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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Development of the Israeli Aggression Against Gaza and Regional Updates, in English (Aug. 29, 2024)

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Weekly and even daily updates and developments regarding the criminal and brutal Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the developments that have extended to the West Bank—past and present developments—are manifestations of significant truths that every Muslim and even every human should realise. These crucial truths reveal the reality of the Israeli Zionist enemy and those who align themselves with it. These truths assert themselves above all false images that the Israeli enemy and its proxies (including those from the Arabs) present to obscure the reality: its aggressive and criminal nature, its disregard for the sanctity of human life, its depravity, its threat to the rest of humanity, and its reality as a true enemy with which no peace or understanding can be achieved. These truths are confirmed by the Holy Quran and consistently evidenced by reality.

In the Holy Quran, Allah (Glory be to Him) has clarified the Israelis' reality and the reality of their ancestors for us. Indeed, they are an extension of their forebears. They are an extension of their deviant path that denies Allah's message, openly declares its enmity towards Him and His angels, and is involved in killing His prophets, denying and opposing them, and showing intense hostility towards them and their message, as well as killing those who advocate justice among people. As emphasised in the Holy Quran, their denial of the message of Allah and their opposition to His way reached such an extent that Allah transformed them into apes and pigs and brought His great wrath upon them and those who aligned with them. On top of this, He announced the Fire of Jahannam to be their ultimate abode—what an evil destination! Their evil, deviation, cunning, malice, malevolence, and greed; their bankruptcy in values, morals, and humanity; their repeated and blatant disrespect towards Allah; and their state of violating human society and all humans other than themselves in all aspects (their lives, their property, and their honour) have become an ideology and culture for them deeply rooted in their various educational activities and resources, including the books they rely on.

These truths are revealed daily through every crime they commit in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and everywhere in Palestine, as well as in what took place in the past. They are clear and manifest both in the past and the present. This is their true image that everyone should understand so that they should never accept such deception and lies, which are astonishingly obvious. Therefore, these false images that some try to present about the Israelis can mislead no one except for those who follow their path, who are devoid of morals and humanity, and who are not sound in their psychological and moral reality. This is why Allah describes such individuals in the Holy Quran saying, {'So you see those in whose hearts is a sickness hastening into [association with] them'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:52]. A person who lacks well-being in his psychological reality, morals, and values and who is bankrupt in wisdom and morals may deviate and become attracted and influenced by them. That is because his reality makes it possible for him to harmonise with and draw closer to them. Indeed, birds of a feather flock together, as the famous saying goes.

In addition, in light of these daily and weekly developments, we all should be mindful of the responsibility that falls on us based on all considerations, including religious, moral, and humanitarian considerations, regarding the genocide this enemy is committing against an oppressed Muslim people. These people are part of us: part of human society, part of the Muslims, and part of the Arabs. In fact, the responsibility to take action lies with Muslims more than others. The more severe the tragedy and injustice faced by the Palestinian people gets, the heavier the responsibility becomes. That is because a significant part of what befalls the Palestinian people is due to the clear negligence of the sons of the Ummah, or most of them. This has contributed to the increasing oppression faced by the Palestinian people and has emboldened the Israeli enemy to commit further crimes that it has not committed and that others might hesitate to carry out. However, the Israeli enemy crosses all red lines, violating all customs and laws. It pays no heed to any considerations valued by human society. Hence, the responsibility is immense for the Muslims and for the rest of humanity. The persistence of this Zionist criminality against the Palestinian people, with all that audacity and genocide, is a disgrace to human society. It is a disgrace that future generations will remember for all those who were negligent, complicit, or complacent. Only those who have acted to fulfil their humanitarian, moral, and faith-based duties in supporting the Palestinian people will be spared from this disgrace. The state of deafness and negligence that some try to adopt regarding these events does not absolve them of responsibility and does not mitigate the consequences, ramifications, and effects resulting from being neglectful and failing to fulfil one's responsibility.

The developments of this week, foremost of which is a terrible and serious scene seen that repeated itself, must not be met with disregard or negligence, including those videos recorded by criminal Israeli soldiers while tearing apart and burning copies of the Quran at a mosque that had been destroyed by the Israeli enemy and where many copies of the Quran had been torn apart due to the destruction and bombardment.

The Holy Quran, with its sanctity among Muslims, is regarded in reality as the most sacred of their sanctities as it is the Book of Allah (Glory be to Him). If many Muslims reach a point where they have no position or interaction and are not affected by the scene of the Sacred, Holy Quran being torn and burnt by its enemies, this is a very serious state. This alone unequivocally indicates that such a person no longer possesses even an atom of faith and that his affiliation with Islam has become merely superficial: an affiliation by name rather than a conscious, genuine, faith-based affiliation, reflected in his positions, commitments, actions, words, and deeds. This is indeed a very serious state. This state is what the enemy assesses when evaluating the reality of the Ummah and Muslims, as it is hostile towards them, harbouring hatred towards the Muslims and intending to cause them harm and evil. It has plans and programmes that it has been working on for a long time, continuously targeting them in various forms as part of schemes and conspiracies across all domains. When the connection of the Muslims to their most sacred sanctities, such as the Holy Quran, the Messenger (PBUH&F), and sacred places of worship, like the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the Prophet's destination of his night travel and holds great sanctity in Islam—when the connection of the Muslims to their sanctities, principles, and values weakens, this has serious impacts on them in all aspects. If the Ummah remains in a state of emptiness—that is, to be no longer connected to anything sacred to keep it and strive to uphold it—it becomes an ummah that has lost all elements of moral strength that connect it to Allah (Glory be to Him) and to His support, aid, message, guidance, and teachings. In reality, it also becomes vulnerable to being scattered, weak, oppressed, defeated, and beaten and to losing everything, and it may even neglect everything. A person who reaches this level can neglect everything; if he neglects the most sacred sanctities and the greatest pride in his affiliation, he can easily neglect his honour, dignity, homeland, and all other matters. This is a very serious state that Muslims must reconsider.

There is a significant responsibility upon religious scholars and those who educate others and engage in religious guidance, such as Friday preachers. They have a great responsibility to remind the Ummah of the seriousness of this matter and the negative consequences of remaining silent about it.

The scene of burning copies of the Quran, insulting the Quran, and tearing them by the Zionist Jews is of a frequent occurrence in various occasions and different events. The same is true when it comes to targeting the houses of worship, destroying the mosques, and tearing copies of the Quran, and at the forefront of what they target are mosques: the repeated incursions into the Sacred Al-Aqsa Mosque. As part of a planned and systematic program, they increase their incursions into it, desecrate its courtyards, and target worshippers and those stationed there with beatings, arrests, persecution, and so on. They keep committing these actions in a frequent way, and they are keen to document them. They also do some dancing in the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and use some expressions that mock Muslims, challenge them, and provoke them. In some cases, they direct insults against the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) while Muslims watch these scenes, almost becoming accustomed to them. One of the strategies employed by the Zionist Jews is to seek to tame Muslims to accept a step that is hostile and has a serious impact on the Islamic Ummah before moving to another step.

They now speak about something more alarming than the issue of the repeated storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as one of their wicked criminals talked about the plan to build a Jewish synagogue in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is only through carrying out jihad, taking serious action, and adopting a sincere position that Muslims should respond to this step according to their religious duty and responsibility. However, this has been met with silence and inaction by the governments, elites, and even peoples of most countries. This is a notable and extremely serious state, one that the enemy can observe in assessing the reality of the Ummah. How would the enemy view such peoples and regimes when it notices that they remain silent in the face of all these actions? They maintain silence amidst the tearing and burning of the Holy Quran. They show no response to the threats against the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is stormed almost daily, and then they choose to remain silent even in the face of this exceedingly foolish and bad step. The enemy will perceive in them a state of surrender, humiliation, submission, cowardice, fear, and indifference, realizing that they no longer hold reverence for their religion, the principles of Islam, their values, their Quran, their Prophet, and their sanctities. This will embolden the enemy, encourage it further, and intensify its covetousness. The enemy will regard them as an ummah, peoples, or regimes that are easy to control because they live in a state of defeat, humiliation, and fear and hold no reverence for the Quran, the Prophet, the sanctities, Islamic principles, and Islam as a whole! Consequently, this will embolden their enemy more and further fuel its ambitions.

There is grave peril in being negligent towards all of this, and this has consequences in terms of divine retribution. Muslims are in a position of immense responsibility; they have a responsibility to be the ummah that moves in accordance with the message of Allah, and it is only then that Allah grants them His support, victory, assistance, and help. However, they have neglected this responsibility: They have turned away from fulfilling this responsibly and moving with it among other nations and peoples. They have even neglected to adhere to it at the moral, social, and political levels, as well as in their various affairs. Subsequently, they no longer pay attention to what is happening to them in terms of being targeted in the most crucial aspects related to their sanctities and other things. Therefore, this state is grave and can subject the Ummah to divine retribution. Indeed, it can lead to very serious consequences. Furthermore, it can affect the reality of peoples and regimes as well. Among its negative impacts on them are that the enemy will be emboldened to attack them and that Allah (Glory be to Him) will forsake them and grant them no success.

As for what some may imagine, their state of complacency, silence, disregard, and evasion of responsibility will serve them somehow in the face of the enemies—that is, this will make them satisfied –they will never be satisfied with them. Even when it comes to those who have become complicit with them and support them in various ways, including their explicit and clear support in the media—as you can see that their media outlets act as if they were Israeli media outlets that have nothing related to Arabs except the name and the Arabic language, while the content is Israeli—reflecting on their reality, although they think that they have secured their future with the enemies of this Ummah, proves that they are wrong and deluded. They neither learn from history and what the Islamic Ummah has experienced throughout its long history, nor do they heed what Allah says in the Holy Quran, which are truths that never fail. Allah says, {‘Here you are! You love them but they do not love you’}[Ali ‘Imran 3:119]. He says about them, {'Their only desire is to see you suffer'}[Ali 'Imran 3:118]—they wish to inflict the greatest, most severe, and utmost harm upon you, even when you have feelings of love towards them. In fact, no one should ever love them. Given their horrific, criminal, ugly, despicable, and heinous nature, how come that some people still love them?! However, even when someone loves them, they never reciprocate those feelings of love. Instead, they maintain feelings of hatred, spite, loathing, and contempt. They do not even acknowledge Arabs who love them as human beings; they do not recognize as human beings those who love them among certain Arab regimes, governments, or even within the peoples. Indeed, they are viewed merely as animals whose blood, honour, and wealth can be freely exploited, and there are no qualms about exploiting them to the extent they can.

Allah (Glory be to Him) has informed us of how they view others and what they say: {'There is no blame upon us concerning the Gentiles'}[Ali 'Imran 3:75]—absolute exploitation. Even before adopting any position or affiliating to Islam, you are among those they consider permissible for exploitation—your blood, honour, and wealth. Alongside this, they harbour hatred, audacity, and greed; this is really their view. When Allah (Glory be to Him) described them in the Qur'an, He said,{'Allah knows best who your enemies are'}[An-Nisa 4:45]. He is the most knowledgeable about them and the most truthful in what He says about them. {'Say, "Allah speaks the truth"'}[Ali 'Imran 3:95].

The criminality, aggression, and genocide perpetrated by the Israeli enemy in the Gaza Strip continue. During this week—which marks the forty-seventh week (almost a year) and the end of the eleventh month—the number of martyrs and missing persons has reached over fifty thousand, and the number of injured individuals has exceeded ninety thousand, approaching one hundred thousand. Additionally, many fall outside the scope of statistics. The data is not comprehensive or accurate because there are cases that may not be recorded while counting and making statistics, giving the immense scale of destruction and the complete devastation of residential areas upon their civil inhabitants.

This week, the total number of massacres, including those carried out during all previous weeks, has reached approximately three thousand five hundred and seventy. Each massacre is considered an act of genocide and a horrific crime. Who is targeted with these massacres? It is children and women. The majority of the martyrs in these massacres are children and women. Therefore, the audacity of the enemy and its continued acts of aggression represent a historical shame for Muslims and others:

  • There are horrific, deeply painful daily scenes of the Palestinian people being exterminated, including scenes of killing children and women and tearing them apart by American bombs and weapons of death and destruction provided by the Americans to the Israelis.
  • There is the extremely painful situation of severe and ongoing starvation among the Palestinian people, as they are starving in the Gaza Strip. Nonetheless, some Arab regimes and Islamic countries daily provide various food items and fruits to the Israeli enemy!
  • There are painful and distressing scenes of the Palestinian people suffering from epidemics caused by killings, widespread destruction, infrastructure devastation, lack of sanitation, and decaying corpses, among other factors that contribute to the spread of epidemics. Indeed, the epidemics are ravaging the Palestinian people and causing great suffering.
  • Diseases are also spreading.
  • This is not to mention the tens of thousands of wounded individuals who have no access to medical services.

This week, the escalation of the Israeli enemy has also extended to the West Bank, although its assaults there have never stopped. In fact, this is being broadcast on television. However, this is the largest escalation it has pursued in the last twenty-two years, since the operation it referred to at that time as 'the Operation of the Defensive Shield'. There is a major escalation, with an attack by a military unit, launched in the northern West Bank, targeting several cities and camps there. In the same brutal and criminal Israeli manner, from the very start, they targeted hospitals, which have been besieged and attacked, and then turned to destroy homes and mosques, bulldoze streets, and inflict destruction on water and electricity infrastructure, among other things. Everything is being targeted.

The aggression at this level in the West Bank, along with what the enemy is doing in Al-Quds and the Gaza Strip, clearly illustrates the true and actual orientation of the Israeli enemy, supported by American protection, assistance, and partnership. The Israeli enemy is attempting to create a new scenario in Palestine. We also see clear complicity from some Arab regimes that wish for it to achieve its nefarious, criminal ambitions in order to get into the stage of what they call 'normalisation'. However, this stage represents open and clear allegiance that has already become evident; they want this to occur as an alliance, breaking down all barriers and proceeding with the rest of the steps. This is what they desire.

The Americans play a fundamental role in the Israeli criminality: in everything the Israeli enemy does, in every step it takes, and in all that it pursues further, be it crimes, aggressive and provocative actions, or even the targeting of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Americans play a fundamental role in this aggression carried out by the Israeli enemy, which commits genocidal crimes and the most heinous atrocities against the Palestinian people. Indeed, they are a partner in these crimes, both in terms of actions and planning, through the military experts they have sent to be involved in everything that happens and in everything that takes place. In terms of providing material support and means of killing and destruction, they are the ones providing thousands of shipments, including thousands of bombs, which are sent successively via air and sea bridges to the Israeli enemy to kill children and women and to commit wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. Nevertheless, they do not cease to provide the most lethal weapons for killing children and women. This, alongside what happened in the past, serves as continuous and recurring daily testament to the Americans' criminality, brutality, aggression, and violation of all laws and considerations, as they show no regard for human rights or anything else. This is true considering what they have done to other countries, peoples, and nations, as well as what they are currently doing with the Israeli enemy in the Gaza Strip.

In addition, they are also the ones who consistently provide political support to deceive public opinion. How much effort has been made during this phase in an attempt to contain the retaliation of Hezbollah and Iran? Steps are taken under the guise of political initiatives, dialogues, and negotiations, as if the matter were serious. Yet they become exposed, along with the Israelis, as this all aims at deceiving public opinion. Knowing that neither Hamas nor the Palestinian people will fall for it, they seek to mislead public opinion: {'Satan only makes them [false] promises and deludes them with [empty] hopes. Truly, Satan promises them nothing but delusion'}[An-Nisa 4:120]. It is nothing but delusion and deceit of public opinion.

Furthermore, in terms of protecting the Israeli enemy, they exert every effort to protect it, enabling it to continue its crimes: the genocide against the Palestinian people and the starvation of the Palestinian people. They also attempt to thwart any efforts to assist or support the Palestinian people, even on a humanitarian level. They introduced their so-called 'floating pier' as a substitute for the Rafah crossing, but it amounts to nothing: Neither does the dock provide services, nor does it deliver food or anything else

In fact, the situation clearly reveals the scandal of the deeply flawed American position. They constantly seeks to exert pressure on the axis, perpetually targeting the Islamic Republic of Iran, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Yemen, and all fronts, including Iraq. They attempt to silence any voice, any activity, any position, or any movement that supports the Palestinian people.

Additionally, when we consider the position of the United Nations, what role does it play? Is there any genuine, effective support for the Palestinian people? Even the statements and data issued by United Nations officials have equated the victim with the perpetrator. Indeed, their expressions regarding the situation in Gaza have become carefully curated. Some even refer to the Palestinian people as terrorists, labelling those who defend their people, country, land, and rights—those who stand against aggression and crimes of genocide—as terrorists!

In the face of all this, Palestinian resilience continues. The Palestinian people and their mujahidin show great steadfastness that is unparalleled, providing a lesson to all humanity. They are embarking on an epic that will remain eternal through the ages and lead to outcomes, effects, and impacts that Allah (the Almighty) will bless to bring about victory and relief by His will.

After three hundred and twenty-four days, the Al-Qassam Brigades launched a missile towards occupied Jaffa, which the enemy calls Tel Aviv, and this missile reached its target without being intercepted by the enemy. This comes after all that the Israeli enemy has done and continues to do in the Gaza Strip, while the Al-Qassam Brigades exhibits this level of cohesion, steadfastness, strength, effectiveness, and resilience in facing the Israeli enemy. The same is true for the Al-Quds Brigades and the rest of the factions of mujahidin in Gaza, who, alongside the Al-Qassam Brigades, carry out those joint and non-joint operations with high effectiveness and great resilience.

The Al-Qassam Brigades and other factions have conducted dozens of operations this week, ranging from raids to direct confrontations with the Israeli enemy. These operations were documented and shared in video footage, including detonating minefields targeting enemy soldiers, detonating tunnel entrances, and carrying out shelling operations with mortars, rockets, and more. This is not to mention inflicting suffering on the enemy by carrying out sniper operations, which have become a potent and powerful weapon against the enemy and proved effective in countering it.

Regarding the support fronts, starting with Hezbollah, it carried out its retaliatory operation, overcoming the significant pressures exerted on Lebanon in general, on the official side, and on Hezbollah itself. It overcame all pressures and all attempts to contain its response, delivering a strong blow to the Israeli enemy. Nevertheless, the file remains open for evaluation based on the results, as mentioned in the speech of Al-Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (May Allah protect him).

Hezbollah's front is a very active front in terms of the continuous daily support, with constant daily strikes that, along with the daily losses they inflict on the Israeli enemy, have created significant problems for the enemy. These significant problems include driving away tens of thousands of Zionist occupiers from northern Palestine, preventing them from having any stability in northern Palestine, along the Lebanese borders, and disrupting their factories and various economic activities, such as agriculture and tourism.

This has a significant impact, generally affecting the Israeli enemy. It serves also as a front of humiliation for the Israeli enemy. The Israeli enemy feels humiliated, as expressed by Israeli leaders, attributing it to Hezbollah's boldness and the persistence of its daily strikes, which inflict suffering on them, destroy their sites, and cause losses including fatalities, injuries, destruction, economic damage, and more.

With regards to the Iraqi support front, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has conducted operations this week, including operations directed towards occupied Haifa and occupied Umm Al-Rashrash.

Regarding the Iranian retaliation, leaders in the Islamic Republic of Iran constantly and repeatedly affirm the inevitability of retaliation, and this has become clear. The Americans are in a heightened state of alert, trying to contain the Iranian retaliation. They are also attempting to make some Arab regimes, as well as Western and European entities, join in obstructing and countering the Iranian retaliation and protecting the Israeli enemy.

It is very unfortunate that some of the Arab regimes are indeed heading in this direction, collaborating with the Americans in their efforts to counter the Iranian retaliation and protect the Israeli enemy. This is a betrayal: a betrayal of Allah, His Messenger, Islam, the Muslims, the Arabism, the Ummah, and the Palestinian people. This is also a direct contribution to supporting and backing the Israeli enemy, which is a very serious thing.

Regarding demonstrations and protests in many countries around the world, they continue to take place. Unfortunately, they are more prevalent in non-Islamic countries than in most Arab and Islamic countries, with the exception of three Arab countries. This week has seen continued protests and demonstrations in Spain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Britain, America, Denmark, Japan, and Cyprus. Some of these protests are facing repression in America, Britain, and many European countries, as these protests are being targeted. They are no longer interested in the issue of freedom to protest, freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, and the like. They have erased all freedoms and considered them to be no longer applicable. All this is for the sake of the Zionist Israeli enemy and for the benefit of Zionism. However, there is a determination to continue this path. There are voices that are free and driven by a humanitarian motive continue to be heard in many countries.

Regarding student activities, with universities in America resuming their activities, students have resumed their activities to express opposition to the genocide against the Palestinian people. Despite facing repression, targeting, and excessive harassment, student activities are resumed once again.

Regarding Muslim countries, there have been demonstrations and protests in Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as in Jordan and the Arab Maghreb. However, in most other Arab and Muslim countries, we see nothing but silence, stagnation, inactivity, and disregard for what is happening, which is quite regrettable. The primary reason, as we all know, is the regimes and governments that play a role in allowing this state to prevail among their peoples and suppress their peoples.

Regarding the support front in Yemen (the Yemen of faith) in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad, this week has seen high-level and significant operations carried out by the Naval Forces. Among these [operations] is the raid on the ship Sounion. This ship violated the ban and was carrying shipments for the Israeli enemy, leading to this bold and courageous operation, which is a significant jihadist operation. Two teams from the Naval Forces conducted the raid on the ship in two stages and operations and destroyed its cargo. They also targeted the ship itself, as they planted explosives and detonated them. The operation, with such an impactful scene, was documented, proving the American claims of deterring Yemeni operations in support of the Palestinian people to be false.

These operations continue with this level of effectiveness and presence, even though targeting ships in the Red Sea has become rare due to the decreased number of ships linked to the Israeli enemy or associated with America or Britain. The Americans and those companies dealing with the Israeli enemy have significantly altered their routes, moving far away, even to the farthest parts of the Indian Ocean—not even the closer parts near the Arabian Sea, Socotra, or other areas. Such routes are far away even from Africa, as they move near other countries to avoid Yemen by vast distances, resorting to smuggling and incurring significant costs. They then head to some remote and distant African countries. This is the current situation regarding their shipping movements. As for the effectiveness of Yemeni operations, they continue to have a strong presence, even to the extent of conducting direct military raids by naval forces on ships and destroying them and their cargo. Additionally, there has been another operation targeting another ship carrying bulk goods.

The effectiveness of the operations has reached such a level where American and British military officers and leaders, as well as the Israeli enemy, acknowledged how very effective and even decisive and dominant the operations are. The level of control has become evident in preventing ships associated with the Israeli enemy from passing through and in directly targeting and destroying them with great effectiveness. The impact on the enemies' economies is escalating, affecting the Israeli enemy, America, and Britain, with the impact continuing to grow.

Regarding the preparation for retaliation, it is ongoing, and the timing will, Allah willing, be a surprise to the enemy. While we are focused on the retaliation, our concern goes beyond that, as we are committed to improving our operational performance in support of the Palestinian people to levels that will have an even greater impact on the Israeli enemy.

As I have said on many occasions and in numerous statements, there is no political limit, nor any other considerations, that can restrict the level of our operations. We will act at any level of operations we are capable of without hesitation. Therefore, we are relentlessly striving—with reliance on and trust in Allah—to develop our capabilities in an effective, so that we can play a more effective and impactful role in targeting the Israeli enemy and in supporting the Palestinian people. Despite everything we have done and continue to do, and despite the unparalleled efforts of our people, we are deeply in pain that we have not yet reached the level we hope for and desire. We are striving to reach a position that more strongly supports the Palestinian people and has a greater impact on the Israeli enemy.

This is in spite of the fact that it suffers a lot. At the economic level, we see the complete closure of the port of Umm Al-Rashrash due to the Yemeni military operations that Allah granted support and victory. In fact, this has inflicted huge losses on the enemy. Forty percent, or even more, of its maritime navigation activities has stopped. The Bab Al-Mandab strait is completely closed in its face. There are far-reaching effects the enemy itself spoke about and acknowledged, as well as America and Britain, which have failed and continue to face failure in spite of their military involvement and airstrikes they kept carrying out on a weekly basis—even this week and the week before.

With the help of Allah, tireless efforts are being made to enhance our capabilities so that we can move to a position that inflicts a greater impact on the Israeli enemy and is more supportive for the Palestinian people. Thus, there is no political or any other considerations that can influence our operations or our decision. All we care about is to do whatever in our power out of obedience to Allah (Glory be to Him). We do consider this to be part of holly jihad and to represent a religious, moral, and humanitarian responsibility, under all considerations.

Regarding the public activities, they continue despite heavy rainfall, thanks to Allah, the Almighty. The weekly million-man turnout last Friday were in 361 squares, such a large number! Despite the rain in most governorates and its impact on the roads, especially in rural areas, the turnout was nothing less than a massive and enormous turnout that enjoyed the participation of millions, and it took place in 361 squares, starting from Al-Sabeen Square in the capital Sana'a and extending to other governorates and districts.

In the capital Sana'a and in some governorates and districts, our Yemeni people gathered during heavy rain and storm water, coming together in huge numbers. The scene in Al-Sabeen Square in the capital and in some governorates was touching, reflecting loyalty, awareness, and determination to continue under all circumstances while seeking reward from Allah (the Almighty) and striving for His pleasure. Even the wounded were seen moving in their wheelchairs, navigating through storm water, making their way to the gathering place in Al-Sabeen Square. Some others were walking with crutches. The overall atmosphere and expressions on the faces of the attendees showed contentment and resolve to continue, seeking Allah's reward. There was no complaint or dissatisfaction; rather, people were happy that they were fulfilling their jihad duty and seeking the pleasure of Allah. Some young people offered their umbrellas to the elderly. The impactful and expressive scenes were numerous, with crowds gathering under the heavy rain and continuing to chant and fulfilling this sacred and great duty, which is part of our people's jihad in the path of Allah. This comes within a comprehensive position that involves moving in all fields and at all levels to support the Palestinian people.

In this context, regarding the blessing of rain, first and foremost, we thank Allah, the Almighty, for He has blessed us in this country with abundant rain that has covered all governorates. This is a great blessing from Allah, the Almighty. However, the unfortunate and painful disasters that sometimes occur and lead to fatalities—in this regard, we extend our condolences and sympathies to all the families who have lost their dear ones in the disasters that have occurred. Many people especially in some governorates suffered significant damage. This occurs due to several factors. One of these factors is the unplanned construction of houses in the paths of storm water. Additionally, when water barriers collapse, this can cause extensive damage to residential areas and lead to harm.

There should be significant cooperation among all official entities, as well as with public entities, the people, to help the affected ones and work to avoid some of the harm that continued rainfall may cause, as is the case with what exists in the paths of rain water, weak constructions, or the like of things that are likely to face such issues. Efforts should be made to avoid any harm as much as possible, because the problem lies with humans, not with this great blessing that Allah bestows upon our dare people. The cooperation in assisting the affected should rise to the required level, as it is a humanitarian, moral, and religious imperative. Additionally, attention should be given to the importance of agriculture and seizing the opportunity presented by this great blessing: the blessing of rain. Attention should be given to taking care of agriculture and afforestation.

Awareness of the importance of urban planning is also important, as unplanned activities and construction lead to many problems. One of these problems is the disasters that can occur in such times, resulting in fatalities, significant harm, great suffering, and big losses. Therefore, awareness of the importance of urban planning in construction is essential for responding positively and with understanding to urban planning efforts made by official entities. People should respond positively and cooperate with these entities to avoid any loss or harm, ensuring that the atmosphere during such divine blessings remains positive, free from tragedies and disasters.

It is also important to plan for irrigation channels, creating more irrigation systems and barriers in appropriate locations where no harm could be caused to residents if they collapsed, as well as building more reservoirs and dams. This will enable us to benefit more from this great blessing.

Nonetheless, the million-strong turnout, despite heavy rainfall, reflects loyalty, sincerity, and steadfastness. By continuing their efforts under all conditions and circumstances, the Yemeni people will (by the will of Allah) earn the privilege of loyalty, values, and good morals in this great test that the entire Ummah, all Islamic countries, is going through. That is because they have practically demonstrated their sincerity and loyalty with Allah (the Almighty) and their commitment to their principles and values under all circumstances.

The developments we have discussed regarding the actions of the Israeli enemy in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and Al-Quds, as well as its continued crimes in the Gaza Strip, must be met with increased determination, resolve, steadfastness, and escalation. This is part of our faith; the situation calls for perseverance, not just patience. Allah (the Almighty) has told us in the Holy Quran, {'O believers! Patiently endure, persevere, stand on guard, and be mindful of Allah, so you may be successful'}[Ali 'Imran 3:200]. Success and achieving the great and important goals that Allah has promised, come with patience and perseverance. The more we need to strengthen our position, determination, effort, or work, and to continue in a specific endeavour, the more we attain the pleasure of Allah (the Almighty), which leads to goodness in this world and the Hereafter, along with significant and great outcomes.

There is a Prophetic hadith that says, 'The believer is like a piece of gold that becomes purer and clearer whenever it is heated in fire.' This is how a believer is: In the face of hardships, challenges, and dangers, he shows more steadfastness, purity, sincerity, and faithfulness. He even gets rid of impurities and achieves greater transcendence at the level of his faith, awareness, morals, and values. His soul becomes more purified. Therefore, his path becomes one of transcendence, and he keeps growing in faith.

The deeds that are pleasing to Allah and represent jihad in His cause are significant for drawing closer to Him. Therefore, one should not grow weary, lose interest, or get too satisfied with what he has done, viewing it as a liability or a burden. Instead, whenever you increase in good deeds, great actions, and righteous positions, which are part of your jihad in the path of Allah, remember that your faith increases and your closeness to Allah grows. You are drawing closer and closer to Allah, gaining more and more rewards from Him (the Almighty) and securing your eternal future, which is certain and inevitable. For sure, you are heading toward that future and need to secure it from now in this worldly life. So this holds great importance in drawing closer to Allah.

This also has to do with building souls. Some people may begin their journey while almost forcing themselves and almost reluctant to take even the simplest steps in the path of Allah, but with time, they grow in their spiritual reality and self-purification. They become more eager to do good and great deeds and to take positions that draw them closer to Allah, the Almighty. Their determination grows, and their mindset expands. They overcome the state of being small-minded, lacking determination, and living in a state of excessive laziness, sluggishness, and apathy. Their laziness turns into determination, activity, and vitality. They gain the will to take serious action, and thus they achieve more transcendence even within their own souls.

The same is also true for building capabilities. That is why our dear people are developing their capabilities within this position in a way that will greatly surprise the enemy, by the will of Allah. They have already surprised the enemy significantly: For the first time, ballistic missiles are used to strike moving targets at sea with precision. This has greatly astonished the enemy, and there are more coming surprises that, by the will of Allah, the enemy can never anticipate or consider at all.

This also has to do with raising the level of one's proactive spirit, which is important, as people become accustomed to making effort, showing patience, giving, remaining active, and taking action. This is among the most essential things our people need as they face challenges. The aggression that we see taking place against the Palestinian people by the Israeli enemy can happen similarly or even more against all nations. We are a targeted ummah. Even Trump, in his election campaign in America, expresses his regret that Palestine is small for the Israeli enemy, stating that it needs a larger area and must expand and that it should be assisted to expand more and more. Our nations have largely become a target for American, Israeli, and Western greed, as they seek to control us. This is accompanied with intense hatred and animosity—the kind of animosity embodied in the Zionist approach against our Ummah. Therefore, our Ummah is targeted, and when our peoples build their psychological and practical reality and strive to rise to the level of facing challenges, in their relationship with Allah (the Almighty), in their faith, awareness, and proactive spirit, and in their military capabilities, this is beneficial. This is why when Allah commands us as believers to engage in jihad, He says, {'That is better for you, if you only knew'}[As-Saf 61:11]. Indeed, the Ummah needs to be built at the level of souls; at the level of proactive spirit; at the level of giving, making efforts, and taking serious action; at the level of what we say and do; and at the level of capabilities and endeavours. This is very, very, very important!

The situation calls for mobilization, action, jihad, and construction, as Allah (the Almighty) said, {'Mobilize, light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and yourselves in the way of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew'}[At-Tawbah 9:41]. The promising future and the divine promise that does not change or fail is for those who respond to Allah, who believe in Him, trust in His wisdom and mercy, and knowledge, and believe that all good lies in what He commands, calls for, and guides towards. It is for those who trust in the resulting outcomes He grants for His responding servants. The future is in their favour, while disappointment and loss are for the munafiqin [the hypocrites] and those who wait for misfortune to befall the responding believers. Upon them will be a misfortune of evil, as Allah has made clear in the Holy Quran. Therefore, no matter the developments, tragedies, and suffering, they will not change the certainties that Allah has promised regarding the demise and end of the Israeli enemy and the disappointment of all the munafiqin who are linked to it and who did not trust in Allah’s promise and based their actions on their false assumptions that there is no way but to adapt to this enemy and stand by its side.

I call upon our dear people, the Yemen of faith and loyalty, to take to the streets in millions tomorrow (Friday), Allah willing, in the capital Sana'a and in the rest of the governorates and districts, according to the approved arrangements.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) said to your Ansar fathers, 'You are abundant in times of fear and scarce in times of greed.' This is great and honourable credit. And you, our dear people (the Yemen of faith and jihad), follow in the footsteps of your forefathers, the Ansar: You come in abundance when responsibility requires so and fill the squares to fulfil your religious duties of faith and jihad. While others gather in abundance in the parties of dancing and disgrace that they call 'entertainment', you gather in the fields that have to do with taking action, the fields of jihad, and the fields of honour.

I ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us and you success in seeking what pleases Him, and to hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin. O Allah (Glory be to You), grant us victory, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. You are All-Hearing!

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

#Yemen #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 3 months
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