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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

President Al-Mashat: US-Saudi Aggression Realizes If Sana'a Possess Sovereign Revenues, It Will Build Yemen

News – Yemen:  President Mahdi Al-Mashat affirmed on Tuesday that the US-Saudi aggression "realizes that if we possess our sovereign revenues, we will build the country," noting that the issue is not only about salaries.

"For a year and a half, we have been discussing sovereign resources, and the enemy insists on stealing them or enabling thieves in this country," President Al-Mashat said. "But we will take the wealth of our country and direct it towards production and building this country."

He affirmed that the enemy "serves us in many things without knowing, so when we face difficulties and threats, we turn them into opportunities and build the country in the most difficult conditions."

In late August, President Mahdi Al-Mashat affirmed that the US-Saudi aggression cannot evade the just humanitarian entitlements of the Yemeni people forever, warning that the continuation of prevarication will bring him undesired results.

During his meeting with the delegation of the Omani mediator at the Presidency House before leaving Sana'a, President Al-Mashat said: "We are with a just peace that gives the rights of the Yemeni People, and we have proven this during the last period."

He said that it is no longer acceptable not to respond to the US-Saudi aggression, siege and starvation. "It is not acceptable also to negotiate the humanitarian entitlements represented in the payment of salaries, the opening of Sana'a airport and the removal of restrictions on the ports of Hodeidah,” he emphasized.

President Al-Mashat stressed that the countries of aggression must prove their seriousness in peace by submitting practical steps in implementing the demands of the Yemeni People represented by solving the humanitarian issue.

The US-Saudi aggression continues evading the entitlements of paying the salaries of all state employees in Yemen from the revenues of Oil and Gas wealth. 

Sana’a is pressing to expedite the process of paying salaries in accordance with the agreements between it and the coalition during the peace talks in its various rounds, however, the coalition seeks to delete the salary issue and link it to a comprehensive political settlement, which Sana'a rejects, as it considers salaries to be a non-politicized human entitlement.

According to observers, the coalition's attempts and insistence on dropping the salary item from the humanitarian aspect complicates peace paths in Yemen. Especially since Sana’a confirmed that the implementation of the provisions of the humanitarian aspect, foremost of which is the payment of salaries of state employees, is an important step in building confidence between the two parties, and that any talk of peace without the full implementation of these provisions is useless.

#Yemen #US-Saudi Aggression #President Mahdi Al-Mashat About 10 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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