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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemeni Armed Forces’ Strategic Maritime Campaign in Support of Gaza: Defying the Zionist and Western Coalition

Yemen: For over 10 months, the Yemeni Armed Forces have been waging an intense battle against the Zionist enemy and its allies, including the Americans, British, and Europeans, in support of Gaza, which is suffering from a campaign of genocide at the hands of Zionist Nazis. 


From the outset of the "Al-Aqsa Storm" campaign, Yemen, both its leadership and its people, have expressed unwavering support for Palestine on military, political, and popular fronts. The Zionist entity had deluded itself into believing that its American ally could suppress Yemeni operations in support of Gaza and that it could complete its genocidal project against civilians in Gaza without facing any opposition.

As the first quarter of the "Promised Victory and Sacred Jihad" campaign concluded, the Zionist enemy realized that the Yemeni operations in support of Gaza had a significant impact on its economy, particularly by disrupting maritime traffic at the port of "Eilat" in the city of "Umm al-Rashrash" in southern occupied Palestine. Gideon Golber, the director of the port of "Eilat," stated that the port had come to a complete halt due to Yemeni strikes.

During a discussion session in the Knesset’s economic committee, Gideon Golber requested financial assistance from the government for the port, excluding loans that would need to be repaid later. He confirmed that the port had been completely shut down for eight months as a result of the Yemeni strikes, highlighting that the international coalition, led by America, failed to protect the Zionist entity’s maritime traffic.

The region has witnessed a significant and prominent American presence in recent months, aimed at securing Zionist shipping through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. However, these naval forces have proven ineffective in protecting ships, finding themselves powerless against Yemeni operations in support of Gaza.

The failure of the international coalition extends beyond its inability to protect ships bound for "Israel." The US-British aggression and its allies have become targets themselves, facing Yemeni missiles, drones, and submarines that target naval warships, aircraft carriers, and track them from one location to another.

As almost a full year has passed in the Yemeni military confrontation with the Zionist enemy and its American, British, and European allies, the Yemeni Armed Forces have reinforced their decision to impose a ban on Israeli navigation and those dealing with "Israel" in all declared regions across the five announced escalation stages, bypassing the latest Western defense systems.

Despite the absence of Israeli maritime activity, some companies gamble by attempting to bypass the Yemeni naval ban, believing they are safe from Yemeni strikes. However, Yemeni operations are vigilant, as evidenced by the fate of the Greek vessel "SOUNION," which breached the Red Sea navigation ban and was promptly boarded and set ablaze by Yemeni fighters, as documented by the military media.

Military analysts assert that the documentation of the Greek ship "SOUNION" being burned in the Red Sea by the military media underscores the seriousness of the Yemeni Armed Forces in preventing Israeli ships or those affiliated with Israel from navigating, indicating that this issue is non-negotiable.

Analysts, speaking to "Almasirah," pointed out that the Yemeni Armed Forces have firmly established control over the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Bab al-Mandeb, and that they hold the upper hand in all the declared restricted areas.

Strengthening the Failure of the American Coalition

Military expert Brigadier General Munir al-Kubsi confirmed that Yemen has overcome the forces of the international coalition led by America.

In a special statement to "Almasirah," he explained that the American naval military arsenal failed to counter Yemeni attacks carried out as part of military operations in support of Gaza. He noted that the Yemeni Armed Forces are fighting a fierce battle against the American-Zionist coalition with skill and competence, surpassing the latest Western defensive technologies.

He emphasized that the failure of the American coalition is evident through the admissions of American military officials and activists. American and Hebrew media outlets have published numerous reports confirming America's failure to counter Yemeni operations, describing their battle at sea as "the hardest" since World War II.

He pointed out that the American administration faces one of the greatest dilemmas in its history due to its inability to counter Yemeni operations in support of Gaza. He asserts that the Red Sea battle has demonstrated the superiority of Yemeni missiles, drones, and submarines over American naval vessels, which are no longer effective in the present circumstances.

Al-Kubsi added that the official statements about military operations targeting Israeli ships and American warships have caused great embarrassment for both the Americans and the Zionists, who continue to claim they have reduced Yemeni combat capabilities and destroyed a significant portion of their weapons.

These claims are merely a cover for their glaring failure in the confrontation. He stresses that the documentation of the Yemeni navy's boarding and burning of the Greek ship "SOUNION" in the Red Sea for violating the company's ban on entering Palestinian ports exposes these falsehoods.

Yemeni Control of the Operational Theater

Military expert Brigadier General Hashim Wajih al-Din explained that the footage aired by Yemeni military media of the naval forces boarding and burning the Greek ship "SOUNION" sends important messages to the enemy and the companies dealing with it.

He clarified that the documentation of this operation debunks the claims of traitors and their allies about securing ships from Yemeni operations in support of Gaza.

He pointed out that the military media's release of footage showing the ship being burned underscores the Yemeni Armed Forces' seriousness regarding the ban on ships reaching enemy ports in occupied Palestinian territories. He confirmed that companies attempting to ignore this ban will meet the same fate of being set on fire.

Throughout the "Promised Victory and Sacred Jihad" campaign, the Yemeni Armed Forces have not hesitated in responding to any developments. As the Leader of the Revolution has said, their eyes are always open to monitor ships and confront them, according to military expert Wajih al-Din.

He added that the Yemeni Armed Forces are continually preparing and upgrading their capabilities, and in the future, they may reach a stage where they completely sink and destroy these ships.

He concluded that the documentation of the boarding and burning of the ship clearly indicates the Yemeni Armed Forces' complete control over the operational theater in the Red Sea. They maintain a strong presence in all declared restricted areas in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean.

Wajih al-Din also stated that the continued Yemeni operations in support of Gaza underscore the utter failure of the American-British-European coalition to counter Yemeni operations. The coalition is now weakened and retreating, dragging behind a trail of defeat and humiliation in the face of the steadfastness, courage, and resilience of the Yemeni Armed Forces in support of the oppressed people of Palestine.

Wajih al-Din concluded by saying, "There is no other option for the Zionist enemy and its allies but to stop the brutal, criminal aggression against Gaza and lift the siege. Otherwise, the seas will become a vast graveyard for sinking American and British ships, as well as all those who ignore Yemen's declared ban."


Translated by Almasirah English website

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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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