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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Hypocrisy of ‘Freedom of Speech’ in US, Europe, Hysterical Suppression of pro-Palestine Protests

World: Day after day, the heroic historical operation of 'The Flood of Al-Aqsa' reaffirms its purpose to solidify Palestinian rights and impose the inevitability of their restoration, as well as expose the weakness, fragility, and criminality of the usurping Zionist entity. 


The current student and academic activism witnessed in American and European universities these days confirms to everyone that Palestine has returned to the souls of all the free and observers in the world, undermining decades of conspiracies woven by the Zionist entity to obliterate and liquidate the Palestinian cause.

While the widespread student movement in solidarity with Palestine asserts that the Palestinian cause resonates far and wide, it simultaneously exposes the hypocrisy of democracy and freedom, as student demonstrators face widespread suppression by authorities, whether in the United States or in European countries.

As the student protests against the Zionist genocide in Gaza continue in the United States, the student movement has spread to universities in several Latin American and European countries, whose governments are loyal to the Zionist entity and its American sponsors. This foreshadows widespread suppression operations that may target the protesters, with indications of such actions emerging on the horizon.

The newspaper 'Al-Masirah' has documented the escalation of protests in British, French, Australian, Canadian, and Colombian universities. Meanwhile, regimes that witnessed student protests have responded with widespread suppression against the student movement in solidarity with Palestine, indicating a path towards implementing American-style democracy.

It is noteworthy that students in British, French, Canadian, Colombian, and Australian universities have declared their absolute solidarity with their counterparts in American universities, putting America's allies in a new embarrassing situation, this time through university gates.

America exposed once again:

Starting with the escalating protests in America, students at Yale University have resumed their open sit-in in support of Palestine and condemnation of the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza, following a widespread campaign of arrests targeting protesting students, further exposing American hypocrisy.

The protesting students have reiterated their demands for the university to divest its investments from the occupation entity and its institutions, setting up 40 sit-in tents on campus. Protesters named the sit-in camp 'The Liberated Zone', described by the university's police chief, from one of the oldest American universities, as a 'violation of university policies regarding the use of outdoor spaces, posters, and loudspeakers.'

The protesting students have set up human chains to prevent the police from reaching the green zone where they have set up their tents, raising Palestinian flags and banners in support of the people of Gaza and condemning the crimes of the occupation committed against the people of Gaza amidst international silence and complicity.

In parallel with these protests, thousands of students at 44 American universities and colleges and many European universities continue protests demanding an end to the genocide committed by the occupation army in Gaza, and condemning the continued American and Western support for Israeli crimes.

On a parallel line, American authorities continue to suppress student protests through arbitrary arrests and aggressive dispersal of sit-ins, reaffirming America's reign of tyranny, dictatorship, and sponsorship of crimes.

From the United States to Colombia and Canada, where protesting students oppose the Zionist aggression and crimes in Gaza, vowing to continue their activism in Colombia in solidarity with Palestine on one hand, and university students in the United States on the other hand, facing suppression and assaults for their solidarity with the besieged Palestinian people, subjected to the worst daily crimes.


According to international media citing Colombian and Canadian media, these protests witness ongoing escalation in terms of participants, universities involved, and demands raised to increasingly isolate the Zionist entity and its American sponsors morally, politically, and through media.

The protesting students have pledged to continue their activism until the aggression and siege on Gaza cease, while several Colombian universities have announced the suspension of academic activities until the situation is resolved.

Europe reflects the American hypocrisy:

To Europe, a French university announced the suspension of classes due to the escalation of student protests condemning the Zionist aggression and siege on Gaza.

Following widespread student protests at the School of Political Sciences in the capital, Paris, the protests expanded to Sorbonne University - one of France's oldest universities - where wide-scale student demonstrations led to the cessation of educational activities and cancellation of lectures. Graduate students also participated in the protests, conveying international outrage against Zionist crimes.

International and French media reported that students at the historic Sorbonne University set up tents and closed all entrances since mid-Monday, raising banners condemning the Zionist aggression on Gaza, including slogans like 'Israel is a killer and Sorbonne is complicit,' 'Don't just watch, join us.' 

These slogans underscore the extent to which the Palestinian issue has penetrated European student circles, after long-standing conspiracies aimed at obliterating Palestinian rights and replacing them with educational curricula claiming the Zionist entity's right to the occupied Palestinian territories. This has turned European and American universities into a painful blow to the Zionist entity and its decades-long deceptive efforts to suppress awareness and obscure the truth.

French protesters expressed opposition to France's policy towards Israeli crimes in Gaza, demanding sanctions against the Israeli enemy and an end to 'cooperation with all institutions complicit in the systematic repression of the Palestinian people,' confirming a significant block of student and academic awareness that strengthens the Palestinian cause and its supporters.

Similar to American repression operations, social media users circulated videos on Monday showing French police conducting suppression operations against protesters at Sorbonne University, using all forms of violence to disperse them, destroy their camps, and forcibly remove some protesters. This confirms that the French regime is on a dangerous path that further exposes Western democracy, as well as revealing the reality of the support of hegemonic powers for Zionist crimes.

Amidst escalating protests in France and corresponding brutal repression, indications suggest that French universities may host similar demonstrations, especially with the involvement of several politicians in supporting the protesting students at Sorbonne University.

International media have clarified that several French politicians have called on their supporters through social media to join the protests at Sorbonne and seek to expand the scope of protests.

Among the prominent French politicians who called for supporting the protests is 'Matthilde Panot,' who chairs the left-wing legislators' group in the National Assembly. This sets the stage for a new test of democracy and freedom for the French regime, after Washington and its allies failed in all previous tests in this regard.

It is worth noting that British and German universities witnessed widespread protests last week, condemning the Zionist aggression on Gaza, while the repression faced by the protesters warns of a wide wave of student anger.

With all these events, the common factor among all the data is the return of the Palestinian issue to all corners of the world and the emergence of the criminal Zionist entity as a rogue gang capable of nothing but relishing in murder and crime."

#US #Freedom of Press #GazaGenocide About 2 months
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