This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.
O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
This achievement, which is an achievement of our Yemeni people, is a self-earned achievement in every sense of the word: It is our people who made that decision and embarked on it. The goals within this achievement were the ones pursued by our dear people, as they belonged to them and reflected their hopes, aspirations, and orientations. The same applies to the revolutionary activities and significant actions. In other words, all activities and positions that took place within the framework of the 21st of September Revolution were Yemeni in origin, without any external influence or interference. Therefore, this achievement is an achievement of our Yemeni people, and it is a great achievement in every sense of the word. It has led to outcomes of great importance, and its future impacts and extensions will, Allah willing, fulfill all the hopes of our dear Muslim Yemeni people. Ten years have passed since that historical achievement, during which our dear people have preserved their accomplishment, faced challenges, and continued to do so. They have also achieved important accomplishments despite the magnitude of challenges.
The opposition to the 21st of September Revolution is led by the Americans and the Israelis. The Americans are the biggest loser as a result of the 21st of September Revolution, because they lost their direct control over our country, which was then under trusteeship. The same was true for its allies and supporters, who were united under the banner and in the framework of the 'Ten Countries' and under what they called Chapter VII, which approved the control imposed by the Americans along with those alliances supporting and backing them. Thus, America is at the forefront of those opposing the 21st of September Revolution because it has suffered a great loss and is the primary affected considering its arrogant ambitions, its ambitions for complete control over the country, exploitation of the country's resources, and the enslavement of our dear people.
The same was true for Israel. Its position at the time was clear in its enmity against the revolution of our dear people on the 21st of September and in its concern about it, to the extent that it considered the revolution more dangerous than the Iranian nuclear threat. The criminal Netanyahu, entities, and leaders of the Israeli enemy were clear in their statements and positions regarding this, as they expressed their great annoyance and deep concern about the revolution of our dear people—the revolution in which our people achieved victory and realised a sacred, great, and significant goal, which is true freedom and independence. Therefore, our dear people have found themselves under comprehensive aggression over the past years by America, Israel, and those who follow them, support them, cooperate with them, and align themselves with them, including some Arab regimes and regional powers, as well as their proxies from within the country. Everything in the country was targeted, and the aggressors committed the most heinous crimes and imposed a complete blockade on our dear people. What happened over all these past years is well known and for the sake of enabling the Americans to regain control over our country through their tools who committed criminal and sinful acts of arrogance and aggression against our people.
When reflecting on others with an opposing position, the truth becomes clear that they are led by America and Israel. When it comes to those who acted as collaborators and allies with the Americans and turned to serve them, all they did, sought, and exhausted themselves for during the past ten years was aimed at restoring American control over the country once again. All their aggression, conspiracies, and hostile activities in all their forms and types, across various fronts—militarily, economically, politically, and in the media—were aimed at serving America and reimposing its control over this country and its people. They had no other project but the project of occupation, control, and the confiscation of our people's freedom and independence. This was their practical programme that attracted all their effort and attention. They endured a huge cost in terms of money, effort, and human lives blood as they tried to achieve that: to bring this country back under direct American control, to subjugate it once again to foreign occupation, and to strip our people of their freedom and independence. But they failed. In fact, our dear people have preserved this achievement, at least in these densely populated governorates, with a majority of the population, representing the strategic depth of the country.
The 21st of September Revolution is firmly rooted, no matter the extent of conspiracies, wars, and targeting and no matter the magnitude of the media onslaught, considering what the enemies possess of vast resources, capabilities, material means, and military capabilities among other things. The ultimate outcome of all their actions is failure. This revolution is steadfast and deeply rooted. Why is that? It is because, as I have said, it is an achievement made by the people and reflects their hopes, goals, aspirations, will, what they seek and desire, and what they strive for. Its first and greatest objective is to achieve freedom and independence that go in line with our dear people's affiliation to Islam.
Our Yemeni people are a free Muslim people, and the declaration of faith—which reads 'I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His servant and messenger'—is a very great principle that truly expresses freedom in its correct sense. Our people refuse to be enslaved by anyone but Allah. They refuse to be subjugated by any party, entity, or power in this world other than Allah, the Sovereign of the worlds, the Lord of the worlds, and the Deity of all people. For this reason, this sacred goal—freedom and independence in their true sense—stands at the forefront of the goals of this blessed revolution.
It is evident that our dear people, in light of this orientation and within the framework of this blessed revolution, are achieving this goal and are living it in reality. Over these ten years, our dear Yemeni people have distinguished themselves among various peoples with their freedom and independence. This was evident in their free orientations and free positions. Their situation was not like that of most Arab countries, whose rulers submit to American will and control in terms of orientations, policies, positions, decisions, and more. This is a clear reality, and what made it even more evident is what is happening in Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip. It revealed the extent of the subordination and submission of the regimes and rulers of most Arab countries who appeared fully subservient to American will, directions, and orders. They did not move within the framework of their Islamic, historical, humanitarian, and national responsibility to support the Palestinian people. Additionally, the state of many regimes became clear in many aspects, which also revealed the state experienced by their peoples as a result of their control over the political decision there. Indeed, the reality clearly bears witness to this.
Moreover, in the reality of our people and our country, it is clear that the state after the twenty-first of September is different from the one before. Prior to the twenty-first of September, ten years ago in Sana'a, the American ambassador was the one who held the greatest influence regarding official matters across various state institutions. He was indeed the primary decision-maker, the foremost authority, dictating to everyone what he wished and desired. He used to impose his will in all fields, including the education, security, military, and economy fields. But after that, he lost his authority entirely and fled the country, accompanied by the Marines who were stationed at their base near the American embassy in Sana'a at that time. As their base, they took control of it and began to dictate official and political decisions of the country from the heart of the capital, Sana'a. After that, the situation changed completely; the Americans indeed lost their control, influence, authority, and so on. They continued to operate only through cells, and whenever a cell was discovered and exposed, their hidden influence gradually diminished.
Similarly, regarding the sons of the country who have succumbed to treachery and betrayal, and who have submitted to the coalition of aggression, their reality is entirely different from that of their fellows who have taken a free, honourable, and independent position. They possess no power to make a decision or a choice; they completely submit and yield to American dictates imposed upon the allied regional regimes leading the coalition. These regimes keep commanding them as they wish and imposing whatever they want on them. They direct them wherever they wish and exert control over them under American, Israeli, and British supervision. Indeed, this is clear.
In fact, the difference between the two states is as stark as the difference between night and day; the situation is clear and entirely distinct. Our dear people, within this direction and this blessed revolution, enjoy freedom and independence; they take positions dictated by their will, faith, and religious affiliation, as well as their religious, humanitarian, and faith-based responsibilities. They freely make their own decisions based on this, acting freely and choosing their own positions, without being dictated to by the Americans, Israelis, or their proxies. They indeed enjoy freedom, independence, dignity, and honour.
In addition, one of the important goals of this blessed revolution was to preserve the faith-based identity of our dear people, their great heritage, since our dear people have been awarded a significant badge of honour, as the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) said, 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites.' This is, in fact, a great honour and a testimony from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) regarding the deep-rooted faith of this dear people. Our people have initially embodied Islam through the positions of their fathers and grandfathers, the Ansar and the conquerors. Throughout history and to this day, they have consistently demonstrated their distinctive presence and commitment to their authentic belonging to faith. This is indeed a clear matter.
The American, Israeli, and Jewish targeting of the faith-based identity of our peoples, with our people at the forefront, is a clear issue. Indeed, it is a clear issue as they operate in all fields: at the cultural and intellectual level, at the level of corrupting values and morals, and at the level of controlling views and orientations, controlling everything, and instigating change in everything, even the simplest customs and traditions. There is a systematic and organised targeting within the framework of what is known as soft war. Similarly, hard war also shares the same purpose in this regard and is considered a reliable means in achieving what benefits this aspect and establishes a suitable foundation for it.
Our dear people has been suffering from targeting their faith-based identity through two strategies employed by the enemies. The first is the strategy of promoting decency, which aims at causing the Yemeni people and all the peoples of the Ummah to lose their faith-based belonging and their adherence to faith-based ethics and values. All the sons of the Ummah are targeted, including our dear people. Indeed, our dear people are targeted in their morals and values in a tremendously severe manner aimed at spreading decency and moral corruption. This is clear regarding the American and Israeli orientation, even more evident now than ever. They have reached a terrible and heinous level of shamelessness, impudence, and disgrace, as their sponsorship of homosexuality has become a declared and clear matter, for the sake of which policies, programmes, activities, and many measures have been adopted. Corruption is being spread in all its forms. Efforts are made to promote drugs and anything that facilitates the spread of corruption. Indeed, all of their policies, means, and methods serve and promote corruption. Therefore, this targeting is a real one, not mere propaganda against the enemies. It is something that is clearly noticed in the reality of the enemies, as they work on this.
One of the goals of the 21st of September Revolution was to preserve the faith-based identity of our dear people because it is their heritage that they cherish, and it is a source of honour, pride, and esteem for our dear people. The noble hadith of the Messenger of Allah, 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites,' is a great badge of honour bestowed upon our people, and it is a responsibility passed down through generations to uphold this affiliation and hold fast to it and its principles, values, morals, and what that requires in terms of the practical commitment.
Preserving this identity is really evident in the 21st of September Revolution, as it is a permanent state in the reality of our people through religious conservatism, commitment to faith, and adherence to the principles of their religion, and its ethics and values. In addition, this state is clearly seen in all activities, including educational, instructional, and awareness-raising activities, as well as at the level of policies, responsibilities, positions, and orientations. This is what clearly distinguishes our people. It is clear to all observers of what is happening in our country that it all aims at solidifying this faith-based affiliation, preserving it, and standing up to the hostile targeting of our dear people's faith-based identity by the enemies of Islam.
Similarly, centering around the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) involves consolidating the principle of holding the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&F) in great reverence and taking him as an example and a role model. This is a very prominent feature within our beloved people, as the focus on the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH&F) is one of the key and fundamental pillars of faith-based identity. This is quite clear. There is significant and evident activity in the country related to this matter: drawing closer to the Messenger of Allah, reinforcing reverence for him, and consolidating the principle of following and emulating him (PBUH&F). This includes honouring him and his role in carrying the divine message. This is very clear and continues to grow, as there are very extensive and considerable educational, instructional, and cultural activities associated with this principle.
In this same context comes the exceptional attention given every year to the celebration of the Prophet's birthday. This becomes a season that continues over several weeks, encompassing a large part of the month of Safar and a significant part of Rabi' Al-Awwal, sometimes extending to the end of Rabi' Al-Awwal, as this season is marked by various educational, instructional, and media activities. Attention is also paid to multiple aspects related to this occasion. This includes various and diverse events, such as the major event held by our dear people on the 12th of Rabi' Al-Awwal, which they hold every year on this date.
This year, the significantly massive, public turnout was unprecedented worldwide. The same was true last year, but the attendance this year has surpassed that of any previous year even in our country! The enormous crowds that gathered in the squares to commemorate the birth of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) were extremely massive, nothing less than millions in number. As far as we know, no people in any country have gathered in such an extremely large number to commemorate the birth anniversary of the Prophet as seen in our country. Despite all the enemies' attempts to prevent our dear people from commemorating this blessed and sacred occasion, our dear people—with their awareness and affiliation with faith and for the sake of solidifying and preserving their faith-based identity and remaining steadfast in it—commemorated this occasion in a truly grand manner, expressing their love, admiration, and reverence for the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) and manifesting their faith in the greatest divine blessing of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&F) and the divine message. This also manifested their faith-based affiliation and adherence to their faith-based identity.
One of the major features of the faith-based identity of our dear people is their fulfilment of jihad in the path of Allah, which is one of the most important characteristics of that identity. In fact, Allah (the Almighty) emphasised in many verses in the Holy Quran that jihad for His sake is a fundamental proof of belonging to faith. Our dear people have carried the flag of jihad for the sake of Allah, showing great enthusiasm and widespread commitment. This has been clearly demonstrated over the past years in our people's firm, clear, and strong position in supporting the Palestinian people and holding fast to this position despite all events, challenges, threats, and conspiracies from the enemies.
While some peoples and countries may turn their back to this issue when facing any problem or issue, our dear people—despite everything they have faced, including the conspiracies, horrific crimes committed by the coalition of aggression, and the severe blockade—have remained unwavering in their support for the Palestinian cause. Their position has not shifted, not even by an inch. Throughout the past years, our people have been present in the squares, with loud voices and a clear position. When this stage came—where the Israeli enemy launched a heinous and criminal aggression against the Palestinian people and Gaza and committed an act of genocide—our dear people embarked officially and publicly on a clear position of jihad for the sake of Allah and in support of the Palestinian people in all fields, including the political field, the media field, the military field, the field of donations and widespread public activities, and the field of holding million-person demonstrations, which are held almost weekly, hardly interrupted except in rare cases that have to do with occasions related to the supportive position for the Palestinian people and in support of their mujahidin.
This clear position of our dear people in carrying the banner of Jihad in the path of Allah (the Almighty) also stands as a sign of preserving their faith identity and clinging to it. It is also one of the very important outcomes of the 21st of September Revolution. What if American control over the country remained as it was before the 21st of September, considering its destructive, sabotaging, corruptive, and harmful activities aimed at reinforcing American control over everything in the country? It aimed to have control over the instructional and educational effort, to corrupt the Yemeni people, and to exert control at the political and military levels, seeking to cause the situation to deteriorate in every aspect and lead the country towards collapse. The country was indeed on the brink of collapse on all levels.
Had the country remained under the Americans' control, the situation over these past ten years would have been entirely different from what it is today. That would have even affected the faith-based identity and its significant characteristics reflected through values, morals, principles, positions, responsibilities, policies, and orientations. This includes matters related to consolidating adherence to the Quran and its guidance and keeping to an orientation centered around the Quran and the Noble Prophet (PBUH&F). The same holds true of religious occasions, as they are targeted under various guises by the enemies, whether from the side of those takfiri ones or the side of those who are leading the taming and corrupting effort.
Had American control continued, our country's condition would not have differed from many countries that we see today to no longer give any consideration, value, or importance to the grand issues of the Ummah. in such countries, hundreds of thousands could gather for trivial pursuits like dancing, debauchery, or indecency but fail to gather even in hundreds or tens, rather than thousands, for a cause like the Palestinian cause, the oppression experienced by the Palestinian people, or any of the Ummah's major, significant causes. The religious landmarks in every aspect, in every field, would have disappeared. If American control had continued, the Americans would have worked within a broad programme to change educational curricula and control education in a way that serves America and Israel. Every aspect of the American programme, in every field, is meant to serve America and Israel, as it undermines the Arab peoples' sense of religious responsibility and pride in their religious and Islamic affiliations and tames the Ummah for the Americans and Israelis. Normalization would have been the prevailing state for the official authority due to its subordination to the Americans and Israelis. There was nothing that would have made it different or put it in a different reality from other regimes that pursued, under the guise of normalization, ties and allegiance with Israel without altering their position or retracting from their misguided and detrimental course, which amounts to a betrayal of Islam and Muslims, despite everything that has happened and is happening in Palestine during this period of twelve months.
Another important goal of the 21st of September Revolution is to rebuild state institutions on a sound basis, rooted in the identity of our people. Among these goals are freedom, independence, the faith-based identity, and all that serves our dear people. Efforts have commenced in this regard, starting with the development of military and security capabilities, which is evident. Our dear people are noticing a significant difference in the development of military and security capabilities to serve them. Such military capabilities are genuinely meant to serve this people and fulfil their religious responsibilities, which are part of their great heritage due to their faith-based identity. Such military capabilities defend our dear people and go in line with their religious and faith-based affiliation.
These military capabilities, developed within the framework of this blessed revolution, have now reached a significant and remarkable level, both in terms of military manufacturing and combat performance, as well as military tactics. The major challenges faced by our dear people have contributed to this development, alongside the Quranic spirit and culture and the free faith-based approach of our dear people. As a result, our people now possess an advanced arsenal that many countries do not have.
The missile force is a hallmark of this advanced, effective, and important development, serving as a strong military arm for our dear people in facing their enemies and those of our Ummah. This also applies to the unit specialised in unmanned aerial vehicles and the naval forces. This is in addition to the formation and development of land forces and the production of their requirements in all military necessities of importance for military use. Also, military manufacturing has now reached an advanced and very excellent level, considering what the armed forces possess in the country.
Why should military and security capabilities be built first? Our dear people are aware of what they have suffered since the beginning of this revolution and even before that. The enemies impose their control over the countries of our Ummah even by military force. If they fail to gain control politically and through other means, they immediately and without any hesitation seek to impose direct military control. How many wars has America waged on the peoples of the world for military dominance? Whenever they face a situation in a particular country (a situation of liberation) and fail to contain it or control it through other means such as political and economic means, they never hesitate to seek military control, if possible and easily accessible, or form alliances. This is their habit in dealing with most liberation movements in the world: They form alliances to start a military invasion and direct destructive military strikes on peoples, committing the most heinous acts of genocide without shame. This has happened in many countries, not only in our Islamic world and Arab countries, but also in other countries. This is well known. What the Americans did in Vietnam and in other countries is well known.
Therefore, without building and developing military capabilities and without achieving strong military and security deterrence against the enemy, any other form of development will be defenceless. If we were to focus initially, for example, on economic development without having military and security capabilities, then the enemy would move militarily and destroy everything already built in the economy.
We know what the enemy has done in targeting all economic establishments and interests, despite their modesty and limited capabilities. The enemies also targeted the service sector and destroyed everything, even though it was at a very basic level, not meeting the needs of our people, the scale of what our dear people need and lack. The enemies sought to target what existed in terms of services, although limited, and what existed at the economic level. One of the main focuses of the coalition of aggression, under American supervision, was the destruction of service and economic facilities on a large scale, even though, as we mentioned, they were still limited and basic compared to what our dear people needed.
Therefore, building military and security capabilities, until we attain the ability to protect any assets, any economic infrastructure, and the like of things, is a necessary matter and should come first. This has even to do with protecting our country from occupation in the first place.
Since they declared their war on our country, the enemies sought in their aggression to occupy our country. They wanted to occupy it entirely, and the banners they waved in their military campaigns and aggressive attacks made it clear that they aimed to control the entire country and reoccupy it militarily. In the face of the enemies' serious efforts to reoccupy the entire country militarily, using all that within their power and bearing a huge cost, it was necessary to focus on building military and security capabilities.
Our dear people moved to resist them, confront them, and prevent them from occupying the entire country, and they succeeded in preserving the strategic depth of this country. Although the enemies succeeded in controlling and occupying some areas and governorates militarily, they failed to achieve their goals of complete control over the country. They could also face failure in what they have managed to occupy. Ultimately, they will be expelled, and their occupation will come to an end. However, all of this requires the development of military and security capabilities to be at the forefront of priorities. This is what can protect the country from occupation. This is what can preserve the primary goal, which is to achieve freedom and independence and safeguard the country from foreign occupation. It is also what can protect other achievements. Indeed, when we turn to economic development while having a deterrent military power that protects what is in the country, this preserves any gains. The same applies to other areas, at the level of infrastructure, services, and beyond. When we possess a deterrent power in this country that deters the enemies and preserves what has been built in this country, every effort bears fruit and is protected from being destroyed by the enemies or falling under their control. Otherwise, you build and the enemies take control of what you built or even destroy it. Therefore, it is a necessity to protect the country, and also a necessity to complete the defeat of aggression, cleanse what the enemies have occupied from the country, and protect any gains.
The difference regarding the building of military and security capabilities is also clear, both before and after. In past stages, the Americans sought to be in control of the military capabilities, keeping them under a limited ceiling that posed no threat or obstacles to them. They aimed to alter the military doctrine to serve their interests. The difference is also evident between the military capabilities that serve this country officially and within the framework of this blessed revolution, and the military formations of mercenaries that the enemies built with a military doctrine to serve their interests, enabling them to occupy and control the country, showing hostility towards the Yemeni people. There is indeed a difference. The difference between such formations and the correct official orientation in Sana'a within the framework of the popular revolution is like the difference between night and day!
The coalition of aggression built formations whose main mission is to enable the enemies to occupy and control the country, first and foremost the Americans. There are Saudi-led formations and Emirati-led formations that aim to empower them to occupy the country under the supervision and control of the Americans and move against the people of the country under various pretexts, including racial, sectarian, and even regional pretexts. There is a significant difference! Nevertheless, effort is also made in other areas. Although building military capabilities is prioritised to some extent, attention is also paid to cohesion in other fields. We will now discuss some of them, Allah willing.
One of the main goals of the 21st of September Revolution is promoting national partnership, solidifying the unifying identity, seeking unity in our country, and extinguishing the flames of discord. Among the most important goals of the enemies is tearing apart the social fabric of our country and sowing division among the Yemeni people under various pretexts, and they are clear in that. The American and Israeli endeavour (along with their proxies from those regional regimes who moved with them under the title of the coalition of aggression against our country, as well as their proxies in the country) is all about tearing apart the social fabric of the Yemeni people, planting discord among the people through the use of the racial card, and inciting hatred, enmity, and hostility by using racial, sectarian, and political rhetoric and playing the regional card. All their media is directed in this direction. Their programmes, activities, statements, and positions are all filled with spite, hatred, and enmity and sow division, and they are moving in this direction: to sow division among the sons of our dear people, tear apart their social fabric, and strive to monopolise everything in the country, but for the sake of whom? It is all for the sake of serving the American and Israeli interests, and their regional tools that seek to serve and empower them to control our Ummah. This matter is clear.
And thus, the 21 what corresponds to that in the direction of the 21st of September Revolution has met all of that with seeking to solidify the unifying identity of the Yemeni people, which is the unifying faith-based identity, and to officially consolidate the principle of national partnership, reject marginalization, and address cases of marginalization, as well as striving for unity among the sons of our dear people and extinguishing the flames of discord. That is because the enemies focus on fueling discord within our people under various pretexts and feeding all problems, even social problems. They seek to amplify any disagreement, no matter how trivial, and strive for a state of discord, fragmentation, and disarray to prevail in our country. All their plans, the plans of the Americans, the Israelis, their regional tools, and their local proxies, are aimed at spreading fragmentation and division in everything. The sole common denominator is antagonism towards those who oppose America and Israel.
One of the important goals of the 21st of September Revolution is to seek a civilizational renaissance based on Islamic and Quranic foundations and build knowledge that can achieve this. This is a very important aspect, and in this direction, we possess the vision, concepts, intention, and motivation because we are in a state of comprehensive conflict with the enemies of our Ummah. This is also one of the important incentives for civilizational construction because that makes it necessary for us to build all the capabilities that are essential requirements in this conflict: We need to strive for local production and self-sufficiency as it is a necessity for the true renaissance of any country and a necessity for national security in the face of siege, penetration, blackmail, and exploitation. We also have the Islamic understanding of civilizational construction that distinguishes us from the West, which seeks to control peoples and countries, plunder their wealth, exploit them, spread corruption on the earth, destroy moral values, and so on.
In relation to this aspect, which is connected to rebuilding state institutions and has to do with the nature of educational and informative content provided to society, among other things, as well as work programmes, and the orientation of economic development within the same framework, despite all the difficult circumstances in the country, this direction plays a significant role in the steadfastness of our people and in their drive towards production and construction in all fields. This is an extremely important matter, as the enemies target this direction. They do not want our people to follow a constructive path; they want them to be a desperate people, lacking both vision and will, and not actively engaging in construction across various fields according to the Islamic way of civilization. Therefore, even on the economic front, amidst targeting, blockades, destruction, and all forms of aggression, they also aim to combat any practical activity that helps our people pursue construction and production. This is a clear and well-known issue. Despite all this, there are good, important, and fruitful efforts made in this path. For example, even at the agricultural level, the effort our dear people made in this regard has borne fruit. Despite the fact that this effort is still at a limited level and in a restricted scope, it is fruitful and impactful, to the extent that our country has achieved a surplus for export in a number of agricultural crops, including fruits and vegetables. Despite facing war, blockade, targeting, and significant hardships, our country has turned towards production in various fields, which is a very important matter.
Regardless, had American control over the country continued, the country would have continued to head towards collapse in all fields, following an approach, policies, and plans supervised by the Americans. Regarding the economy, as we have mentioned in every speech on similar occasions in previous years, the country was moving towards economic collapse, despite the fact that there was neither a blockade nor an external military war, and all economic resources were supposedly still under the control of the government at the time, including oil and gas facilities, as well as all land and sea ports. This is not to mention the announced grants and loans provided to the government at the time. In spite of all of that, none of it seemed to have any tangible effect, and austerity measures were implemented as a policy, plan, and vision imposed upon the people, without any justification whatsoever. That situation differs from the current one, where our people have been facing aggression and a blockade for ten years. This is with regard to this particular aspect.
Regarding the developments of the past week concerning Palestine and Gaza, Zionist aggression has continued for twelve months. Since the onset of its brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip, it has been committing acts of genocide every day, totalling approximately 3,630 massacres. All of these are acts of genocide. That is in addition to the horrific crimes of starvation and deprivation of medicine, as well as its attempts to eliminate medical personnel and completely destroy medical facilities. This is not to mention the torture committed against captives to the extent that many of them fell martyrs. In fact, new martyrs are announced every now and then due to the horrific torture of captives in jails.
The ongoing crimes of the enemy place a significant responsibility on our Islamic Ummah. As we have stated in all our speeches, ignoring the situation is of no benefit; rather, it carries negative consequences. Likewise, evading responsibility is unhelpful, and it leads to negative consequences, too. There will come in the future what reveals and clarifies the grave dangers of this evasion of responsibility and the neglect shown by many countries that saw themselves as mere spectators, ignoring or evading their responsibilities towards the suffering, tragedy, and significant injustice the Palestinian people face and towards their religious responsibility in this regard. Days will come, and they will serve as insight and a great lesson for those who have evaded and ignored their responsibilities, as well as for the waiting onlookers, as promised by Allah in the Holy Quran.
As for the crimes of the Israeli enemy during the past week in Lebanon, it was a horrific, brutal, barbaric crime, collectively targeting civilians through pager devices, batteries, and similar means that were rigged with explosives. The Israeli enemy attempted to carry out a comprehensive act of genocide against thousands of Lebanese people. Indeed, thousands of Lebanese people were injured.
Although such means are intended for civilian use and are ordinary devices used by people (including those engaged in humanitarian work, such as doctors and nurses, and those working in universities, pharmacies, and restaurants), the Israeli enemy rigged this means of general use, even used by civilians, to kill as many people as possible. This is done with blatant audacity, boldness, aggression, brutality, and barbarity, without any regard for international laws or any human rights, values, or morals. This is just like the brutal acts of genocide it does in Gaza, targeting everyone: children and women, the elderly and the young. It targets them, using bombs weighing a ton to attack a fabric tent sheltering displaced people, mostly children and women.
This aggressive approach of the brutal, savage, and criminal Israeli enemy demonstrates daily and with each crime that it is an enemy with whom there is no solution other than to rid ourselves of it and that it poses a real threat to human communities. Indeed, it is a criminal, savage enemy that has no regard for values, morals, or anything else.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of our peoples (the Arab people and countries) as they are primarily affected and have been the main target of the criminal Zionist Israeli entity since its inception, when the enemies brought it to occupy Palestine and serve as a spearhead for them to target our peoples and Ummah—in response, we all have a responsibility to confront this enemy, given the real threat it represents to us as Arabs and Muslims. In fact, it poses a threat to all human communities, but we are at the forefront, more than others, and before anyone else. That is because we, Arab and Muslim peoples, are the primary target, and the main goal of establishing the aggressive, criminal Zionist entity is to serve as a spearhead of the oppressive forces in the world and of Zionism and act as a hostile arm for the enemies to strike our Ummah. Therefore, we have a responsibility to take action against it; otherwise, it poses a threat. It operates at this level of brutality, aggression, criminality, malevolence, and disregard for human life and all peoples.
No Arab country or people here or there should imagine that the Israelis have different feelings towards them than those feelings they hold against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples: the hostile, brutal, criminal feelings that have no regard for anything. These feelings are what the Israeli enemy holds towards all the peoples of our Ummah and towards all the peoples in this region. The state is the same: It has the same feelings, orientations, culture, vision, and ideology that make it ready to violate everything. This is also accompanied with contempt, malevolence, greed, and aggression. It reflects the nature of the Israeli enemy at the level of its ideology and culture, which it instils in children from a young age, from the cradle. It raises them on malevolence and the violation of all Arabs and Muslims, bringing them up to harbour animosity, brutality, and criminality. This is a foundation upon which it educates and raises them from childhood, and they act based on it.
There was also its crime that targeted some of the brother mujahidin leaders and members of Hezbollah in the Southern Suburbs [of Beirut] yesterday. It also targeted civilians and the security of the Southern Suburbs, in an act that represents an escalation on one hand, and a criminal and brutal aggression on the other. The Israeli enemy's targeting of Hezbollah at this level, as well as its targeting of the Lebanese people, comes in the context of its aggression against this Ummah and its pursuit of genocide. What it seeks from this is to decisively win the battle in the Gaza Strip.
The role of Hezbollah and the front of support in Lebanon in supporting the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, is a great, significant, vital, and impactful role. Therefore, the Israeli enemy could not ignore this role and this influence: Hezbollah continues to inflict harm on the Israeli enemy every day in northern occupied Palestine, and it has also contributed to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of settler usurpers from the usurped lands that the enemy refers to as 'settlements' in northern Palestine. It has announced that among the objectives of its aggression against Lebanon and its attacks on Hezbollah is enabling those usurpers to return to the usurped lands they fled from because of Hezbollah's operations that support the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin in the Gaza Strip.
Hezbollah remains steadfast and firm in its position and support of the Palestinian people, the Gaza Strip, and the mujahidin there. No matter the scale of Israeli targeting and aggression, this will not deter Hezbollah or force it to retreat from its position. This is clearly stated in the speeches and statements of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Al-Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (May Allah protect him), as well as in the positions of all leaders and mujahidin of Hezbollah. It is also evident and firmly rooted in the position of the Lebanese community that supports Hezbollah, holds firm to this position, and fully realises the Israeli threat and that if the Israeli enemy manages to win its battle in the Gaza Strip, it will still pose a danger to Lebanon and its people. Israel's threat is clear, as it has a well-known history of committing aggression against Lebanon and occupying large parts of it during all the past stages. It was not expelled or defeated in all the past stages except through jihad and resistance; this is a clear matter. Hezbollah will continue its active, influential, great, and important role regardless of Israeli aggression. It is a cohesive force, with a solid structure, and its supporters are strong, steadfast, and willing to sacrifice and embrace jihad. Therefore, this confrontation is not new to Hezbollah, its leaders, its dear mujahidin, or its steadfast, cohesive, and sacrificing supporters.
Hezbollah has been in a severe and intense confrontation with the Israeli enemy for decades. Over these decades, Hezbollah has made such significant sacrifices that it lost leaders, key cadres in its jihadist work, and dear mujahidin. Yet, despite all that, during all those periods and phases of confrontation and escalation, it has remained cohesive and steadfast and kept developing its military capabilities and organizational structure. It maintained cohesion and kept growing in its organizational structure, performance, action, and impact.
The same can be said of our mujahidin brothers in Palestine. During the past stages and through every stage of escalation, they have faced the same kind of targeting that costed them significant sacrifices, including the martyrdom of leaders, members, and cadres of various jihadic positions and responsibilities. Despite this, they remained cohesive and grew in their capabilities and their numbers as well; and their organizational structure also developed. This is clearly evident in Palestine and Lebanon.
No matter how brutal and vile the enemy's crimes may be, it will not achieve its goals, neither in Palestine, nor in Lebanon, nor in the other supporting fronts. The battle of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the battle of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas movement, the Islamic Jihad movement, the Al-Quds Brigades, and the other resisting factions is one battle against one enemy, which is the Israeli enemy, along with its partners, supporters, and allies.
The important fact that the mujahidin in Lebanon and Palestine and all the mujahidin of the sons of our Ummah believe in is that fact affirmed by Allah in the Holy Quran, which is the inevitability of the demise of the Israeli enemy, that it is merely a temporary entity that will inevitably vanish, and that its end will come. This is the promise of Allah (Glory be to Him), reflecting His justice, wisdom, and mercy towards His servants. The Israeli enemy with its brutality, criminality, corruption, tyranny, and threat to human society can never get away with all of this. It is a state of aggression, crime, brutality, and corruption, and this state cannot persist whatsoever. This point is important.
Regarding our position in the supporting front in Yemen (the Yemen of faith, wisdom, and jihad), it is a steadfast and unshakable position. As we have repeatedly stated, we also seek to do what is greater and more significant in supporting the Palestinian people and stand by our brothers from our Ummah, including Hezbollah in Lebanon and all free people of our Ummah.
The missile strike operation on occupied Jaffa (referred to by the Israeli enemy as Tel Aviv) last week was a major, impactful, and destabilising operation for the enemy. The missile strike penetrated not only all its defence systems but also those of its guards and supporters. It is also considered a significant achievement—by the grace of Allah—in terms of working to meet the requirements of the position with what helps to provide further support for our brothers in Palestine and in the Gaza Strip and the requirements of the fifth stage. Therefore, this type of operation will persist and keep recurring, by the will of Allah, and we strive for what is greater, as we have said. Similarly, the operations of downing the American MQ-9 military reconnaissance drone, with ten drones shot down in this stage, are also a significant achievement in the context of confronting the enemies.
Regarding public activities, they continue to take place. In addition, the activities related to mobilisation, which are among the most important activities, never stopped. There were massive parades of mobilisation on this day, and parades will continue in the coming days, Allah willing. The number of those enrolled in training for mobilisation is approaching half a million trainees. Additionally, there are hundreds of thousands of trainees who have been trained previously as part of the military and armed forces; there is also a large number of those who enrolled in mobilisation to join the training.
The weekly million-man turnout will continue. Last week, it took place with enormous momentum as part of the celebration of the blessed birth anniversary of the Prophet. The activities of the 21st of September anniversary are ongoing this week and within the framework of supporting the Palestinian people. We have directed all activities and occasions to align with this supportive direction for the Palestinian people, culminating—Allah willing—at the end of the week with an extensive, immense, million-man turnout on Friday.
O Allah (Glory be to You), grant us all success to gain what pleases You, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, set free our captives, and give us victory. I also ask Him to hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin, as well as for the mujahidin on all the fronts of support.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
#Yemen #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 4 months
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