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Iranian Official: Resistance Axis States Must Join Forces to Expel US from Region

News - Middle East: A senior Iranian official says countries of the resistance front should continue strong cooperation to bring  about the expulsion of American forces from Syria and the whole region, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic will never back down on its stance in this regard.

Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution [in Iran] Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on international affairs, made the remarks in a meeting with visiting Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad in Tehran on Thursday.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has always supported and will continue to support the resistance front,” Velayati said, describing Syria as one of the most important members of the axis.

He added that Iran also supports Syria’s stance on opposition to some compromise agreements in the region and anti-Palestinian plans, referring to some regional countries’ move to normalize ties with the Israeli regime.

The Israeli regime and its puppets are too weak to be able to undermine the powerful resistance front, the senior Iranian official said.

Back in 2020, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed United States-brokered agreements with Israel to normalize their ties with the regime. Some other regional states, namely Sudan and Morocco, followed suit soon afterward.

Spearheaded by the UAE, the move has sparked widespread condemnations from the Palestinians as well as nations and human rights advocates across the globe, especially within the Muslim world.

Other regional countries have also been fraternizing with Israel, including Saudi Arabia, which received a visit by the regime’s former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in November 2020.

Velayati reiterated the Islamic Republic’s determination to continue support for Syria.

The Syrian foreign minister, for his part, said Tehran and Damascus are resolved to resist against the forces who have illegally occupied Syria’s territory for years.

Mekdad added that the positions of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei have always played a leading role in settling regional issues.

As the most important country of the resistance front, Iran has so far provided Syria with fundamental and practical support, he said, hailing Tehran’s role in the fight against the US and its destructive plans.

In a Wednesday meeting with the top Syrian diplomat, Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi expressed confidence that Syria would have a bright future ahead, hailing the Syrian people’s perseverance and resistance in the face of eleven years of eleven years of foreign-backed war in their country.

Source: Press TV

#Iran #Syria #US Forces #Resistance About 2 years
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