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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik's Pivotal Speech: Firm Warnings for US-Saudi Aggression

Yemen: The recent speech delivered by Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi carried numerous messages directed both internally and externally, marking it as a pivotal address with significant implications.


Several military experts view this speech as crucial and transformative, containing important messages. One of the core themes was genuine national reform, as emphasized by Sayyed Al-Houthi's commitment to addressing financial and administrative corruption. Additionally, the speech conveyed complex external messages filled with warnings and threats.

Military expert Colonel Mujib Shamsan stated, "The messages in Sayyed Al-Houthi's speech for the new Hijri year were clear, addressing both internal and external issues. Regarding internal matters, especially government formation, he highlighted Yemen's dual focus on military capabilities against American, British, and Zionist forces, and the internal struggle to reorganize, reflecting a commitment to ongoing unity and resilience."

He emphasized that "the cohesion of military forces is crucial for developing war strategies, which necessitate internal solidarity." Shamsan noted the multifaceted nature of the current conflict, particularly the economic warfare, stressing the need for serious action and a heightened sense of responsibility given Yemen's influential role in the region.

The expert also underscored the importance of the internal reform messages related to government restructuring, ensuring a balanced approach between internal consolidation and external military successes.

Regarding external messages, Shamsan said, "Sayyed Abdulmalik addressed American and British failures, especially in the Red Sea, and broader maritime confrontations with our naval and armed forces. He also highlighted the role of local and regional actors, particularly Saudi Arabia, incited by the Americans against Sana'a."

He affirmed that "the external messages were clear, direct, and intense, unprecedented in their tone towards the Saudi regime, particularly concerning economic and other issues."

Sayyed Abdulmalik set a deterrence equation, warning of reciprocal escalation, stating, "banks for banks, airports for airports, and ports for ports."

Shamsan noted that "if Saudi Arabia continues its actions under American directives, it must bear the consequences, as the conflict will escalate to its highest levels." He emphasized that "Sana'a is prepared for this battle, and the focus on support and backing efforts will not deter us from responding to Saudi provocations; rather, it is part of the confrontation."

He argued that "Saudi actions support both the Zionist and American agendas, and the fiery messages to Saudi Arabia indicate that Sana'a will not remain passive but has the capability to impose blockades on Saudi airports, ports, and economic inputs."

Researcher in military affairs, Zain Al-Abidin Othman, added, "One of the key aspects of Sayyed Abdulmalik's speech was his call to adhere to prophetic guidance and the noble family, emphasizing ethical human interactions and the profound message of Islam, highlighted by the historical legacy of the Prophet's supporters."

Othman emphasized that "Sayyed Abdulmalik praised the steadfast role of the Yemeni people, contrasting their firm faith with the superficial claims of some Arabs, despite facing hardships and soft wars fueled by the Saudi regime under American influence."

He added that "the speech contained calls to counter all deceptive campaigns aimed at manipulating Muslims for the benefit of Jews and their allies among the disbelievers and hypocrites."

Othman highlighted the ongoing efforts to cleanse state institutions of American-serving infiltrations, urging public cooperation and understanding of the complexities involved in the reform process, which includes diagnosing and addressing faults, establishing suitable criteria for officials, and preparing the upcoming government program, set to be announced within the next two months.


He stressed that "the genuine national reform driven by the revolutionary leadership's determination to tackle financial and administrative corruption reflects serious, high-paced efforts towards positive change, giving hope to the Yemeni people."

Addressing external messages, Othman noted that they carried warnings not only against Saudi actions serving American and Israeli interests but also against the broader invasion and occupation forces. Sayyed Abdulmalik cautioned that Yemen and its people would not remain idle but would implement severe deterrence measures if Saudi Arabia continued its folly and economic, social, political, and cultural warfare.

Othman reaffirmed that "Yemen's retaliatory measures would be severe and reciprocal, with harsh responses to attacks on banks, civil aviation, and the Port of Hodeidah."

He concluded that "the Yemeni Armed Forces, in all their formations, are fully prepared and awaiting orders to protect the Yemeni people's rights and interests, demonstrating the advanced military capabilities of our forces, which have revealed the vulnerability of American and British warships and destroyers."

He asserted that "the Yemeni naval, air, and rocketry forces have pushed these invading powers from offensive to defensive positions, all in support of the Palestinian people and against oppression."

Othman emphasized that "Sayyed Abdulmalik's warnings will significantly impact Saudi policies and those of its supporting regimes regarding regional peace processes, not just in Yemen."

He added that the warnings would prompt many internal agents and mercenaries to reconsider their actions, marking the new Hijri year as a pivotal period in the resistance's victory over the axis of evil.

#Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi About 1 month
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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