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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

European Companies Withdraw from Israel Amid Mounting Economic and Political Pressure

Middle East: Disasters do not come singly. As the economic deterioration of the Zionist entity continues, successive blows are striking the enemy. European companies linked to Israel are constantly fleeing to avoid major losses in light of the enemy's financial failure and the growing security and military threat.


After several British companies, including a giant pension fund, severed ties with Zionist companies in recent periods, French companies are now facing pressure to cut ties with Israel. This follows the withdrawal of many companies from within occupied Palestine to avoid greater losses amid the increasing dangers facing the Zionist entity and to distance themselves from the crimes associated with Israel, especially as global outrage grows against it and those complicit with its actions.

Zionist media previously reported a decline of more than 60% in investors within occupied Palestinian territories. A French investigative site highlighted the withdrawal of French companies tied to Israel, citing fears of significant losses and public pressure resulting from global boycott campaigns against Zionist companies and their affiliates.

A recent report from the French investigative website "Mediapart" indicated that some French companies have discreetly distanced themselves from business relations with Israel, particularly those involved in Zionist settlements and the crimes committed in Gaza. This reflects growing discontent among European circles towards the criminal Zionist entity.

The site noted that French companies connected to the Israeli economy are facing increasing pressure due to ongoing campaigns from the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) and solidarity movements with Palestine. It highlighted the mounting pressure from public and student movements in French and European cities, which is adding to the crises faced by the Zionist enemy, particularly economically, alongside its security, military, and political challenges.

According to the report, the major French insurance company AXA recently made a "complete and swift withdrawal from three Israeli banks." Reuters also reported on this development, noting that the banks in question are "Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, and Discount Bank," which are listed by the United Nations for their involvement in supporting settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Mediapart explained that AXA held 2.5 million shares valued at $20.4 million, describing the withdrawal as a "major victory for the BDS movement."

The report highlighted that major French companies linked to the Zionist entity are facing significant pressure to sever ties and stop supporting Israel.

In this context, Fiona Ben Shakroun, BDS coordinator in Europe, stated that "Israeli banks form the backbone of Israeli colonialism; they not only finance the construction of settlements but also participate in their planning and execution." She pointed out that most European companies have policies of cooperation with Israeli banks.

Shakroun affirmed that the BDS movement will remain vigilant and will intensify its efforts to classify all European companies linked to Israel and its banks, applying pressure to force them to sever ties with the pillars of Israel’s economy, which places the Zionist entity under unbearable pressure.

Returning to the Mediapart report, the French company Carrefour is facing heavy criticism for its ties to the Zionist settlement economy. This criticism follows the signing of a franchise agreement with "Electra Consumer Products," an Israeli company involved in building and maintaining settlements.

The report mentioned that Carrefour is attempting to mitigate the backlash by taking modest steps, such as removing its products from some stores in settlements within Palestine. Although these actions are small, they reflect the effectiveness of public pressure against Israel in European countries, contributing to the weakening of support for Israel and the erosion of its economic ties.

Mediapart also quoted statements from Pierre Moutan, a campaign official from the French platform, who said, "Carrefour's withdrawal from some settlement stores is merely a cosmetic step," emphasizing that commercial agreements are still in place and that the company continues to be involved despite efforts to hide it.

The site further indicated that, amid the ongoing public pressure in European circles, the French bank BNP Paribas, one of the largest banks in France, is facing sharp criticism for its role in financing the Zionist entity. The bank was involved in a $2 billion bond deal for Israel, designated to support its colonial settlement projects.

In light of growing public discontent, the report noted that six human rights organizations in France have called on the bank to stop financing these colonial projects, warning that such actions could expose France to international legal accountability.

Ongoing Divestment from Israel

It’s worth noting that French public demands to sever trade ties with Israel come less than a week after Reuters announced that the world's largest investment fund plans to divest its assets from Israeli companies.

Reuters reported that the "sovereign wealth fund," which manages assets worth nearly $2 trillion, might divest $1.5 billion worth of shares in Israeli companies. This move is based on new standards that oppose supporting companies involved in Israeli colonial practices in the occupied Palestinian territories. The fund had previously withdrawn investments from nine Israeli companies operating in the West Bank, indicating that the Zionist entity is being pursued by multiple parties, including international economic entities, increasing the pressure to halt the crimes in Gaza.

As reports confirm the rising withdrawal of European investors, heightening the risks to Israel's developmental ranking and its economy in general, observers suggest that these developments, along with Israel's need to acknowledge the fleeing investors and the data on companies severing ties, are clear indicators that global public pressure against Israel will exacerbate its troubles and deepen its ongoing crises. This is in addition to the direct threats facing its economy, particularly from the Lebanese front and the Yemeni support front.

These economic troubles for Israel come amidst a financial deficit exceeding $41 billion, while government borrowing has surpassed $53.5 billion. Zionist media describe this as one of the largest borrowing operations since the founding of the entity, further confirming that Israel is on a path to collapse if it does not comply with demands to end its aggression and blockade on Gaza.


Translated by Almasirah English website

#Israel #Economic_Crisis #GazaGenocide About 4 days
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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