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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Speech by Sayyed Abdulmalik: Yemen's Firm Stance Against Israeli Aggression and Support for Palestine

Yemen: The speech delivered on Sunday by the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi contained numerous messages for both Yemenis and international audiences.


In his first address following the direct Israeli aggression on Yemen, he reaffirmed Yemen's steadfast and escalating support for the Palestinian people in Gaza, who have been subjected to a horrific genocide by the Zionists for the past ten months.

The Leader emphasized that "the enemy's choice of targets aims to harm Yemen's economy and its people's livelihood." He pointed out that "the US waged economic and military war on our people, mobilizing its tools and agents to intensify the siege."

He stated that "the Israeli enemy's targeting of mazut and diesel brought by traders for sale to citizens is a show aimed at witnessing the burning fires as a great achievement." He noted that "the US-British aggression on Yemen since day one has failed to stop or limit our operations or weaken them." 

Delighted with Confrontation Against the Israeli Enemy

One of the key messages in the speech was the Leader's affirmation that the Yemeni people will never be affected, nor will they retreat from their stance and choice to support the Palestinian people. He emphasized that "the Israeli enemy will not possess deterrence and will not regain it in response to our support operations, leading to more escalation and targeting."

The Leader reiterated the inevitability of the reverse equation for any aggression on Yemen, stating that "the development of capabilities and adaptation to the level of challenge will continue just as it did at the beginning of the American-British aggression on Yemen." He noted that "our Armed Forces' capabilities have developed further, and our operations have become more powerful and effective, resulting in the American and British entanglement without achieving their declared goals."

In the same vein, the Leader confirmed that "the Israeli aggression on our country will contribute to escalating our operations against it and developing our capabilities, leading to more losses and risks for the enemy."

He sent a message asserting that "our capabilities at this stage are greater than ever, with wide horizons towards more effective and impactful operations against the enemy, surpassing its technologies and interception capabilities," signaling tougher times ahead for the enemy.

He noted that "our stance as the Yemeni people is clear, as we are engaged in a sacred battle, not a trivial one, and those who doubt our stance should stand with us or even surpass it."

He highlighted that "with the Israeli enemy's direct aggression on our country, it is an opportunity to identify the hypocrites who bear hostility towards our people and present themselves as serving the Israelis."

In this context, the Leader said, "We are happy that the battle is now direct between us and the enemy, and have been happy from the start of support in direct confrontation against the Americans and the British."

He added, "Our Yemeni people are happy to be in direct confrontation against the Israeli enemy, showing steadfastness and bravery".

He pointed out that "our militant Yemeni people are not new to these events, nor are they strange; they have gained the ability and experience from past stages and are accustomed to difficult circumstances."

Initiating the Fifth Phase

In his speech, the Leader announced the beginning of the fifth phase of escalation against the Zionist enemy, starting with the blessed Yemeni operation in the heart of Yafa (Jaffa).

He confirmed that "the drone is of Yemeni manufacture, launched by Yemeni forces, not as some claim to be made or launched from other countries."

The Leader declared, "We announce that the targeting of Yafa marks the beginning of the fifth phase of escalation, considering it a new equation that will continue and be established."


He explained, "We left it to Palestinian resistance to choose the name for the drone that targeted the enemy's administrative depth, and they named it Yafa."

He added that "the arrival of the Yafa drone to a key administrative center of the enemy was disturbing to it and is considered a new equation and phase," noting that "the threat was neither anticipated nor familiar in the Israeli reality from outside Palestine," pointing out that "the Gaza resistance directed many rocket salvos at Yafa, but not from outside Palestine, making Yemen's operation unprecedented."

The Leader noted that "the operation dealt a significant moral blow to the enemy, causing panic and anxiety within the enemy entity in the city, the targeted neighborhood, and the American consulate," explaining that "the impact and resonance of the strike were clear, exceeding any attempts to downplay its importance and significance."

In the same context, the Leader confirmed that "the threat and danger will continue in 'Tel Aviv', and the new equation clearly indicates the complete failure of all the enemy's protectors and agents," highlighting that "the Americans, the British, their European allies, and their Arab agents failed to prevent the threat from reaching the enemy entity," pointing out that "the Israelis found themselves in a real dilemma and a serious problem, facing a new equation with significant impact on them."

He sent a strong message to the Zionist enemy, stating, "The usurping Israelis in Palestine should fear and worry more than ever, realizing that their foolish leaders are dragging more risks upon them."

We Are Stronger This Time

The Leader emphasized the great readiness for the upcoming phase, confirming that the indicators point towards the collapse of the Zionist enemy, leading to its demise.

He stated that "the cooperation between us and the other support fronts is strong and developing more and more, bearing its fruit and significance in frustrating the enemy's pressure," adding that "the axis is the axis of Al-Aqsa and Quds, centered on the oppression of the Palestinian people and the sanctities," pointing out that "coordination with the Jihad axis is beneficial in serving the Palestinian cause and strengthening the general stance against the Israeli enemy."

He called on all Muslims to realize that this phase is very important, with a hot confrontation against the Israeli enemy," following his speech by saying, "We are in this battle stronger than any previous phase, with continuously developing capabilities to face challenges at any level."

He continued, "The Israeli enemy is the failure and loser, and our operations will continue in a way that brings joy to the hearts of the oppressed Palestinian people," reassuring that "there is no worry at all, as we fight the battle relying on God".

The Leader brought good news to the Arab and Islamic nation, saying that "this phase is important and contains great tidings of victory and the promised conquest, with clear indicators that the Israeli enemy is heading towards collapse."

He added, "The enemy is heading towards demise, instead of its path ascending to become stronger and more stable," reiterating that "the enemy is heading in the opposite direction towards collapse and retreat, towards the erosion of deterrence and a state of reverse migration."

The Leader substantiated this by saying, "The significant impacts of this battle on the enemy from within are evident, recognized by its leaders and experts, expressed as an 'existential threat.'"

#Israel #Sayyed_Abdulmalik_Al_Houthi #GazaGenocide About 1 month
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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