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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Confessions Expose US-Israeli Infiltration in Yemen's Cultural and Security Sectors

Yemen: Security forces continued on Saturday evening to release confessions from members of the recently uncovered US-Israeli spy network, which was captured in a precise and successful intelligence operation, the largest in Yemen's history.


This spy network had been America's gateway to infiltrating various aspects of Yemeni affairs, including security, military, political, economic, and agricultural sectors. The cultural sector, however, was one of Washington's avenues for conducting its insidious soft war against the Yemeni people, attempting to condition society to accept various false and misleading slogans and terms that serve the Zionist entity in the region.

Spy Abdul Muin Azan was one of the prominent agents and traitors collaborating with America to target Yemen's cultural sector. In his new confession on Saturday, he stated: "During my university studies, I contacted evangelical radio stations, specifically a station called 'Voice of Forgiveness'. I corresponded with them to obtain their publications, particularly the Bible and the Gospel. I received responses, and through these responses, I was connected with Americans in Yemen working in evangelism, such as 'Philip' and another called 'Rad,' who referred to himself as 'Raid' to better connect with Yemenis. I was in contact with them during my university studies."

Azan pointed out that after his university studies, he joined "Raid," who worked for "Atlanta," an American company in Yemen with evangelical activities. Many American companies, organizations, and educational institutions like schools and institutes operated under the guise of teachers, academics, engineers, and doctors, while they were actually involved in evangelical missions. Their activities included distributing Christian books, pamphlets, and posters, holding meetings with those who contacted Christian and evangelical radio stations, and conducting prayers. Azan confirmed his participation in these activities, including attending specific rituals like "baptism" for those joining Christianity, which involved pouring water over the head or immersing in a water basin.

Azan admitted to another activity, accompanying "Raid" or others to meet Yemeni youths interested in converting to Christianity. He participated in their prayers and contributed to translating the Bible, specifically the Gospels, into local dialects like the San'ani dialect.

He noted that many evangelical organizations operated in Yemen, mostly affiliated with Protestant churches in America. These churches are closely tied to Zionism, linking the return of Christ to the establishment and success of Israel. They collect donations to support Israel, convincing Christians that the return of Christ is contingent on Israel's establishment and dominance in the region.

Azan revealed in his new confession that many organizations practice such activities in Yemen, including the well-known "Idrā'" organization affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which considers Saturday a holy day, aligning more with the Torah than the Bible despite being Christian. Another active organization is "Vision of Hope," associated with Protestant churches supporting global Zionism and the establishment of Israel.

Dar Al-Salam Organization: A Nest for American Intelligence

As part of the American-Zionist plan to target Yemen's cultural sector over decades, Azan mentioned the "Dar Al-Salam" organization, a local group with suspicious intelligence roles linked to the enemy.

Azan stated that he began working for "Dar Al-Salam" in early 2018, a local organization founded by a tribal sheikh closely connected to the American Democratic Institute. This organization, established with support and guidance from the institute, under the guise of "conflict resolution," was directly linked to the American embassy and other embassies and international organizations. It played significant roles in supporting American-Israeli agendas in Yemen.

Among the suspicious roles played by "Dar Al-Salam" was conducting extensive studies and surveys on Yemeni tribes and conflicts, preparing a large database of activists, academics, tribal leaders, religious figures, and journalists, all under the pretext of addressing conflicts and tribal issues in Yemen.

The organization carried out various projects targeting religious leaders from different sects in Yemen, promoting interfaith dialogue and religious tolerance to convince Yemeni religious leaders to accept and tolerate Jews. Azan admitted that while serving as executive director, "Dar Al-Salam" implemented a project funded by the German development agency GIZ, focusing on sectarian tolerance in Yemen, targeting areas under Sana’a control, and involving five religious leaders from different sects to promote religious normalization with Jews.

Azan also highlighted the role of Abdul Hakim Al-Afiri, head of the "Partners Yemen for Democratic Change" organization, who previously assisted Nada Al-Dosari in conflict resolution programs with the American Democratic Institute. "Partners Yemen" emerged after "Dar Al-Salam" weakened, making the latter a subsidiary of the former.

Azan confirmed that among the suspicious organizations operating in Yemen for American-Israeli intelligence was the Jewish "Tanenbaum" organization, closely linked to the CIA, working under the guise of "interfaith dialogue and promoting tolerance" to advocate for Jews globally. Dr. Ephraim, an advisor to "Tanenbaum," played a significant intelligence role within the organization in Yemen, despite not being its head.

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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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