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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Mass Rallies in Sana'a, Provinces in Anniversary of 'Al-Sarkha Slogan in Face of Arrogance’ 

News - Yemen: The capital Sana'a and other provinces witnessed Wednesday morning major mass rallies on the occasion of the anniversary of “Al-Sarkha slogan in the face of arrogance” which was launched by Martyr Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi as a title to "leave the state of silence and build the Islamic Nation militarily and economically."

Large mass rally took place in Bab Al-Yemen Square in the capital Sana’a.

The demonstrators carried slogans of freedom, flags of Yemen, banners calling for a boycott of American and Israeli goods, banners denouncing American policy and arrogance, and banners supporting the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause in the face of the Zionist enemy. They chanted slogans of freedom denouncing American policy and calling for a boycott of American and Israeli goods.

Scholar Mohammad Muftah, a member of the Association of Yemeni Scholars, affirmed that the Martyr Leader Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi raised the Al-Sarkha slogan in the face of arrogance at a time when the most powerful states and regimes submitted to the US.

Muftah pointed out that between the beginning of the Al- Sarkhaand the stage we live in today, great transformations took place at all levels in favor of the Qur’anic project. He stressed that the Yemeni People carry the banner of confronting the American tyranny ahead of all peoples and spearhead in this confrontation.

He explained that the US administration pushed its regional tools to attack Yemen and reaped failure and disappointment, and today the region is preparing to cry out against US hegemony.

Meanwhile, the march statement made it clear that when the US raised its deceitful slogan of war on "terrorism" to attack Islam, the Martyr Leader raised the slogan of truth.

The statement of the march affirmed that the US is the one who leads the aggression against our country and besieges it, and it is the one that obstructs peace and is keen on the continuation of the fighting, which confirms the correctness of the position of the Martyr Leader.

It stressed that the slogan thwarted the plans of the enemies and broke the barrier of fear and established hostility towards those who are hostile to the Nation and fight it. It pointed out that the slogan exposed the agents and takfiris, and exposed democracy and false slogans of freedom for the US.

It pointed out that one of the most important practical steps of the Quranic project was the boycott of enemy goods and products as a factor for building the Nation and achieving self-sufficiency.

The statement indicated that the boycott is an essential factor in building the Nation and its economic renaissance, as it pushes it to production and self-sufficiency instead of relying on what comes to it from enemies.

It also stressed that the state of aggression against our country is still continuing and the state of unjust siege on our people is still in place. And that the Yemeni People will not be silent about the continuation of the aggression, the blockade, the plundering of national wealth and the occupation.

It stressed that the Yemeni People will confront the aggression with all strength, solidity and determination, and with more than what the enemies had expected in the past. And that the people are fully prepared for all the options that will be directed by the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

The statement stressed that the countries involved in aggression must deal with the war and its effects and humanitarian and economic repercussions, including the prisoners, compensation for damages and reconstruction.

The statement stressed that what is happening in the occupied provinces is part of the enemies' plots aimed at dividing the country.

The statement indicated that Saudi Arabia’s attempt to present itself as a mediator is an open and exposed maneuver, and those who undertook the aggravation of this war can only bear its consequences and work to address its effects. It stressed that the Yemeni People will not allow Saudi Arabia to extricate itself from the war without assuming peace commitments.

Concerning the Palestinian issue, the statement renewed Yemenis firm and principled stance towards the Nation’s issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian issue. It stressed Yemenis support for the resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and other Islamic countries.

The Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi called in a speech, Tuesday evening, for a great and honorable march today as an expression of Yemenis’ position towards the conspiracies of the enemies.

He stressed that attendance at the marches reflects the steadfastness of Yemenis in their positions towards the issues of their Nation, foremost of which is the Palestinian issue.

Al-Sarkhah Slogan is an expression adopted by Sayyed Hussein Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi to show loyalty to God and condemnation of His enemies, in the face of arrogance.

After the incident of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent American military moves to destroy and occupy countries and plunder their capabilities under false pretexts and claims, the Martyr Leader Sayyed Hussein Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi adopted a Quranic project to confront that conspiracy.

An anti-American and Zionist policy whose title is "Death to America and Israel", and under it a mobilizing cultural action that agitates the general Muslims in a comprehensive way that transcends all sects and groups.

Several months after the incident of the World Trade Towers, the Martyr Leader launched his resounding Al-Sarkha Slogan in the face of the arrogant from the school of Imam Al-Hadi in Maran, Sa’adah, on January 17, 2002 as a weapon and a position under which a cultural act came to mobilize the energies of the nation and unite its efforts.

The vocabulary of Al-Sarkha Chant and its method, derived its legitimacy from the inspiration of the Holy Qur’an and in a manner consistent with all laws. The Martyr Leader stressed that there is no solution that rises to the level of confronting the American attack and its crusade against Muslims except by returning to the Holy Qur’an, which exposed the Jews and their malicious and cunning schemes.
With the slogan "Death to America and death to Israel," the Martyr Leader called for a boycott of American and Israeli goods, opening the way for the individual and society to participate in an influential and comprehensive position that can be expanded.

It was necessary to contrast the enemies and show anger against them in a practical approach that fortifies the nation from within and qualifies it to be on the level of confrontation with its enemies.

#Yemen #Protest #Al-Sarkha Slogan About 1 year
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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