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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik: Stronger Positions Should Be Taken Against Israeli Violations, Threats to Egypt

News - Yemen: The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, affirmed the steadfastness of the Yemeni people's position in support of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people, despite all attempts by the enemies.


The Leader said in his weekly speech on Thursday that "nothing will ever change the position of Yemeni people in supporting and advocating for the Palestinian people."

He explained that "the more the Israeli enemy increases its heinous crimes, the more we will seek to escalate Yemen’s position to make it more effective and impactful."

He affirmed that the ongoing US-British aggression against Yemen is an attempt to influence its position in support of Gaza. “The US-British aggression has failed miserably in achieving its goal of stopping the Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza,” he added.

The Leader revealed that 3 Arab countries are collaborating with the Americans and European countries in an attempt to intercept Yemen’s missiles and drones heading towards the Israeli entity.

Criticizing Arab regimes in supporting Israel, he stressed that any Arab support for the Israeli entity is a direct contribution to the aggression against the Palestinian people.

Warning Saudi Regime of US Plots

The leader warned of an American plot to drag Saudi Arabia into an economic aggression against Yemen, by putting pressure on the banks in Sana'a.

The Leader said that the United States is seeking to trap Saudi Arabia in the service of the Israeli enemy, by putting pressure on the banks in Sana'a.

He added that targeting the banks in Sana'a is an economic aggression, and if Saudi Arabia gets involved in this in service of Israel, it will fall into a major problem.

The Leader called on Saudi Arabia to beware of falling into this American trap, stressing that it is astray for some to lose their security, peace, and everything for the sake of the Israeli enemy.

He stressed that any hostile steps against Yemen will not deter the Yemeni people from their position in support of the Palestinian cause, even if some Arab regimes go to fight in service of the Israeli enemy.

The Leader emphasized that the Yemeni people will remain in their jihadist faith position to support the Palestinian people, and no one will turn them away from this position.

He continued that involvement with the Americans to serve "Israel" is an insult, disgrace, shame, scandal and loss in this world and the Hereafter.

Palestinians’ Achievements vs Israeli Failure

The leader affirmed that Palestine is the primary trench, and the battle facing the Palestinian people is the battle of the entire nation. Muslims and the human community in general must stand with the Palestinian people in confronting the Israeli enemy.

The Zionist enemy continues its barbaric aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza for the 237th day. The leader said that the targeted area in Rafah had previously been declared a safe zone by the enemy, and the displaced civilians were targeted there while they were asleep, with seven American bombs weighing nearly a ton each. 

“Most of the victims are children and women, their bodies torn and charred by the fires of those bombs, with their heads severed from their bodies. The crimes committed by the Zionist enemy, with American and British support before, reveal their aggression that poses a threat to human society, he added.

He added that the capture of Zionist soldiers in new operations and the renewed missile strikes on Tel Aviv are a testament to the failure of the enemy, explaining that the Israeli enemy is cowardly, failed, disappointed and losing, and will not achieve its hopes of aggression against the Gaza Strip. The enemy admits that 21 out of 23 Hamas brigades are still operating at medium to high efficiency.

The leader emphasized that all the crimes of the Israeli enemy were committed with American bombs and under American cover, which prevented any binding decision to stop the aggression on the Gaza Strip. He described the statements and condemnations that are issued after each major Zionist crime as no longer effective, and practical positions must be taken.

He pointed out that some Western countries have taken stronger positions in cutting relations with the Israeli enemy than the positions of some Islamic and Arab countries, noting that it is very regrettable that some Arab countries continue their relationship with the Israeli enemy.

Israel Violates Egypt National Security

Sayyed Abdulmalik commented on the recent occupation by the enemy of what is called the "Philadelphia" axis, then the occupation of the Rafah crossing, and then the attacks on Egyptian soldiers on the border, affirming that they are a serious violation and a threat to Egyptian national security. 

He called for a strong Egyptian position in support of the Palestinian people at the level that should be after the latest Zionist aggression.

As he emphasized, it is expected that there should be a greater and stronger stance towards Israeli violations and threats against Egypt, and that there should be practical steps including severing relations with the Israeli enemy and economic boycott, as the Israeli enemy still greatly benefits from economic relations with Egypt.

In his speech, the Leader touched on the fact that Egyptian ships carrying goods to the Israeli enemy are advancing more than many other countries, and this should not be the case. It is assumed that Egypt should take bold and strong steps, even to the level of severing economic relations with the enemy.

If Egypt takes this direction, it will gain the support and backing of the peoples, and Yemen will stand with it.

ICJ Decision Not Enough 

The leader said that the decision of the International Court of Justice, which was limited to stopping the aggression on Rafah, while the justice is to stop the aggression on Gaza as a whole.

Meanwhile, the Israeli enemy and the US have met the court's decision with ridicule, indifference and mockery, and these international entities cannot protect the Palestinian people or any other people, and this is an important lesson.

The Leader explained that the Israeli enemy is a criminal and an enemy of the whole nation, and America and Israel pose a danger to human societies. What we should strive for in the face of challenges and dangers is to sense our responsibility in supporting the Palestinian people.

Yemen’s Operations in Support of Gaza

Sayyed Abdulmalik affirmed that Yemen’s operations are continuing within the framework of the fourth stage and will be in a continuous escalation in terms of quantity and quality. 

This week, the operations reached 12 operations in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and towards the Mediterranean Sea with 27 ballistic and winged missiles and drones. He added: "10 of our operations targeted 10 ships associated with the Israeli, American, and British enemy, and ships belonging to companies that have violated the ban on entry to the occupied Palestinian ports."

He said that the total number of targeted ships since the beginning of the support operations is 129 ships, which is a large number, stressing that there is no decline in the level of Yemen’s operations, but rather a decline in the movement of navigation and ship movement from the American, British, and near-absence of Israeli movement.

He stressed that there are no factors that can affect Yemen’s position to reduce the level of momentum or interaction, and there are no political, economic, or other factors other than stopping the Israeli aggression against Gaza.

He added that among Yemen’s operations this week was the downing of a US "MQ-9" drone in Marib, bringing the number of drones that have been shot down during this period to 6, pointing out that downing the "MQ-9" lost its prestige so they have become valueless and insignificant.

Impact of Yemeni military operations on the economic level

He stressed that the operations afflicted at the economic level in a clear and recognized way, and there is an impact of Yemen’s operations on the rise in prices for the Israeli enemy, even for food items, and there is a significant impact on some goods in terms of rising prices or limited availability to the enemy entity.

He added: "There is an impact on the level of economic output of the enemy, which is reflected in the budgets, and the impact of the operations on the economic side of the enemy has important results," explaining that the economic field is sensitive to the Israeli enemy, and the US-Israeli-British-European force is an economic force, and the more the economic situation is affected for the enemies, the more they will decline in the material and other aspects.

The statement emphasized that our naval operations have an impact on the level of American prestige. America was in a position where no one dared to target its warships and naval vessels. It affirmed that Yemen's official and popular position of supporting the Palestinian people is a challenge to America, as America wanted to subdue the Arab states and render them incapable of taking any position in support of the Palestinian people. Yemen's position was a challenge to American and British interests.

It was confirmed that the American and British forces failed to protect Israeli interests at sea, which has an impact on the Israeli enemy and on them as well. 

There is American and British acknowledgment of Yemen's ability to develop its escalatory measures as long as the aggression on Gaza continues. Due to the Yemeni operations, the confidence of the American forces in their invincibility was shaken, and the naval confrontation undermined the Americans' confidence in themselves and their capabilities, as they witnessed the failure of their technologies and potentials. The Yemeni operations, despite attempts to stop them, have brought the Zionists to a state of despair regarding the movement of their ships.

The leader affirmed that the number of those who joined the general mobilization reached 338,350 trainees, and this activity will continue with great momentum. 

The number of marches, demonstrations, events, seminars and solidarity stands with the Palestinian people reached 561,733, explaining that the popular movement and activity in Yemen in support of Gaza is unparalleled in any country in the world. It stressed that the enemies are making efforts at all levels against the position of our people in support of Gaza and are trying to influence it.

Sayyed Abdulmalik concluded his speech by reaffirming that Yemen’s position in support of the Palestinian cause is steadfast and unwavering, and “we will not hesitate to support the Palestinian people to the best of our ability”.

He also called on all the Yemeni People to participate in large marches tomorrow in supporting Palestine and condemning the Israeli aggression in Gaza.

#Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi #GazaGenocide About 3 months
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