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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Suspicious Silence of UN over Assassination of its Worker in Saudi- Occupied Taiz

Yemen: Although over a month has passed since the assassination of the UN official, Moayed Hamidi, in Taiz Governorate, the party accused of being behind the crime has not yet been revealed, nor has the perpetrators been arrested and brought to trial.


The silence of the United Nations regarding the assassination of Hamidi contributed to creating a kind of suspicion around the assassination crime. 


It seems that there are efforts to put the assassination of “Muayad Hamidi” into a state of ignorance, and to prepare local and international public opinion to forget the crime, by remaining silent about the assassination, whether by the United Nations, or by the authorities affiliated with the coalition of aggression in Taiz.
It is not excluded that the case will be exploited for political and military purposes that do not serve in revealing the truth, especially since we are talking about areas where assassinations have become a daily occurrence, and no one is paying attention to them anymore, even if this time the crime targeted an international figure.
The failure to provide any data about the crime makes it turn into a regular crime in the coalition-controlled areas. This means that humanitarian partners became an easy target for the warring forces in southern and eastern Yemen, during which each faction worked to put the other in embarrassing positions of weakness before the world.


Last July 26, Samir Hamidi, the brother of the UN official, said in press statements, “The United Nations informed us that the Yemeni government arrested 12 people involved in the murder of my brother, including the motorcycle driver and the gunman who fired at the body of my brother, Moayad. However, after that they did not tell us anything new about the names of the killers nor where the investigations have reached.”
Samir Hamidi called on the honorable tribes of Yemen to arrest his brother’s killers and bring them to trial.


Samir Hamidi’s statements came two days after Nabil Shamsan, the governor of the coalition government in Taiz, said that he had informed the United Nations of the results of the investigations with the defendants over the Internet. He added that his government had asked the United Nations to involve international investigators in the crime but it was not announced by the United Nations, which refrained from responding to those statements.
In order to shake off the responsibility of the United Nations, the United Nations Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen, David Gressly, last Sunday, in press statements called for the perpetrators of the assassination of to be brought to justice urgently.


According to observers, the United Nations, through Gressly’s statements, has not yet learned that the Taiz police were unable to arrest those accused of the crime, if the police knew who the killers were and the motives for the crime, or that the organization basically did not want anyone to know anything?


The most prominent question here remains the secret of the United Nations’ silence over the cold-blooded assassination of one of its employees in Taiz, and why were the killers not revealed?! 

#UN #US_Saudi_Aggression About 1 year
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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