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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Weekly Deveolpements, in English (Sep. 26, 2024)

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Concerning the latest developments regarding the brutal and criminal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, this week has witnessed significant developments on the Lebanese front, as the Israeli enemy moves towards escalation against the Lebanese people and the Lebanese front. In reality, it is the same battle, and the Israeli aggression on the Lebanese front and the Lebanese people is part of its aggression on Gaza and the Palestinian people. Therefore, we will address this issue in this speech, specifically when discussing the Lebanese support front.

Regarding the aggression on Gaza, as we approach a full year since the start of the brutal and criminal Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the criminal record of the Israeli enemy in this aggression has become extremely massive and horrifying, unparalleled in the type and scale of crimes committed against the Palestinian people. Alongside this, there is also significant failure that has become evident.

The Israeli enemy set specific goals and claimed it aimed to achieve them through its aggression on the Gaza Strip. However, it failed to accomplish these goals. It neither recovered its captives without a prisoner exchange deal nor succeeded in eliminating the resistance mujahidin in Gaza. Instead, it finds itself stuck in a quagmire, suffering daily losses in terms of killed and wounded soldiers, as well as the targeting of its troops and military equipment.

Despite the scale of massacres committed by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people, the acts of genocide, and the use of starvation as a means of mass extermination, as well as the widespread destruction and occupation and the horrific acts that have been committed, the Israeli enemy has clearly failed to achieve its goals even after twelve months. This failure persists despite America's involvement, its unlimited support for Israel, and the political cover it provides, allowing the enemy to commit any crime it wishes. Additionally, the unprecedented Arab indifference stands out—never before has the official Arab position been as passive as it has been throughout this aggression and escalation against the Palestinian people in Gaza over twelve months. However, despite all this, the resilience of the Palestinian mujahidin continues, stronger than ever, as well as the Palestinian people as a base of support for them.

Regarding the massacres committed by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people, which have now exceeded 3,655, around 25 of these occurred this week in Gaza, the Israeli enemy continues to target shelters for the displaced, often declaring them as safe zones before attacking the displaced people there. They have targeted approximately 183 shelters. It carries out continuous and daily attacks on homes, camps, and displaced people living in fabric tents using devastating American bombs, and it never lets one day pass without seeking to exterminate civilians. As a result, the number of martyrs and missing persons in Gaza over the twelve-month escalation has exceeded 51,500. The missing are essentially considered martyrs, and the actual statistics may be even higher. However, given the war and aggression conditions in the small area of Gaza, this massive number of martyrs remains shocking.

The terrifying and horrific use of continuous starvation has become one of the means of extermination relied upon by the Israeli enemy, while the world watches inactively. This is not to mention the deprivation of medicine for the injured and the sick, the targeting of healthcare personnel, and the destruction of hospitals, which have become primary targets for the Israeli enemy in its aggression against the Gaza Strip. The number of martyrs among the healthcare staff has reached nearly 1,000, as it keeps targeting them deliberately.

The criminal Zionists continue their violations of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque. According to statistics from Al-Quds Governorate, nearly 48,000 of the herds of criminal, usurping settlers have stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque since the aggression against Gaza, violating the sanctity and holiness of the mosque. They hold dance and singing parties in its courtyards, chanting myths and insults against Islam, the Prophet of Islam, and Muslims.

Moreover, the aggression against the West Bank continues. The Israeli enemy commits daily assaults and crimes in the West Bank and expands settlements. It kills civilians and destroys homes. Furthermore, it abducts many residents, imprisoning them in detention centers and prisons where it practices the most brutal torture against captives. The violations and assaults in the West Bank have reached the level of poisoning livestock and targeting everything there.

In contrast, the Palestinian resilience of the mujahidin and the steadfast supportive community continues. During this week, the Al-Qassam Brigades has executed nearly 19 operations, including attacks targeting tank convoys and military vehicles, as well as various ambushes against Israeli soldiers. It has become clear, as acknowledged by the Israeli enemy's media, that the Al-Qassam Brigades is cohesive, has regained operational momentum, and keeps developing its offensive and operational capabilities. Additionally, there have been significant operations carried out by the Al-Quds Brigades and other factions of the brother mujahidin in the Gaza Strip, in an atmosphere of brotherhood and close cooperation among the various factions in the strip.

Regarding the support fronts and developments on the Lebanese front, it is clear to everyone that the Israeli enemy has turned to escalation in the Lebanon front, relying on its criminal and brutal method of comprehensive targeting, deliberately killing civilians, and destroying their homes, similar to what it is doing in the Gaza Strip and what it did in previous stages in Lebanon.

Back to the subject of the support front in Lebanon, everyone knows the role that Hezbollah has played in supporting the Palestinian people and their mujahidin in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip. Also, everyone knows that this role of Hezbollah is the strongest and most influential at the level of the support fronts. This is in addition to Hezbollah's vital and fundamental role in confronting the Israeli enemy for the past forty-two years.

The heroic and jihadist history of Hezbollah in confronting the Israeli enemy and the major victories Allah granted them against the Israeli enemy before the year 2000, in 2000, and in 2006, as well as their role in supporting the Gaza Strip for twelve months, attest to the pivotal, essential, and significant role they play in favour of the entire Islamic Ummah, the Palestinian cause, and Lebanon as well. In fact, Lebanon is one of the first Arab countries targeted by the Israeli enemy, as it is targeted with occupation, killing, destruction, plundering of resources, and the confiscation of independence and freedom.

With support from Allah (the Almighty), Hezbollah has inflicted the greatest defeats on the Israeli enemy in multiple stages during which it did not possess the resources and numbers it has today. It is stronger than any time in the past. Hezbollah's structure comprises striving, believing fighters who are driven by faith, have awareness and insight, and strive in the path of Allah with high morale and readiness for sacrifice. They are fully convinced of the importance of their position in all respects (including those related to their faith, religion, and national interest) and have complete awareness of the necessity and inevitability of this position in confronting the Israeli enemy, given its aggression criminality, ambitions, malevolence, and great evil that targets the entire Ummah and all the peoples surrounding Palestine. In addition to all of that, Hezbollah has a large popular base of support that is strong and that enjoys awareness, insight, and cohesiveness and is very ready to sacrifice. This base of support lives in a jihadist and heroic atmosphere, making sacrifices and achieving victories through its mujahidin over all these long decades. Furthermore, it takes pride in its position and the position of those mujahidin in Hezbollah.

The Israeli goal behind escalating aggression against Lebanon is clear: It is to prevent Hezbollah from supporting the Palestinian people and Gaza. This goal will never be achieved because Hezbollah's position is a principled, religious, humanitarian, and moral position, and it is also in the interest of Lebanon. Indeed, if the Israeli enemy were able to achieve its objectives in the Palestinian arena and to eliminate the mujahidin in Palestine, which would enable it solely focus on what comes after Palestine, then Lebanon and the Lebanese people would be the first of the countries and peoples targeted by the Israeli enemy. The Israeli enemy harbours hatred and ambitions. Its history of targeting and occupying Lebanon, reaching Beirut, and the horrific crimes it has committed against the Lebanese people is well known. This matter is well known.

Therefore, when we reflect on what is happening during this escalation (whether in terms of the deceitful operations where the Israeli enemy used civilian means to target Lebanese people, both those affiliated with Hezbollah and others, or the brutal, criminal airstrikes and the savage aggression it is carrying out these days), we find that this aggression is not a one-off incident that was suddenly pursued by the Israeli enemy as a reaction to Hezbollah's position in support of the Palestinian people. Rather, we see that this aggression comes as part of premeditated planning and in the light of prior aggressive arrangements. This indicates that the Israeli enemy has been preparing for aggression against Lebanon for many years, with the aim of targeting both the Lebanese people and Hezbollah. It has been preparing at all levels, whether through intelligence gathering, developing targeting plans, or equipping the necessary resources for such operations. Hence, this aggression is an extension of years-long preparations. Indeed, this is what leaders from the enemy's side have acknowledged, and it is clear that the enemy has been preparing for aggression against Lebanon and waiting for the right opportunity for that.

When we observe the strength of the position of our brothers in Hezbollah and the extent of their cohesiveness and firmness—despite the scale of the Israeli aggression and the scope of targeting that has included not only Hezbollah but also all those villages and areas that are part of the popular base of support among the Lebanese people—we find that Hezbollah possesses the necessary capabilities for remaining steadfast and firm and achieving victory as well, just like in the past rounds and stages. Clearly, the most humiliating defeats were inflicted upon the Israeli enemy during its confrontations and aggression against Hezbollah in various rounds and operations. History bears witness to this, and these defeats are documented facts, whether through videos or as major events known to the entire world.

As is the case with the mujahidin brothers in Palestine, the mujahidin of Hezbollah set forth in their position from a faith-based perspective. They move forward carrying a spirit of faith, drawing strength from Allah's aid, the Almighty. They move in the way that a believing mujahid moves in while aware of his jihad responsibility and its sacred nature and while aware of his rightful position and just cause—a believing mujahid who sees in his just and rightful position a means of drawing closer to Allah (the Almighty) and in his movement, which responds to Allah’s guidance and commands, a reason to receive divine assistance, support, and victory. They move forward with this spirit that the mujahid moves with, trusting in Allah (the Almighty) and His sincere promise made to His believing mujahidin in the Holy Quran: Allah (Glory be to Him) says in His holy book, {'For it is Our duty to grant victory to the believers'}[Ar-Rum 30:47]. Also, He (the Almighty) says, {'Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed'}[Al-Hajj 22:38], and {'O you who have attained faith, if you support Allah, He will grant you victory and strengthen your foothold'}[Muhammad 47:7]. So with this faith-based spirit, this great trust in Allah (the Almighty) and reliance on Him, the mujahidin set forth for the sake of Allah, receiving care, assistance, and support from Him, the Almighty. Additionally, they have a strong readiness to sacrifice for the sake of Allah, as they realise the value of taking position and action and making sacrifice as a means of drawing closer to Allah (the Almighty), and they recognise the following outcomes that Allah (Glory be to Him) brings to His believing, striving, and enduring servants who embrace the kind of positions that are essential for this Ummah to attain honour, dignity, victory, resilience, and strength in facing its enemies.

The danger to the Muslim Ummah does not lie in rising to carry the banner of jihad in the cause of Allah and to confront its spiteful, oppressive, criminal, arrogant enemies who work to exterminate it, degrade it, enslave it, humiliate it, and occupy its lands. Jihad for the sake of Allah is the pathway to victory, honour, empowerment, strength, and protection. It leads to defeating enemies and standing up to their evil and threat, which is a real threat, not imaginary one based on some claims or perceptions. The real danger to the Ummah lies in passivity, stagnation, surrender, and sluggishness. This is what enables the enemies of the Ummah to overcome it and achieve their goals against it, and it is what caused the Ummah highly significant losses throughout its past history.

He who reads history knows the magnitude of the major losses that have afflicted our Islamic Ummah and its peoples due to their passivity. These were terrible losses in terms of the killed, the wounded, and the loss of lands, as well as humiliation, insult, and degradation of dignity, among other things. History, with its numerous tragedies and many events, attests to this fact. However, the Ummah has never regained its honour, dignity, or freedom except through jihad, action, patience, and sacrifice.

When we look at our current history (contemporary history) and even the direct experience of Hezbollah itself, we see that Hezbollah achieved great victories against the Israeli enemy. These were significant victories that humiliated the Israeli enemy, owing to jihad, patience, and sacrifice. Indeed, Hezbollah has offered many martyrs, both leaders and other mujahidin. The Lebanese people have also been patient, made sacrifices, and endured suffering. However, all of that led to great outcomes and yielded important and significant outcomes. The same applies to the experience of the mujahidin brothers in Palestine, in the Gaza Strip. Important victories have been achieved, and they have inflicted major losses on the Israeli enemy. Indeed, they have remained cohesive, resilient, steadfast in confronting the Israeli enemy, which will ultimately lead to the certain outcome that Allah (Glory be to Him) has promised.

Perhaps, one of the most important things in relation to the conflict between our Ummah and the Israeli enemy is to have faith in the Quranic truths that Allah has promised in His book and through the words of His Messenger (PBUH&F). Indeed, Allah (Glory be to Him) has promised this Ummah the demise of that enemy, and this is one of the inevitabilities we believe in, as well as everyone who truly believes in the book of Allah and His promises. Therefore, no matter how harsh the rounds of conflict with the Israeli enemy become, no matter what capabilities and means of killing and destruction it possesses, no matter how very heinous and extremely horrible the crimes of genocide it commits are, and no matter how immense the brutality it demonstrates is or how far it goes in its criminality, none of this will ever change those inevitable truths: its inevitable demise and the victory of those who have believed, remained patient and steadfast, responded to Allah, trusted in His promise, and acted based on their faith in Allah and their faith in the necessity of the rightful position to confront that criminal enemy. In fact, these truths are of utmost importance.

As for the state of despair that may prevail among some sons of this Ummah and the lack of faith among others who have gone so far as to collude with the Israeli enemy, collaborate with it, and attempt to weaken the free sons of this Ummah who are fulfilling their duty to stand up to the enemy, confront it, and resist its crimes and assaults, such a state of despair is dangerous for them. Indeed, it will undoubtedly lead them to loss.

Additionally, the state of passivity shown by some sons of the Ummah can lead to bad consequences and outcomes for them. However, in the end, the inevitably successful and undoubtedly victorious path is the one based on trust in the promise of Allah, responding to Him, and fulfilling the human, moral, and religious duty of confronting that enemy, which poses a significant threat to the Ummah.

Such significant passivity plays a role in exacerbating the threat of the Israeli enemy and in whatever achievements and outcomes it achieves in its aggression and targeting against this Ummah. However, that does not mean that the inevitabilities promised by Allah concerning the demise of that enemy will change. The Israeli enemy's state of aggression, criminality, brutality, and malevolence (being rooted in its ideology, culture, and viewpoint and stemming from its psychological reality and criminal, aggressive orientation) can never remain a permanent one; it poses a threat to human society, to our Ummah, and to our peoples.

Since its early days and since its establishment under British and American sponsorship and Western backing, the Israeli enemy was founded on criminality, aggression, murder, usurpation, and destruction. Since its very first day (on which it was established under the British occupation of Palestine and with American and Western support) up to the present day, all its conduct and its history have been marked by criminality and bloodshed. It has been committing the most heinous crimes of all kinds throughout all previous stages for over seventy-five years. If there is anything the Israeli enemy does in Palestine, it is the daily killing of the Palstinian people, the crimes of rape, which are numerous, and the destruction and demolition of homes. This is not to mention the occupation of Palestine, the confiscation of Palestinian lands, the expansion of what they call 'settlements', which are nothing but usurped lands, the uprooting of trees from farms, the confiscation of many farms, and the list goes on. Many are the crimes of continuous torture that the Israeli enemy has committed against the Palestinian people over the past decades in the prisons to which it abducts them and in which it practicses against them all forms of torture. In fact, all forms of humiliation, degradation, oppression, injustice, and persecution represent consistent behaviour practised by the Israeli enemy.

Thus, an entity with such a level of criminality, which it has maintained since its first day, and which was established in an unlawful manner, relying solely on occupation, confiscation, usurpation, killing, torture, and all kinds of crimes—how can it preserve existence?! How can our peoples live in peace with it?! Indeed, it is a criminal entity, and it is a criminal enemy that harbours the most intense enmity against this Ummah, and this is a matter the Holy Quran discusses in the verses of Allah (Glory be to Him) in His Holy Book, {'You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews and those who associate others with Allah'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:82]. Thus, they [the Jews] are the foremost enemy, which harbours all malevolence and animosity against the sons of our Ummah. At the same time, their brutal, criminal practices bear witness to this.

What the West, Britain, America, and the rest of the regimes that oppose our Ummah and have ties to global Zionism want from this enemy—the one they supported to occupy Palestine and to be present in this sacred spot—is to be a spearhead targeting our Ummah and our peoples. They want more than just Palestine; they are ready to support it to occupy what is beyond Palestine and to control the region as a whole. This is why America, Britain, and the West have moved to support the Israeli enemy as one of them, as it achieves essential goals for them. Such goals are aggressive colonial goals that target our Ummah at all levels. At the same time, there is a doctrinal element that drives many Westerners, as they support the Israeli enemy while religiously considering such an act as a religious duty that must be fulfilled. This has to do with many of their goals driven by their religious belief. Therefore, on the one hand, they harbour ill feelings and colonial ambitions against our Islamic Ummah, but on the other hand, they harbour those false and misguided beliefs, which altogether always make them actively support, embrace, and assist the Israeli enemy. However, the final outcome is ultimately the one that Allah has promised in the Holy Quran, {'Allah’s Will always prevails, but most people do not know'}[Yusuf 12:21]. This enemy is destined for demise, with all its criminality, tyranny, aggression, wickedness, injustice, and evil. It cannot preserve its existence, and one cannot coexist with it. As for those who support it and bet on it, they will lose.

Taking into consideration what the Israeli enemy is currently doing in southern Lebanon and its targeting of the Lebanese front through brutal airstrikes against civilians and the population in general, the Israeli enemy will end up with failure if it proceeds with a ground operation, as is being rumoured in some media outlets and discussed by some Israeli enemy leaders. Only failure can be achieved through those brutal and criminal operations it carries out to target civilians and kill children and women, under the illusion that through these actions it can stop Hezbollah from continuing to support Gaza. These operations will fail; Hezbollah responds strongly, and it possesses massive military capabilities, a vast arsenal of missiles and military capabilities. Furthermore, the response from Hezbollah escalates, involving the use of new weapons, missiles never used before, and an expansion of the range of fire.

While the Israeli enemy declares that one of its goals in the aggression against Lebanon, targeting southern Lebanon, the area of Dahieh, and wide areas in Lebanon, is to secure the criminal Zionist occupiers in northern Palestine, this aggression will lead to a greater loss for it. By resorting to aggression, the Israeli enemy will be forced to drive over one and a half million people to shelters and expand the range of Hezbollah's missile targeting. The more the Israeli enemy widens its aggression on Lebanon, the stronger Hezbollah's reaction becomes, forcing the criminal Zionists to flee to shelters and evacuate the towns and areas they have usurped in Palestine on a large scale. In addition, Hezbollah possesses military and missile capabilities that can reach all areas of occupied Palestine. Therefore, this escalation will not enable the Israeli enemy to succeed in achieving its declared goals or in attaining any outcomes it imagines to be possible for it to attain through displacing the Lebanese people from southern Lebanon and vast areas in Lebanon. The significant equation that Hezbollah must establish and uphold is the one that goes in line with the blessed verse that reads, {'And do not weaken in pursuit of the enemy. If you are suffering, they too are suffering, but you hope to receive from Allah what they can never hope for'}[An-Nisa 4:104]. Hezbollah can impose this equation with the help of Allah (the Almighty) and with its faith, determination, capabilities, experience, and resources. For every pain experienced in Lebanon and Gaza, the weak Zionist enemies will face their own pain, as they are the weakest in terms of endurance and patience.

Shelters are now overcrowded with Zionists, who started to complain that shelters are not large enough for them, as they keep fleeing to them. When we watch the situation in many of the occupied towns and cities in Palestine and notice how they have become empty as the Zionist occupiers have fled to shelters in panic and fear, we realise the considerable impact of Hezbollah's response to the criminal Zionist attacks.

Any ground operation carried out by the Israeli enemy will result in severe losses for it, and the inevitable outcome, by Allah's grace, will be its significant defeat. The Zionist enemies remember what befell them and their military vehicles and tanks during their aggression and their aggressive operations in 2006. What might happen this time could be much greater than what they faced in 2006. The inevitable outcome will be their certain failure. Therefore, we reassure our entire Ummah that Hezbollah is firmly united and that it is stronger than ever before and stands in a position of strength and influence that can achieve victory by the will of Allah and with its faith, determination, and capabilities.

Regarding other support fronts, the Iraqi support front is powerful and keeps escalating, with its operations noticeably increasing. Its operations in the Jordan Valley, Umm Al-Rashrash, and all the way up to Haifa and other areas, are important and impactful operations and will keep escalating to a greater level, by the will of Allah, the Almighty.

Regarding the support front in the Yemen of faith, wisdom, and jihad, in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad, no occasion or speech has passed without us affirming that our position remains steadfast in supporting Gaza, the Palestinian people, and Lebanon. We also affirm that the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Aden have become completely off-limits to the Israeli enemy, as well as to America and Britain. Even when American warships pass through, they do so through smuggling, concealed and under fire while passing through at maximum speed!

This week's operations have been carried out with thirty-nine ballistic and winged missiles and drones. The Palestine 2 missile is a significant achievement by the grace of Allah (the Almighty) and has entered into service within the framework of the fifth stage of escalation against the Israeli enemy and in support of the Palestinian people.

We will never hesitate to support Gaza and Palestine in general, nor will we hesitate to support Lebanon and Hezbollah and to cooperate with Hezbollah. As long as the aggression on Gaza continues, all support fronts will remain active, and no matter how hard the Americans and Israelis try to stop them, they will never succeed. Gaza will not be left alone. When we kept saying to the Palestinian people that they are not alone and that we are with them until victory, we declared this as a firm faith-based position that we will never retreat from.

Regarding the demonstrations in many countries, they persist despite the attacks and repression, including demonstrations in America, Canada, France, Austria, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, Britain, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Scotland, Japan, and Australia—in about fifteen countries. Meanwhile, demonstrations in the Arab world are almost limited to Yemen, Jordan, and Morocco, only in three countries, which is very unfortunate. Indeed, it is unfortunate to see people taking to the streets mostly on humanitarian grounds in many countries including Western countries that officially stand as supporters and backers of the Israeli enemy and are linked to Zionism, while you see no action taken except for a few countries of all Arab countries—where there is enough of a reason for people to move based on all considerations, including humanitarian, religious, and moral considerations, against an entity that stands as an enemy of every one among them, as it represents a threat to all the sons, peoples, and countries of our Ummah. This is unfortunate! However, everyone knows how the official role contributes to this passivity seen in many countries.

The million-man demonstrations of our dear people, filling the squares, and the tremendous momentum of mobilisation, along with the military, political, and media positions, as well as donations, have forcefully and vigorously continued during the past twelve months without any boredom or decline.

The Americans used various means in an attempt to influence our country's position:

  • They employed military operations and military aggression, carried out numerous aggressive airstrikes and naval bombardments as well, but without any result, achieving nothing, not even in terms of impacting the scale of operations. Instead, as previously mentioned, they contributed to enhancing the military capabilities of our armed forces.
  • They also worked on the level of economic pressure, and they even exploited the humanitarian situation as a means of pressure and continue to do so, but they have not reached any result.
  • They sought and continue to seek to foment strife and chaos within our country and to dismantle the internal front in our country, but they have failed and continue to fail in that as well.
  • Similarly, the same is true at the level of media targeting and stirring up constant confusion and turmoil to divert our people's attention from this cause and this important position. However, the Americans, along with all their propaganda, tools, and proxies, have failed in this endeavour. Why? That is because our Yemeni people are driven by faith, as they are from the Yemen of faith, and they embark on this position driven by faith, in response to Allah (the Almighty), and for His sake. They recognise the importance, sanctity, and honour of this position.

In addition to being a religious, humanitarian, moral, and faith-based obligation, this position is a great and very honourable position. Our people take pride in it, passing down this honour to future generations. The whole world now recognises how great, honourable, and positive this Yemeni position is. Various peoples keep talking about how great and exceptional this position is. Even in Western societies, there are those who talk with great admiration about the greatness and the humanitarian and moral nature of the Yemeni position, as well as the courage and bravery displayed by our dear people at a time when many regimes cowered and influenced their peoples' positions out of fear—but fear of whom? It is out of fear of America. They retreated from many positions, not daring even to take the simplest position.

When you contemplate the state of many regimes and the submissive, humiliated state of their people, you see how they have even abandoned the simplest position. At the political level, the diplomatic level, the humanitarian level, and in the media, they have utterly abandoned Palestine in every sense. They no longer say anything, offer anything, or do anything. This level of passivity in the Arab reality itself is unprecedented at all previous stages of the conflict with the Israeli enemy. They used to operate at a certain level politically, in terms of media and diplomacy, or at the humanitarian level. However, at this stage, they have reached such a level of passivity that is extremely appalling, low, and profoundly regrettable! It emboldens the enemies even against those countries that have reached such a level of passivity!

As for our dear people, driven by faith, they have a high faith-driven spirit and embody values, morals, courage, humanity, honour, loyalty, and steadfastness. This is a great blessing, reminding us of the saying of Allah, the Most Blessed and Most High, {'This is the favour of Allah. He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:54].

Therefore, considering the Americans' schemes and hostile activities against our country, as they move to play the humanitarian and political card as a means of pressure and to continue their aggressive airstrikes and various schemes to incite others against our country, if the Americans imagine that our Ummah will falter, then this is a false and wrong perception that is doomed to failure and will never come true. All those schemes and plots upon which the Americans and Israelis rely have no chance before our dear people, with their steadfastness, awareness, insight, seriousness, adherence to this position, and reliance on Allah.

Therefore, our dear people continue in their public activities, and our country continues to move forward on all fronts, including the military front, the political front, and the media front, as well as the front of public activities along all its paths, such as the mobilisation effort and the weekly million-man demonstrations. Our dear people will continue all these activities and will remain steadfast in their position towards Gaza, the Palestinian people, Lebanon, and Hezbollah. Our dear people will remain firm and sincere in supporting every Islamic country facing aggression from an enemy of this Ummah. The Israeli enemy is an enemy of the Ummah as a whole, an enemy of the peoples of our Ummah without exception, and an enemy to us. Therefore, we consider it an enemy because it is an enemy tied to Satan. This enemy is a criminal, oppressor, aggressor, occupier, and usurper.

Therefore, our dear people will continue to move forward and persist in all their activities, paying no heed to whatever the Americans and their proxies, assistants, and propaganda machinery do, no matter their efforts to cause disturbances, sow discord, exert pressure, or start escalation. We will confront any escalation with escalation. By the will of Allah and with His support that granted success to the development of military capabilities, the manufacturing of the Palestine 2 missile and other capabilities, and the continuous enhancement of military capabilities, the position of our country will be more effective. Concurrently, the popular momentum and broad public engagement will persist, driven by faith, patience, loyalty, steadfastness, awareness, and high insight.

I call upon our dear people to take to the streets in millions tomorrow, Friday, in the capital Sanaa and in other governorates and districts, according to the approved arrangements. The Palestinian people, the Lebanese people, and the mujahidin in Palestine and Lebanon will see nothing but loyalty, steadfastness, and sincerity from our dear people. Our dear people are a free people who are steadfast in their faith-based belonging and their faith-based position, as sincerity and steadfastness are part of their faith.


O Allah (Glory be to You), grant us all success to gain what pleases You, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, set free our captives. We also ask Him to hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin, for the Lebanese people and their dear mujahidin, and for our Ummah as a whole. We ask Him (the Almighty) to hasten relief for all of our Ummah.

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

#Yemen #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 4 months
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