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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemeni Support Front Moves to a New Phase: No Ceiling for Escalation as Long as Genocide Continues

Yemen: In affirmation of the "escalation for escalation" equation in the battle of Promised Victory and Sacred Jihad, and with the Zionist enemy intensifying its genocidal crimes by committing more brutal massacres against civilians and displaced persons in Gaza, the Yemeni Armed Forces have announced their intention to expand operations supporting the Palestinian people.

The military announcement, delivered by Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e following the enemy’s perpetration of two horrific massacres in Gaza that resulted in the martyrdom and injury of hundreds of Palestinians on Saturday, asserted that "the Armed Forces will take necessary steps and measures, according to their capabilities, to effectively avenge the blood of the Palestinian people. They will not hesitate to expand their military operations against the Israeli enemy and its backers until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in Gaza is lifted," heralding a new (fifth) phase of supportive escalation.

This announcement sends a clear message to the enemies that the conditions of siege, resources, and geographic distance will not prevent counter-escalation in response to Zionist escalation supported by the US. Despite advanced levels of Yemeni operations that have shocked the enemies in terms of range, intensity, and firepower, these operations will not cease at a certain limit due to these circumstances, as Yemeni leadership is keen on acquiring and innovating new options to expand the scope and range of strikes to ensure continuous support within available means.

The message also firmly rejects any pressures or blackmail attempts aimed at hindering the Yemeni support front's progress or imposing restrictions on it. This military announcement comes at a time of heightened US-Saudi escalation against the Yemeni people on economic and humanitarian levels, aiming to halt the supportive operations for Gaza. The Yemeni leadership and people have responded to this escalation not with compromises but with a firm stance, emphasizing readiness to reciprocate, regardless of the consequences. This makes the military announcement of expanding supportive operations not just a rhetorical threat but a principled stance rooted in the unified will of the people and leadership, thus inevitable and practical.

Consequently, the military announcement, which heralds a new level of supportive operations, cements the "escalation for escalation" equation, marking an unprecedented strategic transformation with regional support fronts engaging directly against the Zionist enemy. This indicates that the upcoming new phase, like its predecessors, will contribute to a regional balance shift, reinforcing the existential threat to the Zionist enemy and exacerbating the irreversible historical crisis for American hegemony in the region. This future scenario is dictated by the inevitable end of the Zionist occupation and its colonial system in the region.

Although the nature of the upcoming steps to expand supportive operations for Gaza was not specified by the Armed Forces, the escalating impact and capabilities of the Yemeni front have opened many possibilities despite the circumstances. The gradual expansion of naval operations in geographical scope and targeted ship categories in previous phases has demonstrated an extraordinary ability of Yemeni leadership to innovate new options to tighten the naval blockade on the Zionist entity, especially with the rapid development of missile and aerial capabilities. Future phases may include heightened intensity of operations, causing greater damage to an increasing number of enemy-related ships, whether in the Mediterranean or the detour around the Cape of Good Hope. There may also be a new development involving increased targeting of occupied ports themselves as part of joint operations with the Iraqi Islamic resistance. New categories of ships connected to the Zionist enemy may also be added to the targets.

Additionally, the development path of Yemeni missile capabilities, which has reached the level of manufacturing missiles with speeds multiple times faster than sound, offers significant escalation options towards the occupied territories themselves. Upcoming phases might involve intense and focused operations towards Umm al-Rashrash or other areas, causing significant internal upheaval within the enemy, already suffering increasing losses in Gaza and the northern front.

With the American enemy escalating against Yemen, it may take more hostile measures to hinder the expansion of supportive operations, making these steps broader and more impactful. They will include measures to counter American -or even regional Saudi- actions, opening numerous possibilities. Escalation against American warships remains possible, and responses to Saudi escalation are rich with significant impactful options. This potential increase in confrontation severity with the enemy-supporting camp will undoubtedly affect the enemy directly, amplifying regional fires that make the Zionist enemy’s future and American influence in the region more fragile and vulnerable.

As in all previous escalation phases, the expansion of supportive operations will likely not be limited to the Yemeni front. It is expected to coincide with escalations on other regional support fronts, potentially involving further development in joint operations among these fronts. This path, initiated by the Yemeni and Iraqi fronts in the fourth escalation phase, is strongly emphasized by Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badruddin Al-Houthi on every occasion.

Recently, the joint Yemeni-Iraqi operations against ships heading to the Zionist enemy in the Mediterranean have broken through the Israeli media blackout, appearing in statements by official international organizations confirming multiple drone attacks on ships. This indicates continuous development of these operations, overcoming defensive layers and media censorship imposed by the enemy, making these operations capable of escalating and evolving to higher levels of impact, intensity, and range.

 Translated by Almasirah English website


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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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