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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

July 18 Over 9 Years: 32 Casualties from US-Saudi Airstrikes on Sa'adah, Hajja, Taiz, and Hodeidah

Yemen: On July 18th during 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019, the US-Saudi aggression continued its crimes of killing, destruction, and wreaking havoc on lives, homes, commercial establishments, farms, and properties in the governorates of Sa'hada, Taiz, Hajja, and Hodeidah with its air raids and missile and artillery shelling.

Key Incidents on July 18:

2015: 4 Casualties from Airstrikes on Citizens' Homes in Sa'adah

On July 18, 2015, US-Saudi aggression targeted homes and farms in Wadi Al-Habal, Saqin District, Sa'adah Governorate, with five destructive airstrikes.

The raids resulted in the martyrdom of two women and the injury of another woman and her child, along with the destruction of several homes and properties, causing fear and displacement among residents.

As residents prepared for Eid celebrations, the airstrikes spread devastation and fear, causing people to flee their homes and take refuge in caves and cliffs.

Subsequent airstrikes increased fear and panic, leading to rescue efforts to retrieve bodies and aid the injured.

Stolen Childhood:

A wounded woman carried in front of her crying children, while another child lost her mother to shrapnel from the airstrikes, tearing her body apart.

A witness recounts the horror, saying a child described the incident tearfully, emphasizing the cruelty and human tragedy.

The ongoing airstrikes and the loss of loved ones, especially on Eid, intensified the grief and helplessness of the children, highlighting the severe impact on their lives.

The collection of remains from the trees and hills into a plastic tarp, while the injured child could only communicate through gestures, showcases the immense trauma and loss inflicted on Yemen's children over these nine years.

Crimes of Aggression Fuel the Resilience of Men:

The crimes against the children and women of Sa'adah have strengthened the resolve of Yemeni men and youth, fueling their fight against the enemy. These brutal acts will never be forgotten, reinforcing their faith and determination to resist.

One citizen says, "The aggression targeting women on Eid doesn't scare us. Their crimes will only make us stronger and more determined to fight for Allah, even if we have to sacrifice everything. We are content and convinced of this."

Another resident, standing over the ruins of his home, says, "No matter how much they destroy, it will only increase our resilience and trust in Allah. We will continue to fight them and show them the strength of Allah's faithful soldiers."

Farms have been turned into ruins, filled with shrapnel and uprooted plants. Homes have been destroyed, displacing their residents unjustly.

2016: 25 Casualties from Airstrikes on Commercial Shops in Taiz:

On July 18, 2016, US-Saudi airstrikes targeted commercial shops in Jabal Al-Nar, Al-Mukha District, Taiz Governorate.

The raids resulted in five martyrs and 20 injured, destroying shops, homes, and properties, causing fear and displacement, and inflicting losses worth millions.

One of the injured says, "We opened our shops early in the morning, and at nine o'clock, the airstrikes targeted us, destroying our shops. We have no connection to any military faction; we are civilians. Why are they targeting us?"

Families of the martyrs and injured received the news with sorrow, moving towards Jabal Al-Nar to find blood, bodies, and massive destruction.

2017: Airstrikes Target Farms and Water Pumps in Hajja

On July 18, 2017, US-Saudi airstrikes targeted the farm of citizen Mohammed Shouay Al-Murah in Al-Jaadah, Midi District, Hajja Governorate, with a series of destructive raids.

The raids caused significant damage to the farm and water pumps, causing fear among workers and residents, halting agricultural production, and inflicting millions in losses.

The farm owner says, "I have 10 workers and their families. Why did the aggression deprive them of their livelihood? What is our fault? Why are they targeting our sources of income?"

The targeting of Al-Murah's farm is one of thousands of war crimes against civilian properties over nine years, aiming to starve and impoverish the Yemeni people.

2019: 3 Injured and Homes Destroyed in Hodeidah

On July 18, 2019, mercenaries of the Saudi-Emirati-American coalition targeted residential areas, a restaurant, and a plastic factory on 50th Street in Hodeidah with missiles and artillery shells.

The attack resulted in three injuries, extensive destruction of homes and properties, displacement, and fear among children and women. It also caused the loss of daily income for workers and increased suffering amidst the ongoing aggression and blockade.

Facing Death or Displacement

Residents, fearing the coalition's missiles and shells, were forced to flee their homes. One restaurant worker said, "We were sleeping when the explosion happened, injuring three workers. We're just trying to earn a living. Why are they targeting us? They claimed a ceasefire, but it hasn't stopped."

Another resident added, "Explosions terrified children and women. We have no choice but to stand firm or die." Injured individuals in hospitals expressed despair over their lost livelihoods.

Destruction filled the neighborhood, damaging homes, cars, and the Salah Al-Din Plastic Factory. A factory worker said, "A powerful explosion hit inside the factory. They want us to stop working and cut off our incomes."

The mercenaries' attacks force residents to choose between death under shelling or displacement. This is one of thousands of ongoing war crimes against the Yemeni people despite the Sweden agreement and UN oversight since 2018.


#Yemen #US-Saudi Aggression About 1 month
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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