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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik Demands Opening Borders so Yemeni People Can Reach Palestine

News - Yemen: The leader of the revolution in Yemen, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi, said, "The Israeli occupation is committing the worst crimes against the Palestinian people amidst the Arab fiasco."

He pointing out that the targeting of residential areas and hospitals, and the killing of thousands of Palestinians reveal the criminal nature of the Zionist enemy 


Sayyed Abdulmalik added during a speech at the annual commemoration of the Martyr, on Tuesday, that "the brutality of the Israeli enemy is evident in its focus on targeting hospitals."


He emphasized that "there are those whose consciences have died while they remain indifferent to these tragic scenes in Palestine," confirming that there is a "suffocating Israeli and Arab siege, and there is no serious effort to deliver humanitarian aid."


Sayyed stressed that "Arab regimes lack seriousness in their response to what is happening in Gaza and lack the will to take action."


He also addressed the recent joint Arab-Islamic summit held in Saudi Arabia, saying that it "did not take a stance on what is happening in Palestine."


He further stated that this summit, which is claimed to represent all Muslims, only issued a verbal statement, asking, "Are these the capabilities of 57 Arab-Islamic countries with more than one and a half billion Muslims, to issue nothing more than an appeal?"


Sayyed Abdulmalic pointed out that "the Israeli enemy ridiculed the summit's statement," and that "it did not meet the level of some Western and non-Islamic countries’ position that severed their ties with Israel, and their position showed greater solidarity than Arab countries."


Commenting on the draft final statement of the Arab Islamic summit, held in Riyadh, regarding the "dangerous and unprecedented events in Gaza and the Palestinian territories," he emphasized the need to "break the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip and immediately provide humanitarian aid, including food, medicine, and fuel."


The leader of the revolution in Yemen said, "We were angered by what the Saudi regime did during the Riyadh season, the season of dancing and debauchery, in light of the tragedy unfolding in Gaza."


Expressing his disappointment that "most Arab countries did not respond as required to what is happening in Gaza," Sayyed Abdulmalik affirmed that "since the beginning of the brutal Zionist aggression on Gaza, our people's position has been clear and honorable."


He continued, "From the first day, we declared our support for the Palestinian people at all levels, including military support" explaining that "this position is official and popular, and our people act upon it in their statements and activities, and everyone is mobilized, and this is what should be done."


The leader confirmed that if borders opened for the Yemeni people to Palestine, hundreds of thousands of mujahideen would directly confront the Zionist enemy.


He talked about the missile launches from Yemen towards Israel to support the Palestinian resistance in its war against the occupation, stating that "there was an operation by the Rocketry force and Drones carried out yesterday, Monday, against the Zionist enemy."


He pointed out that the Israeli occupation "did not dare to raise Israeli flags on its ships in the Red Sea," but "they camouflage, which indicates the effectiveness of our position and our impact on targeting Israel."


Since the beginning of the "Al-Aqsa storm" operation, the Yemeni Armed Forces have launched ballistic missiles and drones at occupied Palestine to support the Palestinian resistance in its war with the occupation.

Yemen's Armed Forces announced on Thursday the execution of the sixth military operation against the Zionist entity in support of the Palestinian people.

The Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e, confirmed the launch of a batch of ballistic missiles at various sensitive targets in the Zionist entity south of the occupied territories, including military targets in the Umm Rush Rush area, "Eilat."


He stated that the military operation successfully achieved its objectives, causing direct casualties to the specified targets, despite the enemy's attempts to keep it secret.


Sare'e explained that the Yemeni Armed Forces will continue their military operations in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians until the Israeli aggression against Gaza comes to a halt.


The Israeli enemy army had expressed concerns about a drone strike in Eilat and recognized that a missile had been launched from Yemen, claiming that air defenses had intercepted it.


The Yemeni Army has recently conducted several military operations against Israeli targets in response to the occupying regime's October 7-present war against the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip, which has so far killed more than 10,500 Palestinians.


Last Tuesday, the Armed Forces said they had launched a large-scale drone strike against "sensitive" targets in the occupied territories in a show of support for Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip.


On October 31 too, the forces had launched large-scale military strikes against Israeli targets using a "large batch of ballistic and winged missiles, and a large number of drones."


Yemen's military has vowed to keep up the strikes as long as the occupying regime presses on with its war against Gaza.


On October 10, the Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi stated Yemen's readiness to use missiles, drone strikes, and other military options in the event of direct US intervention in the aggression against Palestine.


Sayyed Abdulmalik addressed the Palestinian people, expressing solidarity and support, and urged them not to be influenced by media campaigns, exaggerations, or fear-mongering.


He referred to the Al-Aqsa Storm operation as a divine sign, symbolizing the beginning of a new phase where divine support and victory will be granted to the Palestinian people, indicating the approach of divine relief.

#Palestine #Zionist_Entity #War_Crimes #Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi About 8 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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