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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik: Course of Joint Operations with Iraqi Resistance Will Be Strategic, Escalatory

News - Yemen: The leader of the Yemeni revolution confirmed that one of the most prominent and significant operations by the Yemeni armed forces this week was targeting the USS "Eisenhower" twice in the northern Red Sea within 24 hours.


In his weekly speech, Thursday, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi explained that the "Eisenhower" was targeted with seven cruise missiles and four drones.

He noted that after the "Eisenhower" was hit twice, it retreated towards the northern Red Sea, fearing another attack by Yemen’s Armed Forces. He stated, "The 'Eisenhower' was 400 kilometers from the Yemeni coast during the attack, then it moved about 880 kilometers northwest of Jeddah." He pointed out that the operation targeting the "Eisenhower" was successful, with air operations halted for two days after the attack.

He added, "The targeting of the 'Eisenhower' had a significant impact, causing it to flee and change its course away from the area it was in."

Sayyed Abdulmalik confirmed that American warships fled and changed their course, proving the success of the targeting operation, as evidenced by monitoring through available technologies. 

The leader of the Yemeni revolution vowed that the USS "Eisenhower" would remain a target for the Yemeni Armed Forces, emphasizing that the truth will be revealed no matter how much Washington denies the targeting operations, and that future strikes will have greater impact and effectiveness.


Cooperation with Iraq against ‘Israel’
He emphasized that the trajectory of joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq will be important, strategic, and escalating. He stressed that the results of these joint operations will be progressive, adding, "We will meet escalation with escalation with confidence and steadfastness," and that these joint operations will have a significant impact on the enemies within the framework of the fourth phase of escalation.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi saluted the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, noting that the joint operations will present a model of cooperation among the Muslims and their joint operations in the context of jihad in the path of Allah.

Military Operations Statistics

The leader of the Yemeni revolution announced that during the past week, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out 11 military operations in support of Gaza in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and towards Umm al-Rashrash, using 36 ballistic and cruise missiles and drones, including the "Palestine" missile, which was introduced on Monday by targeting the port of Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat).

Sayyed Abdulmalik explained that these operations targeted 8 ships linked to and belonging to America, and others that violated the ban on entering the ports of occupied Palestine. Notably, they targeted the American aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" twice in the northern Red Sea within 24 hours.

He noted that during the month of Dhu al-Qi'dah, the Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza amounted to 38 operations in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, reaching the Mediterranean Sea, and towards southern occupied Palestine, carried out with 91 ballistic and cruise missiles and drones.

Popular Activities in Support of Gaza

Sayyed Abdulmalik pointed out that popular activities in support of Gaza exceeded 570,000, including demonstrations, evening events, and other activities. The public mobilization forces reached 352,038 trainees, in addition to 1,885 special activities related to maneuvers, military marches, and parades.

Palestine Missile with New Technologies

The leader revealed the features of the "Palestine" missile system, which was launched by the Armed Forces this week. In his weekly speech, he said, "The missile was manufactured considering the requirements of the fourth phase on both the technical level and the range."

He confirmed that the missile is distinguished technologically, especially against interception attempts involving several countries, noting that it will have a significant impact on the enemies.

Warning Against Economic Escalation Against Yemen

Regarding the US economis war launched against Yemen, Sayyed Abdulmalik warned Arab regimes not to participate with America in the economic war against the Yemeni people in service to the Israeli enemy. 

The leader of the Yemeni revolution emphasized that America is attempting, through its agents, to apply more pressure on the living and economic conditions of the Yemeni people.

Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi added, "Any steps taken against our people will be considered an aggression in service to the Israeli enemy and will be met with a reaction from us. We will not stand idle nor be shackled in the face of targeting our dear people on an economic or military level."

He affirmed that Yemen will never retreat from its stance in support of Gaza, regardless of the scale of American and British escalation against Yemen, whether militarily or in other fields, and we will escalate confidently regardless of the enemies' conspiracies.

Updates on the Zionist Aggression on Gaza

He mentioned that the aggressive Zionists continue their aggression and genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip for the 244th consecutive day. This past week, the Zionists killed and injured approximately 2,100 in Gaza, the majority of whom are women and children.

The leader of the revolution highlighted that in addition to the crimes committed by the Zionist enemy in Gaza and the West Bank, they continue their targeting in Al-Quds through settlement activities. He noted that yesterday marked the anniversary of what is known as the Naksa, the day the enemy entity occupied Al-Aqsa Mosque and the rest of the West Bank.

He said, "On the day of the Naksa, the Zionist enemy declared war on four Arab countries: Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria, seizing control of approximately 70,000 square kilometers of Arab lands within six days, an area more than three times what it occupied in 1948."

Sayyed Abdulmalik reviewed the atrocities committed by the Zionist enemy during that aggression, estimating that thousands of Arabs were martyred, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their lands, and around 100,000 Syrians were displaced from the occupied Golan Heights.

He pointed out that after the Naksa, the Arab states convened in Sudan at the official level to declare what they called the "Three No's": no peace, no negotiations, no recognition. He expressed regret that none of those resolutions have lasted, with even the Sudanese regime abandoning them.

He added, "When we compare what happened then over six days to what is happening today over eight months in the Gaza Strip, we see that the enemy has not been able to achieve any real victory in the Strip. From the uprising in 1988 to the enemy's humiliating withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, to the 2006 war and the Sword of Al-Quds and other battles, the enemy has been forced to retreat in defeat."

He considered the 1967 Naksa a true example of the enemy's ambitions in Arab lands, from which they will not withdraw except by force of arms and resistance. He pointed out that the enemy does not want to settle within certain borders or barriers.

The American Role in the Genocide in Gaza

He condemned the continued American role as a partner in every Zionist crime against the Palestinian people, emphasizing that the Americans are trying to prevent any internal opposition to their policies that support and participate in the Zionist stance. He noted that the Americans, who once claimed to respect justice, have now imposed sanctions on the International Criminal Court and its staff and judges.

He asserted that the Americans are trying to suppress any efforts to pressure the Zionist enemy or support the Palestinian people on legal, judicial, political, or media fronts. This includes repressing student activism and opposing pro-Palestinian student activities in American universities. The recent reinstallation of student tents at Columbia University this week, despite suppression, symbolizes perseverance, he added.

He pointed out that the American initiative to support the Zionist enemy politically is designed to serve the usurping entity.

Hidden Aspects of the American Initiative

He stated, "The American initiative to support the Zionist enemy does not meet the objective and fair conditions required for a true resolution. This initiative fails to end the aggression on Gaza, does not demand the withdrawal of the enemy entity from Gaza, nor does it ensure the delivery of aid throughout the Gaza Strip."

He confirmed that the American initiative is far from achieving a complete and comprehensive exchange deal, as its primary aim is to provide additional political cover and support for the Israeli enemy amid American embarrassment and isolation from the rest of the world. He noted that this initiative allows the continuation of genocidal crimes and the intensifying siege.

"The fighters on all fronts in Gaza continue their resilience and steadfastness against the Israeli enemy with determination and heroism," he continued. "The resistance operations in Gaza are ongoing, significant, and successful, inflicting losses on the Zionist enemy at all levels."

The Role of Support Fronts

Sayyed Abdulmalik highlighted the escalating support fronts, starting with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon targeting northern occupied Palestine. This front is increasing both in scale and impact.

He confirmed that the Lebanese front is active and influential against the Zionist enemy, targeting their officers, soldiers, military equipment, and settlements in northern Palestine, which have been extensively set ablaze, affecting nearly fifty sites. He noted that the Zionist enemy now openly acknowledges the effectiveness and impact of Hezbollah's operations.

He also discussed the effectiveness of the Islamic Resistance Front in Iraq, which announced several operations this week targeting areas like the Palestinian Umm Rashrash and the coasts of the Dead Sea and Haifa.

He concluded the speech by his weekly call for all the Yemeni people to participate in large marches tomorrow in Sana’a and other governorates to show the support to the Palestinian people and against the Israeli aggression.

#Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi #GazaGenocide #Iraqi Resistance #US-UK Aggression About 3 months
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