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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemeni Security Forces Reveal New Confessions from the Recently Captured American-Israeli Spy Cell

Yemen: The security forces unveiled Sunday new confessions from the recently captured American-Israeli spy cell. The new admissions shed light on the methods and tactics employed by the United States to infiltrate and undermine Yemeni society.


Among the activities consistently pursued by America and its spies was the infiltration through the Yemeni tribal gateway, where American intelligence actively engaged in various conspiratorial activities, as detailed by the captured spies.

The Conspiracy to Disarm and Incite Tribal Conflict

Spy Abdul Qadir Al-Saqqaf, one of the oldest and most dangerous operatives working for America and Israel, explained in his confessions that the Americans aimed to ingratiate themselves with tribal sheikhs and dignitaries to study Yemen's tribal structure and identify both weaknesses and strengths. This knowledge would later be used to incite internal conflicts, whether tribal, partisan, or sectarian, to destabilize the robust tribal structure and facilitate American hegemony and control. He stated, "The major obstacle they see is the tribes and their structure."

This confession elucidated the widespread tribal feuds and conflicts in densely populated tribal areas such as Hajjah, Marib, and Al-Jawf. Al-Saqqaf added that the American role concerning Yemeni tribes was largely negative, seeking to forge friendships with influential tribal figures to exploit the armed nature of Yemeni society, especially within the tribes.

Spy Hisham Al-Wazir recounted, "Roland was particularly interested in getting to know as many tribal sheikhs as possible, especially those involved in the power struggles at the time, such as those aligned with Saleh or Ali Mohsen and the Al-Ahmar family." He elaborated that Roland maintained relationships with key tribal figures and facilitated meetings and connections between them and the American embassy.

Exploiting Tribal Ties to Loot Oil

Al-Saqqaf also revealed that the Americans sought to win over significant tribal personalities to disarm the Yemeni population, particularly the tribes, which was a major obstacle to American objectives. This would enable easier control over the country's wealth, as tribes were spread across resource-rich areas. Establishing strong relationships with these figures allowed the Americans to pursue their goals.

Al-Wazir confirmed that the American focus was primarily on sheikhs in oil-producing regions, aiming to connect them directly with the American embassy and involve them in protecting American and foreign companies operating in these areas. The Americans presented themselves as willing to support developmental projects in tribal areas, thereby gaining the trust and cooperation of local leaders.

Spy Jamal Sultan added that the Americans utilized research centers like the Sana'a Center for Strategic Studies to gain insights into tribal dynamics and societal issues, using these findings to further their infiltration and control efforts.

The Deceptive "Conflict Resolution" Program

Alongside their efforts to disarm tribes and incite conflict, American intelligence created a deceptive initiative under the guise of "conflict resolution" to expand their societal infiltration through the tribal gateway. This program was overseen by Yemeni employee Nada Al-Dosari, and its apparent aim was to help Yemeni society, which already had a rich history of traditional conflict resolution methods, by teaching them how to resolve local and tribal disputes.

Spy Abdul Muin Azzan explained that this program also served as a means of gathering information and preparing studies about Yemeni tribes, their structure, and the causes of various conflicts. It was through this program that numerous tribal sheikhs, religious figures, mediators, and academics were recruited to compile these studies.


Azzan revealed that even during the aggression against Yemen, America heavily relied on internal conflicts. In 2018, he was tasked with conducting a study on the internal conflict in Yemen, focusing on the potential sectarian backgrounds and their influence on the ongoing conflict. His reports were sent to Jackie Charlie of the Tanenbaum organization.

These confessions highlight the depth of American efforts to exploit Yemeni tribal structures to further their strategic interests, perpetuating conflict and undermining the social fabric of Yemeni society.

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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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