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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Recent ‘Meeting’ in Aden Represents Only UAE-Mercenaries

Yemen: Before the anniversary of Yemen’s unity on May 22, what was called the "Southern Consultative Meeting" was held over the past days in Aden Governorate, in a desperate attempt to strengthen the UAE faction "the Transitional Council" at the expense of other southern factions. 


However, most of the participants were either affiliated with the UAE-backed "transitional" or unknown individuals. So no national sense was shown, neither politically nor militarily, as the southern issue cannot be reduced to a hall that does not exceed 10 by 10 meters.

Despite this, the conference was portrayed as historical and exceptional, and in reality it was nothing more than a "deaf dialogue" and a media phenomenon that was staged and marketed as a turning point.


The Transitional Council and its operators aim behind this conference at several goals, most notably:
- Encoding the first man of the Emirates in the southern governorates, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, and portraying him as a seasoned politician and the owner of the solution in the southern governorates.
- Erasing all the southern components under a gelatinous council affiliated with the UAE-backed (the Transitional Council), whose decision and funding is directly from Abu Dhabi and implements its agenda literally, and does not carry any patriotic spirit that prioritizes the public interest over the personal interests. This matter was undoubtedly rejected in the south before it was rejected in the north.

Preceding any political settlement in Yemen, so that the UAE to have weight on the negotiating table through its tools.

Creating an imaginary political entity through which the US, the UAE, Israel, Britain and France preserve their geopolitical and strategic interests in the southern and eastern provinces.

These goals are evident through the agenda carried by the conference, some of which appeared clearly and some of which were hidden. As for the apparent agenda, it was represented in seven points, most notably what was called the “National Charter” and “The Future of the South Arab State.” 

These slogans hint at the explosion and separation at the same time. In order to obscure this, the idea of a “political process” and “partnership in the state and wealth” with the government formed by Saudi Arabia was put forward so that it would not be said that this conference is like the first statement of separation, and a reversal against what Saudi Arabia considers “legitimacy”.

On the other hand, it may be that the UAE and the US are behind the transitional council have become convinced of a federal system that guarantees them the survival of their influence in the strategic areas within the southern and eastern governorates that are rich in wealth and bordering the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Whilst the transitional are just agents who do what they are ordered, and do not disobey the representatives in anything.

There is a major challenge facing the regional and international sponsors, which is that the transitional government does not enjoy the support of all the components and elites in the southern and eastern governorates, as they do not see Aidarous as more than a client of the Emirati, and he does not have any national ingredients. 

Also, there are intractable south-south conflicts, some of which are the present time and other historical ones. For example but not limited to, there is a historical dispute between the people of Abyan and Al-Dhalea, between Hadhramaut and Aden, and this was recently shown when trying to announce the separation of Hadramout, which most of its people believe that it was an independent state before the events of 67, and that it was forcibly annexed to what It was called the "State of South Arabia". 

There is a dispute between "Duthaina", which represents Abyan, and "Al- Muthalth", which represents Al-Dhalea from the eighties, between those who are described as "enemy brothers".


These contradictions were reflected in the rejection of many of the southern components’ invitations to the Transitional Council to attend the “consultative meeting”, most notably the “Hadramout Inclusive Conference” and the “Hadramawt Tribes Alliance”, and the active and influential components and elites in the governorates of Abyan, Lahj, Shabwa, Al-Mahra and Hadramout. Indeed, the last two governorates are not related to the so-called "South Arab State".

Apart from these labels that we do not believe in, there are national constants, the most prominent of which is unity, as the majority of the people of the southern and eastern governorates believe in them and see violating them as a red line and a detonator.

In contrast to these challenges, the "transitional" calls for "addressing the effects of the south-south conflicts" and this was one of the agenda items, ignoring that the conflict has become between the foreign occupier and his tools against the patriots in the north, south, east and west of Yemen.

Sanaa's position

Sana'a considers the southern issue "a national, political and human rights issue that resulted from the summer war of 1994", which followed the declaration of the fusion unity between the north and south of the country in 1990. It was permeated by official injustice from the 7/7 coalition (the former regime) to the people of the south by excommunicating them, stealing their lands, confiscating their rights, and isolating them from the public office.

It also believes that the solution to this issue will only be at an inclusive table for all parties and national components, as the solutions that emerged from the National Dialogue Conference in 2013 were not satisfactory to the people of the south, and it also believes that the conference that Aden witnessed recently is at the behest of the UAE through its tools in the context of liquidating the scores are with Saudi Arabia. .

Some southern activists and elites supporting unity see that the opening speech of the man of the Emirates was weak and shaky, and does not include "any new road map that could be the basis for resolving the suffering of the people of the south and the future of the southern cause". 

It also did it address "the future of the UAE alliance and occupation - Saudi Arabia in the southern governorates, the scenario for the next stage, and the political settlement in light of regional and international changes.” In the sense that there are no common denominators between the free sons of the south and the mercenaries of the Emirates.

The patriotic southern elites prevail over the priority of liberating the southern provinces from the occupier over any other titles. They see a preference for resolving the southern issue within the inclusive Yemeni national framework away from regional and international interference and tensions, especially since the regional countries have not provided the people of the south with anything reminiscent of their frantic race over the struggle for influence, possession and hegemony over strategic locations and sources of wealth. 

So what issue will Aidarous solve, who appeared in the opening speech (after the anthem of separation), just as an Emirati policeman reciting what was written to him. 

In conclusion, all illusions of separation, fragmentation, division, occupation and hegemony will remain illusions and fleeting dreams. As for the "May Fourth play", it will be nothing more than a detonating factor, and the free people of the south and the north must put an end to this historical farce before the breach grows on the soul, especially as it targets Yemen’s unity, and seeks to divide Yemen into mini-states ruled by UAE mercenaries.


Written by Ali Dhafer translated by Almasirah English website

#US_Saudi_Aggression #UAE #Occupied Southern Governorates About 1 year
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