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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Impact of Lebanese, Iraqi, and Yemeni Support Fronts on the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza

Middle East: The Zionist enemy continues its genocide against the residents of Gaza in occupied Palestine, committing heinous crimes against civilians. In the face of this enormous tragedy, Arab and Islamic countries have largely chosen to remain silent. Some Arab countries have even gone beyond silence, aligning themselves fully with the Zionist entity in this critical battle, revealing the true nature of each side and distinguishing between the sincere and the hypocritical.

Despite international complicity in the face of one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies in modern history, the Axis of Resistance has shown courageous positions, entering the battle as a strong support front in hopes of forcing the Zionist enemy to stop its crimes and withdraw from the Gaza Strip.

In his weekly speeches, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, the Leader of the Revolution, highlights the contributions of the support fronts in this heroic battle, reviewing their most significant achievements and their escalating operations against the Zionist enemy. He asserts that the free sons of the nation have created a new equation, opening up escalating support fronts to aid Gaza, which have developed in ways the Zionist enemy did not anticipate. He emphasizes that the operations of the Axis of Resistance on all support fronts are fully prepared, and escalation is ongoing.

Significant and Tangible Developments

Military expert and analyst Colonel Hashim Wajih al-Din observes that there is a tangible and continuous development in the operations supporting the Palestinian resistance, especially on the fronts of Hezbollah and Yemen.

In an exclusive statement to Almasirah, he explains that this significant development, referenced by Sayyed Abdulmalik in his weekly speech, includes several aspects, primarily the continuous enhancement of the weapons used in support operations, such as drones. These developments include increasing their range, boosting their destructive capabilities, and improving their stealth features to avoid enemy radar detection. He notes that this was clearly evident in the recent drone operation targeting a sensitive site deep in the city of Jaffa, which the enemy refers to as Tel Aviv.

He adds that there has been substantial progress in the missile capabilities, particularly in the development of highly accurate hypersonic missiles with significantly increased destructive power through improved warhead designs. There has also been an expansion of targeted areas within occupied Palestinian territories, as well as in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean. Yemeni Armed Forces have carried out multiple military operations in the Red Sea, including attacks on the USS Cole, the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier, and the British destroyer HMS Diamond, using drones and ballistic missiles with successful direct hits.

Wajih al-Din confirms that this high level of operational intensity indicates a continued commitment to supporting the Palestinian resistance within the framework of the promised liberation battle and sacred jihad, with substantial advancements. He points out that the Yemeni Armed Forces have successfully enforced a ban on ships entering enemy ports in occupied Palestinian territories and have thwarted all attempts by American forces and their allies to weaken these operations or diminish their effectiveness. Moreover, the Yemeni Armed Forces are continually accumulating and developing their capabilities.

He explained that the same applies to Hezbollah's operations in northern occupied territories, where there has been significant and noticeable progress in the focus and sensitivity of targeted sites, as well as an expansion of the scope of operations and the introduction of new weapons into the theater.

Limiting the Enemy's Capabilities

Political analyst Aref al-Amri notes that the remarkable and surprising development in the military strategy of Yemeni forces has caught all observers off guard. He asserts that the Lebanese, Iraqi, and Yemeni support fronts have been able to support the Palestinian cause and ease the pressure on those besieged in Gaza.

In an interview with Almasirah, al-Amri says, "We see that the leaders of the resistance have made supporting Palestine their top priority and a steadfast principle that does not waver." He emphasizes that the "mother" of all causes today worldwide is the "Palestinian cause," which has become not only a Palestinian, Arab, or Islamic issue but a global ethical and humanitarian concern. This evolution can serve as a foundation for many future efforts to advance the cause.

He believes that all these developments are part of the pressure exerted by Yemen against the usurping entity, preventing any Israeli, American, or British-affiliated ships from entering or reaching any port.

He added that the statements made by the great leaders regarding advancements in military manufacturing and intelligence are a source of unparalleled strength and confidence. They have terrified the enemies reduced the capabilities of what was once considered the world's strongest army. He emphasized that every victory achieved in Palestine today weakens and diminishes the influence of colonial and invading powers globally. He notes the noticeable decline of the United States' influence worldwide, along with the retreat of the Zionist entity in the face of joint and individual resistance attacks.

He points out that every success in defeating Zionism brings us closer to overcoming Western military power and global Zionism, which seeks to control the destinies of nations by waging proxy wars through their agents. Western regimes wage these wars for their own interests, against the interests of the people. He also highlights that the revolutionary leadership is directing field efforts to further enhance the training, qualification, and manufacturing capabilities of the mujahideen, which have now reached the level of advanced nations. This has enabled them to establish themselves as a protective force defending the causes of the Islamic nation and carrying the banner of victory.

He concludes by emphasizing that what the world is witnessing today—war, destruction, especially in occupied Palestine, and the mass killing, genocide, and displacement of the steadfast people of Gaza with the most advanced military equipment supported by the US, Britain, and Western regimes—has prompted the Axis of Resistance to play its crucial role in supporting the Palestinian people and putting an end to those who tamper with the destinies of nations.

He reiterates that the significant development in the support front and the victory for the Palestinian cause, whether through Hezbollah in Lebanon or in Yemen, is a very positive indicator, exposing the feeble positions of Arab regimes, their betrayal of the Palestinian people, and the hypocrisy and double standards of the international community regarding the crimes committed by the Zionist entity.

Translated by Almasirah English website


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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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