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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

US Escalates Tensions at Saudi Instigation: Re-designates Ansarullah as Terrorist Organization

Yemen: Once again, the source of evil and crime, the United States, reclassifies Yemen as a terrorist state, attempting to cover up its own atrocities committed against the people of Palestine.

These crimes, witnessed by the world, were carried out with full American support and participation, resulting in some of the most heinous massacres in history.

After failing to halt the Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza for over 15 months, the US resorted to its labeling tactics, accusing others of the very terrorism and brutality it practices against humanity. However, the truth has been revealed, and the masks have fallen, exposing the ongoing plots against the Arab and Islamic nations—something no one can deny, as enemies of humanity continue their schemes.

The pretext of terrorism is the only means for the US to achieve and legitimize its goals, gaining acceptance from both official and public sectors, despite their ignorance of the dangerous conspiracies at play.

However, this narrative is sharply rejected by those who have armed themselves with the culture of the Qur'an, confronting the falsehoods and deceptions of the enemies. The Martyr Leader Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi (may God rest his soul) stated years ago in his pamphlet "Terrorism and Peace" that America is the true creator of terrorism, while the Jews corrupt the earth. He emphasized the need to arm ourselves with Qur'anic terminology to challenge their baseless ideologies and expose their false claims of seeking good and prosperity for the people.

The current realities, including recent events, serve as clear proof of what the US, the greatest devil, is doing after its failure to stop Yemeni support for Gaza, a region besieged and scattered, suffering from some of the most extreme crimes and genocide.

The term "terrorism" is weaponized by the enemy to achieve its objectives and desires. As the Martyr Leader pointed out, we are in a battle over terminology. If we allow their concepts to prevail, their meanings will solidify in people's minds.

The Martyr Leader insists that we must not allow the truth to be twisted. The Qur'anic concept of "jihad" and the term "terrorism" are being replaced with the American interpretation of terrorism.

Systematic Comprehensive Targeting

Regarding the current false accusations against Yemen, the Martyr leader said: "We must always talk about jihad. Even those without a jihadist spirit should speak of the word 'jihad.' The word itself is under attack. We are being fought as individuals, our land is attacked, our ideas are attacked, and even our language is under assault. Everything is being targeted by our enemies—from our personal lives, to our economy, our culture, our values, our language, and even our Qur'anic and Arabic terms."

He emphasized that the roots of terrorism lie in the West, and their culture produces terrorists, while the culture of the Qur'an produces martyrs.

He asked: "Isn't it the Western culture that corrupts virtues, distorts Qur'anic values, and erodes the moral standards of our religion and our Arab identity? Isn't that what their culture leaves behind? If the culture of the Qur'an is one of purity, and their culture is one of destruction, then their culture is the culture of terrorism."

America: The Source of Corruption and Terrorism

The Martyr Leader questioned: "Do we allow the term 'roots of terrorism' to refer to the Qur'an and the scholars of Islam, and those who act based on the Qur'an? Or is the truth that the roots of terrorism are America, those whom Allah describes as 'those who spread corruption on earth'?" He affirmed that those who cause corruption, aggression, rebellion, and transgression have been turned into apes and pigs. "Aren't they the roots of terrorism? Aren't they the ones creating terrorism in this world?" He stated that anyone who resists the US, rising for Allah, His religion, His book, and the oppressed will be labeled a terrorist.

He explained that unlike the enemies, who lack divine legitimacy, we possess Qur'anic legitimacy. While they seek to create their own legitimacy, we continue to act based on divine legitimacy, seeing how they move without legitimacy, while we remain steadfast, with the divine legitimacy intact.

He concluded: "We are in a battle on every front—a battle over the meaning of our words. If we do not act now, before these false meanings, with their American and Zionist undertones, become entrenched, the sacrifices of our people will be in vain, and the losses will be immense."

He reaffirmed: "We will never allow the Qur'anic concept of 'terrorism' to be slandered, to be made a word that no one can utter. We must always remember that 'terror' is a Qur'anic term, and Muslims are required to live up to it. Allah says, {And prepare for them, as much as you are able, of power and steeds of war, by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy}—here the word 'terrorize' was used. This is the meaning of 'terror' in its pure, Qur'anic form, but the Americans have twisted it. Anyone who moves on the basis of this Qur'anic term is now given legitimacy for the Americans to strike them."

Translated by Almasirah English website

#Yemen #US About 3 weeks
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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