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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Southern Governors Commemorate October 14 Revolution, Vow Continued Struggle Against New Occupation

News - Yemen: The governors of the southern provinces affirmed that the commemoration of the glorious October 14th is an opportunity to draw lessons of liberation, independence, and struggle against colonialism and foreign occupation.

They pointed out that this year’s anniversary coincides with the ongoing activities of the new colonial power, disguised under the masks of Arabism and Islam.

In press statements on Monday, they emphasized the need to continue the struggle and sacrifices of the forefathers to achieve freedom and independence, asserting that the Emirati-Saudi-American-British occupation of Yemen’s southern and eastern provinces will meet the same fate as previous colonizers and occupiers.

Unceasing Struggle Until Liberation

In this context, the governor of Aden, Tariq Salam, stated that "Great Yemen, which triumphed in the September and October revolutions against British occupation and Western-American-Zionist conspiracies, will continue its path of liberation no matter the challenges, and it will not stop until all occupied lands are freed."

He added, "The glorious October Revolution is a great occasion and a pivotal moment in Yemen’s past and present. Thanks to it, the southern part of the country was liberated from British imperialism, which oppressed Yemenis and desecrated their land for nearly a century and a quarter, until the spark of revolution ignited in the Radfan mountains, and the revolutionaries marched forward, defeating the forces of invasion and occupation." He noted that this anniversary comes while part of the nation remains under the grip of new occupiers dreaming of reviving the past.

Governor Salam emphasized that Yemenis' struggle will not cease until all their land is liberated from the hateful occupation.

Similarly, Shabwa governor Awad Al-Awlaki described the 61st anniversary of the October 14th Revolution as a great revolutionary epic in which Yemenis express their pride in this eternal revolution, drawing lessons of sacrifice and struggle to expel the new occupiers from the south.

He noted that the October 14th Revolution still represents a revolutionary milestone from which Yemenis draw the greatest meanings of struggle and sacrifice to wrest their freedom, independence, and sovereignty from the occupiers by force, reflecting their commitment to their honorable history of resistance against all forms of colonialism throughout ancient and modern history.

Governor Al-Awlaki said, "Today, the 61st anniversary of the October 14th Revolution arrives amid international events and developments that have unfortunately led part of the country to fall under Saudi-Emirati occupation, backed by Americans, Britons, and Zionists who are trying to subjugate the south to their sinister projects hiding behind false slogans."

He added that "the south is moving strongly toward liberation, especially after its people have uncovered the malicious objectives of the occupation and its false slogans, and its continued plundering of the south’s wealth and resources."

He affirmed that after more than eight years of occupation, the Yemeni people have realized the lies and justifications of the occupiers, having witnessed their systematic looting of the south’s wealth while offering nothing to the citizens who live in miserable conditions, deprived of the most basic rights and essential services.

The Old and New Occupier: A Shared Fate

For his part, Lahj governor Ahmed Jarib affirmed that the October 14th Revolution was the result of a long popular struggle against a colonial empire on which the sun never set.

Governor Jarib pointed out that history is repeating itself today in an even worse way by Britain’s regional proxies, who are attempting to subjugate a people who submit only to God, seeking to occupy a country that has developed a natural immunity against any occupier and his practices, ignoring Yemen’s history of repelling invaders throughout time.

He stated, "It is strange that some forces and factions, created by the occupying powers in the southern provinces, are today celebrating the 61st anniversary of the October 14th Revolution, funded by the very occupier who has seized the land, violated the people, looted the resources, destroyed achievements, and imposed a policy of starvation on all the people of these provinces."

Governor Jarib noted that these forces, which have become a transparent tool for the occupier to implement projects aimed at dividing and fragmenting the south, have forgotten the sacrifices of their ancestors and the fate of treachery and collaboration in the southern provinces.

He reiterated that the small projects in the occupied provinces will meet with shame and disgrace, just as the occupation itself is doomed to fail. He emphasized that, although Britain controlled southern Yemen for decades, it was expelled in a humiliating way, demonstrating that the new Arab occupiers will not last long and will be expelled from the southern provinces in the same shameful manner if they insist on remaining.

In a similar vein, Abyan governor Saleh Al-Junaidi warned of the dangers posed by new colonial agendas and projects that the Saudi-Emirati coalition has been trying to impose in the southern occupied provinces for years.

Governor Al-Junaidi stated that the actions of the coalition forces in occupied southern Yemen, in all their forms, are transparent attempts to turn back the clock and reintroduce the small projects that the British colonialists attempted to impose before the October 14th Revolution, which fell along with the occupation.

He affirmed that the free people of the southern and eastern occupied provinces will stand firm in thwarting these colonial and opportunistic projects that the new occupiers are trying to implement under the cover of a puppet government, which represents the occupation and executes its agendas and conspiracies that violate the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Yemen.

Governor Al-Junaidi noted that the people of Yemen are now more aware of the goals and agendas of the new occupier, which uses Saudi Arabia and the UAE as regional tools to revive its dark past in the south. 

He pointed out that Yemen today, thanks to its wise leadership, is stronger than ever, as demonstrated by the honorable achievements of its Armed Forces in recent years, including their confrontation with the Israeli entity, after breaking the arrogance of the US-Saudi aggression and the American dominance in the Red Sea. These achievements confirm the growing capabilities and strategic deterrence weapons capable of protecting the nation and its achievements, particularly the October 14th Revolution.

#US_Saudi_Aggression #Saudi_Emirati_Occupation About 1 week
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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