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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemen: A Dormant Volcano Awakens – The Battle for Sovereignty and Regional Confrontation

Yemen: At the beginning of the 21st century, the late writer Mohamed Hassanein Heikal spoke about Yemen, a nation with great historical and cultural significance.


Yemen, as Heikal pointed out, is not the simple country that Washington, Riyadh, London, and Paris assumed could be easily manipulated. The world is now experiencing changes and circumstances that no longer allow progress and equality to be the monopoly of specific powers. The emergence of new global dynamics and internal developments in Yemen has brought the country to prominence, as we see today.

Heikal’s famous statement that Yemen is a "dormant volcano" and that its eruption would sweep away everything in its path in the region has been realized in today’s reality. What Abdulaziz Al Saud did not achieve by awakening the Yemeni hawks in the high mountains—as advised by his British consultant "John Philby"—his grandson has done with ignorance and lack of insight.

The Rise of Emerging Power:

From deterrence operations, breaking the siege, and military action at the Al-Dhabbah port to confronting the Americans in the Red Sea, Yemen has revealed some aspects of its hidden power. By preventing the smuggling of Yemeni oil by Saudi and Emirati militias, Yemen's decision-making demonstrated a rising power that matured during years of war and a harsh blockade.

From targeting the oil tanker "Nisos Kia" on October 21, 2022, at Al-Dhabbah port, to forcing the oil tanker PRATIKA to leave the Yemeni oil port on November 21, 2022, and targeting the first Israeli enemy ship, "Galaxy leader," in the Red Sea on November 19, 2023, Yemen has been drawing the contours of a real state and sovereignty within the geography of the Red Sea.

By the end of 2022, the United States and Britain were planning a new escalation against Yemen, focusing on occupied provinces and islands, with colonial projects on the island of Mayun. Nonetheless, Sana’a confirmed that these projects would not last long and that it had sufficient power to impose full sovereignty over Yemeni waters and protect international shipping lanes in the region.

The enemy’s efforts to keep Yemen under guardianship were paralleled by its attempts to control Yemen’s waterways, especially the Bab al-Mandab Strait, where the US-UK coalition sought to expand its influence by occupying Mayun Island.

After eight years of blockade and aggression, Yemen’s assertion of sovereignty seemed to herald significant upcoming developments on the ground. On September 14, 2022, Yemeni armed forces confirmed they had full information about the organized looting of Yemeni oil and that they were prepared to defend the wealth of the Yemeni people, responding at the time and place chosen by their leader.

This warning was preceded by concentrated strikes that sent strong messages to both Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.

Yemen and the Battle for Sovereignty:

Yemen’s initiation of the sovereignty battle was based on striking the enemy in its own backyard. The message was clear: those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others.

In 2019, Yemen targeted Aramco’s oil tanks, leading the United States to withdraw its Patriot and THAAD defense systems. Washington was using Saudi and Emirati security as leverage to demand more money for the US treasury. With the successful strikes, both regimes realized their vulnerability, as Gulf defenses failed to intercept Yemen's calculated and effective attacks. 

This marked a significant setback, which Washington tried to cover up with promises of renewed arms sales and assurances of protection, particularly to Riyadh. However, this could not fully restore the shaken confidence, as illustrated by the defeat in the third phase of the Red Sea confrontations, which extended into the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, even reaching the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean.

On January 17, 2022, Sana’a delivered a harsh message to the UAE by targeting the oil storage tanks of the "ADNOC" company and Abu Dhabi airport. Two months later, on March 25, 2022, Sana’a sent a similar message to Riyadh, targeting Aramco in Jeddah for the second time and hitting key facilities in the Saudi capital with missiles and drones. Significant sites in Jizan, Dhahran, and Khamis Mushait were also struck, marking a strong and deterrent message.

The Ongoing Battle for Sovereignty:

After weeks of warnings about the "theft and smuggling" of Yemeni oil, attacks were launched on the oil ports of Nashimah and Rudum, where the oil tanker Hanna, flying the Tanzanian flag, was anchored. Using drones on October 18 and 19, 2022, these attacks were a major turning point. Two days later, on October 21, the Armed Forces targeted the Al-Dhabbah oil port in Shahr District with drones just as a Greek oil tanker was preparing to load two million barrels of crude oil. The tanker left before loading.

The United States, Britain, and France were powerless to respond, aside from statements reflecting Western greed for Yemen’s resources. These developments set the stage for Yemen to take decisive steps to protect its wealth and sovereignty.

Yemen's Naval Power:

In 2022, Yemen embarked on a strategic project to build a naval force that would protect its territorial waters and perform both regional and international roles, enhancing Yemeni sovereignty. This would also secure a rightful place for the nations bordering the Red Sea, free from centuries of Western, particularly American, dominance.

In his speech in September 2022, Defense Minister Mohammed Al-Atifi stated, "We will not allow anyone to infringe on our national or maritime sovereignty." This was followed by concrete actions, such as stopping oil smuggling, that surprised both enemies and allies.

The "Final Promise":

The "Final Promise" military parade in Hodeidah, the "Guardian of the Red Sea," was a strong message demonstrating Yemen’s growing capabilities and resolve. International media, including France 24 and Reuters, covered the event extensively, with analysts noting the participation of 25,000 fighters and a wide array of advanced weapons. Even Israeli media analyzed the implications of this show of force.

Defeating America:

Throughout the nine years of aggression against Yemen, the US assumed it could control Yemeni waters. Yet, as the world changed, Yemen transformed from a perceived "fragile state" into a resilient power capable of challenging American dominance at sea. 

By the end of 2022, Yemen’s decisive actions to stop the looting of its oil sent a powerful message that the era of external manipulation was over. This stance will become even more pronounced in the aftermath of the Gaza war and Yemen’s growing role in regional dynamics.

With its new naval power and strategic foresight, Yemen has reasserted its place on the global stage, ready to face any future threats.


Translated by Almasirah English website

#US_Saudi_Aggression About 4 days
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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