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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Hezbollah's Strikes Turn Israeli Aggression into a Military and Security Setback

Middle East: Hezbollah has turned the Zionist enemy’s satisfaction with its recent crimes in Lebanon into a new security and military setback.


The Islamic Resistance carried out several unprecedented operations targeting sensitive Israeli sites and bases in Haifa with missiles never used before. These strikes shattered the noise the enemy had tried to create through assassinations and the destruction of communication devices to impose “deterrence.” The attacks demonstrated that any escalation against Lebanon will always backfire, reinforcing Hezbollah’s support operations and making it impossible for settlers to return to northern occupied Palestine without halting the genocide in Gaza.

The operations, conducted by Hezbollah early Sunday morning, targeted the strategic Ramat David military base and the Rafael military industries complex, specializing in electronic systems, located in occupied Haifa. These strikes used new missiles, (Fadi 1) and (Fadi 2), as well as Katyusha rockets, achieving precise hits that were documented by Zionist settlers in the targeted areas, including the military base, causing significant damage.

Hezbollah confirmed that these new strikes were in response to repeated Israeli attacks and the massacre involving the destruction of communication devices. The enemy had attempted—along with its assassinations—to create an image of “deterrence” and instill confusion within the Islamic Resistance, hoping to regain the initiative it had lost over the past year on the northern front.

These swift responses quickly nullified whatever gains the enemy sought through its aggressions. While the Israeli enemy was talking about changing the shape of the region and promoting its ability to carry out wide-ranging security operations in Lebanon, including the idea of "penetrating Hezbollah," the strikes on Haifa clearly demonstrated that the deterrence the enemy had lost is irreparable, and any gains it could achieve through aggressive escalation in Lebanon amount to temporary media noise with no real achievements to build on.

The enemy had believed it could trap Hezbollah between the difficult choices of either full-scale war or continuing under the usual rules of engagement. However, Hezbollah quickly proved that its options are far more diverse than the enemy assumed, with many dimensions to the "escalation for escalation" strategy, maintaining the balance of power.

The targeting of the Ramat David base conveyed this message clearly. Hezbollah had previously released aerial footage documented by its reconnaissance drone, Al-Hudhud, showing the military base with astonishing intelligence detail. Considering that this is the only airbase in northern occupied Palestine, surrounded by advanced monitoring and defense systems, its targeting now sends a clear message that the Islamic Resistance is well-prepared, with substantial responses ready for any aggression, even before it happens. 

This is a slap in the face to the enemy, which had tried to create confusion within the Resistance through recent security breaches and the accompanying media hype. The base’s targeting showcased Hezbollah’s operational coherence and full readiness.

In comparison with the main declared objectives of the Zionist escalation against Lebanon—namely, returning settlers to northern occupied Palestine and forcing Hezbollah to halt its support for Gaza—the Islamic Resistance’s strikes represent a severe humiliation for the enemy, especially for Netanyahu personally. 

These strikes not only demonstrated the impossibility of achieving those objectives but also forced hundreds of thousands of settlers into shelters for the first time, confronting the possibility of joining those who have already fled from the north, losing everything in the process. Israeli media outlets have clearly expressed the unprecedented escalation this represents.

The introduction of new missiles (Fadi 1 and Fadi 2) in the operations also delivered a strong blow to the enemy, which had previously promoted propaganda about destroying large numbers of missile platforms in southern Lebanon. The effectiveness of these new missiles has quickly demonstrated that relying on the destruction of Hezbollah’s military capabilities is no more realistic than relying on assassinations and massacres.

These missiles aren’t even from the category of “precision missiles,” as confirmed by military sources in Hezbollah, reminding settlers of a reality the enemy tried to distract them from—that what has been used so far is just a small part of Hezbollah’s arsenal compared to what remains unused.

The targeting of the military industrial complex also delivered another blow to the enemy, which had tried to promote the idea of its unbeatable technological superiority. This strike clearly demonstrated that there are numerous ways to counter advanced military technology, including destroying its infrastructure.

In conclusion, Hezbollah’s new strikes represented reality confronting propaganda. It’s evident that all the “gains” the enemy hoped to achieve through its aggressive escalation in Lebanon were based mainly on promotion and intimidation. As soon as the Islamic Resistance responded, all that dissipated, and not only did things return to their previous state, but the enemy’s dilemma concerning its inability to deter Hezbollah and return the settlers (real and not just rhetorical problems) became far worse.

Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, had previously made it clear that the standard will be the battlefield, stating, “The news will be what you see, not what you hear.” This shows the depth of the Islamic Resistance leadership’s knowledge of the enemy, its methods, and its preparedness to deal with it in a way that guarantees even the enemy’s propaganda gains will be thwarted.


Translated by Almasirah English website

#Palestine #Israel #Hezbollah About 3 hours
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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