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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Genocidal Jewish Chaplains at UK Universities 

News - Middle East: The British Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, has announced a £7 million procurement process for anti-semitism training in schools, colleges and universities, where she claims there's been a huge increase in anti-semitic incidents.


However, the statistics on which she's relying has been provided by the Community Security Trust (CST), which has links to Israel's overseas spy agency, Mossad.

The British government has announced that its response to the ongoing genocide in Palestine is that it will spend £7 million on tackling anti-semitism in education.

Meanwhile, the government has failed to earmark any money at all to tackle the epidemic of anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic racism whipped up by the Zionist movement.

£500,000 of the £7 million funding has been awarded to the University Jewish Chaplaincy, or UJC, for 'welfare support' for Jewish students in universities.

But what is the UJC, a kindly Jewish religious organization devoted to the welfare and spiritual needs of their students?

Unfortunately not, in fact, it's a fully signed up Zionist organization with direct links to illegal settlements and to the genocidal occupation forces.

The UJC is a charity that is also a member of the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council, JLC.

One of the directors of the UJC, Yuri Goldberg, was appointed a director of the JLC in August 2024.

Both groups are advocates of the genocidal ideology of Zionism, but perhaps the UJC is best known for its chaplain at Leeds University who was involved in the genocide in Gaza as a member of the occupation forces.

In October 2023 it emerged that he had been circulating videos of himself to Jewish students in Israeli occupation forces uniform, claiming: "No one could deny that Israel is dealing with this war with the utmost morality and good ethics".

"What Israel is trying to do is destroy the evil, which is the most moral thing possible."

It seems unlikely that this was conducive to the welfare of Jewish students at Leeds or elsewhere.

 Zechariah Deutsch and his wife, Nava, the chaplaincy couple, had both trained for two years at Ohr Torah Stone's Straus-Amiel Institute.

The Institute is located in Migdal Oz in the Gush Etzion settlement block in the West Bank. Ohr Torah Stone is an educational Zionist venture founded by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin in New York. He later became a settler colonist.

The University Jewish Chaplaincy operates as a charity in the UK. It provides Jewish chaplains to universities up and down the country. Our investigations reveal that many have direct connections to illegal settlement and the occupation forces.

There are currently 17 individuals appointed in the UK, six couples and five individuals.

At Bristol, Asaf and Atara Forges are said to come from Israel, though both trained in the Straus Emil Institute of Ohr Torah Stone. This is the Gush Etzion settlement block run by an openly genocidal organization.

The Glasgow and Edinburgh chaplain, Eliran, trained at a yeshiva that is also run by or Torah stone and included service in the occupation forces. His wife, Ayala Shabo, is from the illegal settlement of Efrat and attended Shalem College, in the occupied territory.

The chaplain at Nottingham, Uriya Dvir, attended two Yeshivas for a total of six years. Both were in illegal settlements. The Yeshivas combined Torah study and service in the occupation forces.

Rabbi Fishel Cohen at Birmingham is part of the genocidal Chabad cult, which believes it is justified to kill Palestinian children.

Unsurprisingly, the UJC is funded by a slew of hardline genocidal Zionists such as the convicted fraudster and founder of the Community Security Trust, Gerald Ronson, property developer David Dangoor, whose money is channeled via the Exilarch's Foundation.

 It also donates to the Islamophobic Henry Jackson society as does the Wolfson family, which owns the retailer 'NEXT'.

The family has donated to Islamophobic think tanks, including Policy Exchange, and the Jerusalem Foundation which is directly involved in ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

The University Jewish Chaplaincy is a charity so these connections must raise questions about its ability to provide public benefit as required by law.

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