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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi Speaks on the Latest Weekly Developments, in English (Oct. 17, 2024)

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Considering one year has passed since the brutal and savage Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, which has now entered the first month of the second year—with all horrific crimes the Israeli enemy has been committing and carrying out against the Palestinian people in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and throughout Palestine in general and its continued and repeated violations against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other sanctities; with the comprehensive and full-scale aggression it launched afterwards against Lebanon; with its continued attacks on Syria; with its assaults against the Islamic Republic of Iran; and with the daily events related to the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, such as acts of genocide, in which the enemy excels, along with the comprehensive targeting it commits in Lebanon with the same method it applies in the Gaza Strip, targeting all people (civilians, children, women, and men) and public facilities among other things—all of this should have enabled every individual in human society in general and the Muslim world in particular to attain a high level of awareness regarding the reality and the underlying background of what is happening and the objectives that the enemies seek to achieve through their actions. This is a very important issue, and it concerns Muslims, especially Arabs, more than anyone else, since they are the primary target of everything the Israeli enemy does.

The extremely horrific crimes and what accompanied them such as the related international and regional positions are enough to ensure the highest level of awareness and insight for anyone following these events. This is something we urgently need as a targeted ummah. In fact, to have awareness of the enemies is a top necessity: Who are they? What are they like? What can be done to confront and stand up to their significant threat to the Islamic Ummah in every aspect, including its religion, worldly affairs, life, stability, and security? What can benefit this Ummah in countering that threat, which we have seen in its most horrific and worst form, a very brutal criminality that spares no one?

Does the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip exclude anyone from the community? Has it not targeted everyone: children and women, the elderly and the young? Has it not targeted all members of society, regardless of their political affiliations, ideological orientations, or even their position towards the Israeli enemy? Was anyone spared for working as a media professional, journalist, teacher, or doctor or coming from any segment of society?

The Israeli enemy has targeted everyone without exception, killing people from all social segments: the old and the young, women and men. The rights of women, the rights of children, and all rights are disregarded. It has targeted civilians, and the label of 'civilians' offers no protection anymore. Furthermore, it has targeted journalists, doctors, pharmacists, teachers, students, farmers, traders, and every member of society. It has comprehensively targeted everyone with horrific malevolence and in an extremely criminal manner. In those scenes, everyone sees sufficient evidence of the level of Jewish, Zionist criminality.

Likewise, in its aggression against Lebanon, it targets all of Lebanon and the entire Lebanese people. It attacks villages and residential neighbourhoods, indiscriminately destroying them on the heads of all their inhabitants. It targets civilians, all service facilities, and even those who have responsibilities of civil or humanitarian nature. This is evident in its crime in Nabatiyeh, where it targeted the committee responsible for assisting the displaced individuals, including municipal officials and others who take care of the displaced. It targets everyone. This is the kind of hostility, malevolence, and comprehensive criminality that spares no one whatsoever.

The Jews have emerged as mentioned by Allah in the Holy Quran, and their true nature has manifested in reality as described in the Holy Quran: {'You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews'}[Al-Ma'idah 5:82]. They stand out as the most hostile and filled with malevolence, and they act accordingly with their criminality and tyranny, showing a complete disregard for the right of human beings to life and for any rights recognised by humanity.

In fact, this is the reality of the enemies: For over one year, they have been daily accumulating such a record of criminality, brutality, and aggression that is sufficient to create a high level of awareness for a person. After all that Allah said about them in many verses in the Holy Quran (hundreds of Quranic verses in various surahs), if a person does not gain awareness, if the Holy Quran, the word of Allah, His verses, and the extremely horrific daily events fail to raise one's awareness, then this means he is in a state of disorientation. This will only reinforce conviction among the Jews about their perceptions of Arabs and Muslims: They view them as foolish, subhuman, and incapable of understanding, comprehension, or rational thought and consider them to be at the lowest level of stupidity. This is a very unfortunate issue!

In light of these events, other truths have also emerged, such as the role that America plays as a partner. Indeed, it is a partner for the Israeli enemy in every sense of the word. America is a partner in crime, aggression, and tyranny. Indeed, it is a fundamental partner to the extent that the Israeli enemy would not have been able to continue for this long, at this pace, or with this level of aggression and criminality if not for that level of support and backing provided by America. Regarding the thousands of bombs used to destroy homes, kill civilians, burn them in their camps, target schools and civilian facilities as they are packed with displaced people, and destroy residential neighbourhoods, cities, and villages, it is the Americans who supply the Israelis with these bombs for that very purpose: to kill the Palestinian and Lebanese people and to target civilians. America has provided them with the most lethal bombs to kill children and women, to target those Arab Muslims, and to seek to exterminate them with these weapons, which are classified as internationally prohibited, as well as through severe starvation.

America is a partner with the Israel entity in criminality and goals; they both seek to achieve the same goals. They also share similar backgrounds, beliefs, and a unified vision regarding Arabs and the importance of exterminating them and empowering the Israeli enemy to dominate the region. This includes the vast geographical territories it directly occupies and hopes to dominate under the name of 'Greater Israel', and it also includes the rest of other countries in the region it seeks to fully dominate at the political and economic levels, depriving the peoples there of their right to have freedom, independence, or dignity and their right to have an independent cultural presence based on their religion and affiliation with Islam. In other words, they are intended to be used in whatever serves the Israel entity and aligns with its interests and to remain defenseless before it to do whatever it wants or desires, to erase their Islamic identity, and to turn them into a puppet it exploits in everything it wants or desires.

This American role is now evident, as is the role of Western countries, such as Britain, Germany, France, and other major European countries. Even though they sometimes issue deceptive statements due to the embarrassment caused by the horrific and appalling crimes committed by the Israeli enemy, they provide the Israeli enemy with weapons, money, and political support. Even at the level of statements, they also support it through their statements that justify all its criminality, aggression, and tyranny. These statements reflect a state of malevolence and hostility towards this Ummah, and they, as we mentioned before, reveal a shared Zionist vision and belief that unite Western regimes with the Israeli Jewish enemy under the same perspective, orientations, and goals they all strive to achieve.

One of the very important things for us to recognise and understand is that these events did not happen by chance and that they are not merely events that suddenly came and took everyone by surprise. Rather, they are actually a continuation of what came before: the suffering of the Palestinian people for over a hundred years (specifically one hundred and five years) part of which was under British occupation, followed by a seventy-five-year occupation by the Jewish Zionists. Throughout these long years and since their first day, the Jews have appeared as savages and criminals filled with malevolence. At the same time and since their first day, they have been receiving clear Western support that allows them to commit all kinds of crimes and do whatever they want in order to occupy, seize, usurp, and commit various crimes, including mass killings and the forced displacement of millions—anything they like or please. They are above laws and established systems. On the other hand, the reality of Arabs, particularly the Palestinians, is that they are an ummah whose rights have been taken away and whose enemies strive to deceive. Throughout all those stages that have spanned seventy-five years and seen many rounds of escalation where very horrific, brutal, and truly terrible crimes, including crimes of genocide, were committed and where the Israeli enemy practised its brutality, aggression, habit of disregarding all human and moral values to the worst level, despite all of this and from one round to another, the Americans and the Western countries have cared about nothing except one thing: how these crimes and aggressions produce outcomes that benefit the Israeli enemy. This is their goal from one round to another, up to this current round, which has been ongoing for over a year.

One of the most important things in this current round is that it makes this generation of Arabs, Muslims, and people around the world aware of what was hidden from them in previous stages and rounds: the crimes of the Israeli enemy, its aggression, its dangerous objectives, the reality of its conspiracies, and the extent of what it seeks to achieve, which were not showed to them in the official educational curricula in schools and universities, in media outlets (printed, visual, and in all forms), and at the cultural level in books and writings. All of these are now being revealed once again. Indeed, this generation sees and hears what has been hidden from it in the past: They witness it through sound and images, through media outlets, observing the horrific crimes and the terrible starvation, which may exceed anything experienced in previous rounds. This is a very important matter.

In addition, for those who have forgotten, from the people of the past generation, many of whom have forgotten what happened in the past, these events remind everyone of what the goal of this enemy is, what its orientations are, what it strives for, and how brutal it is. It has also become clear to everyone that neither the United Nations, the Security Council, international organisations, international courts, nor conventions, laws, or anything else can repel the danger posed by this enemy except that this targeted Ummah itself takes on its humanitarian, Islamic, moral responsibility and takes action accordingly to defend itself against the threat posed to it.

We have seen the fruit of the resilience and cohesion of our fellow mujahidin in Gaza, as well as our fellow mujahidin in Hezbollah in Lebanon. We have seen the fruit of their resilience, cohesion, and steadfastness, as well as the effectiveness of their action, their position, and their courageous efforts in inflicting losses upon the enemy, despite the immense passivity of their Arab and Islamic surrounding and even the collusion of some in this Arab and Islamic surrounding with the enemy. We have also seen how the enemy resorts to collective crimes, whether through assassinations or mass killings of people, including residents, children, and women. As for the battlefield, we see how even the very limited capabilities utilised by a small number of thousands of mujahidin have taken their toll on the enemy. We also see how these groups (the mujahidin) have displayed effectiveness, strength, cohesion, and steadfastness, inflicting significant losses on the enemy so as to really make us realise the effectiveness and positive outcome of jihad. So how different would the situation be if those mujahidin received the necessary support from this passive Ummah? How different would the situation be if more people also acted and cooperated? And how different would it be if this Ummah moved according to that option (the only one that works), which is the option of jihad in the cause of Allah, the Almighty?

Anyway, Allah (the Almighty) wants us as Muslims to have a high level of awareness, and that is why He has extensively spoken in the Holy Quran about the enemies of this Ummah, about the Jews themselves, and about the faction of evil, betrayal, injustice, criminality, and disbelief among the People of the Book. He has also made it sufficiently clear to us about them and about what is beneficial in confronting them. He (the Almighty) said in this context, {'And Allah wants no injustice to the worlds [His creatures]'}[Ali 'Imran 3:108]. In fact, Allah has told us about them so that we do not become foolish ones who have an idealistic and false view of them. Additionally, He has provided us with solutions that are beneficial in repelling their danger and preventing their evil. In fact, reality, with all it contains, presents extremely enormous evidence of what Allah has mentioned about them in the Holy Quran.

In the first month of the second year, the criminality of the Zionist Jews in their brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip persists in committing acts of genocide. As in the past year, with utmost brutality and total criminality, the Israeli enemy continues targeting the displaced in shelter centres, in schools, and in their tents. It targets them in their nylon tents with the destructive and incendiary bombs provided by America. It targets them with incendiary bombs to burn displaced children, women, and elderly people in those tents, committing genocide. This is just as what happened at Deir Al-Balah Hospital when it targeted them with incendiary bombs, burning approximately thirty tents with the displaced inside; the fire continued for nearly a whole hour. This is in addition to targeting them in schools and shelter centres as in Deir Al-Balah, as well.

This also includes the barbaric, brutal, horrific, criminal aggression against the northern Gaza Strip. It has become clear that the enemy seeks to eradicate the Palestinian people in the northern part of the Strip: The Israeli enemy strives to commit genocide and cause forced displacement. It commits a variety of crimes, including the destruction and demolition of all buildings. According to the statistics we have received, the Israeli enemy has destroyed more than fifty thousand housing units in the northern part of the Strip. It has not only used American bombs dropped from planes and fire belts, but it has also used destructive robots and explosive barrels loaded with tons of explosives so as to completely demolish houses and homes. In fact, it attempts to wipe out all signs of life in the northern part of the Strip and to turn it into a place that is not suitable for people to inhabit or live in.

The Israeli enemy also continues the mass killing of people in their homes and even in the streets and roads. Even when some residents try to flee (as the enemy seeks to forcibly displace them and force them out of the northern part of the Gaza Strip), it targets them in the streets and roads. People even could not rescue the wounded on the roads or retrieve the bodies from the streets, and the corpses remained scattered on the roads. The enemy also seeks to prevent the delivery of food and water to them so as to kill them through thirst and hunger in a brutal and criminal manner before the very eyes of the entire world.

With all this brutality and criminality, we see the deeply tragic situation in the northern part of the Gaza Strip and the greatest tragedy there in Jabalia Camp: There are mass killings, horrific destruction, torture through hunger and thirst, and more. The suffering is pervasive throughout the Gaza Strip, but it is most severe in the northern part and appears most acutely in Jabalia Camp. The enemy focuses on targeting hospitals, striking them repeatedly. If a particular hospital is reopened out of necessity, the enemy targets it again, prevents the provision of medical services, and forces the removal of even infants from incubators! Indeed, it targets everyone with extreme brutality and criminality. All of this enjoys American support and participation, Western endorsement, and Western support and assistance.

Therefore, the current situation in the northern part of the Strip is a disgrace to human society and to the Islamic Ummah in particular. No matter how much the situation worsens, no matter how great the tragedy becomes, and no matter how intense the injustice and suffering endured by the Palestinian people become, the Islamic Ummah does not take action accordingly, nor does the reality of the regimes in the Islamic world change in response to what it [the Israeli enemy] does. This has become a habit and a semi-normal state for them, as if what is happening there is something normal. They either remain silent, issue some statements and declarations, or hold summits, but without any serious, practical steps, not even at the bare minimum.

Despite all of this, our fellow mujahidin in the Gaza Strip stand firm, continuing their heroic operations that inflict losses on the enemy. The Al-Qassam Brigades has carried out approximately 35 operations targeting the enemy's vehicles and ground forces in various locations across the battlefronts in Gaza. Additionally, the Al-Quds Brigades has fired missiles at the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip, known as the settlements of the Gaza Envelope. Other jihadist factions have also made their contributions and conducted operations, which they have announced.

The continuity of these operations and the resilience and cohesion of the mujahidin in the Gaza Strip means a lot, considering they have faced a year of destruction, killing, and severe blockade and suffered from the passivity of most Arabs and most Muslims over all these past years—for more than two decades. Despite all of that, we see them stand firm, united, steadfast, and active. This means that this choice is effective, available, influential, and possible, and in reality, no other choice can be as effective.

Arabs have experienced making extensive concessions and begging for peace even from the Americans. That is although the Americans are partners with the Israeli enemy even in its very goals regarding establishing what is called 'Greater Israel' and ensuring its complete control over the Arab world. This is not solely an Israeli goal but also an American one. Despite all this, the Arabs have been begging for peace from America, Europe, the United Nations, and the Security Council for decades and through numerous rounds [of negotiations]. However, they are as expressed in the Holy Quran, {'They are like one who stretches his hands towards water so that it may reach his mouth [by itself], while it is not to reach it'}[Ar-Ra'd 13:14]—nothing but a state of loss, mirage, and illusion.

In fact, the steadfastness of our fellow mujahidin is significant, and it tells a lot. Therefore, Arabs bear a great responsibility to support them in all forms: military, financial, and media support. Instead of harnessing media to benefit the Israeli enemy, as some Arab regimes do, they must direct their media to support the mujahidin in the Gaza Strip and provide them with support in all its forms.

If the necessary Arab support had been provided to the Palestinian people and their mujahidin, the situation would be different from what it is now. We witness the level of American and Western support for Israel while observing the Arab world's passivity towards the Palestinian people. If Arabs had provided the Palestinian people even a fraction of what they spend on non-essential matters, they [the Palestinian people] would be at a much more advanced level in their position, cohesion, actions, and influence. However, the state of passivity is evident.

Regarding the Lebanese front, which has become a primary front, rather than a supporting front, the Israeli enemy declared its full-scale aggression on Lebanon. It escalated its level of bombardment by intensifying bombing to include most of Lebanon, reaching even Beirut, which has been repeatedly targeted. As for Dahieh, the enemy targets it heavily, aiming at residential areas, neighbourhoods, villages, and homes in the southern, northern, and eastern regions of Lebanon—in various parts of the country. Additionally, it is waging a media, psychological, and political war, side by side with the Americans, aiming to destabilise the Lebanese front from within and incite discord within Lebanon. It is also mobilising some political factions from within Lebanon for the purpose of forcing a change in the political landscape there through the current situation and the pressure it exerts through its aggression on Lebanon.

The Israeli enemy's objectives regarding Lebanon are clear; the Israeli enemy has posed a long-standing threat and danger to Lebanon since its emergence and the establishment of its occupying entity. Ever since the Zionist gangs began to gather in Palestine, they have represented a threat to Lebanon. Considering Israeli beliefs, Israeli culture, Israeli plans, and Israeli objectives, Lebanon is targeted, and the Israeli enemy is eager to control Lebanon. In fact, it pursued those ambitions aimed at occupying Lebanon and even reached Beirut, but it was forcibly expelled from Lebanon. Indeed, it was expelled by the Lebanese people through their dear and heroic mujahidin in Hezbollah, and those who stood by them, supported them, and fought alongside them. Hezbollah played a central and fundamental role in expelling the Israeli enemy from Lebanon. Nevertheless, the Israeli enemy has not ceased its conspiracies against Lebanon and continues to maintain a hostile position towards Lebanon. Therefore, it is continuously engaged in conspiracies, in constant preparations for aggression against Lebanon. It is evident that it has been preparing for any new round aimed at Lebanon, and this is a clear matter in the reality of the Israeli enemy.

After carrying out a series of assassination crimes targeting the dear and great leaders of Hezbollah, including the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, his eminence Al-Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (May Allah be pleased with him), the Israeli enemy imagined that would deal a blow to the morale of our dear fellow mujahidin in Hezbollah and would intimidate the entire Lebanese arena. It believed that through this it could achieve its objectives of invading Lebanon, and it therefore moved towards declaring total aggression and also towards ground warfare, deploying four military divisions and more. In fact, it continues to mobilise additional forces in order to achieve its stated objectives of a ground invasion and penetration, but here it is shocked, surprised, and astounded. The same is true for the Americans, since both Israeli and American assessments had aligned in expecting that conditions were perfect for the Israeli enemy to invade Lebanon and settle the situation there and even elsewhere in favour of the Israeli enemy.

After targeting the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, his eminence Al-Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (May Allah be pleased with him), the Israeli enemy started to speak about its grand ambitions. It claimed that this event marked a turning point at the regional level as a whole, expressing its intention to subsequently alter the entire reality of the Middle East, not just Lebanon. This is due to the fact that Hezbollah, as a resilient Lebanese front, represents a front that serves the entire Islamic Ummah, all Arabs, and all the peoples of the region. The Israeli enemy believes that by removing this front, it will pave the way to achieve its objectives in the rest of the Arab and Islamic world. Consequently, the Israeli enemy has moved to launch ground incursion, with all arrogance, greed, malice, and pride. However, it has experienced shock and surprise, along with the Americans, as we mentioned:

  • firstly, because of the steadfastness and cohesion of the fellow mujahidin in Hezbollah, as they showed cohesion, steadfastness, resilience, awareness, and dedication;
  • additionally, because of their actions, as they continue to effectively and cohesively fight according to well-thought-out plans and a carefully considered approach, with complete steadfastness, without any loss of morale, without failure, and without panic.

They are fighting the Israeli enemy with steadfastness, cohesion, and careful planning. Their combat performance clearly shows how they maintain full cohesion and still have effective command and control. It shows that the party as a whole still clearly has cohesion by the grace of Allah.

Therefore, Hezbollah's position has appeared strong in every sense of the word. Indeed, it is strong in all directions:

  • in terms of missile bombardment, which has been increasing, as well as the range of missile bombardment and targeting, as missiles have reached Haifa and Tel Aviv with great intensity—in fact, missile bombardment from Hezbollah towards the Israeli enemy has reached hundreds on some days, with the momentum of missile attacks increasing;
  • in terms of steadfastness in the field, and combat operations that are carried out according to well-thought-out plans, with complete cohesion, and a cohesive and firm management;
  • in terms of media performance;
  • in terms of their humanitarian performance.

The activities of Hezbollah in Lebanon are well integrated, and it clearly enjoys cohesion. On the political front as well, the Israeli enemy and the Americans work together to alter the political situation in Lebanon according to mutual plans. However, in the Lebanese arena, most Lebanese components demonstrate awareness, cohesion, caution, and vigilance. By the will of Allah, all efforts aimed at manipulating the Lebanese domestic arena will fail.

The Axis of Resistance has a significant responsibility to support and assist the Lebanese people, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Lebanese government as well at the political, media, and humanitarian levels. It is also the responsibility of all Arabs and all Muslims to sincerely and seriously stand with the Palestinian people and the Lebanese people in a comprehensive way at all levels: with political, financial, humanitarian, and media support, with military support, and with all forms of support.

The enemy's disappointment, failure, and repeated defeats on the ground have become evident, as it suffers significant losses. This is a crucial point to note: The enemy is losing many of its soldiers and officers, both dead and wounded, even though it tries to conceal the extent of its losses. This is a policy the enemy relies on across all fronts. It attempts to hide the level of its losses in the Gaza Strip and also on the Lebanese front. Whenever targeted by attacks from this or that support front, it always strives to maintain media blackout, attempting to conceal the extent of its losses for psychological warfare purposes. However, the scale of its losses, the casualties and the wounded among its aggressive forces along the Lebanese borders, can no longer be concealed by media blackout. It has become public knowledge, which is a significant development, considering their previous arrogance and ambition to achieve their goals. It has even allowed itself to target UNIFIL forces in Lebanon. But what were the reactions from various countries, from the United Nations, from the participating countries in UNIFIL, whose forces and soldiers are under threat? Their reactions were more like emotional than practical, as they did not take any practical action or measure! This is because that aligns with the Americans' desire to pave the way for the Israeli enemy to have a free hand and do whatever it likes.

Ultimately, the Israeli enemy relies on crimes to target the Lebanese people, as it does in Gaza, but it is failing. Hezbollah effectively stands in its way, and the dear mujahidin of Hezbollah today are more determined, resolute, steadfast, and sincere in confronting the Israeli enemy and in fulfilling their sacred jihadist duties. Today, after the martyrdom of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, his eminence Al-Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (May Allah be pleased with him), and the great leaders of Hezbollah, they set out to perform their jihadist duties with greater loyalty, courage, determination, and dedication.

Regarding the Iraqi support front, it has escalated more than ever before, and based on the wide activity among the Iraqi people, it is also evident that there is a greater inclination for interaction after the Israeli enemy's escalation on Lebanon. The Israeli enemy's actions in Gaza have also led to more interaction within the Iraqi people. In fact, the same is required from all Arab peoples: Whenever the Israeli enemy escalates its aggression and extends it to any Arab country, continues its crimes against the Palestinian people, or goes farther in its aggression and hostility, there should be greater reaction.

It is clear that Iraq is targeted by the Israeli enemy, and it is part of the Israeli plan, known as 'Greater Israel', which extends from the Nile to the Euphrates in Iraq. So everyone is targeted by the Israeli enemy. Also, the Israeli enemy's apparent intense hostility towards the highest religious authority in Iraq, with all his weight and significant importance in Iraq and in the Islamic arena, shows its malice towards everyone and everything in this Ummah, towards all pillars of strength in this Ummah, and towards everything that is important and influential in this Ummah. Therefore, it has provoked the Iraqi people, and there are significant movements in Iraq. There is more hope that operations will continue effectively to support Gaza and Lebanon, as well as with Iraqi political and humanitarian support for Lebanon.

Regarding the Israeli enemy's position and aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Israeli enemy, in full view of the world, was the one who initiated aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran by targeting the great martyr, the Islamic martyr and leader, Ismail Haniyeh (May Allah be pleased with him), in Tehran, while he was a guest of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It also targeted Iranians in Syria (in the consulate) with numerous attacks and many assassinations, even within Iran itself. The Israeli enemy is the one who violates Iranian sovereignty from the outset and initiates aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran. When the Islamic Republic of Iran responds to it, in accordance with all considerations—its legitimate and legal rights, even according to the United Nations charters and international law—Israel, the United States, and Western countries consider this a problem and escalation. Why?

The equation desired by the Americans, the Israelis, and Western countries in our region is to be a sitting target for the Israeli enemy: Every Muslim and Arab country is to be free for the Israeli enemy to do whatever it pleases to, killing and attacking whomever it wants without even facing any response!

This equation is so strange that it cannot be acceptable even in the animal world, since the instinct for self-defence exists even in animals and is an innate trait in human society. Yet, what America and European countries want from Muslims is not to defend themselves or take any action against the Israeli enemy when it attacks them! Instead, they want Muslims to accept the aggression with complete surrender and submission. This is what they tried to persuade Iran to do: not to respond to the Israeli enemy's attacks. And when Iran responds, they label the new aggression that the Israeli enemy prepares as a response, but it’s not. In fact, the one who responded is the Islamic Republic of Iran; as for the Israeli enemy, it is the one who initiates aggression. This is not a response. Arabs and Muslims are the ones who respond, yet even on this level—the level of responding to the Israeli enemy's actions—the West wants them not to respond!

The West (America and European countries) gives the Israeli enemy free rein, supports it, cooperates with it, and provides it with all forms of support and backing, allowing it to do whatever it pleases, such as occupying land; killing people; confiscating their property; destroying their cities, villages, homes, and ruining their livelihoods; and using abduction, torture, starvation, and any acts it desires. All these acts are labelled by the West as self-defence!

The Zionist Jews come from many parts of Europe and various countries to occupy Palestine in the name of self-defence! What kind of self-defence is this?! They come to kill children and women and confiscate farms, properties, and homes in the name of self-defence! They came from there to initiate aggression against Lebanon in the name of self-defence! They unleash their police dogs to attack the elderly in the name of self-defence! They starve more than a million people in the Gaza Strip in the name of self-defence! They destroy hospitals, kill patients—including children, women, and even babies in incubators—and turn hospitals into mass graves in the name of self-defence! All of that is called self-defence by the Germans, the British, the French, and the Americans!

As for the Palestinians, the rightful owner of the land and the homeowner who is being assaulted and attacked in his homeland and home, they are not supposed to take any action. Even when they defend themselves—which is truly an act of self-defence in every sense of the word—this is labelled as a criminal act of terrorism! Similarly, neither the Lebanese people nor Hezbollah are supposed to do anything when attacked, killed, or targeted by the Israeli enemy, for that would be considered a terrorist act!

This is also true for the Syrians, the Egyptians, the Iranians, and all Arab countries! They are not supposed to take any action when the Jewish Zionists come to occupy their land, strip them of their freedom and independence, kill their women and children, and do as they please. Anyone who resists them is labelled a criminal and a terrorist! It is not only America that labels these actions as criminal and terrorist, but also some Arab regimes have labelled these actions of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and various jihad factions in Palestine as terrorism. Thus, this is how they completely distort the facts, with utter injustice and unfairness, turning the truth upside down in such an obvious way.

Ultimately, the equation that the Americans seek to impose in our region cannot be imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Israeli enemy cannot attack Iran without expecting a response. The Iranian position is clear, courageous, and explicit. In fact, Iran has a right, or rather a responsibility, to confront Israeli aggression, tyranny, and arrogance. It is the responsibility of all Muslims to stand up against the Israeli enemy and to perform jihad in the path of Allah. If they do not perform jihad in the path of Allah against the Zionist Jewish enemy, despite its crimes and aggressions that pose a threat to them in their religion, life affairs, and sanctities, then when will they perform jihad? Against whom? And for what?

The Zionist enemy is an enemy to this Ummah in its religion, insulting its Prophet, its holy book, and its sacred sanctities. The ambitions of the Zionists and their broader project (Greater Israel) are clear, openly declared, and deeply ingrained in their books, culture, beliefs, plans, and orientations. Nothing can stop this Zionist project except jihad and the mujahidin. It has only been obstructed so far by the jihad of the mujahidin in Palestine and Lebanon. Had the Israeli enemy succeeded in eliminating them, it would have moved according to those plans and that project, to extend its control over all of the Levant, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, parts of Iraq and Egypt at the very least, and, according to the Zionists' statements, three-quarters of Saudi Arabia, with Mecca and Medina being directly targeted by the Israeli enemy. There are writings, articles, and statements regarding this. There are also plans aimed at achieving these aggressive and expansionist goals targeting our Islamic Ummah, but the steadfastness of the mujahidin in Gaza, Palestine, and Hezbollah in Lebanon is what stands in the way of the enemy. Over the past decades, the Israeli enemy has been striving to eliminate this obstacle, and whenever it achieves any specific result, it expresses its aggressive and expansionist intentions and unveils its plans.

The so-called minister of finance in what the Zionist gang refers to as the Israeli government expresses these expansionist goals that target the entire Levant region and also three-quarters of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Some Arabs do not comprehend such statements because they have neither benefited from the teachings of the Holy Quran nor from what Allah has mentioned about the Jews in the Holy Quran. They have also failed to benefit from events and realities; they do not have the right knowledge or seek to know about what the enemy says and what culture, idea, vision, plan, and strategy it adopts and follows. This is what is wrong with them.

Ultimately, the Israeli enemy practically pursues dangerous, expansionist, and satanic goals, with America also having the same goals. Indeed, America shares the same background, goals, and orientations, and it poses a serious threat to our entire Ummah. Therefore, one of the reasons these events have persisted for so long is the American and Western roles, in addition to these ambitions and plans.

The situation for Arabs is quite sensitive and extremely perilous since resorting to those international organisations will avail them nothing; it hasn’t helped at all. Has this approach helped Palestine in any way? When some members of the Palestinian people turned to negotiations and begged for peace, did they achieve any results? They never achieved any results. Netanyahu at the United Nations has shown a map that permanently erases Palestine, eliminating even what had previously been discussed or signed in agreements under American and UN supervision—all that has vanished into thin air.

Today, the Arabs will not benefit from begging for peace from America, as it is complicit with Israel in the same schemes and objectives, nor will subordination, betrayal, or normalisation benefit them. All of this only empowers the Israeli enemy and brings it closer to achieving its objectives at the lowest cost. What was the focus of the Gulf-European summit yesterday? In that summit, the Europeans proposed what they called the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, as a primary option and as a foundation and starting point for the partnership they were discussing. This is the same thing the criminal Netanyahu announced at the United Nations. In other words, the American and European orientation is to tie everyone in the region to Israeli domination: economic, political, military, cultural, and intellectual domination—total domination. The American and European orientation aims also to ensure that the Arab countries are absolutely subjugated to what serves Israeli and Zionist interests and enhances the influence and dominance of the Israeli enemy. So begging for peace is not an option.

Therefore, I say to those watchers with evil intentions who believe that they are safe from the Israeli enemy: No one in the entire region is safe from Israeli conspiracies. The Israeli ambition is clear, and the Israeli objectives are obvious. When the criminal Netanyahu speaks about changing the Middle East, he is also targeting you in your own countries to be humiliated, degraded, submissive, and subjugated under his control and for his benefit and to be also violated. Whatever he might show you and deceive you with to falsely believe that you have become partners is just for some time. Indeed, there is no partnership with the Israeli enemy; rather, there is only humiliation, subjugation, enslavement, and exploitation. What the Israeli enemy shows is only for a temporary period—until it gains more power—and a means to be used later to fully achieve its objectives. Neither the Israeli enemy nor America has any respect or regard for you. And America will not protect you from Israel. Whoever, among Arabs, thinks that America will protect them from Israel is more stupid than a donkey. Indeed, those who hold this belief are more stupid than donkeys. The Americans and the Israelis are two sides of the same coin: Their orientations are the same, and their objectives are shared. In fact, they are all enemies of this Ummah, and reality bears witness to this.

Regarding the Yemeni front, the land of faith and jihad, in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad, the operations, by the grace of Allah, continue. The operations at sea are ongoing. The number of ships targeted, linked to the Israeli enemy, along with the Americans and British, has reached 196 ships. Full control over the situation has been achieved, preventing the Israeli enemy from navigation in the Red Sea. Our support with missiles and drones targeting occupied Palestine is also ongoing. This week, 25 ballistic and cruise missiles and drones have been launched.

Public activities continue to take place, and the turnout of the Yemeni people on the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, in response to the call from our brothers in Hamas, was the largest in the world. No other people in the world took to the street in such numbers as our Yemeni people did, which reflects a high level of engagement and solidarity.

The Americans, along with the British, continue their aggression through air and sea strikes against our country every week. Even yesterday, there were bombing operations. They also persist in their hostile efforts to incite others and seek to entangle them, continuously trying to involve the coalition of aggression [against Yemen] and other countries. However, they have failed, so far, to achieve that, and they will continue to fail, Allah willing.

The propaganda and media campaigns targeting our dear people and their internal front are ongoing. The American and Israeli mouthpieces, along with writers serving the interests of America and Israel, are relentlessly targeting our internal front day and night. However, our dear people possess a high level of awareness and understand the purpose behind the rumours, propaganda, and psychological warfare and are aware of the enemies' attempts to destabilise the internal front to divert attention from the honourable and great positions of our dear people, which embody the saying: 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites.'

Our dear people persist in their position to support the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and stand with the mujahidin in Palestine and Lebanon against the Zionist Jewish enemy—the enemy of Allah, humanity, Islam, and Muslims—and its allies and partners. Our people persist in their struggle—militarily, politically, in the media, and through popular activities. They also continue with their weekly million-strong demonstrations, which is part of their jihad and expresses their loyalty, sincerity, and unwavering resolve, as firm and steadfast as their towering mountains.

I call upon our dear people to participate tomorrow, Allah willing, in an honourable, million-strong demonstration, as a form of jihad in the path of Allah, in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese people, in the capital Sana'a and in the other governorates and districts, according to the established arrangements.

We ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us all success in seeking what pleases Him, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. We also ask Him to grant victory to all fronts of jihad in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and elsewhere. He is the All-Hearer of prayer, the best Protector, and the best Supporter.

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

#Yemen #Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi About 1 day
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