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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Resilience and Defiance: Yemeni People's Will Endures Amidst Aggression, Destruction

News - Yemen: The Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi underscored the unwavering resolve and resilience of the Yemeni people in the face of adversities.


He emphasized that the past nine years since the onset of the US-Saudi aggression against Yemen have unequivocally demonstrated the efficacy of resilience as the preferred course of action for the populace amidst such challenges.

In a televised speech commemorating the 9th anniversary of National Resilience Day, Sayyed Abdulmalik reflected on the manifold manifestations of divine support and assistance bestowed upon the Yemeni people over the past nine years, attributing these blessings to the benevolence of Allah towards the beloved Yemeni nation.

Commending the sincerity, dedication, and steadfastness exhibited by the people in countering the aggression, the leader lauded the sacrifices of numerous martyrs, wounded individuals, and prisoners who have epitomized heroism, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication.

He also commended the frontline fighters for their role in maintaining stability and thwarting enemy advances. Additionally, he acknowledged the concerted efforts across various sectors including humanitarian, economic, educational, and political realms, highlighting the overarching societal cohesion as a pivotal factor in withstanding the oppressive siege.

Sayyed Abdulmalik clarified that the aggression against Yemen started without prior warning and without justification. He described it as brutal and criminal, indicating that it was part of an American, Israeli, and British plan executed by the coalition. He added that the goals of the aggression include enabling the Israeli enemy to control the region and rearrange its situation.

He elaborated on the coalition's objectives, emphasizing its attempts to undermine Yemen's sovereignty and deprive its people of freedom. The leader condemned the coalition's targeting of civilians and its utilization of blockade tactics, starvation, and currency manipulation as tools of oppression.

Sayyed Abdulmalik explained that at the onset of the US-Saudi aggression, civilians were deliberately targeted, leading to heinous crimes that affected all aspects of life in Yemen. He emphasized that coalition airstrikes spared no location, striking homes in cities, villages, and even Bedouin camps.

He affirmed that coalition airstrikes indiscriminately targeted gatherings, whether celebratory or mournful, and various social events. The focus, he noted, was on killing Yemeni civilians in markets, hospitals, mosques, schools, and on roads.

Sayyed Abdulmalik added that the coalition resorted to blockade and starvation as tactics to harm the Yemeni people, alongside manipulation of the national currency and banking systems.

The leader highlighted that the aggression unleashed a staggering 274,302 airstrikes using bombs and missiles against Yemeni civilians, though acknowledging that this figure may not represent the complete count.

He condemned the aggression as criminal and brutal, driven by malicious intent. He pointed out the extensive destruction, with over 613,992 homes destroyed and 186 university facilities razed, some completely demolished.

Sayyed Abdulmalik posed a poignant question: "Who destroys more than half a million houses? Does this war serve the interests of the Yemeni people, or does it target a specific segment of the Yemeni populace?"

He reiterated that the Saudi aggression against Yemen has failed to achieve its objectives, instead causing immense damage to infrastructure and the daily lives of civilians.


He noted that the US-Saudi aggression resulted in the martyrdom and injury of over 50,000 people, a majority of whom were children and women. He affirmed that targeting universities and destroying them cannot serve the interests of the Yemeni people. Additionally, he condemned the destruction of 1,843 mosques as further evidence of the aggression's indiscriminate harm.

The aggression inflicted severe damage on vital facilities in Yemen. This included the destruction of 427 hospitals and health facilities, leading to the loss of numerous healthcare workers and patients. Moreover, 1,331 schools and educational centers, 146 sports facilities, and 269 archaeological sites were also destroyed. The aggression also targeted and bombed 63 media facilities.

In terms of infrastructure, Sayyed Abdulmalik mentioned the destruction of more than 12,775 agricultural fields and the targeting of 15 airports despite the country's weak infrastructure. Additionally, 354 power stations and generators, 7,940 roads and bridges were targeted, resulting in significant civilian casualties. Moreover, 647 communication networks and stations, 3,332 water tanks and networks, and 2,155 government facilities were also targeted.

Regarding the economic sector, the leader stated that 417 factories, 397 fuel tankers, 12,534 commercial facilities, and 484 poultry and livestock farms were targeted. More than 10,000 means of transportation, over 1,000 food trucks, and 712 markets, where numerous massacres occurred, were also targeted. Furthermore, 493 fishing boats were targeted, resulting in the deaths of several fishermen at sea. Additionally, 1,043 food warehouses and 434 fuel stations were targeted.

Sayyed Abdulmalik highlighted that these crimes have led to international condemnation, with news of them spreading across different countries.

The leader explained that the aggression also encompassed a comprehensive siege on the Yemeni people, including the closure of airports and restrictions on travel, causing immense suffering. He also indicated that the aggression coalition targeted the Yemeni economy and seized control of oil, gas, and ports.

Despite the magnitude of the aggression and extensive destruction, the Yemeni people have not wavered in their resolve. The leader praised the cohesion achieved by the Yemeni people at various levels.

He emphasized that the aggression coalition failed to occupy Yemen's geographic and strategic depth, and was unable to achieve complete control over the Yemeni people.

The leader affirmed that the enemies have reached a state of despair in achieving their goals after years of aggression, suffering significant losses in the process.

#US_Saudi_Aggression #Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi About 4 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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