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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Shura Council Condemn Zionists' Attacks on City of Jenin 

News - Yemen:  The Shura Council condemned the repeated Zionist attacks on Palestinian lands and cities, the latest of which was the attack on the city of Jenin and its refugee camp in the West Bank, killing and wounding of dozens of Palestinians.


In a statement, the Council considered that the escalation of the Israeli enemy's policy of criminal actions in recent months in the cities of the West Bank and Gaza Strip is clear evidence of the criminality and terrorism of the usurping enemy entity.


The statement called on the Association of Senates, Shura Councils and the Arab world to intensify efforts to advocate for the Palestinian cause, and support its courageous resistance with all its factions in confronting the Zionist enemy.


The statement stressed that the force of the occupation army will not be deterred except by force and the painful response by the resistance factions.

The Council renewed support for the firm position of the Yemeni government and people on the Palestinian cause, and full readiness to provide all support and assistance to the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance.


#Aggression #Zionists #Shura Council About 1 year
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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