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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

June 30 Over 9 Years: 13 Martyrs and Injured in Raids on Sa'adah and Al-Dhalea

News - Yemen: On June 30, over the past nine years, the US-Saudi aggression has targeted citizens, educational facilities, and infrastructure using wheat grains and humanitarian aid as coordinates for airstrikes. The raids resulted in four martyrs, nine injured, the destruction of Wadi Bin Jarad School, Al-Hurriya Educational Complex, the Education Office in Sa'adah, and damage to citizens' homes, the Qa'ataba Security Administration, and a sports club in Al-Dhalea. This caused fear, panic, and displacement among children and women.

Details of the Crimes on June 30:

June 30, 2015: 13 Martyrs and Injured in School Attack in Sa'adah

On June 30, 2015, the US-Saudi aggression targeted Wadi Bin Jarad School in Al-Kharid area, Haydan district, Sa'adah governorate. The raid caused four martyrs, nine injured, and destroyed the school along with humanitarian aid provided by Germany. Citizens were invited to receive the aid, but the airstrikes caused fear, panic, and increased suffering among them, depriving children of their right to education.

Families of the martyrs and injured awaited their return with food, but airstrikes turned them into casualties carried on coffins and hospital beds, leaving their children, women, and loved ones in tears and sorrow.

Books and curricula, along with student records, were torn among the rubble. The sections of the school, which housed students learning various sciences, were turned into heaps of rubble mixed with wheat, oil, and lentils.

An angry resident said, "This aid is bait to kill citizens." An elderly woman, struggling with malnutrition, said, "We received a little wheat, then the airstrikes scattered it among the debris and dust." Children, women, and elderly people tried to gather the remaining wheat from the rubble, hoping to fend off hunger.

Another resident said, "America and Israel's agents give us food only to follow it with killing us during distribution. What kind of world is this? Their goal is to kill us, not to help us."

A Gift from Germany:

Burned bags of wheat read "A gift from Germany," turned into bait for airstrikes. One resident said, "They give us a bag of wheat to kill hundreds of us right after its arrival. We don't want such deceitful aid."

The targeting of Wadi Bin Jarad School and the humanitarian aid within it is an assault on empty stomachs, destruction of infrastructure, and educational facilities. It is a complete war crime, aiming to gather and kill as many citizens as possible, a disgrace on the UN and humanitarian organizations responsible for food distribution, education support, and children's rights alike.

Destruction of Yemen’s Educational Infrastructure

On June 30, 2015, US-Saudi airstrikes targeted the Education Office and Al-Hurriya Educational Complex in Haydan district, Sa'adah province, destroying these facilities and depriving hundreds of children of education. One resident amidst the ruins expressed defiance, vowing not to bow to aggression.

The destruction of Wadi Ibn Jarad School, Al-Hurriya Educational Complex, and the Education Office exemplifies the systematic targeting of Yemen’s educational infrastructure over 9 years, revealing the UN's controversial role in these actions.

June 30, 2015: Airstrikes on Homes, Sports Club, and Security Administration in Al-Dhalea

On the same day, dozens of airstrikes hit citizens' homes, Al-Shabab Sports Club, and Qa'ataba Security Administration in Al-Dhalea province, causing destruction, fear, and mass displacement.

Targeting these civilian sites, protected under international law, constitutes a war crime. These actions over nine years demand accountability at international courts, and the Yemeni people's right to justice remains steadfast.

#Yemen #US-Saudi Aggression About 4 days
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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