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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemeni Armed Forces Unveil New Unmanned Boats in Ongoing Military Escalation Against Western and Zionist Aggression

Yemen: The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to deliver a series of surprises that terrify the US-Israeli enemy from time to time, as part of the fourth phase of Yemeni escalation in the ongoing military confrontation with the evil trio: America, Britain, and the Zionist enemy.



Among the most notable weapons that have recently entered service are the unmanned boats known as "Toofan 1" and "Toofan Al-Mudamer". This announcement marks a new stage of qualitative engagement, which is significant and will change the course and balance of the war as the Yemeni escalation continues, as long as the American-Zionist aggression and blockade on Gaza persist. Each escalation phase will take on stronger and more impactful scenarios than ever before.

A number of researchers and military experts confirm that the Yemeni Armed Forces have developed various generations of boats during this phase. The "Toofan Al-Mudamer" boat is not the last; there are advanced generations of other counterparts with more powerful and effective capabilities, and the development will continue without any limits.

Changing the Balance of the War

Military expert Brigadier General Fadl Al-Dula'i said that the introduction of unmanned boats into service in the Yemeni navy will change the course and balance of the ongoing war between Yemen and the evil trio: America, Britain, and Israel.

Al-Dula'i explained in a special statement to "Al-Masirah" that this sends a message that Yemen will control all the waterways in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, and that our territorial waters have become purely Yemeni waters, leaving no influence or presence for the Americans, British, NATO, or global Zionism.

He confirmed that they made a big mistake, as acknowledged by the former American army commander who said the issue with Yemen should be addressed diplomatically rather than through confrontation, which broke American hegemony and exposed America. He added that our country and our territorial waters, which were once symbols of American power and dominance, are no longer so. This is a significant defeat for the American navy and the Americans, their allies, and their mercenaries.

He reiterated that this continuous development, whether in missile power, drone aircraft, or unmanned marine boats, which began with "Toofan" boats, and the latest one announced, the "Toofan Al-Mudamer" unmanned boat with a warhead and destructive power of up to 1,500 kg, will continue.

He believed that an unmanned boat with such great destructive power and high technology will undoubtedly have a significant impact, explaining that we are engaged in a war of minds, intelligence, economics, and military. He confirmed that we have won the naval battle thanks to the wise leadership represented by Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, who has repeatedly warned the enemy that all their adventures and conspiracies will end in failure.

He reiterated that Yemeni military operations will continue regardless of the cost and that these are not single operations but many large and well-studied military operations across the expanse of the confrontation. He pointed to what was announced by the Leader Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi about planned escalation stages for military operations and surprises that exceed the capabilities and expectations of the evil trio: the Americans, Zionists, and British. This clearly demonstrates the great military capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces in all their various units.

Developing Different Generations

Military affairs researcher Zain Al-Abidin Othman said that our Armed Forces possess weapons and military capabilities, especially concerning marine weapons, which have demonstrated advanced technologies and capabilities in this field, including offensive techniques that only a few countries in the world have reached.


Othman confirmed in a special statement to "Al-Masirah" that significant achievements have been made in manufacturing specialized weapons with tactical and strategic dimensions, including marine mines, unmanned aircraft, unmanned submarines, and a striking arsenal of land-sea missiles against ships, in addition to unmanned boats (USV), which are currently at the forefront of the most important developed technologies, enhancing their roles as effective offensive weapons against American, British, and Zionist enemy ships and naval vessels.

He explained that unmanned boats, given their technical structure and operational reality, possess a number of important features and capabilities that can outperform other marine weapons. He added that they are low-cost and can attack ships and naval vessels with high accuracy. The systems and technologies they possess enable them to strike ships without being detected by marine radars and sensors. They are small, lightweight, fast-moving, and can travel at speeds up to 45 nautical miles (800 km/hour). Their course can be changed at any moment through advanced control and guidance systems.

He further elaborated that unmanned boats can destroy highly fortified fleets and naval units such as destroyers, frigates, and other large ships. They can carry explosive charges ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 kg, equivalent to the charge of three combined marine mines. When they strike a ship, they can produce an explosive force that destroys 10-20% of the ship's body, especially if the collision is lateral. This high power makes unmanned boats superior to the best anti-ship systems such as torpedoes, mines, and surface-to-surface missiles.

He reiterated that the announcement by our Armed Forces to introduce two types of unmanned boats, "Toofan 1" and "Toofan Al-Mudamer," marks a new phase of qualitative engagement featuring a hybrid pattern of tactics and specialized and lethal weapons against ships. He pointed out that the recently revealed "Toofan Al-Mudamer" boat was named "Al-Mudamer" because it carries an explosive charge of up to one and a half tons, capable of destroying and sinking ships, as happened with the TUTOR ship, which sank in the Red Sea, and the Transworld Navigator ship.

He added that our armed forces have literally begun activating these boats within the operations they conduct against American ships and companies supporting the Zionist enemy. He confirmed that during this phase, they have successfully developed various generations of boats. The "Toofan Al-Mudamer" boat is not the last; there are advanced generations of other counterparts with more powerful and effective capabilities.

He reiterated that the fourth escalation phase has begun to have a significant impact on American, British, and Zionist enemy ships. The operations have started to take on a rapidly evolving, tactic-focused pattern with direct impacts on sinking ships. The offensive action is escalating and will not stop at any limit as long as the American-Zionist aggression and blockade on Gaza continue. Every escalation phase will take on stronger and more impactful scenarios than ever before.

About 3 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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