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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Hebrew Media Acknowledges Futility of Zionist Attacks on Yemen, Predicts Escalating Yemeni Retaliation

News - Middle East: Hebrew media outlets have admitted that the recent attack by the Zionist enemy army on fuel tanks in Hodeidah Governorate has little real impact on the confrontation's course.

They stated that the aggression would likely increase the pace of Yemeni operations against the occupying entity, validating the Yemeni leadership's understanding of the aggression and highlighting the enemy's predicament. This suggests that the reins of the confrontation are in the hands of the Yemeni Armed Forces.

Channel 12 published a report confirming that Israeli aggression on Yemen would not deter the "Houthis" but would have the opposite effect.

The report stated that "Israel now has a front with a distant but persistent enemy, ready to engage the Americans in the maritime field, as well as in neighboring Saudi Arabia."

It added that "the goal the Yemenis seek to achieve is to add another layer to the maritime blockade they have imposed on 'Eilat,' disrupting navigation to Israel in the eastern Mediterranean."

The report noted that "the drone launched towards 'Tel Aviv' targeting the vicinity of the US Embassy indicates the Yemenis' developed capability to harass Israel in the Mediterranean Sea sector."

It emphasized that "despite the damage to the power plant and oil tanks in the port of Hodeidah, it is not expected that the 'Houthis' will back down. On the contrary, their army spokesman, Yahya Sare'e, quickly announced their readiness for a prolonged war and specific retaliatory operations."

The report mentioned that "the US Central Command previously informed the Biden administration that its current strategy is unable to deter the Houthis," referencing a recent Wall Street Journal article about a message from US Central Command Commander Michael Corella to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, confirming that "Operation Prosperity" failed to deter the Yemeni Armed Forces.

The Israeli National Security Studies Institute confirmed in a report that the raids on Hodeidah would not stop Yemeni strikes on the Zionist entity but would increase their pace. It stated that without ending the war in Gaza, Yemeni operations would continue, stressing that "Israel" lacks military solutions to address the Yemeni threat.

These admissions confirm the Yemeni leadership's reading of the Zionist aggression on Hodeidah. Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi emphasized that this aggression stemmed from the enemy's crisis regarding the Yemeni front, which he had entrusted to his American, European, and regional partners. The "Yafa" operation forced him to abandon that strategy.

This indicates that the reins of confrontation remain with the Armed Forces, as confirmed by the extensive emergency measures the enemy has taken on his domestic front in preparation for major Yemeni strikes. This mobilization reflects great concern and an awareness that the Yemeni threat cannot be contained or reduced, along with a Zionist realization of the failure of all defensive measures and protective belts to keep the Yemeni threat at bay.

In this regard, the Hebrew newspaper The Times of Israel quoted officials in the enemy's army as saying that "Israeli air defenses are not tight" and warned of "more likely successful drone attacks on the country."

The Channel 12 website also acknowledged that Sana'a has "established a local production line for missiles, drones, and other advanced weapons to effectively strike targets in Israel."

#Israel #Armed Forces About 1 month
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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