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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemen's Leader Unveils Strategic Escalation with Iraq Coordination Amid U.S. Concerns

Yemen: Amid declared American concerns over the Yemeni Armed Forces' ability to target ships heading towards Israel in the Mediterranean Sea, the leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, has revealed new developments in the fourth phase of escalation.


He announced military coordination with the Iraqi resistance and promised significant direct Yemeni operations that would create severe repercussions for the enemies. This escalation is expected to increase the costs of continuing the genocide to a peak, affecting not only economic losses but also strategic strikes that will amplify the major transformations occurring in the region.

Regional Coordination for More Impactful Escalation:

In his latest weekly speech discussing the fourth phase of escalation, Sayyed Abdulmalik confirmed that "coordination with brothers in Iraq will have an additional contribution," alongside the "continuous development" of Yemen’s capabilities. 

This coordination responds to SayyedAbdulmalik previous call for the Iraqi resistance to join the new escalation phase against the Israeli enemy, focusing on intensifying the maritime blockade on Israel by targeting ships heading to its ports through the Mediterranean. This is a form of escalation in which the Iraqi resistance can contribute effectively due to their proximity compared to Yemen, potentially resulting in more impactful and surprising contributions.

The joint escalation trajectory of Yemen and the Iraqi resistance is a direct blow to Israel and its Western patrons, strengthening the unity and cohesion of regional fronts supporting the Palestinian cause. This coordination opens up strategic avenues for exerting increased pressure on the enemy and its supporters, reducing their options significantly.

Direct Operations from Yemeni Soil:

The leader also indicated that "direct operations from Yemen territory will have a significant impact, with promising signs of an upcoming grand and influential momentum." 

This announcement hints at the initiation of intensive and sophisticated operations prepared with the necessary military capabilities, intelligence readiness, and operational coordination, posing severe challenges to the enemy.

It suggests possible intense operations against ships heading to Israeli ports in the Mediterranean, which could lead to a major economic disaster for Israel. Additionally, it might also mean resuming direct strikes on occupied Palestinian territories with more advanced capabilities, as seen last March when a Yemeni-developed cruise missile reached "Eilat" without being detected by Israeli systems.

Given the significant escalation trajectory of the Yemeni front supporting Gaza, it is likely that both intensifying operations towards the Mediterranean and executing targeted strikes on occupied territories will occur simultaneously.

Initial Implementation and American Concerns:

The leader mentioned a recent naval operation targeting a ship violating the blockade imposed on reaching Israeli ports, signaling the start of comprehensive sanctions announced by the Yemeni Armed Forces as part of the fourth escalation phase. This includes banning ships from companies involved in supplying the enemy, regardless of their destination or nationality, with the frequency of such operations likely to increase as part of the upcoming strategic actions promised by Sayyed Abdulmalik.

These new developments come amidst publicly acknowledged American concerns over Yemeni capabilities supporting Gaza. American media reported that a senior U.S. Defense Department officials expressed worry about the Yemeni Armed Forces' advanced weaponry capable of reaching the Mediterranean Sea.

This coincides with U.S. efforts to form a regional defensive shield in coordination with Gulf states to protect Israeli and American interests from missile and aerial attacks as well as maritime threats. Pentagon officials have mentioned ongoing meetings with Gulf states in this context, reflecting an acknowledgment of the seriousness and potential escalation from supporting fronts, including Yemen.

The leader hinted at American attempts to obstruct the fourth phase of escalation, which, despite efforts, will fail. This indicates that the Yemeni Armed Forces have accounted for all enemy and sponsor actions aimed at hindering the escalation in support of Gaza.

While Sayyed Abdulmalik’s statements suggest potential qualitative surprises, he emphasized keeping the scope of escalation open without red lines or limited expectations, signifying that Yemen's popular will for escalation exceeds current capabilities. 

This implies ongoing efforts to innovate and create impactful escalation means, sending a clear message to enemies that their concerns over Yemeni capabilities (now publicly acknowledged) will continue to grow unpredictably. Enemies could not foresee Yemeni operations reaching the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, nor can they predict the extent of escalation after the fourth phase.

#Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi #Iraqi Resistance About 3 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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