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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik: Hypersonic Missile Strike on Occupied Jaffa Will Be Repeated and Sustained, Yemen Strives for Greater Achievements

News - Yemen: The Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi reaffirmed the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the Yemeni people and the September 21 Revolution, emphasizing that supporting the Palestinian people will remain a guiding principle for all free individuals in Yemen on their path to liberation and development.


In his speech on Saturday, marking the 10th national anniversary of the September 21 Revolution, he stated, "Our honorable people, in this phase regarding the Palestinian cause, are in a dignified position that brings honor before Allah. It is a distinguished stance that enables them to do what they can."

Sayyed Abdulmalik warned of the dangers of stagnation and inaction in the face of the Palestinian people's suffering, indicating that the practices of the Zionist enemy in Gaza pose a threat to all Arab and Islamic nations.

"The crimes of the enemy impose a great responsibility on the nation. Ignoring or shirking this responsibility has serious consequences. Days will reveal the dangers of neglecting the Palestinian people's suffering," he added.

He addressed the ongoing brutality of the Zionist regime in Gaza, stating, "Zionist crimes have continued for 12 months in the Gaza Strip, committing genocide daily. There have been 3,036 massacres, along with starvation, destruction of medical facilities, and the torture of prisoners, leading many to martyrdom due to the horrific torture."

Sayyed Abdelmalik reiterated his warning about the dangers of silence, complicity, and negligence, noting that the days will come with lessons and reminders for all those who shirked their responsibilities.

He renewed his commitment to Yemen's supportive stance for Palestine, pointing out the increasing Yemeni capabilities that could escalate the situation and deliver the most painful blows to the criminal Zionist enemy.

In this context, the leader stated, "Our position on the support front is steadfast and solid, and we are striving significantly to enhance our efforts to support the Palestinian people, stand with them, Hezbollah, and all free individuals."

"The missile strike on Jaffa was impactful and seismic, representing a significant achievement by Allah's grace in response to the demands of the current phase," he added.

Sayyed Abdulmalik noted that such operations would continue, serving as a message that more painful blows await the Zionist enemy.

He also highlighted the downing of MQ-9 drones as an important achievement in the ongoing confrontation with the enemies.

In addition to Yemen's military support for Palestine, Sayyed Abdulmalik emphasized the growing popular support for the Palestinian cause.

In conclusion, Sayyed Abdulmalik noted that the million-strong turnout will continue, with activities for the anniversary of the September 21 Revolution ongoing throughout the week, culminating in a large and widespread turnout next Friday in support of the Palestinian people.

On Sunday morning, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a special military operation targeting an Israeli military site in the Jaffa area of occupied Palestine.

The operation was executed using a new hypersonic ballistic missile, which successfully hit its target without interception by enemy defenses. The missile traveled approximately 2,040 km in 11 and a half minutes.

The missile caused widespread fear and panic among Israelis, with over two million people seeking shelter—marking the first time in the history of the Israeli enemy that such a large number was forced to take cover.

The Yemeni Armed Forces confirmed that this operation is part of the fifth phase of their campaign, highlighting the culmination of the efforts by the heroes of the Rocketry Force, who have made tremendous advances in missile technology to meet the challenges of the battle against the Zionist enemy. The missile overcame all obstacles and defense systems, both on land and at sea, including American and Israeli interception systems.

The forces further emphasized that neither geographical challenges nor the aggression of the US and Britain, including their surveillance, espionage, and interception systems, would deter Yemen from fulfilling its religious, moral, and humanitarian duty to support the Palestinian people.

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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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