for life to continue. They would reach this level because evil, corruption, tyranny, and criminality can worsen, increase further, grow, and exacerbate to the extent that they threaten the life of human society on the earth, jeopardizing stability entirely in human society.

Allah (Glory be to Him) says, {'And were it not that Allah repels the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned [praised]. And Allah will surely grant victory to those who support Him'}[Al-Hajj 22:39-40]. Throughout history and with all messengers, prophets, and divine messages, they have also constituted a threat even to spiritual worship, represented in prayers and adhkar in the houses of Allah and sacred places of worship where people turn to worship Allah, the Almighty. In other words, the disbelievers, due to their evil, wickedness, enmity, tyranny, and criminality, would have denied people even to worship Allah (Glory be to Him) with prayers and adhkar. They target even places of worship despite their sanctity and despite the lack of any justification for targeting them. Yet, they do not hesitate to threaten and target these places and those who mention Allah therein. This is the condition of the chiefs of disbelief, the front of disbelief, which always moves against the divine message. Why? It is because the divine message contains great principles, values, justice, goodness, and truth, which is for the benefit of human society: It protects human society and ensures the stability and betterment of its life.

In addition to them, there is another group from within those who belong to the divine message. It is very strange that there are those who belong to the divine message and who declare their affiliation to it and their belief in it but in reality play an evil, destructive role that serves evil, tyranny, and disbelief and supports an orientation that poses a danger to human societies. Who are they? They are the ones whom the Holy Quran calls munafiqin. Unfortunately, the true Quranic description and concept that makes the whole society (both human society and Islamic society) know who is meant by this term—who the munafiq is and who the munafiqin are—has been disregarded in the Islamic arena.

Allah (Glory be to Him) has clarified in the Holy Quran who they are and why they are called by this name. He (the Almighty) said, {'To the munafiqin give the tidings that there is for them [but] a grievous penalty, those who take unbelievers as Auliya rather than believers.  Do they seek with them honour [through power]? But indeed, honour belongs to Allah entirely'}[An-Nisa 4:138-139]. Give tidings to the munafiqin that their destiny is the same as that of the disbelievers, despite their affiliation with the divine message. They claim to believe in the divine message and affiliate with it, and they present themselves as part of the Ummah of the divine message. However, despite all of that, their destiny is the same as that of the disbelievers. Allah is angry with them, and He has cursed them in many verses in the Holy Quran! He has threatened them with Jahannam, with the most severe torment in Jahannam! Allah (Glory be to Him) said in Surah An-Nisa in the Holy Quran, {'The munafiqin will certainly be in the lowest depths of the Fire, and you will never find a helper for them'}[An-Nisa 4:145]. We seek refuge in Allah from such a destiny! This is a very severe warning: {'The munafiqin will certainly be in the lowest depths of the Fire, and you will never find a helper for them.'} It is because their destructive and evil role combines serving the enemies and cooperating with the front of disbelief, evil, tyranny, and criminality on one hand and exploiting their affiliation with the Muslim Ummah on the other. They play a destructive role in demoralizing, discouraging, inciting discord, diverting people from real concerns, and working to tame the Ummah for the benefit of its enemies. They work to implement the enemies' plots and conspiracies but from within the Ummah. The fault on their part is so significant that Allah said about them in the Surah named after them, 'Al-Munafiqun': {'They are the enemy, so beware of them. May Allah kill them, lest they be destroyed'}[Al-Munafiqun 63:4]. {'May Allah kill them'}—He has also cursed them in many verses in various surahs in the Holy Quran, threatening them with the same destiny as the disbelievers: {'in Jahannam all together'}[An-Nisa 4:140]. (We seek refuge in Allah.)

When we contemplate what is happening at this stage and read about previous historical events, bearing in mind that we speak about ongoing daily events at this stage—the brutal, criminal, and savage Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip—we truly realize the great evil and danger posed by the Israeli enemy, which is at the helm of the front of disbelief. The Zionist Jews are the ones who carry the banner of taghut in this era and spearhead the front of disbelief. They, along with those who follow them, lead the charge in displaying criminality, tyranny, and corruption on the earth, targeting human societies and striving to hinder people from following the true divine religion and message represented in Islam and the Holy Quran. They attempt to cause human societies to completely deviate from the message of Allah and His valuable and great teachings, striving through corruption and misguidance to bring human society to the lowest levels, where they deny its humanity, its innate values, and everything meaningful.

At the level of brutality and injustice, it is clear to all human societies that they commit the worst, most horrific, and most heinous crimes, the kind of crimes that no one would perpetrate unless he no longer retains even an ounce of human feeling or compassion. Indeed, such acts can only be committed by those who have completely stripped themselves of their humanity, so they appear human in form, but from the inside, they are savage and criminal, rejecting everything good, including innate human values.

Also, when we take a look at the actions of those who collaborate with the Israeli enemy, especially those who supposedly belong to this Ummah and identify themselves as Arabs and Muslims, despite the terrible criminality the Israeli enemy clearly demonstrates in the horrific crimes of genocide it commits against the Palestinian people—there are various very horrific and awful crimes, and it excels in such crimes. The Israeli enemy targets all the Palestinian people in a savage manner, killing them collectively. It also targets them with various multiple crimes. It targets everyone: the elderly and the youth, children and women, the old and the young. It kills the sick and the disabled, it targets those elderly who are unable to move while in their home beds and tries to crush them under the treads of tanks. It tortures those very unfortunate, oppressed victims abducted to its prisons and arrested from their homes. It tortures them with the most brutal and criminal forms of torture, which sometimes a person cannot speak about due to their horrific nature. Despite all of this, there are those who still support it. The Israeli enemy is provided with supplies through land by Arab countries that belong to the Islamic world,  present themselves as the Arab embrace, and claim to be the ones who carry the flag of the Arabs, lead the Arabs at the forefront, and stand out as the greatest and most influential among Arab countries. Yet, they themselves rush to support the Israeli enemy, supplying it with various goods in an increasing manner. They had this type of relationship with the Israeli enemy before, but now this relationship, support, and backing have multiplied while they watch the Palestinian people suffer from hunger. Many, many Palestinian people suffer from severe hunger to the extent that children die. The suffering is immense, and it is of the harshest sufferings. No people or country in this world happen to suffer from severe hunger to the extent that their children fall dead and their bodies wither away, as seen in the suffering experienced by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, although surrounded by Arabs and within an Arab-Islamic environment. What a shame! What a disgrace! How deeply regrettable this is!

Although the Prophet of this Ummah, the Seal of the Prophets and the Master of the Messengers, Muhammad (PBUH&F) said, 'He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while his neighbor goes hungry, and he knows that,' there are entire countries that have immense wealth and vast capabilities, neighbour Palestine, and can deliver food to the Palestinian people in Gaza, but instead of doing so, they send very large convoys of diverse food supplies, fruits, and various goods to the Israeli enemy. Is this not a betrayal of Allah, Islam, Muslims, and the entire Ummah? Is this not the kind of nifaq [hypocrisy] that truly deserves the lowest depths of the Fire as punishment, not any place in it but the worst and most severe place?

Let each of us imagine the intense psychological pain of our beloved and cherished members of the Palestinian society and the Palestinian people in Gaza when any one of them lives a situation where he suffers hunger—just as is the case with his family and everyone he sees around him—and where his child dies from hunger but then finds that major Arab countries are loading many trucks, hundreds of trucks, with fruits and various food supplies to send them to the Israeli enemy: the enemy of this Ummah which commits the most horrific and heinous crimes against the Muslim Palestinian people!

As we witness the Israeli enemy reflect criminality in its fullest form and embody it in its behaviour, actions, and crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza, all of this—the bleak, atrocious, and horrifying image with such clarity—strengthens our belief in the justice of Allah (the Almighty) when He vowed the most severe punishment in Jahannam for the front of disbelief, which is a source of evil, criminality, injustice, and tyranny, and those who cooperate with this front, even among those who belong to Islam and he Divine Message, as well as when He cursed them. (A curse be upon them.) When He vowed to inflict the most severe punishment on them—His promise of reward and punishment is true, as {'Allah does not fail in His promise'}[Ar-Rum 30:6], and His word does not change, as He said {'And My word cannot be changed, and never will I be unjust to the servants'}[Qaf 50:29]. He has presented a warning that will inevitably be fulfilled, and we witness a clear image and extremely tragic scenes that depict to us the magnitude of the suffering and oppression endured by the Palestinian people.

Therefore, the joint role of the disbelievers and munafiqin [hypocrites] and the criminal and brutal  outcome of such a role represented in injustice and tyranny, in addition to the savagery committed by the Israeli enemy in Gaza, present a clear image of the path followed by criminals. As for the command of Allah (the Almighty) to engage in jihad against them as a great and sacred obligation, a noble and honourable humanitarian act that honours and dignifies the person and draws him closer to Allah, we truly witness the evidence of the immense importance of all of this, and we see what completely convinces a person that this aligns with what is right and represents the right position and the correct direction that aligns with human nature and complies with what Allah (the Almighty) has ordained, sent down, and made clear in His holy book.

For the tenth month, in the 41st week, and on the 286th day, the Israeli enemy continues its genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The number of mass massacres has exceeded 3,447, and the number of martyrs, missing, wounded, and captivated is around 154,000 Palestinians. The number might be even higher, possibly reaching 10% of the population of Gaza!

This week alone, there have been more than 22 massacres, primarily targeting displaced persons in areas that the Israeli enemy previously declared safe for displacement. Once these areas were filled with displaced persons, they were targeted. The number of martyrs and wounded this week is approximately 1,700, most of whom are women and children. One of these massacres targeted worshippers at a designated area for performing prayers in Al-Shati refugee camp, where the enemy aimed to kill and annihilate the worshippers.

Last Saturday, a horrific crime was committed by the Israeli enemy against displaced persons in Al-Mawasi camp in Khan Yunis. It resulted in the martyrdom and injury of 400 Palestinian displaced persons. The Israeli enemy used eight deadly and destructive American bombs, each weighing around a ton, to target the displaced in their fabric tents. Notice the extreme hostility, criminality, and brutality exhibited by the Israeli enemy, which has become a psychological state and a continuous behaviour for them.

The Israeli enemy targeted them with eight American bombs, each weighing around a ton, while they were in fabric tents and in one of the most crowded places with displaced persons. After the Israeli enemy declared the area a safe zone where the displaced would not be targeted, only to target the area after being crowded with around 80,000 displaced persons! But things did not stop there! After dropping these bombs, it immediately started strafing the area with helicopters and drones. The scenes were extremely distressing, depicting a heinous crime committed by the enemy and a truly awful tragedy for the oppressed displaced persons. The same is true for other crimes of genocide. Such acts align perfectly with the description of genocide.

The enemy continues its severe blockade, and the famine is worsening. There is a serious state of negligence. What one can truly find very strange regarding the official position of the Islamic world, both Arab and non-Arab, is that the governments and regimes remain indifferent, cold, and mere spectators to what is happening. The Israeli enemy escalates its crimes of murder and genocide with such atrocities, yet there is no serious action taken at the humanitarian level regarding the suffering, the hunger, the lack of food and medicine, and the essential necessities of life. One can see no clear and serious official response from Arab or Islamic countries. There is no serious concern; most governments and regimes doing nothing but watching and keep showing significant negligence and a deliberate failure. This is regrettable! Even the media is failing to pay adequate attention to this issue.

As for the suffering of the wounded and sick, it is very severe. There is no medical and health infrastructure; everything has been destroyed. There is a ban on the entry of medicines, and medical supplies have run out. Surgical operations for amputating injured limbs lack the necessary medical supplies for anesthesia and other needs. The suffering is immense, leading to the death of many patients, especially those with serious illnesses. Additionally, many of the wounded endure great suffering, with some falling martyr due to their injuries.

The torture of the wounded, the captives, and the abductees are extremely horrific. As we mentioned during this speech, some types of torture are so atrocious that it is difficult for a person to talk about them. Where are the organizations? Where is the humanitarian and media mobilization? Where is the genuine and sincere support for the Palestinian people? Many governments and regimes remain silent, without a position or voice. Most organizations are doing nothing, with no action or pressure from their side regarding this issue, despite the boasting displayed by the enemy leaders regarding their crimes.

The Israeli enemy also continues its desecrating of the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque; so is the case for the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, as it is targeted too. There are assaults and a real war waged by the Israeli enemy in the West Bank: displacement, house demolitions, killing of residents, abductions, imprisonment, and so on.

The Israeli enemy continues with utmost brutality and criminality, to the extreme extent of its capability, with American participation. The Americans are genuine, essential partners with the Israeli enemy in all crimes and unjust criminal practices. The Americans consistently maintain their air bridge, supplying the Israeli enemy with massive resources, bombs, missiles, and shells to exterminate the Palestinian people, along with their experts, reconnaissance, intelligence activities, and the management of criminal operations. They continue to provide political and media cover, prompting many countries to adopt a cold, indifferent position towards what is happening in Palestine. They also discourage Islamic countries, both Arab and non-Arab, from taking action and even push some to cooperate with the Israeli enemy. Additionally, some are driven to financially support the Israeli enemy, which is very regrettable! Also, [the Arab’s] media [is driven to support the Israeli enemy]. As we have said before, the land bridge-through which massive quantities of goods and food supplies are delivered- [is used to support the Israeli enemy]. The Americans are also part of the war against Gaza and against the [pro-Palestine] supporting fronts, as is the case with US-British aggression against our country.

Nevertheless, despite all of this, the resistance of the mujahidin in Gaza continues, exceeding all expectations. Also, the steadfastness of the Palestinian people persists, despite immense suffering. This represents a significant disappointment for the Israeli enemy and a genuine shock, as the Zionist enemy, along with the Americans, had estimated that by December 2023, they would have completely eliminated Hamas. This was the estimation of the Israeli enemy, and the Americans believed so—as the Israelis made them believe that was possible. Now, we are in the seventh month of 2024 and the tenth month since the start of the aggression on Gaza. The gap is incredibly substantial. Therefore, there is a great shock among the Israeli enemy, as well as among the Americans. The Israelis talk about the shock from the fighting doctrine of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the level of courage they show in combat, the refusal of defeat, the ability to rebuild their capabilities, the continuity of fighting, and also the ability to assign and provide replacements for the martyred leaders to carry the flag and continue the journey.

The ferocity of the battles increases day by day, at a time when the Israeli enemy expected to be able to end the fighting and decisively win the battle, but the trajectory is an ascending one: The ferocity of the battles is increasing day by day. The Qassam Brigades, along with the Al-Quds Brigades and the rest of the jihadi factions in the Gaza Strip, have managed to adapt to the battlefield and recruit more mujahidin, as well as manufacturing ammunition, as there is a very severe blockade on delivering weapons and ammunitions to the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip. They have managed to even to manufacture ammunition themselves. Also, the impact of the operations has reached the point of preventing the enemy from settling in a specific area. Wherever it wants to settle, the strikes, targeting, operations, and raids continue so that it cannot remain. Even the rocket barrages continue, as seen in the rocket barrages this week, which were documented by the Al-Quds Brigades.

Therefore, we see a clear failure of the Israeli enemy to eliminate the resistance. Even the title of targeting the leaders, which was a main objective in its aggression on Gaza, has failed. Instead, the Israeli enemy is using it as a cover for its crimes in the collective targeting of the displaced and the Palestinian people. The real outcome is a great disappointment for the Israeli enemy.

In the same context, the Israeli enemy is attempting to incite people against the mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip. Even within Palestinian society, the Israeli enemy is trying to incite some individuals to adopt a negative position at the media level. We have heard some statements and declarations this week, and we have also noticed activity on some social media platforms, which may have been infiltrated by the Israeli enemy to incite some Palestinians against the resistance in the Gaza Strip, against the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Hamas movement.

Therefore, it is crucial for all Palestinians, for every member of the dear Palestinian people, to be careful not to fall into the enemy's trap or allow the enemy to exploit, incite, or push them into adopting any negative position. This is absolutely unacceptable, as the reality is crystal clear. The one who bears full responsibility for everything that happens is the Israeli enemy: the aggressor, the criminal, the oppressor, the occupier, the usurper, and the perpetrator of all crimes. As for inventing some pretexts, such as targeting leaders, these pretexts are nothing but a cover that can never justify the crimes it commits. One should not blame the crimes committed by the Israeli enemy on innocent leaders and mujahidin in the Gaza Strip who are resisting the Israeli enemy. The mujahidin brothers in the Gaza Strip must receive support and endorsement from all members of the Palestinian people, at all levels, including at the media and political levels. No opportunities should be given to the Israeli enemy to exploit in any field, including in the media and politics. The level of awareness and sense of responsibility should overcome all of that.

Some efforts are made in this direction by media outlets affiliated with some Arab regimes that support the Israeli enemy. There is also an overt pursuit that adopts the Israeli logic. This is because the Israelis seek to manipulate views and expressions regarding its atrocious and brutal crimes in a way that shifts the blame onto the innocent individuals, the oppressed, and those who also stand up against them and confront their aggression and criminality. This is not just, nor is it right or fair.

In this regard, we commend the level of awareness and insight demonstrated by Palestinian society in the Gaza Strip, which suffers more than anyone else from the targeting by the Israeli enemy. Despite the ongoing war and the relentless acts of genocide inflicted upon the residents of the Gaza Strip, they have exhibited the highest level of awareness, patience, insight, and vigilance against the enemy's attempts to incite them against the mujahidin who resist its aggression and criminality.

Regarding the pro-Palestinian fronts of support, foremost among them the major, active, hot front affecting the Israeli enemy: Hezbollah's front. The saying of Allah, {'Indeed, the party of Allah will be the predominant'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:56], holds true to their reality and the effectiveness of their front. Regarding its state, the Israeli enemy acknowledges being in a historical predicament. Referring to their defeat there and the collective flight of the occupiers, whom they call settlers, from those occupied areas in northern Palestine, some Zionists say that this has been their worst defeat there since 1948. The enemy's media describes the occupied territories in northern Palestine as having turned into ghost towns. So those ongoing operations carried out by Hezbollah on a daily basis proved to be highly effective and inflict losses on the enemy, with intense, purposeful, and impactful shelling.


Regarding the Iraqi front, operations continue, including drone operations this week towards the occupied Haifa port and Umm Al-Rashrash, targeting Zionist objectives. Also, this week, there has been a joint operation between the Yemeni Army and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

Regarding the support front in Yemen (the Yemen of faith, wisdom, and jihad)  in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad, the operations carried out this week involved 25 ballistic missiles, winged missiles, drones, and naval boats. The total number of ships targeted, associated with the American, Israeli, and British regimes, reached 170 ships. This is a significant and impactful number on the enemy. As we have mentioned in previous updates, thanks to Allah, we see very high effectiveness in the operations of the Yemeni Army in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Bab Al-Mandeb—they are highly impactful. The movement of ships linked to the Israeli enemy has become almost negligible, and when it happens—even this is extremely rare—ships are immediately targeted. There has also been a very significant decrease in the movement of ships linked to America and Britain; even so, they are also targeted as soon as they pass, using missiles, drones, and even destructive Tawfan vessels.

The operations have a significant impact on American commercial movement and consequently on other things related to the economic situation in America and Britain, as well as on the Israeli enemy. Their impact is extremely important. In addition to the impact seen in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, as well as in the Bab Al-Mandeb and the Gulf of Aden, we strive, Allah willing, to enhance operations in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. That is because this field has become under control in every sense of the word, under control in preventing the Israeli enemy [from passing] and also in confronting and targeting the Americans and British. The operations have become effective, strong, powerful, and very impactful. We aim to escalate this level of escalation and the impact of operations to the Indian Ocean and also to the Mediterranean Sea, Allah willing.

What we consider important and emphasize is the media front to present to people the significant truths—which have been recognized by the enemies and are clear in statistics and figures—regarding the profound impact of these operations on the economy of the Israeli enemy, as well as on the American and British economies. This is a very important matter.

As a result of this impact and pressure, the Americans have sought to embroil their proxies, especially the Korah [Qarun] of this era, who supports the American enemy and the Israeli enemy just as Korah supported Pharaoh in his time. The Americans are seeking to embroil this Korah militarily, in addition to milking him economically. Indeed, in addition to milking, they are seeking to embroil him militarily. They are seeking to embroil their proxies and push them to sacrifice their interests and to head towards the abyss because of this impact of the operations.

The economic impact on the Israeli enemy has clearly reached the point where the Israeli enemy declared the bankruptcy of the port of Umm Al-Rashrash, which the enemy calls Eilat. That port—which was beneficial to the Israeli enemy and represented a source of huge income for its economy in terms of financial revenues and the economic and commercial activity—has declared bankruptcy due to the Yemeni blockade in the Red Sea.

Additionally, the impact on the economic situation of the Israeli enemy has reached the point where forty-six thousand Israeli companies have shut down so far. This impact is due to the collective position adopted by the support fronts in support of Gaza and also the heroic jihadi position of our mujahidin brothers in Gaza. There is a significant impact on the economic situation of the Israeli enemy to the extent that forty-six thousand Israeli companies have closed down so far, and there are expectations of sixty thousand Israeli companies shutting down by the end of this Gregorian calendar year.

The great reverberations and the great impacts of the Yemeni position, including the important reverberations and the unprecedented great impact of the targeting of the American aircraft carrier Eisenhower, which the Americans have acknowledged—these reverberations are still being felt, as the media, research centers, and statements by officers and officials in the US Navy are still commenting on this issue, which is of great importance. Indeed, it is so important that that an American newspaper wrote in a controversial article that the era of the US Navy aircraft carriers has ended. Indeed, it has ended, as those carriers are no longer sought after. They no longer have the prestige, influence, and impact they once had. They are no longer the frightening specter that America used to frighten the countries of the world. Even major countries with huge capabilities and enormous military power used to fear the aircraft carriers and see them as a weapon of military superiority and capabilities of American military supremacy. Now, the reverberations of the operations of the Yemeni Army and the impact of the targeting operations by our Yemeni Army against the aircraft carriers have had this important outcome.

A squadron leader on the aircraft carrier said that the confrontations with 'the Houthis' were very close, and they had never seen such clashes before. All the expressions used by the American sailors convey astonishment, something unprecedented, something they have never seen before, something unparalleled since World War II, something, according to some expressions, that has no precedent at all for the navy, and so on.

The Israeli media also described the confrontation between the Americans and Yemen, stating that the war with 'the Houthis' is geographically distant, and it is mainly fought by powerful international forces—that is, America, Britain, and those who support them—but it is one of the most intense fronts in the current battle. The Israeli media also said that this front is powerful, dangerous, and disturbing the entire world. This is the state of this front: the Yemeni support front in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad. It has this effectiveness, this presence, this impact, and this powerful performance against the enemy. The Zionists also say that the Americans are fighting the war on their behalf and that they have saved them from many strategic problems.

The Americans, in their aggression against our country and their ongoing bombardment—including this week where they have launched thirteen airstrikes on Al-Hudaydah and Hajjah—realize that their operations have no impact in preventing or limiting the operations of our Yemeni Army. Therefore, it relies at this specific stage on involving their proxies and pushing them into the battle instead of themselves—or rather alongside them.

Our dear people, with their massive million-man demonstration last Friday, have sent a warning to the Saudi regime, the Korah [Qarun] of this era and the horn of Satan. It must understand and realize that the voices of the millions who took to the streets last Friday (with their chants whose reverberation has reached the seven continents) carry a serious warning; it is not just words that will fade away. The Saudi regime must realize this truth: If it involves itself and insists on its unjustified, aggressive steps in its escalation against our dear people, it will lose. For us, as a Yemeni people, we move forward, with a just cause and a rightful position. We understand the real reason behind the Saudi regime's involvement in such aggressive escalatory steps against our people: It does so in service to Israel. There is no other reason; it is only in service of Israel and obedience to America! If for serving Israel and obeying America, it is ready to sacrifice everything, to sacrifice its future, to endure massive and tremendous losses, and to fail in its economic plans—rendering useless the 2030 plan, any plans for developing Riyadh Airport to be one of the largest airports in the world, and any other economic revival steps it aspires to—and sees that serving Israel and obeying America are worth all those sacrifices and losses, then we are in a better, stronger, greater, and more important position. We have complete conviction in the justice of our cause because we are oppressed people, targeted unjustly, without any reason, standing for what is right by supporting the Palestinian people in their just cause and rightful position. Therefore, we are indeed more deserving of making sacrifices and being patient, regardless of the consequences. This is because we are pursuing a just cause.

There is a big difference between the two positions: between the position of the Saudis—the ones who escalate, aggress, and oppress without any justification, except to serve Israel and obey America—and our position, as we repel injustice from our people and ourselves, and confront the unprovoked aggression against our country, within the framework of our rightful and just position, which is driven by our religious affiliation and our obedience to Allah, the Almighty.

There is a difference between the position we adopt to obey Allah and to support the oppressed Muslim Palestinian people and the position the Saudis adopt to obey America and Satan and to serve the criminal, savage, oppressive, occupying, usurping, and disbelieving Israeli enemy. There is a very significant difference, and it is Allah (the Almighty) Who decrees the outcomes and consequences; He has decreed the best outcome for the muttaqin [the pious], as promised in the Holy Quran. Therefore, we advise and warn the Saudis to realize that they are heading towards a direction of loss in every sense of the word, a direction of clear misguidance and falsehood. Its consequences will be grave for them in both this worldly life and the Hereafter: This is an unprovoked aggression that has no justification

Regarding public activities, they continue to be held ongoing, even at the highest level, surpassing any supportive activities for the Palestinian people in any country in the world. The total number of demonstrations, marches, pickets, evenings, and symposiums has reached 584,215 during these ten months. This is a very large number and a significant amount of daily activities. There are activities every day.

Regarding mobilization, the number of military trainees has reached 374,232. This is an important path, and I encourage this path and stress its importance. The military activities of mobilization, including military exercises, parades, and marches, have reached 1,970. Regarding other activities, they continue to take place, by the grace of Allah.

At the general level, the effectiveness and impact of the support fronts' role is clear, and they have imposed a new and highly significant equation in this period. The enemy always sought to isolate the Palestinian people, to eliminate the Palestinian cause completely, and to drive out the Palestinian people. However, in this round of escalation against the Palestinian people, the enemy faces multiple fronts with this level of presence and impact.

In his speech at the Security Council, the Israeli enemy's envoy complained about the Axis countries that support the Palestinian people, especially Yemen. He complained about the maritime blockade imposed by Yemen against the Israeli enemy. Addressing the Security Council, he asked why everyone buries their heads in the sand when speaking about the danger or the blockade in the Red Sea and 'the Houthis'. He complained, and it is not usual for the Israelis to complain. In the past, it was always others who complained about the Israelis, but they never cared about that, given their arrogance and haughtiness.

He also said that those whom he called ' the terrorist Houthis' have turned that area into an area where navigation is banned. Then he said to those at the Security Council, 'You choose to bury your heads in the sand,' asking them about the reason. We say to him that is because many countries in the world still possess a degree of intelligence to protect themselves from getting involved in fighting to serve you, criminal Zionists. Some Arab governments and some Arab leaders demonstrate blatant and extreme stupidity—Allah knows best the reason behind this stupidity!  And maybe you still have hope to make them move at this stage, as you face a difficult situation and an extremely great failure. If only intelligence could be purchased, we would buy it for those fools among some Arabs, even at the highest prices, out of pity for them, given the tremendous stupidity they demonstrate.

Anyway, despite the length of time, the position of the support fronts is important and influential and requires continuity and escalation. This is what we intend, believe in, plan for, and are determined about: continuity and escalation. We, as well as all support fronts, will strive for continuity and escalation in support of the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin. As this is required in military operations, it is also required for public activities and public participation to continue until we reach the ultimate result: the decisive victory promised by Allah (Glory be to Him). According the famous adage, victory is but an hour of patience: It requires more effort until the important result is achieved. Thus, one must continue, relying on Allah (Glory be to Him) and seeking His reward and recompense. There is a great reward, a great merit, and a very great honour in continuity. There is no justification whatsoever for falling into apathy, hesitating, or retreating. For us, no matter the magnitude of the threats and developments, even if Arab regimes interfere in favour of the Israeli enemy, our position will remain absolutely unchanged. In addition, we will even strive for the level of operations and escalation to be impactful upon the enemies, and those who get involved in support of the Israeli enemy will definitely lose, just as America and Britain have lost. Continuity, escalation, and patience should persist until the great results promised by Allah are achieved: {'And the [best] outcome is for the muttaqin [the pious]'}[Al-Araf 7:128].And Allah made this promise to the patient who trust in Him and continue their effort. This is something very important.

Demonstrations at the public level continue to take place in several countries and states. This week alone, there have been demonstrations in Germany, France, Ireland, Austria, Italy, and the UK, despite the oppression and repression in many of those countries, as well as demonstrations in Canada, Japan, Brazil, Spain, and Denmark. So how could our dear people—the Yemen of faith and wisdom, the sons of the Ansar—falter? Could they cease their weekly demonstrations while demonstrations are taking place in distant non-Muslim countries? Far be it from our dear people to falter or waver, as they are from the Yemen of faith, wisdom, loyalty, manliness, steadfastness, and courage. They came out last week and voiced their commitment to adhering to their comprehensive position, both militarily and publicly and in all fields, in support of the Palestinian people, no matter how hateful that might be to the proxies. Our people will not stand still, will never falter, will never abandon this position, will never hesitate in this position, and will never retreat from this position! Their position will not be one of hesitation or retreat. Taking into consideration that those who still have a shred of human conscience go out in demonstrations, although in countries that are far from Palestine and do not have the kind of bonds and ties of religion our dear people have with the Palestinian people, our people are more deserving of continuing, more deserving of persevering, and more deserving of active movement without fatigue or boredom.

In Arab countries, there have been demonstrations in Morocco, and we commend the Moroccan people, hoping that they will continue their efforts despite the betrayal of the regime there and its subservience to the Israeli enemy. Demonstrations also continue to take place in Jordan. Also, demonstrations were held in some cities in Tunisia. We hope that our dear people will, Allah willing, persist with all vigour, vitality, courage, steadfastness, and loyalty, for the sake of drawing closer to Allah and in fidelity to Him, His Messenger, His religion, and His book, as well as to the oppressed Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin. I ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to reward you all.

I call upon our dear people to participate in the million-man demonstration tomorrow, Friday, in the capital Sana'a and across other governorates and districts, according to the approved arrangements. I ask Allah to reward those who respond to Him, answer the call of truth, and adhere to this honourable humanitarian and faith-based position. Indeed, it is Allah who accepts the deeds of His believing, pious servants and brings about great results. This is one of the greatest deeds that draw one closer to Allah, the Almighty: to adopt this just position against the enemies of Allah, humanity, and human society.


I ask Allah to hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their mujahidin. O Allah (Glory be to You), grant us victory, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. You are All-Hearing!

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.


#Yemen #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 2 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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