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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

US Embassy's Cultural Manipulation and Recruitment Tactics in Yemen Revealed by Spy Confessions

Yemen: During its presence under previous regimes, the American embassy in the capital Sana'a intensified its targeting of the Yemeni people across various aspects, especially the cultural sphere.


Confessions from a spy network broadcasted by the security media reveal a portion of this targeting, which encompassed all cultural aspects, including how the American embassy exploited foreign scholarships to culturally target Yemen.

In this context, the spy Bassam Al-Mardhi stated, "There are several scholarships offered by the American embassy to Yemeni citizens, including those in the security and military fields, presented by the military attaché. There are also scholarships presented by the cultural attaché, such as cultural exchange programs and scientific exchange grants. These scholarships are offered to journalists, painters, and artists from various backgrounds. Among these are cultural exchange scholarships for university graduates and educational grants for top high school graduates to study in American universities."

Spy Mohammed Al-Kharashi added that "Hisham Al-Omeisy was one of the main people responsible for evaluating activists in the fields and granting them scholarships to America. He was involved in this process alongside Ibrahim Al-Khader, Inas Al-Aleimi, and Mustafa Al-Harazi. However, Hisham Al-Omeisy focused on prominent figures, evaluating them and deciding who would benefit, then sending them to America."

He continued, "Osama Al-Ansi worked for the American embassy in Sana'a in the cultural attaché section as the director of projects and programs. His main task was funding projects and programs aimed at brainwashing those receiving the scholarships and recruiting them for the American embassy." Inas Al-Aleimi started her career at the American embassy in the consulate before moving to the cultural attaché section, where she works as a department director. This department specializes in creating or nominating scholarships for Yemeni youth, sending them abroad to brainwash them, and returning them as activists or graduates working for the American government.

Brainwashing Youth with American Culture:

Spy Bassam Al-Mardhi confirmed that "after people travel to America, they are received by universities and institutes that provide them with educational programs and other programs that feed them American ideas and culture, including [false] freedom, democracy, and various Western ideas that do not align with Yemeni culture."

Spy Abdul Qader Al-Saqqaf added, "Of course, when a person is sent there, they stay with an American family that hosts them." Al-Mardhi elaborates, "Some students are housed with American families that may be affiliated with the CIA. These families exploit the students, feeding them American ideas, and recruiting them through love stories, sex, drugs, or by meeting their needs and providing assistance. They are also taken on trips in America, during which they are fed liberation ideas and sometimes recruited in multiple ways. The person returns with the impression that these Americans are kind, having provided a free scholarship, covering all expenses, accommodation, and everything."

In this context, spy Abdul Qader Al-Saqqaf said, "They make them change their ideas about America. Among the objectives during this period, for example, are long-term studies and academic years whether it is a bachelor's degree or other studies, including various other visits and the international visitor program. Even short visits are opportunities to recruit people in these fields, which was also one of the objectives of these programs."

Dangers of Foreign Scholarships:

Yemenis learn about many negative phenomena through these scholarships, as narrated by Yemeni-American spies.

In this context, spy Abdul Qader Al-Saqqaf stated, "Those who go on scholarships and return from America are always the first to call for demonstrations, protests, and upheavals. They often express their dissatisfaction and highlight this on social media, calling for physical and sexual liberation. The girls among them become more open-minded and demand not to adhere to religious constraints."

Spy Mohammed Al-Kharashi added, "Many high school graduates travel abroad and have their minds washed. Most of them return with ideas different from their original values and customs. Many girls started thinking about independence and removing the hijab, among other things that were never considered before traveling." He continued, "Young people began thinking about freedom, and some declared their homosexuality in America and never returned, staying there under the pretext of being homosexual and becoming activists on social media."

Recently, Yemeni Security Forces announced the dismantling of a significant espionage network working for the United States and Israel. This network had been involved in espionage and sabotage activities across various state institutions for decades.

According to a statement from the Security Forces, the network was directly linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and had obtained sensitive information about various aspects of life in Yemen, including military, security, economic, agricultural, health, and educational fields.

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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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