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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Deceptive Activities and Targeting of Yemeni Women by American Intelligence

Yemen: In parallel with the destructive American influence among the youth, Yemeni women, as prominent members of Yemeni society, were also targeted.


Spy confessions reveal a series of deceptive activities orchestrated by America and its agents to recruit or at least destroy Yemeni women.

In this context, spy Abdul Muin Azzan stated that the Women's Program at the Democratic Institute, led by a Dutch expert named Floor Beuming, ostensibly aimed to support women and female leaders but was actually targeting Yemeni women. It pushed an American and Western agenda with concepts contradicting Yemeni traditions, customs, and even Islamic law. This involved recruiting female leaders as a covert intelligence operation for the program.

Azzan clarified that events organized by the Women's Program or other programs were used to recruit participating women. Personal relationships were fostered between program leaders and female leaders through invitations and gatherings, thus embedding these women into the program. Through these women and those trained by them, the program successfully promoted Western and American principles and values conflicting with Yemeni and Islamic ethics.

"Empowerment of Women": A Tool for Targeting and Entrapment

Spy Abdul Qader Al-Saqqaf explained that Yemeni women were targeted through numerous programs and ideas such as women's empowerment and freedom, encouraging women to participate in political and social life. Organizations supporting these ideas, particularly youth-led ones, were prevalent, often managed by women and involving mixed-gender teams.

Spy Jamal Sultan confirmed that targeting Yemeni women involved adopting and funding programs under the guise of empowerment, enhancing their societal roles, building their capacities and skills, and promoting their rights across political, social, and community levels through various organizations.

Sultan highlighted that women were targeted from early education stages, with specific programs designed for them under themes of citizenship, gender equality, and women's quotas. This underscores the extensive American activity within Yemeni society, particularly among women and girls.

Spy Sultan noted that American objectives included distorting Yemeni women's identity through mixed-gender training programs in empowerment, supporting them in numerous projects, including artistic and life skills through local organizations, and integrating them into all life aspects. These efforts aimed to trap Yemeni women within a pre-planned American agenda.

Spy Sultan, who coordinated youth training projects, revealed that programs aimed to train 15-30 young men and women in developmental fields and personal strategic planning, emphasizing gender mixing. These initiatives were part of a broader "soft war" strategy to strip Yemeni youth of their identity and promote Western openness, distancing them from societal customs in a conservative Yemeni society.

Spy Hisham Al-Wazir emphasized the significant focus on women, considered the most affected by the war, losing loved ones and bearing family responsibilities. Women played a role in social mobilization, spreading news and rumors, integral to these programs' strategies.

Family and Community Disintegration

Regarding the dubious activities of USAID in targeting Yemeni women, spy Shaif Al-Hamdani stated, "I was tasked with being the liaison for 'gender' issues after the departure of Hayat Klixner, who handled this file in Amman." The main goal was attending meetings of the UN and EU committees on women's issues.

These meetings, chaired by the UN Women's Section and the EU, were attended by numerous donors, including the American, Dutch, British, and Danish embassies, and German development offices like KFWGIZ, alongside UN organizations.


Spy Shaif noted that these meetings aimed to empower Yemeni women under the pretext of granting them rights, inciting rebellion within families, causing social fractures, and promoting freedom for women, one of the primary goals of these meetings.

Targeting Families Based on Regionalism

Regarding intelligence activities by LAPS in Yemen, spy Abdul Muin Azzan said, "One of our intelligence activities involved conducting extensive surveys on Yemeni society," with a notable study on maternal and child nutrition in the first thousand days, funded by UNICEF and executed by the Yemeni Center for Opinion Polling.

Azzan explained that the study, covering all Yemeni governorates, involved broader intelligence collection, including family demographics, social and economic status, and educational levels.

He confirmed that the study targeted regions, not just families, with questions about local commerce, population demographics, and social dynamics, reflecting a broader intelligence-gathering effort.

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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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