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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik Confirms Continuation and Escalation of Yemen's Operations Until Aggression and Siege on Gaza End

News - Yemen: The Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi has affirmed to the Palestinian people that Yemenis will spare no effort in supporting the mujahdeen in Palestine and will not retreat from the steadfast stance in adhering to the Palestinian cause, people, land, and holy sites, and in opposing the Zionist Jews.

"The Yemeni people's commitment to continue supporting Gaza through coordination and cooperation with other support fronts and the free people of the nation," said Sayyed Abdulmalik in his speech on Tuesday, commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein on Ashura. 

He assured that the Yemeni people, with their deep faith and divine guidance, will remain active in various activities supporting Palestine. "Their operations will continue with missile strikes, drones, and naval operations, escalating until the aggression stops and the siege on Gaza is lifted."

The Leader of the Revolution renewed his advice to the Saudi regime, urging it to heed the warnings from the Yemeni people and to cease its oppressive practices against them.

"By Allah's will and support, He will break the might of His enemies, shatter their pride and arrogance, and destroy their capabilities at the hands of His devoted servants, as a victory for the oppressed Palestinian people, our people, and the oppressed nations suffering from the conspiracies of enemies serving America and Israel," he said
"No matter the challenges and conspiracies from America and its allies, they will not subdue our people, who reject oppression and tyranny, and adhere to the culture of the Quran," he added.

On this day of decisive choices and decisions, he affirmed to the Palestinian people that "we will spare no effort in supporting our militant brothers in Palestine and will not retreat from our steadfast stance in adhering to the Palestinian cause."

He reiterated the Yemeni people's commitment to continue supporting Gaza through coordination and cooperation with other support fronts and the free people of the nation.

Palestine: The Greatest Symbol of Oppression

Sayyed Abdulmalik emphasized that the situation in Palestine, especially in Gaza, is the paramount issue, an unparalleled tragedy. He called on the Islamic nation to earnestly mobilize in support of the Palestinian people, stating that the battle in Gaza is a struggle between truth and falsehood, oppressor and oppressed. It is a critical criterion that clarifies the reality of the nation.

He emphasized the importance of caution and vigilance against standing with falsehood, urging the nation to stand in the right direction firmly adhering to truth and faith.

He emphasized the importance of caution and vigilance against aligning with falsehood, urging the nation to stand firmly for truth and faith.

He pointed out the evident state of neglect and indifference towards the oppression of the Palestinian people in the positions of many governments, leaders, and elites, which has extended to many nations.

Qarun of the Era, Century of Satan

Sayyed Abdulmalik did not overlook the malicious Saudi role in supporting the Zionist enemy, describing it as the "Qarun of the era" and "the century of Satan." He stated that there is a blatant case of collusion and service to the enemies by puppet governments and regimes, led by the Saudi regime, which openly supports the Zionist enemy.

He pointed out that Saudi escalation against the Yemeni people serves Israel and is a retaliation against Yemen following clear American failures. They did not succeed in protecting ships associated with the Israeli enemy and became incapable even of protecting their own.

He emphasized that after the joint US-British announcement of aggression against Yemen and their airstrikes, which achieved no results, operations escalated by the Yemeni army in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad. Among the outcomes was the expulsion of the American aircraft carrier Eisenhower from the Red Sea.

Elsewhere in his speech, Sayyed Abdulmalik praised the large popular turnout of the Yemeni people last Friday in Sabaeen Square in Sana'a and all squares of Yemen.

He noted that millions headed to the squares, making their voices heard by the whole world, affirming their steadfastness in supporting the rightful stance of advocating for the Palestinian people and their full readiness to confront any aggressive steps supportive of Israel against the Yemeni people by the Saudi regime.

Yemenis have declared their open support for Palestine’s struggle against the Israeli occupation since the regime launched a devastating war on Gaza on October 7.

Yemeni Armed Forces have said that they won’t stop their attacks until Israeli ground and aerial offensives in Gaza, which have killed at least 38,713 people and wounded another 89,166 individuals, come to an end.

The Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, has said that it is “a great honor and blessing to be confronting America directly.”

The attacks have forced some of the world’s biggest shipping and oil companies to suspend transit through one of the world’s most important maritime trade routes.

Tankers are instead adding thousands of miles to international shipping routes by sailing around the continent of Africa rather than going through the Suez Canal.

#Yemen #US #Palestine #Israel #Ashura #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi #Saudi Regime About 1 month
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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