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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

New Violations Recorded Against Released Detainees in Saudi Arabia

News - Middle East: Human rights sources revealed new violations against detainees released in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi authorities have prevented any of them from speaking about what they endured in prison, in addition to imposing financial restrictions on them, the SANAD organization for human rights reported.

According to the rights group, the sources stated that the Saudi authorities warned the released detainees that they would be re-arrested if they did not remain silent.

Additionally, the sources added that the Saudi authorities have limited the citizens released from withdrawing more than 40,000 Riyals from their bank accounts and prohibited daily withdrawals, which disrupts their affairs, especially for businessmen among them.

The organization stated that these violations continue the series of previous violations experienced by the released detainees, which included travel bans, prohibitions on using social media, and other documented violations.

The organization affirmed that the continuous imposition of restrictions on the released detainees by the Saudi authorities must stop immediately, and their rights guaranteed under international law must be respected.

The organization highlighted that the issue of arbitrary detention in Saudi Arabia remains one of the most prominent human rights issues, if not the most prominent at all. Under arbitrary detention, there are several simultaneous violations and assaults, from personal freedom and privacy seizures to secret trials and never-ending interrogation sessions, leading to physical and psychological torture. This extends to the suffering of families, the deprivation of parents, mothers, and children, or even preventing them from traveling.

However, the dark side of the detainee's situation, often overlooked by many, is that all the suffering they faced in prison continues to haunt them even after their release, in one form or another.

In clearer terms, political detainees move from the small Saudi cell to the larger Saudi prison.

Instead of the series of silenced voices, travel bans, and secret trial sessions ending after their release, the detainees are facing a post-prison experience not significantly different from what was behind them.

The organization raised questions: "Has the continuation of violating the rights of detainees inside prison led to the perpetuation of these violations against the released detainees? Will these restrictions and illegal practices against former detainees and their families serve as a threat to activists among them, forcing them to stay silent or stripping them of any real role in society?"

“Who will compensate the detainees for the precious years taken from their lives behind bars for speaking the truth or expressing free opinions, or even for remaining silent about supporting injustice and covering it up?,” it added.

The organization investigated several human rights cases related to released detainees, including travel bans, violating the privacy of those released through tracking and surveillance technologies, the crisis of continued arbitrary trials or re-arrest, and violations of the right to freedom of expression and forced residencies.

"It has become an established practice in almost all detainee trials that they are sentenced to travel bans after their release or acquitted. Not to mention the arbitrary travel bans issued by the Ministry of Interior without a judicial verdict, even if it's a political one," the organization mentioned. All detainees suffer from travel bans issued after their sentences have ended, some extending up to twenty years, such as in the case of detainee Abdulrahman Al-Sadhan.


#Saudi Arabia #Human Rights About 8 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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