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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Warns Saudi Regime Over Aggressive Actions Against Yemen

News - Yemen: The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi affirmed that the Israeli enemy is at the forefront of the front of disbelief with its aggression against Gaza, and the Jews and Zionists are carrying the banner of tyranny in this era.

He explained that the front of disbelief and hypocrisy are trying to direct human societies towards deviation from God's message and His valuable teachings.


The leader criticized in his weekly speech about the Palestinian and regional developments, that some Arab countries present themselves as the Arab embrace and the largest and most influential Arab countries are moving to support the Israeli enemy. 


He explained: "There are no people in the world whose population is suffering from hunger to the point of death like what is happening in Gaza, and there are neighboring countries of Palestine that have vast wealth and capabilities, providing food and goods to the Israeli enemy instead of aiding the Palestinian people”.


He pointed out that for the tenth month, the Israeli enemy continues its genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and last Saturday the enemy committed a massacre in the outskirts of Khan Yunis, using 8 deadly and destructive American bombs to target the displaced in canvas tents.


The Leader pointed out that the role of international organizations is stagnant and they do not have any movement or pressure, despite the boasting of the Israeli leaders regarding the crimes they are committing, and there is a real war being waged by the enemy in the West Bank.


He pointed out that the US is an actual and essential partner with the Israeli enemy in all the unjust criminal acts and practices. 


On the other hand the leader described the steadfastness in Gaza exceeds all expectations, and the Palestinian people are steadfast despite the great suffering.


He pointed out that the title of targeting the leaders is raised by the Israeli enemy as a cover for its crimes in the collective targeting of the displaced Palestinian people.


The Leader Warns Saudi Regime


Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi warned, in his speech, the Saudi regime against insisting on its aggressive steps against the Yemeni people, affirming that this involvement will topple the Vision 2030.


The Leader explained that the US is specifically trying to implicate its clients [Saudi regime] and drag them into the battle instead of or alongside it. 


He added that the Saudi regime must understand and realize that the voices of millions of Yemenis last Friday, whose echo reached the seven continents, carry a serious warning. And if the Saudi regime implicates itself and insists on its unjustified aggressive steps in its escalation against Yemen, it will be the loser.


The Leader said: "If the Saudis continue to harm Yemen then they are willing to sacrifice their future and lose their economic plans for the sake of the Israelis and Americans, so there is no point in the 2030 plan or the plans to develop Riyadh Airport to be one of the largest airports in the world."


And he warned the Saudi regime of the serious consequences and loss in every sense of the word if it continues on the path of tyranny and aggression. 


The leader commented on the enemy's representative in the Security Council, saying: "Many countries in the world still have enough intelligence to protect themselves from getting entangled in the fighting to serve you, you Zionist criminals."


The leader explained that the Israeli enemy is not known to complain as we have seen its representative do in the Security Council, but in all past stages, others used to complain about it.


He added that there is a huge and horrible stupidity in some Arab governments that gave the Israelis hope to mobilize them at this stage.


The Impact of Axis Operations and Escalation


Sayyed Abdulmalik emphasized that the effectiveness of the role of support fronts is clear, explaining that the enemy was seeking to isolate the Palestinian people and liquidate their cause and displace them, but he now faces multiple fronts.


The leader added that the position of the support fronts is important and influential, and it requires continuity and escalation, stressing that Yemen's orientation and determination is to strive with all the support fronts to continue and escalate to support the Palestinian people.


He hailed the demonstrations in Western countries that are continuing in several countries despite the suppression and persecution.


The leader also praised the continuation of the demonstrations of the Moroccan people in the face of the betrayal of the regime in Morocco and its subservience to the Israeli enemy, adding that there is a continuation of demonstrations this week in Jordan and Tunisia.


At the end of the speech, Sayyed Abdulmalik, called on the Yemeni people to participate in a million-man march tomorrow, Friday, in the capital Sana'a and the rest of the governorates.

#Palestine #Zionists #Israel #US-Saudi Aggression #Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi About 1 month
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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