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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Chronicles of US-Saudi Aggression in May 13: Targeting Livelihoods and Lives in Yemen

Yemen: The US-Saudi aggression persisted in committing heinous crimes and genocide massacres against civilians, targeting both public and private properties of citizens, casting its flames on innocent people, especially children and women, particularly following any defeat it faces in direct confrontation. Not a single day passes without the commission of a new crime.


On this day, May 13th, over 9 years, Yemeni citizens were subjected to indiscriminate airstrikes while in their homes or on their safe routes. Mosques, communication networks, farms, and agricultural products belonging to civilians were targeted without any justification or regard for sanctity, laws, or treaties, with crimes that shame humanity.

May 13, 2015.. Targeting a citizen's house and an apple farm in Saadah:

On May 13, 2015, the US-Saudi coalition warplanes targeted the house of citizen Hameed Ansafi and an apple farm in the Al-Ja'mlah area in the Muzza district of Saadah governorate.

Citizen Hameed owned only this house where he and his family lived, which was completely destroyed due to the hateful and genocidal airstrikes that directly and deliberately targeted the house. This cowardly aggression resorted to targeting homes after its failure in direct combat, directing all its equipment towards such attacks, killing women and children inside.

With the bombing of the citizen's house, more than 15 sheep were killed, and the citizen's property, including his car, was destroyed. The citizen and his family found themselves lying on the ground near the destroyed house, resorting to simple bedding mats, as they had nowhere else to go.

At the same time, in the same location, those warplanes launched their attacks on an apple orchard, causing it to instantly burn down, turning the apples into charred rubble scattered on the ground, exemplifying the clear intent of deliberate destruction of trees, stones, and humans.

This arrogant enemy did not suffice with bombing the house of the citizen Hameed; rather, it sought to cut off livelihoods by targeting the means of living that citizens consider their only source of income, namely, the farms.

Scenes showed large pieces of missile remnants that bombed the farm, alongside thousands of remains of apple fruit crops, confirming the reality of the American aggression intent on destroying all life components, including agricultural development aimed at Yemen's cultural renaissance.

May 13, 2016.. Child injured in cluster bomb explosion in Saada:

On the same day in 2016, a child suffered severe injuries due to a cluster bomb explosion from the remnants of the American aggression in the Beni Saad area in the Haydan district of Saadah province.

The child Ali did not know that the strange object would cause scattered injuries to his body when he thought it was just a stone or a toy, took it in his hands, and it exploded immediately, causing injuries to his hands and one of his legs. He was immediately taken to a health center.

This incident is one of thousands of cases where children are killed or injured due to these internationally prohibited cluster bombs left by the murderous aggressor enemy during its bombardment of densely populated areas.

May 13, 2016.. Over 20 airstrikes on the communication network in Amran:

On the same day in 2016, the US-Saudi aggression continued its indiscriminate airstrikes on vital facilities and public interests, launching over 20 airstrikes on the Mahlah area in the Khumr district of Amran province, targeting the communication network and a mosque there.

20 consecutive airstrikes caused massive destruction in the area inhabited by civilians, spreading fear and terror among women and children. Citizens wondered in astonishment why these brutal airstrikes were targeting these neighborhoods without any apparent reason, and without achieving any goal other than disrupting public tranquility and destroying infrastructure.


May 13, 2018.. Two citizens injured in the bombing of the main road in Maran:

On the same day in 2018, the aggression targeted the main road in the Maran area of the Haydan district in Saadah province with its indiscriminate airstrikes, injuring two citizens severely who were then rushed to the area's hospital.

The two citizens were walking on the main road, feeling safe and secure, but moments later, their bodies were covered in blood, embodying the worst forms of criminality against humanity.

May 13, 2019.. Martyrdom of 6 citizens in the bombing of a mango-loaded car in Saada:

In 2019, on the same day, the Saudi-American aggression continued to commit heinous crimes and massacres that shame humanity. In Saada province, the aggression aircraft targeted a car belonging to a farmer, loaded with mango fruit, on the main road in the Ja'mlah area of the Muzza district, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of innocent citizens.

The farmer's car turned into a charred structure due to the treacherous airstrikes after the flames continued inside it for hours. The mango baskets onboard turned into black, torn balls scattered on the road.

However, what was most saddening and regrettable at the same time was the sight of children's and adults' body parts hanging on the trees on the sides of the main road, where human limbs, like legs and hands, were found hanging between the trees and stones. At that moment, only a few of those parts' owners were known.

After moments, a medical rescue team and several paramedics arrived at the scene, and they started gathering the scattered body parts, which had spread over long distances due to the massive scale of the targeting.

One of the citizens present at the site of the targeting said that the targeted victims were citizens who had come out to earn a lawful living. They were coming from Hajjah province to the Qatibar to sell vegetables, but the aggression airstrikes prevented their arrival, turning them into shreds and charred remains collected in different bags.

This cowardly targeting led to the martyrdom of 6 citizens and the serious injury of another, in addition to the destruction of several cars and motorcycles on the main road in the Ja'mlah area.

It was striking within the scenes to see one citizen charred on his motorcycle that he was riding on the same road, and the paramedics couldn't identify him.

As for the only wounded among the citizens, he was rushed to a hospital in the Muzza district of Saadah, but he was in a very critical condition, as there was no part of his body left unharmed by deep wounds and injuries, and his entire body was submerged in blood, with his facial features almost disappearing completely due to this treacherous targeting.

Roads in Yemen in general, and in Saadah province in particular, were not spared from the direct targeting of the Saudi-American aggression with the bombing of citizens' cars, as they were on their safe way carrying citizens' needs, turning into charred pieces, and everything inside them ended, including precious items and others.

About 3 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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